Cisco Systems OL-5378-01 User Manual

Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Cisco IP Phones as full-featured telephones can plug directly into your IP network. You can use the Cisco CallManager Administration phone configuration windows to configure the following Cisco IP Phones and devices:
Cisco IP Phone 7900 family (models 7960, 7940, 7935, 7936, 7920, 7910,
and 7905)
Cisco IP Phone model 30 VIP
Cisco IP Phone model 12 SP+
H.323 clients
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) ports
Cisco ATA 186 telephone adapter
Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway
Note You configure the Cisco VG248 phone ports from the Gateway
Configuration window of Cisco CallManager Administration. The following procedures apply for updating or deleting Cisco VG248 phone ports. See the “Gateway Configuration” section
on page 44-1 for Cisco VG248 gateway configuration information.
After you add a Cisco IP Phone to Cisco CallManager Administration, information from the RIS Data Collector service displays in the Phone Configuration window. When available, the IP address of the device and the name of the Cisco CallManager with which the device registered display.
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide

Configuring Cisco IP Phones

The following topics provide information about working with and configuring Cisco IP Phones in Cisco CallManager Administration:
Configuring Cisco IP Phones, page 45-2
Gateway Configuration, page 44-1
Finding a Phone, page 45-28
Configuring Directory Numbers, page 45-29
Phone Button Template Configuration, page 47-1
Phone Configuration Settings, page 45-13
Phone Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
You can automatically add phones to the Cisco CallManager database by using auto-registration, manually add phones by using the phone configuration windows, or add phones in groups with the Cisco Bulk Administration Tool (BAT). By enabling auto-registration, you can automatically add a Cisco IP Phone to the Cisco CallManager database when you connect the phone to your IP telephony network. During auto-registration, Cisco CallManager assigns the next available sequential directory number to the phone. In many cases, you might not want to use auto-registration; for example, if you want to assign a specific directory number to a phone. If you do not use auto-registration, you must manually add phones to the Cisco CallManager database or use BAT. BAT, a plug-in application, makes it possible for system administrators to perform batch add, modify, and delete operations on large numbers of Cisco IP Phones. Refer to the Bulk Administration Tool Guide for Cisco CallManager for detailed instructions on using BAT.
After you add a Cisco IP Phone to Cisco CallManager Administration, the RIS Data Collector service displays the device name, registration status, and the IP address of the Cisco CallManager to which the phone is registered in the Phone Configuration window.
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
For information on how to configure phones as well as H.323 clients, CTI ports, and other devices from Cisco CallManager Administration, see the following topics:
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, page 45-1
Gateway Configuration, page 44-1
Displaying the MAC Address of a Phone, page 45-3
Adding a Phone, page 45-4
Deleting a Phone, page 45-11
Resetting a Phone, page 45-8
Updating a Phone, page 45-10
Copying an Existing Phone, page 45-7
Phone Configuration Settings, page 45-13
Configuring Speed-Dial Buttons, page 45-22
Speed Dial Configuration Settings, page 45-23
Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Phone Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones

Displaying the MAC Address of a Phone

The Media Access Control (MAC) address comprises a unique, 12-character, hexadecimal number that identifies a Cisco IP Phone or other hardware device. Locate the number on a label on the bottom of the phone (for example, 000B6A409C405 for Cisco IP Phone 7900 family models or SS-00-0B-64-09-C4-05 for Cisco IP Phone models SP 12+ and 30 VIP). Cisco CallManager makes the MAC address a required field for Cisco IP Phone device configuration. When entering the MAC address in Cisco CallManager fields, do not use spaces or dashes and do not include the “SS” that may precede the MAC address on the label.
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
To display the MAC address when the phone is powered on, refer to the Cisco IP Phone documentation that supports your phone model. The following examples show steps that you may perform for the Cisco IP Phone models 12 SP+ and 30 VIP or Cisco VG248 phone ports:
Cisco IP Phone models 12 SP+ and 30 VIP—Press ** to display the MAC
Cisco VG248 phone ports—The MAC address specifies the endpoint from
Related Topics
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, page 45-1
Gateway Configuration, page 44-1
Adding a Phone, page 45-4
Updating a Phone, page 45-10
Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
address on the second line of the LCD display.
the Gateway Configuration window of Cisco CallManager Administration. See the “Gateway Configuration” section on page 44-1 for configuration information.
Phone Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Adding a Phone

Before a Cisco IP Phone can be used, you must use this procedure to add the phone to Cisco CallManager. You can also use this procedure to configure H.323 clients, CTI ports, Cisco ATA 186 telephone adapter, or the Cisco VG248 Analog Phone Gateway (each of the 48 ports is recognized and configured as a phone). H.323 clients can be Symbol NetVision phones or Microsoft NetMeeting clients. CTI ports designate virtual devices that Cisco CallManager applications such as Cisco SoftPhone and Cisco AutoAttendant use.
Note If you are planning to use a TAPI application to control CTI port devices that are
using the Cisco TAPI Service Provider (TSP), then you may only configure one line per CTI port device.
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Note Add the Cisco VG248 Phone Ports from the Gateway Configuration window of
Cisco CallManager Administration. See the “Gateway Configuration” section on
page 44-1 for configuration information.
Step 1 Choose Device > Add a Device.
The Add a New Device window displays.
Step 2 From the Device Type drop-down list box, choose Phone and click Next.
The Add a New Phone window displays.
Step 3 From the Phone type drop-down list, choose the appropriate phone type or device
and click Next. After you choose a phone type, you cannot modify it.
The Phone Configuration window displays.
Step 4 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 45-1.
Only the settings that are appropriate to the chosen phone type appear in your window.
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
Step 5 Click Insert.
A message displays stating that the phone has been added to the database.
Step 6 To add a directory number to this phone, click OK and enter the appropriate
settings in the Directory Number Configuration window as described in the
“Directory Number Configuration Settings” section on page 45-34. To return to
the Phone Configuration window, click Cancel.
After you add a Cisco IP Phone to Cisco CallManager Administration, information from the RIS Data Collector service displays in the Phone Configuration window. When available, the IP address of the device and the name of the Cisco CallManager with which the device registered display as illustrated in Figure 45-1.
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
Figure 45-1 Phone Configuration Window
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Step 7
Reset the phone after making changes to apply the new settings. See the
“Resetting a Phone” section on page 45-8.
Next Steps
If you want to configure speed-dial buttons to this phone, see the “Configuring
Speed-Dial Buttons” section on page 45-22. If you want to configure services for
this phone, see the “Configuring Cisco IP Phone Services” section on page 45-24.
Related Topics
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, page 45-1
Gateway Configuration, page 44-1
Resetting a Phone, page 45-8
Adding a Directory Number, page 45-30
Deleting a Phone, page 45-11
Updating a Phone, page 45-10
Phone Configuration Settings, page 45-13
Configuring Speed-Dial Buttons, page 45-22
Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Phone Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration

Copying an Existing Phone

If you want to manually add several similar phones to the Cisco CallManager database, you can add one and then copy its basic settings to apply to another phone. You must change at least the Media Access Control (MAC) address before inserting the new phone into the database.
To copy phone settings, perform the following procedure.
Step 1 Choose Device > Phone.
The Find and List Phones window displays.
Step 2 Enter search criteria to locate a specific phone and click Find.
A list of phones that match the search criteria appears.
Step 3 Click the Copy icon for the phone whose settings you want to copy.
The Phone Configuration window displays.
Step 4 Enter the MAC address of the new phone.
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
Note For information on obtaining the MAC address, see the “Displaying the
MAC Address of a Phone” section on page 45-3.
Step 5 Update the appropriate settings as described in Tab le 45-1.
Step 6 Click Insert.
A message displays that states that the phone has been added to the database.
Step 7 To add a directory number to this phone, click OK and enter the appropriate
settings in the Directory Number Configuration window as described in the
“Directory Number Configuration Settings” section on page 45-34. To return to
the Phone Configuration window, click Cancel.
Related Topics
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, page 45-1
Finding a Phone, page 45-28
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
Adding a Phone, page 45-4
Resetting a Phone, page 45-8
Updating a Phone, page 45-10
Deleting a Phone, page 45-11
Phone Configuration Settings, page 45-13
Configuring Speed-Dial Buttons, page 45-22
Adding a Directory Number, page 45-30
Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Phone Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Resetting a Phone

You must reset a Cisco IP Phone after you add a directory number or update its settings for your changes to take affect. To reset a Cisco IP Phone by using Cisco CallManager Administration, perform the following procedure.
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Note If a call is in progress, the phone does not reset until the call finishes.
Step 1 Choose Device > Phone.
The Find and List Phones window displays.
Step 2 To locate a specific phone, enter search criteria and click Find.
A list of phones that match the search criteria displays as illustrated in
Figure 45-2.
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Figure 45-2 Find and List Phones Window
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
Step 3
Check the check boxes next to the phones that you want to reset. To select all the phones in the window, check the check box in the matching records title bar.
Step 4 Click Reset Phone.
The Reset Device window displays.
Step 5 Click one of the following buttons:
Restart—Restarts the selected devices without shutting them down
(reregisters the phones with Cisco CallManager).
Reset—Shuts down the selected devices and brings them back up (performs
a complete shutdown and reinitialization of the phones).
Close—Returns you to the previous window without restarting or resetting
the selected devices.
Related Topics
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, page 45-1
Adding a Phone, page 45-4
Updating a Phone, page 45-10
Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Phone Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones

Updating a Phone

To update a Cisco IP Phone by using Cisco CallManager Administration, perform the following procedure.
Step 1 Choose Device > Phone.
The Find and List Phones window displays.
Step 2 To locate a specific phone, enter search criteria and click Find.
A list of phones that match the search criteria appears.
Step 3 From the list, click the name of the phone that you want to update.
The Phone Configuration window displays.
Step 4 Update the appropriate settings as described in Tab le 45-1.
Step 5 Click Update.
Step 6 Click Reset Phone to reset or restart the phone and apply the new settings.
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Restarting the phone reregisters the phones with Cisco CallManager without shutting the phone down. Resetting the phone shuts down the phone and brings it back up (performs a complete shutdown and reinitialization of the phones).
Related Topics
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, page 45-1
Gateway Configuration, page 44-1
Adding a Phone, page 45-4
Resetting a Phone, page 45-8
Phone Configuration Settings, page 45-13
Configuring Speed-Dial Buttons, page 45-22
Speed Dial Configuration Settings, page 45-23
Finding a Phone, page 45-28
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Phone Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Deleting a Phone

To delete a Cisco IP Phone by using Cisco CallManager Administration, perform the following procedure.
Before You Begin
If you try to delete a phone that is in use, Cisco CallManager displays an error message. To find out which directory numbers are using the phone, click the Dependency Records link from the Phone Configuration window. For more information about dependency records, see the “Accessing Dependency Records”
section on page A-1. Before deleting a phone that is currently in use, you should
perform either or both of the following tasks:
Assign a different dir to any media resource groups that are using the media
termination point that you want to delete. See the “Updating a Media
Resource Group” section on page 28-5.
Delete the media resource groups that are using the media termination point
that you want to delete. See the “Deleting a Media Resource Group” section
on page 28-7.
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
Step 1 Choose Device > Phone.
The Find and List Phones window displays.
Step 2 To locate a specific phone, enter search criteria and click Find.
A list of phones that match the search criteria displays as illustrated in
Figure 45-3.
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
Figure 45-3 Find and List Phones Window
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Step 3
Perform one of the following actions:
Check the check boxes next to the phones that you want to delete and click
Delete Selected.
Delete all the phones in the window by checking the check box in the
matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected.
Choose the name of the phone that you want to delete from the list to display
its current settings and click Delete.
A confirmation dialog displays.
Step 4 Click OK.
Related Topics
Cisco IP Phone Configuration, page 45-1
Gateway Configuration, page 44-1
Finding a Phone, page 45-28
Adding a Phone, page 45-4
Cisco IP Phones, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Phone Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Chapter 45 Cisco IP Phone Configuration

Phone Configuration Settings

Table 45-1 describes the available settings in the Phone Configuration window.
Note The Product-Specific Configuration section contains model-specific fields that
the phone manufacturer defines. Cisco CallManager dynamically populates the fields with default values.
To view field descriptions and help for product-specific configuration items, click the “i” information icon to the right of the Product Specific Configuration heading to display help in a popup window.
If you need more information, refer to the documentation for the specific phone that you are configuring or contact the manufacturer
Configuring Cisco IP Phones
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
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