Cisco Systems OL-9118-03 User Manual

Getting Started
This chapter provides information about starting and stopping the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager (MWTM), and an overview of how to use the MWTM to manage your Cisco IP Transfer Point (ITP) or Radio Access Network-Optimization (RAN-O) installation.
This chapter includes:
Starting the MWTM Server, page 4-1
Starting the MWTM Client, page 4-2
Discovering Your Network, page 4-4
Displaying the MWTM Main Window, page 4-22
Using the MWTM Main Menu, page 4-33
Accessing the MWTM through a Web Browser, page 4-39
Loading and Saving MWTM Files, page 4-41
Using the Windows Start Menu, page 4-43
Using the Windows Start Menu, page 4-43
Exiting the MWTM Client, page 4-44
For detailed information about the MWTM-supported platforms, and hardware and software requirements, see the Installation Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0.
Note The default directory for installing the MWTM is /opt. In commands that call for the default directory,
if you installed the MWTM in a different directory, you must specify that directory instead of /opt.

Starting the MWTM Server

Before starting an MWTM server, verify that:
Each node uses a supported IOS image
The MWTM server has IP connectivity to each node
SNMP is enabled on each node
(Optional, but recommended) Traps are enabled on each node
(Optional, but recommended) A trap host is defined on each node
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0

Starting the MWTM Client

Tip For a definition of MWTM nodes, see What is ITP?, page 1-6 and What is RAN-O?, page 1-7.
Because the MWTM application comprises a server component and a client component, you must start both components to run the application.
To start the MWTM server on a Solaris or Linux system:
Step 1 You must be logged in as the root user or as a superuser, or your login must have administrator privileges.
To log in as the root user, see the Becoming the Root User (Server Only), page 4-2.
Note For details on setting up administrator privileges, see Specifying a Super User (Server Only),
Step 2 Enter:
# cd /opt/CSCOsgm/bin
# ./mwtm start
Chapter 4 Getting Started
page 2-18).

Becoming the Root User (Server Only)

Some MWTM procedures require that you log in as the root user.
Caution As the root user, you can adversely affect your operating environment if you are unaware of the effects
of the commands that you use. If you are a relatively inexperienced UNIX user, limit your activities as the root user to the tasks described in this manual.
If you are not logged in, log in as the root user:
> login: root > Password: root-password
If you are already logged in, but not as the root user, use the su command to change your login to root:
# su # Password: root-password
Starting the MWTM Client
This section contains:
Before Starting the MWTM Client, page 4-3
Starting the MWTM Client on Solaris or Linux, page 4-3
Access the Node, page 4-4
Starting the MWTM Client on Windows, page 4-4
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Chapter 4 Getting Started

Before Starting the MWTM Client

When you start an MWTM client, the version and release of the client must match that of the MWTM server.
If there is a client-server mismatch, the MWTM displays a warning message when you try to start the client. If you have a web browser installed, the MWTM optionally opens a web page from which you can download an allowed, matching client. See Downloading the MWTM Client from the Web, page
11-7 for more information about downloading the MWTM client.

Setting the DISPLAY Variable for Solaris or Linux Clients

If you see the following message upon client startup, you must set the DISPLAY variable:
Could not launch client: Can't connect to X11 window server using <x> as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
The DISPLAY variable is set as part of your login environment on Solaris or Linux. However, if you use Telnet or SSH to access a workstation, you must set the DISPLAY variable to local display by using this command:
# setenv DISPLAY local_ws:0.0
Starting the MWTM Client
where local_ws is your local workstation.
If your shell does not support the setenv command, enter:
# export DISPLAY=local_ws:0.0

Starting the MWTM Client on Solaris or Linux

To start the MWTM client on a Solaris or Linux system on which the MWTM server is installed, ensure that the MWTM server is running, then enter:
# cd /opt/CSCOsgm/bin # ./mwtm client
To start the MWTM client on a Solaris or Linux system other than the one on which the MWTM server is installed, ensure that the MWTM server is running, then enter:
# cd /opt/CSCOsgmClient/bin # ./mwtm client
To start the MWTM client on a Solaris or Linux system other than the one on which the MWTM server is installed, and connect to an MWTM server other than the default server, enter:
# cd /opt/CSCOsgmClient/bin # ./mwtm client
where server_name_or_ip_address is the name or IP address of the Solaris or Linux system on which the MWTM server is running.
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0

Discovering Your Network

Access the Node

You use the MWTM to link to the node by using the connection protocol (Telnet or SSH) that you set in the Node SNMP and Credentials dialog box (see Credentials Fields, page 3-21).
To access the node, right-click a node in a window, then choose Node > Connect to from the right-click menu.
Note If your client workstation does not have network access to the IP address of the node (that is, if the node
is behind a firewall or NAT device), you might be unable to access the node.

Starting the MWTM Client on Windows

To start the MWTM client on a Windows system, choose Start > Programs > Cisco MWTM Client > Launch MWTM Client, or double-click the MWTM Client icon on the Windows desktop.
Chapter 4 Getting Started
Discovering Your Network
This section provides details on using the MWTM to discover your ITP or RAN-O networks. It includes:
Discovery Overview, page 4-4
Launching the Discovery Dialog, page 4-6
Loading Seed Nodes and Seed Files, page 4-7
Running Discovery, page 4-13
Verifying Discovery, page 4-21

Discovery Overview

The MWTM uses a Discovery process to populate the MWTM database, discovering the objects in your network.
You can run Discovery if MWTM User-Based Access is disabled; or, if it is enabled, and you are a Network Administrator or System Administrator. (For more information about user authorization levels in the MWTM, see Configuring MWTM User Account Levels (Server Only), page 2-5.)
To discover your network:
Step 1 Start the MWTM client, as described in Starting the MWTM Client, page 4-2.
Step 2 If you want to change SNMP settings, do so before running Discovery. See Configuring SNMP Settings,
page 3-15 for more information.
Step 3 If you want to discover ONS nodes and did not choose the option to discover your network during
installation, you must add the ONS nodes and set the credentials before running discovery (see Adding
Nodes, page 3-22 for more information.)
Step 4 Choose Network > Network Discovery from the MWTM main menu. The MWTM displays the
Discovery dialog box. See Launching the Discovery Dialog, page 4-6 for more information.
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Chapter 4 Getting Started
Step 5 Select the Seed Settings tab, if it is not already selected. You use the Seed Settings tab to create, save,
Step 6 Select the Discovery tab, or click Next. You use the Discovery tab to discover the objects in your
Step 7 When the “Discovery In Progress” message disappears, Discovery is running. The Discovered Nodes
Step 8 Examine the Discovered Nodes table to verify that the MWTM discovered all of the nodes in the
Step 9 When you are satisfied that the MWTM discovered all of the nodes in the network, save the list of seed
Discovering Your Network
load, and delete MWTM seed files. Load one or more seed nodes, or an existing seed file, by using the procedures in Loading Seed Nodes and Seed Files, page 4-7.
network. See Running Discovery, page 4-13 for more information.
To specify the extent of the network discovery, check the Entire Network check box. See the
description of the Entire Network check box in Running Discovery, page 4-13 for more information.
To specify whether the MWTM should keep or delete the existing database when discovering the
network, check the Delete Existing Data check box. See the description of the Delete Existing Data check box in Running Discovery, page 4-13 for more information.
To specify the maximum number of hops for discovering objects in your network, enter a value in
the Max. Hops text box. For more information, see the description of the Max. Hops text box in the
Running Discovery, page 4-13.
table within the Discovery tab (Figure 4-5) lists all nodes that were discovered by the MWTM (all nodes, including new and excluded nodes, not just the nodes in the current view). See Discovered Nodes, page
4-17 for more information.
network. If you suspect that the MWTM did not discover all of the nodes, see Verifying Discovery, page
4-21 for troubleshooting information. You might need to add more seed nodes and run Discovery again.
nodes in a seed file. See Saving a Seed File, page 4-9 for more information.
Note (ITP only) You can run Discovery multiple times to attempt to discover additional nodes based on the IP
addresses defined in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) links. If you are using a separate management VLAN to manage your nodes, but private or unreachable IP addresses for your SCTP connectivity, uncheck the Entire Network check box in the Discovery dialog box. Otherwise, Discovery attempts to reach those nodes continuously. Instead, enter all nodes to be discovered directly into the seed list and do a nonrecursive Discovery.
Related Topics:
Configuring SNMP Settings, page 3-15
Backing Up or Restoring MWTM Files (Server Only), page 2-32
Investigating Data Problems, page D-1
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Discovering Your Network

Launching the Discovery Dialog

To launch the Discovery dialog box and begin the Discovery process, choose Network > Network Discovery from the MWTM main menu. The MWTM displays the Discovery dialog box.
Figure 4-1 Discovery Dialog with Seed Settings Displayed
Chapter 4 Getting Started
You use the Discovery dialog box to load and configure seed nodes, and use those seed nodes to discover the objects in your network.
If you start the MWTM client and the MWTM database is empty (including the very first time you start the MWTM client), the MWTM automatically opens the Discovery dialog box so you can run Discovery and populate the database.
The Discovery dialog box contains:
Discovery Dialog Menu, page 4-6
Discovery Dialog Tabs, page 4-7

Discovery Dialog Menu

The menu on the Discovery dialog box contains:
Menu Command Description
File > Load Seeds (Ctrl-L)
File > Save Seeds (Ctrl-S)
File > Save As Opens the Save File Dialog: Seed File List, which you use to save
Opens the Load File Dialog: Seed File List, enabling you to load a seed file into the MWTM:
Enter the name of the seed file, and click OK to load it.
Click Cancel to return to the Seed Settings tab without loading
a seed file.
Opens the Save File Dialog: Seed File List, which you use to save changes you have made to the selected seed file.
changes you have made to the selected seed file with a new name, or overwrite an existing seed file.
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Chapter 4 Getting Started
Menu Command Description
File > Close (Ctrl-W)
Edit > Node SNMP and Credentials Editor (Alt-D)
Help > Topics (F1)
Help > Window (Shift-F1)
Help > About (F3)

Discovery Dialog Tabs

The Discovery dialog box contains these tabs:
Discovering Your Network
Closes the current window.
Opens the Node SNMP and Credentials Editor dialog box.
If you have implemented MWTM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication-level Network Administrator (level 4) and higher.
Displays the table of contents for the MWTM online help.
Displays online help for the current window.
Displays build date, version, SSL support, and copyright information about the MWTM application.
Tab Description
Seed Settings Displays the Seed Settings tab in the Discovery dialog box.
Discovery Displays the Discovery tab in the Discovery dialog box.

Loading Seed Nodes and Seed Files

You use the MWTM to load one or more new seed nodes; or, to create, save, load, and delete existing MWTM seed files.
This section includes:
Loading a Seed Node, page 4-8
Loading a Seed File, page 4-8
Saving a Seed File, page 4-9
Creating a New Seed File, page 4-11
Creating a New Seed File, page 4-11
Creating and Changing Seed Files Using a Text Editor, page 4-13
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Discovering Your Network

Loading a Seed Node

To load a seed node, enter the name or IP address of the seed node in the IP Address, Address range, Subnet, CIDR, or DNS Hostname field, and click Add Node (or press Enter).
Note Follow the guidelines for IP addresses in SNMP Configuration Table, page 3-16.
The MWTM displays details of the SNMP settings for the seed nodes in the Seed Details pane. Continue adding seed nodes until you are certain that the MWTM will be able to discover the entire network.

Loading a Seed File

If you have already created and saved one or more seed files, you can load a seed file, change the list of seed files, and select one seed file to be loaded automatically when the MWTM client is started or the Discovery dialog box is opened.
To load an existing seed file, choose File > Load Seeds from the Discovery Dialog menu. The MWTM displays the Load File Dialog: Seed File List dialog box.
Chapter 4 Getting Started
Figure 4-2 Load File Dialog: Seed File List Dialog
The Load File Dialog: Seed File List contains:
Field or Button Description
Type Icon indicating whether the item in the table is a file or a folder.
Name Name of the seed file or folder.
Last Modified Date and time the seed file or folder was last modified.
Size (bytes) Size of the seed file or folder, in bytes.
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Chapter 4 Getting Started
Discovering Your Network
Field or Button Description
Make this my preferred start option Specifies whether the selected seed file should be loaded
automatically whenever this MWTM client is started or the Discovery dialog box is opened.
By default, this check box is unchecked for all seed files. That is, no seed file is loaded automatically when the MWTM client is started or the Discovery dialog box is opened.
Number of Files (appears in bottom-left corner)
OK Loads the selected seed file, saves any changes you made to the
Delete Deletes the selected file from the seed file list. The MWTM issues
Cancel Closes the dialog box without loading a seed file or saving any
Help Displays online help for the dialog box.
Total number of seed files and folders.
list of files, and closes the dialog box.
To load a seed file, double-click it in the list, select it in the list and click OK, or enter the name of the file and click OK.
The MWTM saves any changes you made to the list of files, closes the Load File Dialog: Seed File List dialog box, loads the seed file, and returns to the Discovery dialog box. The MWTM lists all of the seed nodes in the seed file in the Seed Nodes pane, and displays details of the SNMP settings for the seed nodes in the Seed Details pane.
an informational message containing the name and location of the deleted file.
changes to the seed file list.

Saving a Seed File

You use the MWTM to save a specific seed file, change the list of seed files, and select one seed file to be loaded automatically when the MWTM client is started or the Discovery dialog box is opened.
When you are satisfied that the MWTM has discovered all of the nodes in the network, save the list of seed nodes in a seed file by using one of these procedures:
To save the changes you made to the seed file without changing the name of the file, choose File >
Save from the Discovery Dialog menu.
To save the changes you have made to the seed file with a new name, choose File > Save As from
the Discovery Dialog menu. The MWTM displays the Save File Dialog: Seed File List dialog box (Figure 4-3).
The MWTM stores the seed file in the seed file directory on the MWTM server:
If you installed the MWTM in the default directory, /opt, then the MWTM seed file directory is
If you installed the MWTM in a different directory, then the MWTM seed file directory is located
in that directory.
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Discovering Your Network
Note If another user modifies and saves the seed file before you save your changes, the MWTM asks if you
want to overwrite that user’s changes. If you choose to do so, the other user’s changes are overwritten and lost. If you choose not to do so, your changes are lost, unless you save the seed file to a different filename.
Figure 4-3 Save File Dialog: Seed File List Dialog
Chapter 4 Getting Started
The Save File Dialog: Seed File List contains:
Field or Button Description
Type Icon indicating whether the item in the table is a file or a folder.
Name Name of the seed file or folder.
Last Modified Date and time the seed file or folder was last modified.
Size (bytes) Size of the seed file or folder, in bytes.
Filename Name by which you want to save the seed file.
If you create a new seed filename, you can use any letters, numbers, or characters in the name that are allowed by your operating system. However, if you include any spaces in the new name, the MWTM converts those spaces to hyphens. For example, the MWTM saves file a b c as a-b-c.
Make this my preferred start option Specifies whether the selected seed file should be loaded
automatically whenever this MWTM client is started or the Discovery dialog box is opened.
By default, this check box is unchecked for all seed files. That is, no seed file is loaded automatically when the MWTM client is started or the Discovery dialog box is opened.
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Chapter 4 Getting Started
Discovering Your Network
Field or Button Description
Number of Files (displayed in bottom left corner)
OK Saves the seed file and any changes you made to the seed file list
Delete Deletes the selected file from the seed file list. The MWTM issues
Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving the seed file or saving any
Help Displays online help for the dialog box.
Total number of seed files and folders.
and closes the dialog box.
To save the seed file with a new name, you can either save the file with:
A completely new name. Enter the new name and click OK.
An existing name, overwriting an old seed file. Select the
name in the list and click OK.
Saves the seed file with the new name
Saves any changes you made to the list of files
Closes the Save File Dialog: Seed File List dialog
Returns to the Discovery dialog box
an informational message containing the name and location of the deleted file.
changes to the seed file list.

Creating a New Seed File

To create a new seed file in the MWTM, launch the Discovery dialog box, as described in Launching the
Discovery Dialog, page 4-6, then select the Seed Settings tab, if it is not already selected (Figure 4-1).
You use the Seed Settings tab within the Discovery dialog box to create, save, load, and delete MWTM seed files.
The Seed Settings tab on the Discovery dialog box contains:
Field or Button Description
Seed Nodes Lists the seed nodes currently defined in the MWTM.
IP Address Range or Hostname
Retries Number of times the MWTM attempts to connect to the seed node. The valid
Timeout (sec) Time, in seconds, the MWTM waits for a response from the seed node. The valid
IP address of the seed node. The default value is *.*.*.*.
Note Follow the guidelines for IP addresses in SNMP Configuration Table,
page 3-16.
range is 0 to 99. The default value is 2.
range is 0 (no timeout) to 9999. The default value is 1 second.
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Discovering Your Network
Field or Button Description
Read Community SNMP community name for read access to the information maintained by the
Poll Interval (mins) Time, in minutes, between polls. The valid range is 0 to 9999. The default value
IP Address, Address range, Subnet, CIDR, or DNS Hostname
Chapter 4 Getting Started
SNMP agent on the node. This value can be up to 32 characters in length. Do not include special characters such as the opening single quote ('), at symbol (@), dollar sign ($), caret (^), closing single quote ('), double quote ("), ampersand (&), or pipe (|). This value is usually set to public (the default).
is 15 minutes.
Address or name of the selected seed node.
To create a new seed file, enter the name or address of a seed node in this field. Examples of acceptable input include:
IP Address: (see the guidelines for IP addresses in SNMP
Configuration Table, page 3-16).
Address Range:
Subnet, CIDR:,
DNS Hostname:
Add Node Adds a new seed node to the MWTM.
Delete Deletes the selected seed node. The MWTM deletes the seed node without asking
Next Displays the Discovery tab in the Discovery dialog box.

Changing an Existing Seed File

To modify an existing seed file in MWTM:
Step 1 Load the seed file as described in Loading a Seed File, page 4-8.
Step 2 To add another seed node to the seed file, enter the name or IP address of the seed node in the IP Address,
Address range, Subnet, CIDR, or DNS Hostname field, and click Add Node.
Step 3 To delete a seed node from the seed file, select the seed node and click Delete Node.
The MWTM displays details of the SNMP settings for the seed node in the Seed Details pane.
Continue to add as many seed nodes as necessary to discover your entire network.
When you are ready to save the list of seed nodes in a new seed file, choose File > Save As from the Discovery Dialog menu. The MWTM displays the Save File Dialog: Seed File List dialog box (Figure 4-3). See Saving a Seed File, page 4-9 for more information about saving seed files.
for confirmation.
If you enter a seed node IP address or name in the IP Address, Address range, Subnet, CIDR, or DNS Hostname field, then click Next, MWTM automatically adds the seed node before displaying the Discovery tab.
Step 4 To save the modified seed file, use the procedure described in Saving a Seed File, page 4-9.
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Chapter 4 Getting Started

Creating and Changing Seed Files Using a Text Editor

A seed file is simply an unformatted list of seed node names. To create a seed file by using a text editor, simply create a file and list the seed node names, one on each line, with no other formatting:
new-york-a new-york-b chicago-c
When you save and name the seed file, remember:
You can use any letters, numbers, or characters in the name that your operating system allows,
except blanks.
The MWTM saves the seed file with a .see file extension.
The MWTM saves the seed file in the MWTM server’s seed file directory, seeds:
If you installed the MWTM in the default directory, /opt, then the seed file directory is /opt/CSCOsgm/seeds/.
If you installed the MWTM in a different directory, then the seed file directory resides in that directory.
When the MWTM loads the seed file, it verifies the syntax of the file, deleting blank lines and extraneous leading and trailing spaces as needed. The MWTM also verifies that each seed node name resolves to a valid IP address. If a name does not resolve to a valid IP address, the MWTM logs the erroneous entry and ignores it.
Discovering Your Network
For example, given this seed file:
new-york-a<space> <space>new-york-b zzzzzzzzzzzz <blank line> <tab>chicago-c<tab>
The MWTM loads these entries:
new-york-a new-york-b chicago-c

Running Discovery

Click the Discovery tab in the Discovery dialog box to discover the objects in your network.
To display the Discovery tab, launch the Discovery dialog box, as described in Launching the Discovery
Dialog, page 4-6, then select the Discovery tab in the Discovery dialog box, or click Next in the Seed
Settings tab. (If you enter a seed node IP address or name in the IP Address, Address range, Subnet, CIDR, or DNS Hostname field, then click Next, MWTM automatically adds the seed node before displaying the Discovery tab.)
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
Discovering Your Network
Figure 4-4 Discovery Tab Before Discovery
Chapter 4 Getting Started
The Discovery tab comprises:
Discovery Settings, page 4-15
Discovered Nodes, page 4-17
Related Topics:
Discovery Overview, page 4-4
Polling a Node, page 8-70
User Guide for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.0
+ 30 hidden pages