Cisco Systems IOS S-390 User Manual

Text Part Number:
78-5661-01 Rev. B0
Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes
October, 1998
These release notes provide information for system administrators and installation managers who are responsible for the installation and support of the Cisco IOS for S/390 product. This document includes information specifically related to Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0 only.
This document contains these sections:
“Enhanced Features,” page 2, provides a list of feature enhancements in Cisco IOS for S/ 390
release 2.0.
“Product Changes,” page 3, describes changes to the product architecture from the previous
release of Cisco IOS for S/390.
Corporate Headquarters
Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA
“New Features, ” page 7, describes features that were added in this release of Cisco IOS for S/390.
“Cisco Connection Online,” page 8, describes the availability of information on the W orld Wide
Web via the Cisco Connection Online.
“Documentation,” page 8, describes the documentation for this release of Cisco IOS for S/390
and provides documentation updates for features and changes to the product that were received after the documentation CD went to press.
“Installing Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0,” page 23, provides information on converting to
Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0 from a previous release of Cisco IOS for S/390.
“Diagnosis and Problem Reporting,” page 33, documents problems that can occur if you are not
using the correct versions of other products, or that worked differently in previous version of Cisco IOS for S/390. Also provides instructions on how to obtain a list of the reported problems that have been resolved in Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0.
“SAS/C Usage Notes,” page 34 provides important information about the SAS/C compiler.
“Converting from Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 1.0 to Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0,” page 34,
provides instructions for converting from the previous release of Cisco IOS for S/390.
Enhanced Features
Enhanced Features
This section describes the new product features of Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0.
Improved Performance and Efficiency
Increased throughput, reduction in CPU utilization, and inbound and outbound multiprocessing.
TCP/IP processing is now multi-threaded instead of single-threaded. This is especially significant to FTP transmissions as it will let you obtain an aggregate transmission rate using up to four FTP applications running at the same time on four different CPUs. Outbound processing occurs in the dispatchable unit of the caller; Inbound processing is done on one or more SRBs to provide multitasking and proper accountability of CPU usage.
Capability of configuring up to 25,000 tn3270 sessions.
CLA W performance enhancements. W ith a Cisco 7xxx router and a Channel Interf ace Processor
(CIP), large CLAW blocks can be used. Multiple packets are packed into one CLAW block to increase performance.
Improved Management
With Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0 you can dynamically:
Activate, inactivate, define, and remove virtual IP addresses
Alter, add, or delete the real IP addresses of interfaces
Start or stop device drivers
Start, stop, add, or remove interfaces
Modify message routing/filtering at component and message suffix levels
Update message routing—for problem diagnosis situatio ns, message logging levels and
destinations may be manipulated on the fly with operator commands
Enhanced Functionality
The ACPEEP trace utility has been replaced by the TRA CE utility that uses the MVS Component Trace facility, IPCS formatting routines, and an interactive TSO / component trace interface (TCPEEP).
NETSTAT accepts commands from TSO, Telnet, and the operator console.
SMF records are generated at various processing points such as connection establishment,
connection termination, connection rejection, failed connection attempts, etc. for transport (TCP , UDP, Raw), Server Telnet, FTP, storage utilization, and drivers.
Logging of tn3270 IP address-to-LU name mapping.
The STOP command can be used for either a graceful shutdown or for an immediate shutdown.
Messages can be selectively displayed or suppressed on a component or type basis.
All Cisco IOS for S/390 address spaces now record trace information onto a common TRACE
address space.
2 Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes
Enhanced APIs
OS/390 OpenEdition (UNIX System Services) asynchronous I/O (required for DB2 V5 TCP/IP
support) and SRB mode.
Multiple BIND support for server applications (parallel processing for FTP, Telnet, and vendor
Enhanced TLI interface—data spaces, cross memory, SRB mode, etc.
SAS 6.0 support.
Other Enhancements
Year 2000 support.
FTP server support for IP address as RACR OUTE TERMID—allows security rules to deny FTP
access unless permitted by IP address.
Cisco router-based queuing—IP Type of Service (TOS) can be set for applications to better
interface to Cisco queuing mechanisms like Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ).
Enhanced APIs
Product Changes
The parameter WRELIM has been removed from the UDP and TCP statements. Buffering is
handled automatically in Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0.
Some of the control blocks for the POOL command have changed. The EPCB control block is
now called the SEPM, the SRE is now called the SA W, and the ARCB, TUCB, and TSQB control blocks have been combined into the ATCB. The 256B pool no longer exists.
The message ACC210I Internet Protocol Task Started no longer displays to indicate that
startup has completed. A message will display indicating startup completion in Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0. The message number will vary, depending on the device you are using; the message text will be
Media media_name is now operational with one or more active interfaces.
Initialization and termination messages now appear in mixed case. This may impact some automated operations packages that search for messages to invoke some action. You should review these messages and tak e appropriate action.
Some parameters for Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0 have been renamed to improve readability,
but aliases have been added for the names used i n Vers ion releas e 1.0. Th e follo win g names and aliases are available for Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0:
Table 1 Parameter Aliases Parameters Aliases
Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes 3
Product Changes
Table 1 Parameter Aliases (continued)
The ACPCFG00, APICFG00, and XITCFG00 configuration members have been removed. The
TCP/IP stack configuration has moved into a new configuration member, TCPCFG00. The applications, such as Server FTP, Server Telnet, etc., moved to a new configuration member, APPCFG00.
T able 2 ACPCFG Member Changes ACPCFG00 APPCFG00 TCPCFG00 IJTCFG00
Many APICFG00 parameters are now available through the following configuration members:
4 Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes
Product Changes
As for parameters in the Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 1.0 configuration member APICFG00, the TPCB was replaced with the SPCB. Y ou will only need 3 (default) because there are only 3 API's.
CBUFs were replaced with the set of MBUFs. Previously, there were two CBUFs per session, one for input and one for output. Now all data is buffered in MBUFs, so there is no relation between the size of the CBUF pool, and the sizes of the MBUF pools. Pool sizes are based on the amount of data buffered, not on the number of endpoints.
In Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0, usage of the API is no longer limited, so there was no need for the (1.0) API statement.
The APP task group may have up to four tasks for parallel processing.
The SSN parameter of member ACPCFG00 is now in the startup JCL.
The startup JCL has the following changes:
WTPLOG11, WTPLOG12, WTPLOG13, and ACLOG DD statements have been replaced
by T01LOG
T01LOG DD SYSOUT=&SOUT has been addedACSNAP DD statements have been removedPRFX=ACS parameter on the EXEC statement has changed to PRFX=T01CNFG parameter has been added to the EXEC statement.
The following pools that were in Cisco IOS for S/390 release 1.0 are not in Cisco IOS for S/390
release 2.0:
The NETSTAT RTM (Reco very and Termination Manager) function is no longer supported.
NETSTAN CONN COUNT and NETSTAT CNFG LNI provide similar information
The NETSTAT WTOLOG function is no longer supported.
The LOGSTAMP feature and task is no longer provided. All messages in the T01LOG are
Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes 5
Product Changes
Most of the prefixed messages hav e a consistent message format of the form pppmmxxxs, where:
ppp is a letter followed by 2 numbers which identifies the component:
T00mmxxxs Messages issued by IFS common routines T01mmxxxs Messages issued by Cisco IOS for S/390 routines T02mmxxxs Messages issued by IUCV routines T03mmxxxs Messages issued by Component Trace routines
mm is a pair of letters that identifies the subcomponent:
pppAPxxxs Messages issued by API common application support routines pppCFxxxs Messages issued by Configuration pppCOxxxs Messages issued by Commutator service routines pppDNxxxs Messages issued by DNR (IFS routines only) pppF3xxxs Messages issued by FTP3 pppGDxxxs Messages issued by GateD pppIFxxxs Messages issued by IFS pppIPxxxs Messages issued by Internet layer (IP, ICMP) routine IpppUxxxs Messages issued by IUCV transport provider pppLLxxxs Messages issued by Link layer routine pppNTxxxs Messages issued by Telnet pppOExxxs Messages issued by OpenEdition MVS transport provider pppPMxxxs Messages is sued by port Mapper (IFS routines only) pppSFxxxs Messages issued by Server FTP pppSNxxxs Messages issued by Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) pppSOxxxs Messages issued by Socket API layer pppSTxxxs Messages issued by Server Telnet pppS4xxxs Messages issued by Spool#4 pppTCxxxs Messages issued by Transport layer (TCP, UDP, RAW) routine ppp
UDxxxs Messages issued by Server UDP mini services pppUSxxxs Messages issued by User SMTP pppVTxxxs Messages issued by VTAMAPPL
6 Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes
New Features
xxx is a number in the range of 000 - 999, uniquely identifying the messages is a letter indicating the severity level of the message:
pppmmxxxR Response message produced in response to a command pppmmxxxF F atal mess age signifying that a catastrophic error has occurred pppmmxxxE Error me ssage in dicating that some kind of error has occurred and action should be
taken to correct it
pppmmxxxW Warning message indicating that an action did not happen entirely correctly, but TCP
could make adjustments or use defaults to correct the situation
pppmmxxxI Informational message about operations and actions in progress pppmmxxxS Statistic message displaying metrics to be used for performance tuning, problem
determination, and usage accounting
pppmmxxxD Debug message to help diagnose problems or provide further details about operations
and actions
pppmmxxxT Trace messages recording specific events as they occur
Results of using the TPOIPBRO option (query IP broadcast value) when issuing a
New Features
Updated FTP Server provides compatibility with IBM TCP/IP FTP command
Support for Inter-User Communications Vehicle (IUCV) sockets
Support for Channel Data Link Control (CDLC) driver (3745)
Support for TCPassist to allow TCP CHECKSUM processing to be off-loaded to Cisco
New Client FTP3 provides compatibility with IBM TCP/IP FTP client input and commands
New storage parameters are provided to control virtual storage usage for TCP connections
NETSTAT is available from TSO
Most PARM members can be dynamically refreshed.
TOPTION OPTCD=QUERY differ between Cisco IOS for S/390 rel ease 1.0 an d Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0. The result of the query on release 1.0 returns a value of 1 (allow broadcast), while the result on release 2.0 returns a value of zero (do not allow broadcast).
Returning the value of zero is correct since the default for Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0 is do not allow broadcast. Therefore, the SO_BRO ADCAST flag is not set. To set this flag to ON, you must run TOPTION with OPTCD=DECLARE and the TPOIPBRO option set to a value of 1 to override the default. After the flag is set, TOPTION OPTCD=QUERY will return a value of 1.
7000/7500 Series Channel Attached routers
Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes 7
Cisco Connection Online
Cisco Connection Online
Cisco Connection Online (CCO) is Cisco Systems’ primary, real-time support channel. Maintenance customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional information and services.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added services to Cisco’s customers and business partners. CCO services include product information, product documentation, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator, configuration notes, brochures, descriptions of service offerings, and download access to public and authorized files.
CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced simultaneously: a character-based version and a multimedia version that resides on the W orld W ide Web (WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem, FTP, and Internet e-mail, and it is excellent for quick access to information over lower bandwidths. The WWW version of CCO provides richly formatted documents with photographs, figures, graphics, and video, as well as hyperlinks to related information.
You can access CCO in the following ways:
Modem: From North America, 408 526-8070; from Europe, 33 1 64 46 40 82. Use the
following terminal settings: VT100 emulation; databits: 8; parity: none; stop bits: 1; and connection rates up to 28.8 kbps.
For a copy of CCO’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), contact For additional information, contact
Note If you are a network administrator and need personal technical assistance with a Cisco
product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract, contact Cisco’s Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447, 408 526-7209, or To obtain general information about Cisco Systems, Cisco products, or upgrades, contact 800 553-6387, 408 526 -72 08, or
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more current than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or
If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the W orld Wide Web, you can submit comments electronically . Click Feedback in the toolbar, select Documentation, and click Enter the feedback form. After you complete the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco. W e appreciate your comments.
8 Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes
The Product Documentation Library
The Cisco IOS for S/390 manual set has been reorganized along functional lines. The complete manual set includes these documents:
Cisco IOS for S/390 Planning Guide
Describes the Cisco IOS for S/390 architecture, how to prepare for installation, customize system security, and how to use OpenEdition and user exits. It also includes information about editing tools, information to help configure Cisco IOS for S/390 for Cisco routers and plan storage usage, and about the CDLC driver. This manual is targeted for Computer Operations personnel.
This document ships prior to shipment of the product.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Customization Guide
Complete guide to customizing Cisco IOS for S/390 for your site. A bound copy of this document is included with the product shipment.
Cisco IOS for S/390 System Management Guide
Describes the operator commands (startup and shutdown of Cisco IOS for S/390), how to use the System Management Facility (SMF), diagnostic procedures, diagnostic commands, and Inter-User Communications Vehicle (IUCV) sockets.
The Product Documentation Library
A bound copy of this document is included with the product shipment.
Cisco IOS for S/390 User’s Guide
Guide to the Cisco IOS for S/390 Client FTP2, Client FTP3, Client FTP , Server FTP, Telnet, and Mail commands, USPOOL, remote executor, API and socket applications, and programmable batch interface for Client FTP2 and Client FTP3.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Prefixed Messages
Describes all messages that have an alphanumeric prefix and are printed to the console or the Cisco IOS for S/390 log files.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Unprefixed Messages and Codes
Describes messages from FTP, Telnet, Mail, and general API return codes.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Assembler API Concepts
Describes the concepts, flow, and operation of the Cisco IOS for S/390 API.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Assembler API Macro Reference
Guide to the Assembler API macros.
Cisco IOS for S/390 C/Socket Programmer’s Reference
Describes calls for the basic C library and for the Socket API. This manual contains a chapter describing the OpenEdition (UNIX System Services) socket interface.
Cisco IOS for S/390 RPC/XDR Programmer’s Reference
Describes the RPC and XDR API calls.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes 9
Changes to the Documentation Set
The Cisco IOS for S/390 Planning and Operations Guide and Cisco IOS for S/390 Installation Guide of previous releases have been reorganized as described below:
Cisco IOS for S/390 Planning Guide
This guide provides information to help you plan your installation of Cisco IOS for S/390. It will ship prior to shipment of the product.
Cisco IOS for S/390 System Management Guide
This guide provides information about Cisco IOS for S/390 operation and system commands. It will ship with the product.
Cisco IOS for S/390 release 2.0 Release Notes (this document)
The release notes now contain installation information. They will ship with the product.
Cisco IOS for S/390 User's Guide
A correction is required for Chapter 9, “Remote Executor,” of the Cisco IOS for S/390 User's Guide. On page 9-2, in the section “What is the Remote Executor?” the following statement is
incorrect: This product uses version 5.5 of SAS C. You must use SAS/C Release 6.00.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Planning Guide
The information in this section should be added to the Cisco IOS for S/390 Planning Guide.

SERVICE Startup Statement

Keywords IBUF(aaa bbb) and OBUF(aaa bbb) have been added to the SERVICE startup statement to allow default override:
IBUF(aaa bbb) If the service name is TELNET, you can use IBUF to specify the number of
input buffers as aaa, and their size as bbb. The lower limits are (2 256); defaults are (1 1460).
OBUF(aaa bbb) If the service name is TELNET, you can use OBUF to specify the number of
output buffers as aaa, and their size as bbb. The lower limits are (2 256); the defaults are (4 1460).
The minimum value for IBUF and OBUF is 512; it is the product of multiplying the buffer size times the number of buffers. The buf fer size cannot be less than 256, and the number of buffers cannot be 0, so the lower limit would be (2 256) or (1 512).

Enhancements to the Global Exit Facility

The following enhancements have been made to the Global Exit Facility.
10 Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2. 0 R el e ase Notes
Cisco IOS for S/390 Planning Guide
Exit Work Area
If requested, the exit facility provides a work area to the exit program upon each invocation, except the INIT exit point. Request the work area with the EWALENGTH parameter of the EXIT statement in member IJTCFG
xx, or with a parameter returned by the program at the INIT exit point (the
program parameter taking precedence). The Exit Work Area (EWA) addressed will be passed to the exit program at each exit point as the
fifth parameter, following the address of the message-writing routine.
Note The parameter lists for all exit points must be updated.
The EWA size can be from 1 to 65532 bytes. It is taken from pooled storage; the smallest pool that will satisfy the requested size will be used. Pool usage can be monitored via the IFS POOL command. One of the following pools will be used:
Table 3 EWA Pools Pool Name EWA Size
256B 1-252 512B 253-508 01KB 509-1020 04KB 1021-4092 08KB 4093-8188 16KB 8189-65532
Note These figures are provided to allow the exit program designer to make efficient use of the
EWA buffers. It is important that the exit use only the size requested on the EWALENGTH parameter, or by the INIT exit. The exit facility monitors the exit program's use of the EWA, and will force an ABEND if an overrun is detected, even if space remains in the buffer.
Add the following parameters to the INIT exit parameter list, following the subsystem ID address:
Table 4 INIT Exit Parameters
32 04 04 The address of the four-byte Cisco IOS for S/390 subsystem ID. 36 04 04 The address of a fullword area in which the exit program may put the
40 04 04 The address of a fullword area in which the exit program may put the
Data Length Description
size of the EWA to be obtained.
address of a recovery routine to be called in the event the exit program ABENDs at a subsequent entry point.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes 11
Exit Recovery Routine
The exit program can supply the address of a recov ery routine via a parameter returned at the INIT exit point. The exit facility calls this routine in the event of an ABEND in the exit program. The recovery routine is called in the same mode as the ABENDing exit program, and is passed the System Diagnostic Work Area (SDWA) address and the EWA address (if any). Since the exit's recovery routine is called after the system's Recov ery and T ermination Manager (R TM) has finished processing the ABEND, it should perform only local clean-up functions. Any updates to the SDWA are ignored. The recovery routine should not attempt to free the SDWA, since this will be done by the exit facility.
Recovery Exit
Exit Point: When an ABEND has occurred in an exit program. Function: Perform clean-up associated with the exit program. Dispatchable Unit: Identical with the ABENDing exit program. Register contents are shown in the following table.
T able 5 Recovery Exit Register Contents Register Contents on Entry
R00 SDWA (if processing under an SRB, a copy of the SDWA) R01 Exit Work Area address (if applicable) R02-R12 Zeros R13 Save area address R14 Return address R15 Entry point address
On return from the recovery exit, R13 must be restored.
Exit Parameter List Mapping Macro - T00DEXPL
A new macro, T00DEXPL, is supplied to map the parameter lists to the exit program at the various exit points. The macro is distributed in the SAMP library.
12 Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2. 0 R el e ase Notes

Customizing CA-ACF2 Version 6 or Later

A correction is required for Chapter 3 of the Cisco IOS for S/290 Planning Guide. Under the heading Customizing CA-ACF2 Version 6 or Later (page 3-12), step 2 is Update GSO Records for Cisco IOS for S/390. The code listed in this step is incorrect. The correct code is:
Cisco IOS for S/390 System Management Guide
Cisco IOS for S/390 System Management Guide
The information in this section should be added to the Cisco IOS for S/390 System Management Guide.

Refreshing USSTAB

USSTAB tables can be refreshed with the REFRESH command. In the “APP Commands” section, which describes the REFRESH command, the second sentence
of the description of the REFRESH command, the USS Table should be added. That sentence should be corrected to read as follows:
“It can be used to refresh the LU pool, greeting member, or the USS Table used by Server Telnet.” The correct syntax is:
[ APP ] REFRESH TASK ( n ) [ LUPARM ( mem_name ) | GREETING ( mem_name ) |
USSTAB ( tbl_name ) ]
Syntax Description
USSTAB (tbl_name) Specifies the USS Table tbl_name coded in the active APPCFGxx SERVICE
segment to be refreshed.
Note LUPARM, GREETING, and USST AB are mutually exclusive.
The following is an example of the usage of the REFRESH USSTAB command.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes 13
The REFRESH command is described in the “Cisco IOS for S/390 Operation” chapter.

Parameters for the SVCDUMP Command

Two parameters have been added to the SVCDUMP command, ASID and J OBname. These parameters let the user request that other address spaces be dumped along with Cisco IOS for S/390.
ASID(asid_list) A list of address space IDs. Cisco IOS for S/390 will include these
JOBname(jobname_list) A list of one-to-eight character jobnames. Cisco IOS for S/390 will
address spaces in the dump. This parameter can be combined with the JOBname parameter for a total of five address spaces.
The address space IDs may be listed in decimal or in hexadecimal notation, as x’999’.
include these address spaces in the dump. This parameter can be combined with the ASID parameter for a total of five address spaces.
Note: If there is more than one job active in the system with the same jobname Cisco IOS for S/390 will dump the first one found in the Address Space Vector Table.
The SVCDUMP command is described in the “Cisco IOS for S/390 Operation” chapter.

Protocol Layer Events (Subtypes 110 - 123) Descriptions

The SMF subtype 110-123 records, described on page 3-17, are written to record certain protocol-related events, such as a bind or connect request.
The following table describes the relationship of each of these subtypes:
Subtype Description
110 Endpoint create 111 TCP connect request 112 TCP accept request 113 TCP connection close 114 TCP bind 115 TCP unbind 116 TCP listen 117 UDP bind 118 UDP connect 119 UDP close 120 RAW open 121 RAW close 122 Endpoint destroy 123 Inbound connection failures


The zap example for EZASOK03 configuration overrides and defaults on page 4-14 and the USERMOD on page 4-15 are incorrect. Use USERMOD MU1IUCV in the SAMP data set instead.
14 Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2. 0 R el e ase Notes


The NETSTAT diag nostic commands are described beginning on page 5-12. The NETSTAT RTM command can be used by a Telnet user to display a continuous activity report on all active hardw are interfaces. The frequency is determined by the value in seconds, and defaults to 9 if not entered. Permissible values are between 1 and 32767.
Once activated, the R TM command will continu e to display a time-stamped connection counter , and LNI counts and rates. The display itself will appear after the specified interval in seconds, but the rate is based on a time difference between now and the last sampling. If multiple RTM commands are in effect, the rates will not always be consistently smooth.
To terminate the RTM command, press Enter.

Capture of User Data in a TLI Trace

You can use the trace facility or TCPEEP to capture user data in a TLI trace. The data is from the TPL field DABUF.
To capture and view user data, two actions are required.
The filter MAXTLIDATA (alias MTLIDATA or MTDATA) must specify the maximum amount
of data to be captured. The default is zero; the maximum is 65,535.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Customization Guide
For example, the following command will capture up to 100 bytes of data:
GROUPS( ( TLI,'MTDATA( 100 ) ' ) )
The FORMAT param eter must be specified for the maximum amount of data to be displayed.
You may also specify which translation to use:
TLIDATA(nn) - mixed translation (default)TLIEBCDIC(nn) - EBCDIC translationTLIASCII(nn) - ASCII translation
For example, the following command will display up to 50 bytes of captured data:
The TCPEEP command is described in the “Diagnostic Commands” chapter.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Customization Guide
The information in this section should be added to the Cisco IOS for S/390 Customization Guide.


The default maximum data captured by the TCPEEP option NETIF is now 256 bytes of data, which includes device header, IP header, etc. A new filter option, MAXDATA (alias MDATA), allows resetting this to a maximum of 65,535.
This is an example of the usage of the MAXDATA (MDATA) filter option:
GROUPS( (NETIF,'MDATA( 512 ) ' ) )
This command will capture up to 512 bytes of data. The FORMAT options DATA(nn), EBCDIC(nn), and ASCII(nn) still limit what is seen.
Cisco IOS for S/390 Release 2.0 Release Notes 15
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