Cisco Systems OL-5805-01 User Manual

Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
This section includes the following information:
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs, page 13-2
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair,
page 13-11
Viewing Real-Time Data for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair, page 13-25
Attaching a Note to a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair, page 13-35
Viewing Notes for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair, page 13-37
Deleting a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair, page 13-37
Ignoring a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair, page 13-39
Viewing Ignored Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs, page 13-40
Viewing Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Information Using a Web Browser,
page 13-40
Related Topics:
Changing SGM Client Preference Settings, page 21-3
Resizing, Sorting, and Hiding Table Columns, page 2-52
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs

Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs

Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
To view basic information for signaling gateway mated pairs, select Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs in the left pane of the SGM Main Window. SGM displays
the Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Window.
The Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Window provides information about all signaling gateway mated pairs that have been discovered by SGM, including their status and other important information.
The Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Window is composed of the following sections:
Right-Click Menu for All Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs, page 13-3
Right-Click Menu for a Specific Signaling Gateway Mated Pair, page 13-4
Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Table, page 13-7
Related Topics:
Right-Click Menu for All Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs, page 13-3
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair,
page 13-11
Changing SGM Client Preference Settings, page 21-3
Resizing, Sorting, and Hiding Table Columns, page 2-52
Using the SGM Main Menu, page 2-9
Viewing Notes for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair, page 13-37
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs

Right-Click Menu for All Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs

To see the right-click menu for all signaling gateway mated pairs, select Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs in the left pane and click the right mouse button. The
signaling gateway mated pair right-click menu provides the following options:
Menu Command Description
Show In New Window Opens the Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Window in a new window.
Sort Tree By Status Sorts the entire tree in the left pane by the status of each object.
Sort Tree By Name Sorts the entire tree in the left pane by the name of each object.
Back > List of Windows Navigates back to a window viewed in this session.
SGM maintains a list of up to 10 Back windows.
Forward > List of Windows
Navigates forward to a window viewed in this session.
SGM maintains a list of up to 10 Forward windows.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs

Right-Click Menu for a Specific Signaling Gateway Mated Pair

The Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Window provides a subset of the SGM Main Menu as a right-click menu. To see this menu, select a signaling gateway mated pair and click the right mouse button. The signaling gateway mated pair right-click menu provides the following options:
Menu Command Description
Edit Notes Opens the Edit Notes Dialog for the selected signaling
gateway mated pair.
If you have implemented SGM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication level Power User (Level 2) and higher.
Clear Event Icon Deletes the event icon (orange triangle) from SGM
displays for the selected signaling gateway mated pair, for this SGM client only. The actual events are not deleted from SGM, only the event icon for the selected signaling gateway mated pair for this SGM client.
This option is grayed-out if the selected signaling gateway mated pair has no associated event icon.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Menu Command Description
Delete Deletes the currently selected signaling gateway mated pair
from the SGM database. SGM displays the Confirm Deletion dialog:
To delete the selected signaling gateway mated pair,
click Yes . The signaling gateway mated pair is deleted from the SGM database and the Confirm Deletion dialog is closed.
To retain the selected signaling gateway mated pair,
click No. The signaling gateway mated pair is kept in the SGM database and the Confirm Deletion dialog is closed.
To prevent SGM from displaying the Confirm Deletion
dialog, select the Do not show this again checkbox.
Note If you select the Do not show this again checkbox,
and you later decide you want SGM to begin displaying the Confirm Deletion dialog again, you must select the Confirm Deletions checkbox in the General GUI settings in the Preferences window. For more information, see the description of the Confirm Deletions checkbox in the “Startup/Exit
Settings” section on page 21-7.
If you have implemented SGM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication level Network Administrator (Level 4) and higher.
Go To > Node Displays the Node Window for the node associated with
this signaling gateway mated pair.
Back > List of Windows Navigates back to a window viewed in this session.
SGM maintains a list of up to 10 Back windows.
Forward > List of Windows Navigates forward to a window viewed in this session.
SGM maintains a list of up to 10 Forward windows.
View > Configuration Details Displays the Configuration Data panel for the selected
signaling gateway mated pair.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Menu Command Description
View > Notes Displays the Notes panel for the selected signaling gateway
mated pair.
If there are no notes associated with the selected signaling gateway mated pair, this option is grayed-out.
View > Events Displays the Recent Events panel for the selected signaling
gateway mated pair.
View > Real-Time Data and Charts Displays the SGM Real-Time Statistics Window for the
selected signaling gateway mated pair.
Event History > Status Change Messages
Event History > SNMP Trap Messages Displays the SGM Network Status Log for SNMP Trap
Event History > Status and Trap Messages
Event History > Network Status Metrics
Ignore Ignores the selected signaling gateway mated pair at the
Displays the SGM Network Status Log for Status Change Messages in a Web browser, with messages displayed for only the selected signaling gateway mated pair.
Messages in a Web browser, with messages displayed for only the selected signaling gateway mated pair.
Displays the SGM Network Status Log for Status Change Messages and SNMP Trap Messages in a Web browser, with messages displayed for only the selected signaling gateway mated pair.
Displays the SGM Network Status Log for Metrics in a Web browser, with messages displayed for only the selected signaling gateway mated pair.
next polling cycle.
If you have implemented SGM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication level Power User (Level 2) and higher.
Unignore Stops ignoring the selected signaling gateway mated pair at
the next polling cycle.
If you have implemented SGM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication level Power User (Level 2) and higher.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs

Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Table

The signaling gateway mated pair table displays information about the signaling gateway mated pairs that have been discovered by SGM.
To see mouse over help popup for each column in the table, place the cursor over a column header.
If a cell is too small to show all of its data, place the cursor over the cell to see the full data in a mouse over help popup.
You can resize each column, or sort the table based on the information in one of the columns. By default, this table is sorted by Status, and SGM displays all of the columns in the signaling gateway mated pair table except Internal ID and Congestion Level.
To display hidden columns, right-click in the table header and select the
checkboxes for the columns you want to display.
To hide columns, right-click in the table header and clear the checkboxes for
the columns you want to hide.
See the “Resizing, Sorting, and Hiding Table Columns” section on page 2-52 for more information about resizing, sorting, displaying, or hiding columns.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
The signaling gateway mated pair table contains the following columns:
Column Description
Internal ID Internal ID of the signaling gateway mated pair. The internal ID is a unique ID
for every object, assigned by SGM for its own internal use. It can also be useful when the TAC is debugging problems.
Name Name of the signaling gateway mated pair.
Mate Name of the node associated with the mate of the signaling gateway mated pair.
Node Name of the node associated with the signaling gateway mated pair.
Congestion Level Indicates whether there is congestion on the signaling gateway mated pair. A
signaling gateway mated pair is congested if it has too many packets waiting to be sent. This condition could be caused by the failure of an element in your network.
Possible values for the Congestion Level field are None, indicating no congestion, and 1 to 7, indicating levels of congestion from very light (1) to very heavy (7).
Ignored Indicates whether the signaling gateway mated pair is to be included when
aggregating and displaying SGM status information:
Clear the checkbox to include the signaling gateway mated pair. This is the
default setting.
Select the checkbox to exclude the signaling gateway mated pair.
This field can be edited by users with authentication level Power User (Level
2) and higher.
Notes Indicates whether there is a note associated with the signaling gateway mated
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Column Description
Events Indicates whether there is a recent event associated with the signaling gateway
mated pair. (Even if the server purges all of the events associated with the signaling gateway mated pair, SGM continues to display the event icon in this field.)
To delete the event icon (orange triangle) from SGM displays for a specific
signaling gateway mated pair, select the signaling gateway mated pair and click the icon.
To delete the event icon from SGM displays for all signaling gateway
mated pairs, select Edit > Clear All Events from the SGM Main Menu.
Note During Discovery, SGM might flag most signaling gateway mated
pairs with an event icon. If the event icons are too distracting, use the
Edit > Clear All Events menu option to remove them.
Last Status Change Date and time that the status of the signaling gateway mated pair last changed.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Column Description
Status Current status of the signaling gateway mated pair. Possible values are:
Active (green)
Down (red)
Inactive (red)
Shutdown (blue)
Unknown (red)
Warning (yellow)
For detailed definitions of each status, see the “Status Definitions for Signaling
Gateway Mated Pairs” section on page A-7.
Status Reason Reason for the current status of the signaling gateway mated pair.
For a full list of possible reasons, see the stateReasons.html file:
If you installed SGM in the default directory, /opt, then the file is located
at /opt/CSCOsgm/apache/share/htdocs/eventHelp directory.
If you installed SGM in a different directory, then the help directory and
file are located in that directory.
If the cell is too small to show all of the status reason, place the cursor over the cell to see the full status reason in a mouse over help popup.
The status reasons are listed in order of decreasing magnitude. If two or more reasons apply, the reason of greatest magnitude is displayed.
If the status reason is Unsupported Configuration, correct the configuration and enter the sgm cleandiscover command to delete all current network data and begin a clean discovery of the ITP network. If the status reason is still Unsupported Configuration, enter the sgm clean command to restore the SGM server to a “clean” state, such as would exist after a new installation of SGM. For more information on the use of these commands, see the “SGM
Command Reference” section on page C-1.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs

Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair

Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair
SGM can display detailed information about a selected signaling gateway mated pair, including its status, interface information, and other information.
Updates for the signaling gateway mated pair that are received from the SGM server are reflected automatically in this window.
To display detailed information for a signaling gateway mated pair, use one of the following procedures:
Select Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs in the left pane of the SGM Main
Window, right-click a signaling gateway mated pair in the right pane, then select View > Configuration Details in the right-click menu.
Select the turner beside Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs in the left pane of
the SGM Main Window, then select a signaling gateway mated pair.
SGM displays the Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details Window.
Detailed information for the selected signaling gateway mated pair is displayed in the left column, and for the adjacent signaling gateway mated pair in the right column.
The Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details Window is composed of the following sections:
Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Right-Click Menu, page 13-12
Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Configuration Data, page 13-15
Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Notes, page 13-20
Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Recent Events, page 13-20
Related Topics:
Viewing Basic Information for Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs, page 13-2
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair

Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Right-Click Menu

The Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details Window provides a right-click menu. To see this menu for a signaling gateway mated pair, select a signaling gateway mated pair in the left pane and click the right mouse button. The signaling gateway mated pair details right-click menu provides the following options:
Menu Command Description
Show In New Window Opens the Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details Window
for the selected signaling gateway mated pair in a new window.
Edit Notes Opens the Edit Notes Dialog for the selected signaling
gateway mated pair.
If you have implemented SGM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication level Power User (Level 2) and higher.
Clear Event Icon Deletes the event icon (orange triangle) from SGM
displays for the selected signaling gateway mated pair, for this SGM client only. The actual events are not deleted from SGM, only the event icon for the selected signaling gateway mated pair for this SGM client.
This option is grayed-out if the selected signaling gateway mated pair has no associated event icon.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair
Menu Command Description
Delete Deletes the currently selected signaling gateway mated pair
from the SGM database. SGM displays the Confirm Deletion dialog:
To delete the selected signaling gateway mated pair,
click Yes . The signaling gateway mated pair is deleted from the SGM database and the Confirm Deletion dialog is closed.
To retain the selected signaling gateway mated pair,
click No. The signaling gateway mated pair is kept in the SGM database and the Confirm Deletion dialog is closed.
To prevent SGM from displaying the Confirm Deletion
dialog, select the Do not show this again checkbox.
Note If you select the Do not show this again checkbox,
and you later decide you want SGM to begin displaying the Confirm Deletion dialog again, you must select the Confirm Deletions checkbox in the General GUI settings in the Preferences window. For more information, see the description of the Confirm Deletions checkbox in the “Startup/Exit
Settings” section on page 21-7.
If you have implemented SGM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication level Network Administrator (Level 4) and higher.
Go To > Node Displays the Node Window for the node associated with
this signaling gateway mated pair.
Back > List of Windows Navigates back to a window viewed in this session.
SGM maintains a list of up to 10 Back windows.
Forward > List of Windows Navigates forward to a window viewed in this session.
SGM maintains a list of up to 10 Forward windows.
View > Configuration Details Displays the Configuration Data panel for the selected
signaling gateway mated pair.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair
Menu Command Description
View > Notes Displays the Notes panel for the selected signaling gateway
mated pair.
If there are no notes associated with the selected signaling gateway mated pair, this option is grayed-out.
View > Events Displays the Recent Events panel for the selected signaling
gateway mated pair.
View > Real-Time Data and Charts Displays the SGM Real-Time Statistics Window for the
selected signaling gateway mated pair.
Event History > Status Change Messages
Event History > SNMP Trap Messages Displays the SGM Network Status Log for SNMP Trap
Event History > Status and Trap Messages
Event History > Network Status Metrics
Ignore Ignores the selected signaling gateway mated pair at the
Displays the SGM Network Status Log for Status Change Messages in a Web browser, with messages displayed for only the selected signaling gateway mated pair.
Messages in a Web browser, with messages displayed for only the selected signaling gateway mated pair.
Displays the SGM Network Status Log for Status Change Messages and SNMP Trap Messages in a Web browser, with messages displayed for only the selected signaling gateway mated pair.
Displays the SGM Network Status Log for Metrics in a Web browser, with messages displayed for only the selected signaling gateway mated pair.
next polling cycle.
If you have implemented SGM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication level Power User (Level 2) and higher.
Unignore Stops ignoring the selected signaling gateway mated pair at
the next polling cycle.
If you have implemented SGM User-Based Access, this option is available to users with authentication level Power User (Level 2) and higher.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair

Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Configuration Data

The Signaling Gateway Mated Pair Details: Configuration Data section is composed of the following sub-sections:
Naming Information, page 13-15
Status Information, page 13-15
Interface Information, page 13-17
Remote IP Address Information, page 13-18
Local IP Address Information, page 13-19
Configuration data for the selected signaling gateway mated pair is displayed in the left column, and for the adjacent signaling gateway mated pair in the right column.

Naming Information

The Naming Information sub-section contains the following fields:
Field Description
Name Name of the signaling gateway mated pair.
Node Name of the node associated with the signaling gateway mated pair.
Association ID Index into the SNMP SCTP association table.
Is Passive Indicates whether the signaling gateway mated pair can initiate the connection to
the mate:
Ye s—The signaling gateway mated pair is passive, and cannot initiate the
connection to the mate.
No—The signaling gateway mated pair is not passive, and can initiate the
connection to the mate.

Status Information

The Status Information sub-section contains the following fields:
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair
Field Description
Is Ignored Indicates whether the signaling gateway mated pair is Ignored (that is, whether the
signaling gateway mated pair is to be included when aggregating and displaying SGM status information).
Congestion Level Indicates whether there is congestion on the signaling gateway mated pair. A
signaling gateway mated pair is congested if it has too many packets waiting to be sent. This condition could be caused by the failure of an element in your network.
Possible values for the Congestion Level field are None, indicating no congestion, and 1 to 7, indicating levels of congestion from very light (1) to very heavy (7).
Instance Status Current status of the protocol associated with the signaling gateway mated pair,
with a color-coded background. Possible values are:
Active (green)—The protocol is available.
Shutdown (blue)—An administrator has forced the protocol to an unavailable
Unknown (red)—SGM cannot determine the current status of the protocol.
Status Current status of the signaling gateway mated pair. Possible values are:
Active (green)
Blocked (red)
Down (red)
Inactive (red)
Pending (red)
Shutdown (blue)
Unknown (red)
Warning (yellow)
For detailed definitions of each status, see the “Status Definitions for Application
Server Process Associations” section on page A-3.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 13 Working with Signaling Gateway Mated Pairs
Viewing Detailed Information for a Signaling Gateway Mated Pair
Field Description
Last Status Change
Status Reason Reason for the current status of the signaling gateway mated pair.
Date and time that the status of the signaling gateway mated pair last changed.
For a full list of possible reasons, see the stateReasons.html file:
If you installed SGM in the default directory, /opt, then the file is located at
/opt/CSCOsgm/apache/share/htdocs/eventHelp directory.
If you installed SGM in a different directory, then the help directory and file
are located in that directory.
If the cell is too small to show all of the status reason, place the cursor over the cell to see the full status reason in a mouse over help popup.
The status reasons are listed in order of decreasing magnitude. If two or more reasons apply, the reason of greatest magnitude is displayed.
If the status reason is Unsupported Configuration, correct the configuration and enter the sgm cleandiscover command to delete all current network data and begin a clean discovery of the ITP network. If the status reason is still Unsupported Configuration, enter the sgm clean command to restore the SGM server to a “clean” state, such as would exist after a new installation of SGM. For more information on the use of these commands, see the “SGM Command Reference”
section on page C-1.

Interface Information

The Interface Information sub-section contains the following fields:
Field Description
QoS Quality of service (QoS) class of the signaling gateway mated pair.
Configured Local Port Local port number that was configured for the signaling gateway mated
Local Port Local port number that is currently being used by the signaling gateway
mated pair.
Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
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