Cisco NSS2000 - Gigabit Storage System Chassis, NSS2000 SERIES Administration Manual

Cisco Small Business
NSS2000 Series Network Storage System
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© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. OL-17960-01
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Benefits 1
Using the Help 2
Audience 2
About the NSS Configuration Interface 2
Getting Help 2
Refreshing the GUI Pages 3
Using the Quick Setup Wizards 4
Approved Vendor List for Drives 5
Chapter 2: Managing the System 6
System Alerts 7
Storage Status 7
Network Status 8
Shares Status 8
Backup Status 8
Power Status 9
System Status 9
Viewing the Hardware Monitor 10
Viewing and Managing the System Logs 11
Configuring the System for UPS Support 13
NSS-supported UPS Product Families 14
Chapter 3: Adding the NSS to your Network 15
Physical Interfaces 15
Virtual Interfaces 16
Viewing the Network Settings 17
Configuring the Network Link IP 18
Resetting the DHCP Lease on a Link 20
Viewing VLANs Configured on the NSS 21
Allowing a VLAN Access to the NSS 22
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 1
Changing a VLAN Configuration 24
Removing a VLAN’s Access to the NSS 25
Configuring the NSS Network Identification 27
Configuring DNS or WINS for Name Resolution 30
Joining the NSS to a Network Information System (NIS) Domain 32
Editing Access Control Lists (ACLs) from Windows Explorer: Restrictions 33
Running Diagnostics of your Physical Link 33
Configuring the Network Ports 34
Setting up the Ethernet Frame Size & Advertising Modes 36
Chapter 4: Configuring your Storage 38
Disk Status Table 38
RAID Arrays Table 39
Volumes Table 40
USB Storage Status 41
Managing RAID Arrays 42
About the RAID Arrays Page 42
Choosing a RAID Array Level 42
Creating a RAID Array 45
Deleting an Array 46
Migrating a RAID Array to another Storage Device 48
Virtualizing Storage within your Network 49
Currently Exported Storage 49
Exporting Storage to your Network 50
Creating Virtualized Storage 51
Unexporting Storage 53
Volume Management 54
Creating a Volume 55
Expanding a Volume 57
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 2
Deleting a Volume 59
Volume Encryption Overview 60
Locking an Encrypted Volume 61
Unlocking a Locked Volume 62
Changing the Password for an Encrypted Volume 63
Storage Options 65
Chapter 5: Setting up End-User Access 67
Managing your NSS Users 68
Creating a User Profile 68
Editing a User Profile 71
Integrating Users from an ADS, NTv4, or NIS Domain 72
Logging into the NSS as a Local User 73
Deleting a User Profile 73
Working with Groups 74
Creating a Group 74
Changing the Users Assigned to a Group 76
Integrating Groups from an Active Directory, NTv4, or NIS Domain 77
Deleting a Group 78
Managing Volume Quotas 79
Changing the User’s Primary Group 79
About the Volume Quota Page 80
Creating Volume Quota for a User or Group 80
Setting up the Grace Period for a Volume Quota 83
Changing a Volume Quota for a User or Group 84
Clearing a Quota 86
Network Filters Overview 87
Defining the Default Network Policy 88
Creating a Network Filter 89
Available Access Filters 91
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 3
Deleting a Network Filter 93
Configuring the User/Group Ranges and Home Directory Location94
Chapter 6: Managing the Shares 96
Creating a Share 97
Editing an Existing Share 102
Adding a DFS Shared Folder 105
Restrictions using Microsoft DFS from the NSS 107
Setting up CIFS Access 108
Setting up Network Filesystem (NFS) Access 109
Configuring the NSS for FTP Access 110
Creating or Running a Backup of a Share 114
Creating a Scheduled Backup for a Share 115
Initiating a Backup for a Share 117
Deleting Backup Images 118
Configuring the Connection Profile 119
Chapter 7: Maintaining the NSS 120
Rebooting or Shutting Down the NSS 121
Upgrading the NSS Firmware 122
Restoring the Factory Default Configuration 125
Managing the NSS Configuration 126
Saving the Current Configuration 127
Restoring a Configuration File 130
Deleting a Configuration File 133
Configuring the Timing Settings 134
Configuring the Email Alerts for a Recipient 135
Changing the Email Alerts for a Recipient 137
Deleting an Email Alert Recipient Profile 138
Configuring SNMP Alerts 139
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 4
Changing the Administrator Password 141
Chapter 8: Instructing your End-Users 142
Logging into the CIFS Shares with Administrator Privileges 142
Windows Users: Accessing the NSS Storage using CIFS/SMB 143
Windows Users: Accessing the NSS Storage through FTP 144
Mac Users: Accessing Storage through CIFS/SMB 144
Mac Users: Accessing Storage through FTP 145
UNIX/Linux Users: Accessing Storage through NFS 146
UNIX/Linux Users: Accessing Storage through FTP 147
Appendix A: Troubleshooting 148
Power LED/Button (Front Panel) 148
System LED (Front Panel) 149
Reset Button (Front Panel) 149
LAN LED (Front Panel) 150
Hard Disk Drive LEDs (Front Panel) 150
UPS LED (Back Panel) 151
Repairing a Degraded Array 151
Working with a Failed Array 153
Drive Error LED Remains On 154
Firmware Upgrade Failed 154
Free Bound Virtualized Storage when the Master System Fails 155
All CIFS Connections were Unexpectedly Ended 155
Hotplugging the Ethernet Link doesn’t Reset IP or Link Rate 156
Unable to Create a Share or Quota for a Volume 156
Cannot Access the NSS through FTP 157
Cannot Rename a Folder through FTP 157
Configuration Page does not Appear in Internet Explorer 158
Handling an Unexpected (Unclean) Shutdown 158
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 5
Boosting the Performance of NFS Transfers 159
Appendix B: Glossary of Storage-Related Terms & Acronyms 160
Appendix C: Environmental Specifications 176
Appendix D: Additional Information 177
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information 177
Warranty 177
End User License Agreement (EULA) 177
Appendix E: Support Contacts 178
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 6
Thank you for choosing the Cisco Small Business Network Storage System (NSS).
Administering a network can be a difficult job. Finding low-cost ways to simplify your data-management tasks means that you have more resources to dedicate elsewhere. The NSS is a Network Attached Storage (NAS) unit that appears as a native file server for the various clients within your network, including Windows, Apple Macintosh, UNIX, and Linux platforms. The biggest benefit to your users is that they can now access data that might be stored across different physical platforms as simply as if it were on their own computers. The NSS provides a single repository that is completely dedicated to storage, ensuring the integrity, reliability, and accessibility of your data for a relatively low cost.
The NSS lets you install up to two physical disk drives. The NSS uses the most common file-based protocols such as NFS, CIFS, and FTP for file sharing.
The NSS offers the following main advantages to your business:
Cross-platform File Sharing: Share files easily and inexpensively across
heterogeneous platforms over a cost-effective Ethernet and IP network.
Easy Installation and Administration: With a basic understanding of
networking, the NSS is easily configured, managed, and made available to all of your networked users.
Data Consolidation: Centralize data to reduce management costs and
maximize your investment in existing hardware. This also means better data security.
The NSS2000 Series includes the NSS2000 and NSS2050 models. Check for additional information.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 1
Using the Help
Using the Help
The NSS (Network Storage System) help file provides information about using the configuration interface to configure the NSS.
The information contained in these help pages is intended for use by network administrators. It assumes a basic understanding of storage-related concepts, including RAID, filesystems, and networking.
About the NSS Configuration Interface
The NSS configuration interface contains some basic navigation features to help you as you configure the NSS.
Manager Menu: The Manager Menu forms the left side of the configuration
interface window. It contains the menu options that represent the major configuration areas for the NSS. For example, System, Network, Share, Storage. When you click an option, a sub-menu of related options appears. Clicking a topic opens the associated topic in the To p i c page in the right side of the window.
To p ic Pa g e: When you select a topic from the Manager Menu, the
configuration page for that topic appears in the right side of the window.
Getting Help
There are two buttons on the NSS configuration interface window that you can click to access help:
From the Manager Menu click Help to display the full online Administrator
Guide. Use the navigation tools within the help to find information for your chosen topic.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 2
Using the Help
A context-sensitive help button appears in the upper-right corner of the
topic page. Click it to display help on the specific configuration area. For example, if the current configuration topic is about the status of your system, click the Help button for information about the details that appear on the System Status page.
Refreshing the GUI Pages
Although certain GUI pages automatically refresh at a preselected time interval, some pages do not refresh until they are reselected. The best way to manually refresh a GUI page is to reselect it through the options in the Manager Menu on the left side of the GUI window. For example, to refresh the NTP Configuration page, from the Manager Menu, click Admin and then click Tim e. We recommend you do not use the Refresh button on the Web browser toolbar as this can cause data issues.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 3
Using the Quick Setup Wizards
Using the Quick Setup Wizards
There are three wizards available from the Manager Menu of the configuration interface:
Initial Setup: This wizard automatically appears when you log into the
configuration interface for the first time. Although you can access it at any time from the Manager Menu, if you have saved any configuration settings before you run the wizard, note that running the wizard will erase any saved data. For example, if you configure a RAID and then run the wizard, the RAID will be deleted. This wizard steps you through the basic configuration to create a RAID, volume, share, user, to set the Home Directory location, set the time, and so on. (For detailed help on the full set of configuration options, refer to the online help or to the Administrator’s Guide which you can download from the Cisco website.)
IP Camera Options: The following wizards let you set up the NSS to store
videos from IP surveillance cameras. The type of wizard you should choose depends on the way the camera transfers the video clips. Note that you only need to run the wizard once and then you must configure each the camera to output the video to the configured share. To run either of the following wizards, make sure you have created a RAID array, a volume, and any users that you want to grant access to the surveillance videos. After running this wizard, you must map a network drive to the share on the PC running the camera utility and configure the camera utility to save the video to this mapped network drive
- FTP: Run this wizard if the cameras are set up to transfer motion-
triggered clips. Running the wizard creates a single user and FTP share for the cameras. The videos are then saved within an FTP folder which contains a subfolder for each camera.
- CIFS: Run this wizard if the cameras have a Windows utility program that
lets you save the streaming video to a local drive (or in this case, the NSS) and then view the video from its saved location. The wizard creates a single user and share for all cameras that are configured to output to the Windows Utility program. After you run the wizard, you must map the network drive from the PC that runs the Windows utility program to the CIFS share.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 4
Approved Vendor List for Drives
Approved Vendor List for Drives
If you are purchasing disk drives to install in the NSS, refer to the product support information offered on the Cisco website ( for a list of recommended disk drives.
When you select a disk drive, consider the type of RAID levels required to service your business needs. For example, if you are creating a RAID (versus a JBOD), make sure that each of the disks used in the array have the same disk capacity. The RAID is built using the capacity of the smallest disk in the array.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 5
Managing the System
The System Status page provides an overview of the current operating condition of the NSS. For example, you can view system alert messages such as if a disk drive is failing or has failed, if a volume is approaching its full capacity, and if an array rebuild is complete. You can also view the current status of any of the following: storage, shares, backups, network, power, and system details. Status pages like the System Status page automatically refresh on a regular interval and are helpful for monitoring the progress of certain processes such as building a RAID.
The following sections provide a detailed explanation of the information that appears on the System Status page.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 6
Managing the System
System Alerts
The System Alerts section shows any system messages issued since the last time they were cleared. Messages can range in severity from informational to immediate action required.
There are three type of alerts that can appear in this area of the System Status page:
Error: These types of messages indicate the most severe types of
problems with the NSS. They require immediate action. For example, if a disk drive or RAID array is in a failed condition.
Warning: These types of messages indicate there is a problem with the
NSS that requires eventual action. For example, if the amount of storage used for a volume is over 90%.
Notification: These types of messages are simply to advise of changes to
the NSS. For example, the RAID rebuild is complete.
Storage Status
The Storage area displays details about the configured storage on the NSS, including:
Drives: The number of physical disk drives installed.
RAID Arrays: The number of configured RAID arrays.
Volumes: The number of configured volumes.
To t al C on fi gu re d Ca pa ci t y : The total aggregate size of all configured
Percent Used: The total amount of the configured capacity used.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 7
Managing the System
Network Status
The Network area displays the following:
Link: The current status of the Ethernet link. The only status that is visible is if
the link is up. If the link is down, you cannot access the Configuration Manager.
VLANs: The number of VLANs configured on the NSS.
Link IP: The IP address of the Ethernet link.
Shares Status
The Shares area displays the status of the following:
Shares: The number of configured shares.
Connected Users: The total number of user sessions currently connected to
the NSS.
FTP: The FTP access state (enabled or disabled).
NFS: The NFS access state (enabled or disabled).
Backup Status
The Backup area displays the following:
Last Backup: The date and time of the last backup run. If a backup has never
been run on the system, the word "never" appears.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 8
Managing the System
Power Status
The Power area displays the following:
UPS: The following options are available depending on the current
operating condition of the UPS. For more information about the functioning of the UPS, refer to the UPS documentation.
- Disabled: A UPS is not currently connected to the NSS or is not enabled.
- Online: A UPS is connected to the NSS and is enabled. The NSS is
deriving power from the mains power.
- On Battery (%): The NSS is currently deriving its power from the UPS
battery. The percentage of power still available is also listed.
System Status
The System area displays the following:
Serial Number: The serial number of the NSS.
Firmware Version: The current version and date of the firmware installed on
the NSS.
Uptime: The number of days the NSS has been running since it was last
Last Boot: The date when the NSS was last rebooted.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 9
Managing the System
Viewing the Hardware Monitor
Viewing the Hardware Monitor
The Hardware Monitor page displays details about the following physical conditions related to the NSS:
Voltages : The current voltage reading for all voltage rails in the system. The
reading is color-coded depending on if the voltage level is within specification (green) or out of specification and in need of attention (red).
Fans: The fan speed for each chassis fan. If the fan has stalled, the reading is
color-coded red. Normal fan operation is color-coded green.
Te m p e r a t u r e s : The NSS has temperature sensors located at various parts
of the chassis. Temperature readings are done from these sensors as well as from any installed disks (if the disk has an internal temperature sensor). If a disk does not have a temperature sensor, the reading appears as "unavailable". If the temperature of the system or disks is over or under the ideal temperature, the temperature is color-coded red. When the temperature is within the normal range the color-coding is green.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 10
Managing the System
Viewing and Managing the System Logs
Viewing and Managing the System Logs
The NSS captures various types of information into log files, such as user access details. You can store the logs locally or on a remote server on the network. Since local space allocated for log files is limited, the logs are overwritten once the space is filled.
To work with the log files:
STEP 1 From the Manager Menu, click System Logs.
The System Logs page appears.
STEP 2 You can view, download, or delete any of the following types of log files:
Admin: A full list of time-stamped actions that were initiated through the
NSS configuration interface.
Web Access: This log displays IP addresses of the systems that accessed
the NSS configuration interface and the date and time of the authentication requests. This information helps you detect unauthorized attempts to access the NSS configuration interface.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 11
CIFS Sharing: A time-stamped event log of events initiated by users
accessing shares through CIFS.
FTP Access: A time-stamped log of FTP actions, including user logins, file
transfers, and user logouts.
All Logs: A concatenation of all the log files. You can download and save this
The following screenshot is an example of the Administrator Log:
STEP 3 Choose where you want to store the log files:
Locally: To store the log files on the NSS, select Store Logs Locally, and then
select the volume to which you want to store the logs from the options in the Store Logs to drop-down menu.
Remotely: To store the log files on a remote server, select Forward Log
Messages, and then enter the hostname or IP address of the server in one or both of the Remote Log Host fields. (If you set up two remote hosts, the log file is sent to both servers.) Note that the remote server must be running a syslog server.
STEP 4 Click Update.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 12
Managing the System
Configuring the System for UPS Support
Configuring the System for UPS Support
The Power Status page provides an overview of the current power condition of the NSS. You can set up the NSS to use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) if one is connected directly to the UPS port on the NSS.
NOTE: When the UPS power goes to low battery, a signal is sent via the USB port on the NSS and a shutdown of the NSS is initiated. Make sure that the UPS has enough reserve power at this point to sustain the NSS through the shutdown (approximately 5 minutes).
The Power area displays the following:
AC Status: The following options are available depending on the current
operating condition of the UPS. For more information about the functioning of the UPS, refer to the UPS documentation.
- Disconnected: A UPS is not currently connected to the NSS or has not
yet been enabled.
- Online: A UPS is connected to the NSS and is enabled. The NSS is
deriving power from the mains power.
- On Battery: The NSS is currently deriving its power from the UPS
Battery Status: The percentage of power still available is also listed and is
color-coded according to the amount of battery remaining.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 13
Managing the System
Configuring the System for UPS Support
To enable the UPS:
STEP 1 From the Manager Menu, click System Power.
The System Power page appears.
STEP 2 Select Enable UPS support.
STEP 3 Click Update.
NSS-supported UPS Product Families
The NSS supports the following UPS product families:
APC Back-UPS ES/CyberFort 350
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 14
Adding the NSS to your Network
The Network Device Settings page displays the current status of the NSS’s physical and virtual network interfaces.
Physical Interfaces
The Network Device Status table displays the current status of the physical Ethernet link connected to the NSS.
Link: The number of the physical link attached to the NSS. The number
appears as 1.
Status: The status of the physical link. Options include:
- Up: The link is up (color-coded green) and operational.
- Down: The link is down (color-coded red) and not operational. If a cable
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 15
is connected to the Ethernet port, check the cable integrity and the status of the device (switch, router, or computer) at the other end of the cable. You can use the NSS’s cable diagnostic feature to assist you (see
Adding the NSS to your Network
Speed: The configured speed, in Mbps, of the physical link. Options include:
10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1000 Mbps.
MAC Address: The Ethernet MAC address for the link.
MTU: The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) in bytes defined for the link.
This is set either manually from the Network Properties page or via the DHCP server.
Rx Pkts: The total number of IP packets received since the last boot.
Tx P k t s : The total number of IP packets transmitted since the last boot.
Dropped Pkts: The total number of IP packets dropped since the last boot.
”Running Diagnostics of your Physical Link” section on page 33). This
status is not visible as you cannot access the Configuration Manager when the link has failed.
Virtual Interfaces
The VLAN Status area of the Network Status page displays the current status and details regarding each configured VLAN.
Link: The number that appears in this column identifies the physical link on
which the VLAN is configured.
VLAN: The VLAN number.
Priority: The 802.1p priority set for the VLAN. Options include 0 through 7 (0
being best effort data and 7 being network critical data).
Label: The text description defined for the VLAN.
Rx Pkts: The total number of IP packets received on the VLAN interface
since the last boot.
Tx P k t s : The total number of IP packets transmitted on the VLAN interface
since the last boot.
Dropped Pkts: The total number of IP packets dropped on the VLAN
interface since the last boot.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 16
Adding the NSS to your Network
Viewing the Network Settings
Viewing the Network Settings
The Network Device Settings page displays information about the physical and virtual interfaces currently configured on the NSS.
NOTE: If you hotplug the Ethernet link after the initial installation of the NSS, make sure you wait 15 seconds between the time you unplug the cable and then plug it back in. The NSS displays the correct new settings within 10 seconds.
To display the Network Device Settings page, from the Manager Menu, click Network
Link: The number of the physical link attached to the NSS. It appears as 1.
VLAN: The ID assigned to the virtual interface. For physical interfaces, this
column is blank.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 17
IP. The Network Device Settings table displays the following:
Adding the NSS to your Network
Configuring the Network Link IP
Assign Via: The method used to assign an IP configuration to the physical or
virtual interface. Options include:
- DHCP: The IP configuration was assigned by a DHCP server. Or, if the
- Static: A static IP configuration was manually entered through the NSS
IP Address: The IP address for the physical or virtual interface.
Netmask: The netmask for the physical or virtual interface.
Gateway: The address of the gateway for the physical or virtual interface.
interface was configured to use DHCP for IP configuration but no DHCP server was found, the IP address was assigned by the AutoIP protocol.
configuration interface.
Configuring the Network Link IP
You need to configure the method for assigning an IP configuration to each interface connected to the NSS.
NOTE: If you hotplug the Ethernet link after the initial installation of the NSS, make sure you wait 15 seconds between the time you unplug the cable and then plug it back in. The NSS displays the correct new settings within 10 seconds.
To set the IP address allocation method for an interface:
STEP 1 From the Manager Menu, click Network IP.
The Network IP page appears listing each interface.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 18
Adding the NSS to your Network
Configuring the Network Link IP
STEP 2 Click Edit on the row of the interface you want to configure.
The Network Link Configuration page appears.
STEP 3 Select one of the following:
Obtain IP Address Automatically: Use a DHCP server to retrieve the IP
address, netmask, and gateway address for the interface.
Use the Following IP Address: Enter the IP configuration details manually for
the IP address, netmask, and gateway, in dotted-quad notation (i.e., set of four digits separated by periods where each digit is in the range of 0-255).
STEP 4 Click Update.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 19
Adding the NSS to your Network
Resetting the DHCP Lease on a Link
Resetting the DHCP Lease on a Link
You can force a renewal of the DHCP lease on the physical link or VLAN that is configured for DHCP:
STEP 1 From the Manager Menu, click Network IP.
The Network IP page appears listing each physical and virtual interface.
STEP 2 Click Edit on the row of the link IP you want to reset.
The Network Link Configuration page appears.
STEP 3 Click Update.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 20
Adding the NSS to your Network
Viewing VLANs Configured on the NSS
Viewing VLANs Configured on the NSS
When you first display the Network VLAN page, the currently configured VLANs appear. Configuring a VLAN to connect to the NSS depends if it is trunk-based or port-based. To configure a trunk-based VLAN, follow the steps to allow a VLAN to access the NSS; see ”Allowing a VLAN Access to the NSS” section on page 22. To configure a port-based VLAN, configure the switch to assign the port to which the NSS is connected to the desired VLAN. In this case, no NSS configuration changes are required.
To view the VLANs currently configured on the NSS:
STEP 1 From the Manager Menu, click Network VLAN.
The VLAN Configuration page appears.
STEP 2 View the following details for each existing VLAN that appears in the VLAN
Configuration table:
Link: The physical link attached to the NSS. The number appears as 1.
VLAN: The ID of the VLAN. This is configured when the VLAN is added to
the NSS and should match the ID of the VLAN as it is configured in your network. The range of valid VLAN IDs is from 1 to 4095.
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 21
Adding the NSS to your Network
Allowing a VLAN Access to the NSS
Priority: The quality of service (QoS) as defined in the IEEE 802.1p standard
for the VLAN traffic. VLAN Ethernet frames contain a three-bit priority tag ranging from 0 to 7 (where 0 is best effort and 7 is network-critical traffic).
Label: A text description for the VLAN (for example, "Data," "Voice," "Video,"
and so on). This description is used solely as a reference within the NSS interface and does not affect its operation.
Allowing a VLAN Access to the NSS
Configuring a VLAN to connect to the NSS depends if it is trunk-based or port­based. To configure a trunk-based VLAN, follow the steps described next. To configure a port-based VLAN, configure the switch to assign the port to which the NSS is connected to the desired VLAN. In this case, no NSS configuration changes are required.
To set up a network VLAN to access the NSS:
STEP 1 From the Manager Menu, click Network VLAN.
The VLAN Configuration page appears.
STEP 2 In the New VLAN area of the page, set up the following fields:
Cisco Small Business NSS2000 Series Administration Guide 22
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