Cisco Systems Nexus 5596t User Manual

Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 5.2(1)N1(1)

First Published: July 02, 2012
Last Modified: July 02, 2012
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Preface ix
Audience ix
Document Conventions ix
Documentation Feedback x
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request xi
New and Changed Information for this Release 1
New and Changed Information for this Release 1
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces 3
Information About Ethernet Interfaces 3
About the Interface Command 3
Information About Unified Ports 4
Guidelines and Limitations for Unified Ports 4
About the Unidirectional Link Detection Parameter 5
Default UDLD Configuration 5
UDLD Aggressive and Nonaggressive Modes 6
Interface Speed 6
About the Cisco Discovery Protocol 6
Default CDP Configuration 7
About the Error-Disabled State 7
About Port Profiles 8
Guidelines and Limitations for Port Profiles 9
About the Debounce Timer Parameters 9
About MTU Configuration 9
Configuring Ethernet Interfaces 10
Configuring a Layer 3 Interface on a Cisco Nexus 5500 Platform Switch 10
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Configuring Unified Ports 10
Configuring the UDLD Mode 12
Configuring Interface Speed 13
Disabling Link Negotiation 14
Configuring the CDP Characteristics 14
Enabling or Disabling CDP 15
Enabling the Error-Disabled Detection 16
Enabling the Error-Disabled Recovery 17
Configuring the Error-Disabled Recovery Interval 18
Port Profiles 19
Creating a Port Profile 19
Modifying a Port Profile 20
Enabling a Specific Port Profile 21
Inheriting a Port Profile 22
Removing an Inherited Port Profile 23
Assigning a Port Profile to a Range of Interfaces 24
Removing a Port Profile from a Range of Interfaces 25
Configuration Examples for Port Profiles 26
Configuring the Debounce Timer 27
Configuring the Description Parameter 28
Disabling and Restarting Ethernet Interfaces 28
Displaying Interface Information 29
Default Physical Ethernet Settings 31
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces 33
Information About Layer 3 Interfaces 33
Routed Interfaces 33
Subinterfaces 34
VLAN Interfaces 35
Loopback Interfaces 35
Tunnel Interfaces 36
Licensing Requirements for Layer 3 Interfaces 36
Guidelines and Limitations for Layer 3 Interfaces 36
Default Settings for Layer 3 Interfaces 36
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces 36
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Configuring a Routed Interface 36
Configuring a Subinterface 37
Configuring the Bandwidth on an Interface 38
Configuring a VLAN Interface 39
Configuring a Loopback Interface 40
Assigning an Interface to a VRF 40
Verifying the Layer 3 Interfaces Configuration 41
Monitoring Layer 3 Interfaces 42
Configuration Examples for Layer 3 Interfaces 43
Related Documents for Layer 3 Interfaces 44
MIBs for Layer 3 Interfaces 44
Standards for Layer 3 Interfaces 44
Configuring Port Channels 45
Information About Port Channels 45
Understanding Port Channels 45
Guidelines and Limitations for Port Channel Configuration 46
Compatibility Requirements 47
Load Balancing Using Port Channels 48
Understanding LACP 51
LACP Overview 51
LACP ID Parameters 52
Channel Modes 52
LACP Marker Responders 53
LACP-Enabled and Static Port Channel Differences 54
Configuring Port Channels 54
Creating a Port Channel 54
Adding a Port to a Port Channel 55
Configuring Load Balancing Using Port Channels 55
Configuring Hardware Hashing for Multicast Traffic 57
Enabling LACP 57
Configuring the Channel Mode for a Port 58
Configuring the LACP Fast Timer Rate 59
Configuring the LACP System Priority and System ID 60
Configuring the LACP Port Priority 60
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Disabling LACP Graceful Convergence 61
Reenabling LACP Graceful Convergence 62
Verifying Port Channel Configuration 63
Verifying the Load-Balancing Outgoing Port ID 64
Configuring Virtual Port Channels 65
Information About vPCs 65
vPC Overview 65
Terminology 67
vPC Terminology 67
Fabric Extender Terminology 67
Supported vPC Topologies 68
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series Switch vPC Topology 68
Single Homed Fabric Extender vPC Topology 69
Dual Homed Fabric Extender vPC Topology 70
vPC Domain 70
Peer-Keepalive Link and Messages 71
Compatibility Parameters for vPC Peer Links 71
Configuration Parameters That Must Be Identical 71
Configuration Parameters That Should Be Identical 73
Graceful Type-1 Check 73
Per-VLAN Consistency Check 74
vPC Auto-Recovery 74
vPC Peer Links 74
vPC Peer Link Overview 74
vPC Number 75
vPC Interactions with Other Features 76
Configuring vPC Peer Links and Links to the Core 76
vPC and LACP 77
vPC Peer Links and STP 77
vPC and ARP 78
CFSoE 78
vPC Peer Switch 79
Guidelines and Limitations for vPCs 79
Configuring vPCs 80
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Enabling vPCs 80
Disabling vPCs 80
Creating a vPC Domain 81
Configuring a vPC Keepalive Link and Messages 82
Creating a vPC Peer Link 84
Checking the Configuration Compatibility 85
Enabling vPC Auto-Recovery 86
Suspending Orphan Ports on a Secondary Switch in a vPC Topology 87
Creating an EtherChannel Host Interface 88
Moving Other Port Channels into a vPC 89
Manually Configuring a vPC Domain MAC Address 90
Manually Configuring the System Priority 91
Manually Configuring a vPC Peer Switch Role 92
Configuring the vPC Peer Switch 93
Configuring a Pure vPC Peer Switch Topology 93
Configuring a Hybrid vPC Peer Switch Topology 94
Verifying the vPC Configuration 95
Viewing The Graceful Type-1 Check Status 96
Viewing A Global Type-1 Inconsistency 97
Viewing An Interface-Specific Type-1 Inconsistency 98
Viewing a Per-VLAN Consistency Status 99
vPC Example Configurations 101
Dual Homed Fabric Extender vPC Configuration Example 101
Single Homed Fabric Extender vPC Configuration Example 103
vPC Default Settings 105
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This preface contains the following sections:
Audience, page ix
Document Conventions, page ix
Documentation Feedback , page x
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page xi


This publication is for experienced network administrators who configure and maintain Cisco Nexus devices and Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extenders.

Document Conventions

Command descriptions use the following conventions:
[x | y]
{x | y}
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Bold text indicates the commands and keywords that you enter literally as shown.
Italic text indicates arguments for which the user supplies the values.
Square brackets enclose an optional element(keyword or argument).[x]
Square brackets enclosing keywords or arguments separated by a vertical bar indicate an optional choice.
Braces enclosing keywords or arguments separated by a vertical bar indicate a required choice.

Documentation Feedback

[x {y | z}]
Nested set of square brackets or braces indicate optional or required choices within optional or required elements. Braces and a vertical bar within square brackets indicate a required choice within an optional element.
Indicates a variable for which you supply values, in context where italics cannot be used.
A nonquoted set of characters. Do not use quotation marks around the string or the string will include the quotation marks.
Examples use the following conventions:
Terminal sessions and information the switch displays are in screen font.screen font
Information you must enter is in boldface screen font.boldface screen font
italic screen font
Arguments for which you supply values are in italic screen font.
Nonprinting characters, such as passwords, are in angle brackets.< >
Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets.[ ]
!, #
This document uses the following conventions:
Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the manual.
Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.
Documentation Feedback
To provide technical feedback on this document, or to report an error or omission, please send your comments to . We appreciate your feedback.
An exclamation point (!) or a pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line of code indicates a comment line.
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Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
Subscribe to the What's New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service and Cisco currently supports RSS version 2.0.
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Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
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New and Changed Information for this Release

The following table provides an overview of the significant changes to this guide for this current release. The table does not provide an exhaustive list of all changes made to the configuration guides or of the new features in this release.
New and Changed Information for this Release, page 1

New and Changed Information for this Release

The following table provides an overview of the significant changes to this guide for this current release. The table does not provide an exhaustive list of all changes made to the configuration guides or of the new features in this release.
Table 1: New Features
Where DocumentedDescriptionFeature
Added support for IPv6 addressing.IPv6
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Routed Interfaces, on page
Configuring a Subinterface,
on page 37
Configuring the Bandwidth
on an Interface, on page 38
Configuring a VLAN
Interface, on page 39
Configuring a Loopback
Interface, on page 40
Assigning an Interface to a
VRF, on page 40
New and Changed Information for this Release
New and Changed Information for this Release
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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces

This chapter contains the following sections:
Information About Ethernet Interfaces, page 3
Configuring Ethernet Interfaces, page 10
Displaying Interface Information, page 29
Default Physical Ethernet Settings , page 31

Information About Ethernet Interfaces

The Ethernet ports can operate as standard Ethernet interfaces connected to servers or to a LAN.
The Ethernet interfaces also support Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE). FCoE allows the physical Ethernet link to carry both Ethernet and Fibre Channel traffic.
The Ethernet interfaces are enabled by default.

About the Interface Command

You can enable the various capabilities of the Ethernet interfaces on a per-interface basis using the interface command. When you enter the interface command, you specify the following information:
• Interface type—All physical Ethernet interfaces use the ethernet keyword.
• Slot number
◦ Slot 1 includes all the fixed ports.
◦ Slot 2 includes the ports on the upper expansion module (if populated).
◦ Slot 3 includes the ports on the lower expansion module (if populated).
◦ Slot 4 includes the ports on the lower expansion module (if populated).
• Port number— Port number within the group.
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Information About Unified Ports

The interface numbering convention is extended to support use with a Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extender as follows:
switch(config)# interface ethernet [chassis/]slot/port
• Chassis ID is an optional entry to address the ports of a connected Fabric Extender. The chassis ID is configured on a physical Ethernet or EtherChannel interface on the switch to identify the Fabric Extender discovered via the interface. The chassis ID ranges from 100 to 199.
Information About Unified Ports
Cisco Nexus unified ports allow you to configure a physical port on a Cisco Nexus 5500 Platform switch as a 1/10-Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), or 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-Gigabit native Fibre Channel port.
Currently, most networks have two types of switches for different types of networks. For example, LAN switches carry Ethernet traffic up to Catalyst switches and SAN switches carry FC traffic from servers to MDS switches. With unified port technology, you can deploy a unified platform, unified device, and unified wire approach. Unified ports allow you to move from an existing segregated platform approach where you choose LAN and SAN port options to transition to a single, unified fabric that is transparent and consistent with existing practices and management software. A unified fabric includes the following:
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
• Unified platform—Uses the same hardware platform and the same software code level and certifies it once for your LAN and SAN environments.
• Unified device—Runs LAN and SAN services on the same platform switch. The unified device allows you to connect your Ethernet and Fibre Channel cables to the same device.
• Unified wire—Converges LAN and SAN networks on a single converged network adapter (CNA) and connects them to your server.
A unified fabric allows you to manage Ethernet and FCoE features independently with existing Cisco tools.
Guidelines and Limitations for Unified Ports
• Ethernet ports and Fibre Channel ports must be configured in the following order:
• Fibre Channel ports must be configured from the last port of the module.
• Ethernet ports must be configured from the first port of the module.
If the order is not followed, the following errors are displayed:
ERROR: Ethernet range starts from first port of the module ERROR: FC range should end on last port of the module
• On the Cisco Nexus 5548UP switch, the 32 ports of the main slot (slot1) are unified ports. The Ethernet ports start from port 1/1 to port 1/32. The Fibre Channel ports start from port 1/32 backwards to port 1/1.
• For the Cisco Nexus 5596T switch, the last 16 ports (ports 33-48) are Fiber Channel and are configurable as unified ports. The first 32 ports (1-32) are 10GBase-T Ethernet ports only and cannot be configured as unified ports.
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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces

About the Unidirectional Link Detection Parameter

About the Unidirectional Link Detection Parameter
The Cisco-proprietary Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD) protocol allows ports that are connected through fiber optics or copper (for example, Category 5 cabling) Ethernet cables to monitor the physical configuration of the cables and detect when a unidirectional link exists. When the switch detects a unidirectional link, UDLD shuts down the affected LAN port and alerts the user. Unidirectional links can cause a variety of problems, including spanning tree topology loops.
UDLD is a Layer 2 protocol that works with the Layer 1 protocols to determine the physical status of a link. At Layer 1, autonegotiation takes care of physical signaling and fault detection. UDLD performs tasks that autonegotiation cannot perform, such as detecting the identities of neighbors and shutting down misconnected LAN ports. When you enable both autonegotiation and UDLD, Layer 1 and Layer 2 detections work together to prevent physical and logical unidirectional connections and the malfunctioning of other protocols.
A unidirectional link occurs whenever traffic transmitted by the local device over a link is received by the neighbor but traffic transmitted from the neighbor is not received by the local device. If one of the fiber strands in a pair is disconnected, as long as autonegotiation is active, the link does not stay up. In this case, the logical link is undetermined, and UDLD does not take any action. If both fibers are working normally at Layer 1, then UDLD at Layer 2 determines whether those fibers are connected correctly and whether traffic is flowing bidirectionally between the correct neighbors. This check cannot be performed by autonegotiation, because autonegotiation operates at Layer 1.
A Cisco Nexus device periodically transmits UDLD frames to neighbor devices on LAN ports with UDLD enabled. If the frames are echoed back within a specific time frame and they lack a specific acknowledgment (echo), the link is flagged as unidirectional and the LAN port is shut down. Devices on both ends of the link must support UDLD in order for the protocol to successfully identify and disable unidirectional links.
By default, UDLD is locally disabled on copper LAN ports to avoid sending unnecessary control traffic on this type of media.
The following figure shows an example of a unidirectional link condition. Device B successfully receives traffic from Device A on the port. However, Device A does not receive traffic from Device B on the same port. UDLD detects the problem and disables the port.
Figure 1: Unidirectional Link
Default UDLD Configuration
The following table shows the default UDLD configuration.
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Interface Speed

Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Table 2: UDLD Default Configuration
Default ValueFeature
Globally disabledUDLD global enable state
DisabledUDLD aggressive mode
Enabled on all Ethernet fiber-optic LAN portsUDLD per-port enable state for fiber-optic media
UDLD per-port enable state for twisted-pair (copper) media
UDLD Aggressive and Nonaggressive Modes
UDLD aggressive mode is disabled by default. You can configure UDLD aggressive mode only on point-to-point links between network devices that support UDLD aggressive mode. If UDLD aggressive mode is enabled, when a port on a bidirectional link that has a UDLD neighbor relationship established stops receiving UDLD frames, UDLD tries to reestablish the connection with the neighbor. After eight failed retries, the port is disabled.
To prevent spanning tree loops, nonaggressive UDLD with the default interval of 15 seconds is fast enough to shut down a unidirectional link before a blocking port transitions to the forwarding state (with default spanning tree parameters).
When you enable the UDLD aggressive mode, the following occurs:
• One side of a link has a port stuck (both transmission and receive)
• One side of a link remains up while the other side of the link is down
In these cases, the UDLD aggressive mode disables one of the ports on the link, which prevents traffic from being discarded.
Disabled on all Ethernet 10/100 and 1000BASE-TX LAN ports
Interface Speed
The 5596T switch has 48 base board ports and 3 GEM slots. The first 32 ports are 10GBase-T ports the last 16 ports are SFP+ ports. The 10GBase-T ports support a speed of 1-Gigabit, 10-Gigabit, or Auto. The Auto setting automatically negotiates with the link parser to select either 1-Gigabit or 10-Gigabit speed.

About the Cisco Discovery Protocol

The Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a device discovery protocol that runs over Layer 2 (the data link layer) on all Cisco-manufactured devices (routers, bridges, access servers, and switches) and allows network management applications to discover Cisco devices that are neighbors of already known devices. With CDP, network management applications can learn the device type and the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent address of neighboring devices running lower-layer, transparent protocols. This feature enables applications to send SNMP queries to neighboring devices.
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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
CDP runs on all media that support Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP). Because CDP runs over the data-link layer only, two systems that support different network-layer protocols can learn about each other.
Each CDP-configured device sends periodic messages to a multicast address, advertising at least one address at which it can receive SNMP messages. The advertisements also contain time-to-live, or holdtime information, which is the length of time a receiving device holds CDP information before discarding it. Each device also listens to the messages sent by other devices to learn about neighboring devices.
The switch supports both CDP Version 1 and Version 2.
Default CDP Configuration
The following table shows the default CDP configuration.
Table 3: Default CDP Configuration

About the Error-Disabled State

Default SettingFeature
EnabledCDP interface state
About the Error-Disabled State
An interface is in the error-disabled (err-disabled) state when the inteface is enabled administratively (using the no shutdown command) but disabled at runtime by any process. For example, if UDLD detects a unidirectional link, the interface is shut down at runtime. However, because the interface is administratively enabled, the interface status displays as err-disabled. Once an interface goes into the err-disabled state, you must manually reenable it or you can configure an automatic timeout recovery value. The err-disabled detection is enabled by default for all causes. The automatic recovery is not configured by default.
When an interface is in the err-disabled state, use the errdisable detect cause command to find information about the error.
You can configure the automatic err-disabled recovery timeout for a particular err-disabled cause by changing the time variable.
The errdisable recovery cause command provides automatic recovery after 300 seconds. To change the recovery period, use the errdisable recovery interval command to specify the timeout period. You can specify 30 to 65535 seconds.
If you do not enable the err-disabled recovery for the cause, the interface stays in the err-disabled state until you enter the shutdown and no shutdown commands. If the recovery is enabled for a cause, the interface is brought out of the err-disabled state and allowed to retry operation once all the causes have timed out. Use the show interface status err-disabled command to display the reason behind the error.
60 secondsCDP timer (packet update frequency)
180 secondsCDP holdtime (before discarding)
EnabledCDP Version-2 advertisements
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About Port Profiles

About Port Profiles
You can create a port profile that contains many interface commands and apply that port profile to a range of interfaces on the Cisco Nexus device. Port profiles can be applied to the following interface types:
• Ethernet
• VLAN network interface
• Port channel
A command that is included in a port profile can be configured outside of the port profile. If the new configuration in the port profile conflicts with the configurations that exist outside the port profile, the commands configured for an interface in configuration terminal mode have higher priority than the commands in the port profile. If changes are made to the interface configuration after a port profile is attached to it, and the configuration conflicts with that in the port profile, the configurations in the interface will be given priority.
You inherit the port profile when you attach the port profile to an interface or range of interfaces, When you attach, or inherit, a port profile to an interface or range of interfaces, the switch applies all the commands in that port profile to the interfaces.
You can have one port profile inherit the settings from another port profile. Inheriting another port profile allows the initial port profile to assume all of the commands of the second, inherited, port profile that do not conflict with the initial port profile. Four levels of inheritance are supported. The same port profile can be inherited by any number of port profiles.
To apply the port profile configurations to the interfaces, you must enable the specific port profile. You can configure and inherit a port profile onto a range of interfaces prior to enabling the port profile; you then enable that port profile for the configurations to take effect on the specified interfaces.
When you remove a port profile from a range of interfaces, the switch undoes the configuration from the interfaces first and then removes the port profile link itself. When you remove a port profile, the switch checks the interface configuration and either skips the port profile commands that have been overridden by directly entered interface commands or returns the command to the default value.
If you want to delete a port profile that has been inherited by other port profiles, you must remove the inheritance before you can delete the port profile.
You can choose a subset of interfaces from which to remove a port profile from among that group of interfaces that you originally applied the profile. For example, if you configured a port profile and configured ten interfaces to inherit that port profile, you can remove the port profile from just some of the specified ten interfaces. The port profile continues to operate on the remaining interfaces to which it is applied.
If you delete a specific configuration for a specified range of interfaces using the interface configuration mode, that configuration is also deleted from the port profile for that range of interfaces only. For example, if you have a channel group inside a port profile and you are in the interface configuration mode and you delete that port channel, the specified port channel is also deleted from the port profile as well.
After you inherit a port profile on an interface or range of interfaces and you delete a specific configuration value, that port profile configuration will not operate on the specified interfaces.
If you attempt to apply a port profile to the wrong type of interface, the switch returns an error.
When you attempt to enable, inherit, or modify a port profile, the switch creates a checkpoint. If the port profile configuration fails, the switch rolls back to the prior configuration and returns an error. A port profile is never only partially applied.
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Guidelines and Limitations for Port Profiles
Port profiles have the following configuration guidelines and limitations:
• Each port profile must have a unique name across interface types and the network.
• Commands that you enter under the interface mode take precedence over the port profile’s commands if there is a conflict. However, the port profile retains that command in the port profile.
• The port profile’s commands take precedence over the default commands on the interface, unless the default command explicitly overrides the port profile command.
• After you inherit a port profile onto an interface or range of interfaces, you can override individual configuration values by entering the new value at the interface configuration level. If you remove the individual configuration values at the interface configuration level, the interface uses the values in the port profile again.
• There are no default configurations associated with a port profile.
• A subset of commands are available under the port profile configuration mode, depending on which interface type that you specify.

About the Debounce Timer Parameters

• You cannot use port profiles with Session Manager.
About the Debounce Timer Parameters
The port debounce time is the amount of time that an interface waits to notify the supervisor of a link going down. During this time, the interface waits to see if the link comes back up. The wait period is a time when traffic is stopped.
You can enable the debounce timer for each interface and specify the delay time in milliseconds.
When you enable the port debounce timer the link up and link down detections are delayed, resulting in a loss of traffic during the debounce period. This situation might affect the convergence and reconvergence of some protocols.

About MTU Configuration

The Cisco Nexus device switch does not fragment frames. As a result, the switch cannot have two ports in the same Layer 2 domain with different maximum transmission units (MTUs). A per-physical Ethernet interface MTU is not supported. Instead, the MTU is set according to the QoS classes. You modify the MTU by setting class and policy maps.
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When you show the interface settings, a default MTU of 1500 is displayed for physical Ethernet interfaces and a receive data field size of 2112 is displayed for Fibre Channel interfaces.
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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces

Configuring Ethernet Interfaces

Configuring Ethernet Interfaces
The section includes the following topics:

Configuring a Layer 3 Interface on a Cisco Nexus 5500 Platform Switch

On Cisco Nexus devices, you can configure a Layer 3 interface.
You can change a Layer 3 interface into a Layer 2 interface by using the switchport command. You can change a Layer 2 interface into a Layer 3 interface by using the no switchport command.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
This example shows how to configure a Layer 3 interface:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/2 switch(config-if)# no switchport switch(config-if)# no shutdown

Configuring Unified Ports

Before You Begin
Confirm that you have a supported Cisco Nexus switch. Unified Ports are available on the following Cisco Nexus switches:
switch(config)# interface ethernet slot/port
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters configuration mode.switch# configure terminal
Enters configuration mode for the specified interface.
Selects the Layer 3 interface.switch(config-if)# no switchport
Restarts the interface.switch(config-if)# no shutdown
• Cisco Nexus 5596T
• Cisco Nexus 5548UP
• Cisco Nexus 5596UP
• Cisco Nexus 5548P switch with an installed Cisco N55-M16UP expansion module
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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
If you're configuring a unified port as Fibre Channel or FCoE, confirm that you have enabled the feature fcoe command.
Configuring Unified Ports
PurposeCommand or Action
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
switch(config) # slot slot number
switch(config-slot) # port port number type {ethernet | fc}
switch(config-slot) # copy
running-config startup-config
switch(config) # no port port number type fc
Enters global configuration mode.switch# configure terminal
Identifies the slot on the switch.
Configures a unified port as a native Fibre Channel port and an Ethernet port.
type—Specifies the type of port to configure on a slot in a chassis.
ethernet—Specifies an Ethernet port.
fc—Specifies a Fibre Channel (FC) port.
Changing unified ports on an expansion module (GEM) requires that you power cycle the GEM card. You do not have to reboot the entire switch for changes to take effect.
Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.
Reboots the switch.switch(config-slot) # reload
Removes the unified port.
This example shows how to configure a unified port on a Cisco Nexus 5548UP switch or Cisco Nexus 5596UP switch:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# slot 1 switch(config-slot)# port 32 type fc switch(config-slot)# copy running-config startup-config switch(config-slot)# reload
This example shows how to configure 20 ports as Ethernet ports and 12 as FC ports:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# slot 1 switch(config-slot)# port 21-32 type fc switch(config-slot)# copy running-config startup-config switch(config-slot)# reload
This example shows how to configure a unified port on a Cisco N55-M16UP expansion module:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# slot 2 switch(config-slot)# port 16 type fc switch(config-slot)# copy running-config startup-config switch(config-slot)# poweroff module 2 switch(config-slot)# no poweroff module 2
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Configuring the UDLD Mode

Configuring the UDLD Mode
You can configure normal or aggressive unidirectional link detection (UDLD) modes for Ethernet interfaces on devices configured to run UDLD. Before you can enable a UDLD mode for an interface, you must make sure that UDLD is already enabled on the device that includes the interface. UDLD must also be enabled on the other linked interface and its device.
To use the normal UDLD mode, you must configure one of the ports for normal mode and configure the other port for the normal or aggressive mode. To use the aggressive UDLD mode, you must configure both ports for the aggressive mode.
Before you begin, UDLD must be enabled for the other linked port and its device.Note
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
PurposeCommand or Action
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
switch(config)# interface type slot/port
Enters configuration mode.switch# configure terminal
Enables UDLD for the device.switch(config)# feature udld
Disables UDLD for the device.switch(config)# no feature udld
Displays the UDLD status for the device.switch(config)# show udld global
Specifies an interface to configure, and enters interface configuration mode.
Step 6
Step 7
switch(config-if)# udld {enable | disable | aggressive}
switch(config-if)# show udld interface
Enables the normal UDLD mode, disables UDLD, or enables the aggressive UDLD mode.
Displays the UDLD status for the interface.
This example shows how to enable the UDLD for the switch:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# feature udld
This example shows how to enable the normal UDLD mode for an Ethernet port:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4 switch(config-if)# udld enable
This example shows how to enable the aggressive UDLD mode for an Ethernet port:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4 switch(config-if)# udld aggressive
This example shows how to disable UDLD for an Ethernet port:
switch# configure terminal
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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4 switch(config-if)# udld disable
This example shows how to disable UDLD for the switch:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# no feature udld

Configuring Interface Speed

The first 32 ports of a Cisco Nexus 5596T switch are switchable 1-Gigabit and 10-Gigabit ports. You can also configure them to auto-negotiate to either 1-Gigabit or 10-Gigabit. The last ports 33-48 are SFP+ ports and do not support auto negotiation.
Configuring Interface Speed
If the interface and transceiver speed is mismatched, the SFP validation failed message is displayed when you enter the show interface ethernet slot/port command. For example, if you insert a 1-Gigabit SFP transceiver into a port without configuring the speed 1000 command, you will get this error. By default, all ports are 10 Gigabits.
PurposeCommand or Action
Step 1
Step 2
switch(config)# interface type slot/port
Enters global configuration mode.switch# configure terminal
Enters interface configuration mode for the specified interface. This interface must have a 1-Gigabit Ethernet SFP transceiver inserted into it.
Step 3
Sets the speed for a physical Ethernet interface.switch(config-if)# speed
For Cisco Nexus 5500 series switches, the speed argument can be set to one of the following:
• 1000—1 Gbps
• 10000—10Gbps
• auto
100 Mbps is not a supported speed for the Cisco Nexus 5596 switch or CU-96 GEM card.
For the Cisco Nexus 5596T switch, the base board ports support 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps. On the 10GBase-T ports you can also choose auto.
The following example shows how to set the speed for a 1-Gigabit Ethernet port:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4 switch(config-if)# speed 1000
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Disabling Link Negotiation

Disabling Link Negotiation
You can disable link negotiation using the no negotiate auto command. By default, auto-negotiation is enabled on 1-Gigabit ports and disabled on 10-Gigabit ports.
This command is equivalent to the Cisco IOS speed non-negotiate command.
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
We do not recommend that you enable auto negotiation on 10-Gigabit ports. Enabling auto-negotiation on 10-Gigabit ports brings the link down. By default, link negotiation is disabled on 10-Gigabit ports.
PurposeCommand or Action
Step 1
Step 2
Enters configuration mode.switch# configure terminal
Selects the interface and enters interface mode.switch(config)# interface ethernet
Step 3
switch(config-if)# no negotiate auto
Disables link negotiation on the selected Ethernet interface (1-Gigabit port).
Step 4
switch(config-if)# negotiate auto
(Optional) Enables link negotiation on the selected Ethernet interface. The default for 1-Gigabit ports is enabled.
This command is not applicable for 10GBase-T ports. It should not be used on 10GBase-T ports.
This example shows how to disable auto negotiation on a specified Ethernet interface (1-Gigabit port):
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/1 switch(config-if)# no negotiate auto switch(config-if)#
This example shows how to enable auto negotiation on a specified Ethernet interface (1-Gigabit port):
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/5 switch(config-if)# negotiate auto switch(config-if)#

Configuring the CDP Characteristics

You can configure the frequency of Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) updates, the amount of time to hold the information before discarding it, and whether or not to send Version-2 advertisements.
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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces

Enabling or Disabling CDP

PurposeCommand or Action
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
switch(config)# [no] cdp advertise {v1 | v2 }
switch(config)# [no] cdp format device-id {mac-address | serial-number | system-name}
switch(config)# [no] cdp holdtime seconds
switch(config)# [no] cdp timer
Enters configuration mode.switch# configure terminal
(Optional) Configures the version to use to send CDP advertisements. Version-2 is the default state.
Use the no form of the command to return to its default setting.
(Optional) Configures the format of the CDP device ID. The default is the system name, which can be expressed as a fully qualified domain name.
Use the no form of the command to return to its default setting.
(Optional) Specifies the amount of time a receiving device should hold the information sent by your device before discarding it. The range is 10 to 255 seconds; the default is 180 seconds.
Use the no form of the command to return to its default setting.
(Optional) Sets the transmission frequency of CDP updates in seconds. The range is 5 to 254; the default is 60 seconds.
Use the no form of the command to return to its default setting.
This example shows how to configure CDP characteristics:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# cdp timer 50 switch(config)# cdp holdtime 120 switch(config)# cdp advertise v2
Enabling or Disabling CDP
You can enable or disable CDP for Ethernet interfaces. This protocol works only when you have it enabled on both interfaces on the same link.
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Enabling the Error-Disabled Detection

Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
PurposeCommand or Action
Step 1
Step 2
switch(config)# interface type slot/port
Step 3
Step 4
This example shows how to enable CDP for an Ethernet port:
switch# configure terminal switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4 switch(config-if)# cdp enable
This command can only be applied to a physical Ethernet interface.
Enabling the Error-Disabled Detection
You can enable error-disable (err-disabled) detection in an application. As a result, when a cause is detected on an interface, the interface is placed in an err-disabled state, which is an operational state that is similar to the link-down state.
Enters configuration mode.switch# configure terminal
Enters interface configuration mode for the specified interface.
Enables CDP for the interface.switch(config-if)# cdp enable
To work correctly, this parameter must be enabled for both interfaces on the same link.
Disables CDP for the interface.switch(config-if)# no cdp enable
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
switch# config t switch(config)#
errdisable detect cause {all | link-flap | loopback}
switch(config)# errdisable detect cause
switch(config)# shutdown switch(config)#
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters configuration mode.config t
Specifies a condition under which to place the interface in an err-disabled state. The default is enabled.
Brings the interface down administratively. To manually recover the interface from the err-disabled state, enter this command first.
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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces

Enabling the Error-Disabled Recovery

PurposeCommand or Action
Step 4
no shutdown
switch(config)# no shutdown switch(config)#
Step 5
show interface status err-disabled
switch(config)# show interface status err-disabled
Step 6
copy running-config startup-config
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config
This example shows how to enable the err-disabled detection in all cases:
switch(config)#errdisable detect cause all switch(config)#
Enabling the Error-Disabled Recovery
Brings the interface up administratively and enables the interface to recover manually from the err-disabled state.
Displays information about err-disabled interfaces.
(Optional) Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.
You can specify the application to bring the interface out of the error-disabled (err-disabled) state and retry coming up. It retries after 300 seconds, unless you configure the recovery timer (see the errdisable recovery interval command).
PurposeCommand or Action
Step 1
Enters configuration mode.config t
switch#config t switch(config)#
Step 2
errdisable recovery cause {all | udld | bpduguard | link-flap | failed-port-state | pause-rate-limit}
Specifies a condition under which the interface automatically recovers from the err-disabled state, and the device retries bringing the interface up. The device waits 300 seconds to
switch(config)#errdisable recovery cause
retry. The default is disabled.
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Configuring the Error-Disabled Recovery Interval

Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
PurposeCommand or Action
Step 3
show interface status err-disabled
switch(config)#show interface status err-disabled
Step 4
copy running-config startup-config
switch(config)#copy running-config startup-config
This example shows how to enable err-disabled recovery under all conditions:
switch(config)#errdisable recovery cause all switch(config)#
Configuring the Error-Disabled Recovery Interval
You can use this procedure to configure the err-disabled recovery timer value. The range is from 30 to 65535 seconds. The default is 300 seconds.
Displays information about err-disabled interfaces.
(Optional) Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
switch#config t switch(config)#
errdisable recovery interval interval
switch(config)#errdisable recovery interval 32
show interface status err-disabled
switch(config)#show interface status err-disabled
copy running-config startup-config
switch(config)#copy running-config startup-config
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters configuration mode.config t
Specifies the interval for the interface to recover from the err-disabled state. The range is from 30 to 65535 seconds. The default is 300 seconds.
Displays information about err-disabled interfaces.
(Optional) Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.
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