Cisco IOS 11.0 BT Release Notes

Doc. No.
Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT Release Note and Update to Configuration Guides and Command References
January 15, 1999
This document supplements the Cisco IOS Release 11.0 documentation set with new and changed commands that support Cisco IOS Release 11.0(10)BT and later. Note that Cisco IOS Release
11.0(10)BT is the initial release of Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT. No prior versions of Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT exist. The TN3270 server function is supported on a Channel Interface Processor card in a Cisco 7000 series or Cisco 7500 series router. The following Cisco IOS releases are covered by this release note publication:
Cisco IOS 11.0(10)BT
Cisco IOS 11.0(11)BT
Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA
Copyright © 1998 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco IOS 11.0(12)BT
Cisco IOS 11.0(13a)BT
Note Cisco IOS Release 11.0(13)BT was renumbered and released as 11.0(13a)BT.)
Cisco IOS 11.0(14)BT, Cisco IOS 11.0(14a)BT1
Note Shipment of Cisco IOS Release 11.0(14)BT was halted due to CSCdj05366. A fix was
implemented and the release was renumbered and released as 11.0(14a)BT1.
Cisco IOS 11.0(15)BT
Cisco IOS 11.0(16)BT
Cisco IOS 11.0(17)BT
Cisco IOS 11.0(18)BT
Cisco IOS 11.0(19)BT
Cisco IOS 11.0(20)BT
Cisco IOS 11.0(21)BT
Cisco IOS 11.0(22)BT
Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT is based on Cisco IOS Release 11.0.
This Release Note and Update is divided into the following sections:
Release Note, page 2
Platform Support, page 3
Release Note
Cisco IOS Packaging, page 3Boot ROM Requirements, page 3CIP Boot Image Requirements, page 3Memory Requirements, page 3Microcode Software, page 4New Software Features in 11.0(10)BT, page 4
Update to Configuration Guide, page 4
Update to Command Reference, page 19
Cisco Connection Online, page 57
Cisco Connection Documentation, page 57
Use this document in conjunction with the Router Products Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 11.0 and the Cisco IOS Release 11.0 configuration guide and command reference publications,specificallytheRouterProductsConfigurationGuideChapters 1 to 6, Router Products
Configuration Guide Chapters 22 to 33, Router Products Command Reference Chapters 1 to 6, Router Products Command Reference Chapters 22 to 33.
Cisco IOSRelease 11.0 BT introduces TN3270 server support on Channel Interface Processor (CIP) cards.
Note To enable the TN3270 server feature, you must have a CIP card installed in a Cisco 7000
series router or Cisco 7500 series router. The TN3270 server is different from the TN3270 terminal emulation access feature described in the “Configuring TN3270” chapter of the Access and Communication Servers Configuration Guide.
2 Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT Release Note and Update to Configuration Guides and Command References
Platform Support
Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT supports the following router platforms:
Cisco 7500 series
Cisco 7000 series and Cisco 7000 series with RSP7000
Cisco IOS Packaging
The following feature sets are available in Release 11.0 BT. Refer to the Router Products Release NotesforCisco IOS Release 11.0 for a list of the features provided in the Cisco 7000 andCisco 7500
series feature sets.
Enterprise (this feature set includes CIP)
Boot ROM Requirements
Boot ROMs that support Cisco IOS Release 11.0 are required. No special requirements exist for Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT.
Release Note
CIP Boot Image Requirements
The CIP boot image is bundled in the Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT image. Youmust have the image that supports your CIP or your CIP2 hardware. You cannot run a CIP and a CIP2 card in the same router. See Table 1 for a list of image names and supported CIP or CIP2 cards.
Table 1 11.0 BT Image Names for CIP and CIP2 Hardware Image Names Supported CIP Hardware
rsp-k-mz CIP rsp-k2-mz CIP2 gs7-k-mz CIP gs7-k2-mz CIP2
Memory Requirements
The memory requirements for Cisco IOS 11.0 BT are shown in Table 2. The CIP supports up to 128 Mb of memory.
Table 2 11.0 BT Memory Requirements Cisco 7500 Series
and Cisco 7000 with RSP7000
Enterprise Set (rsp-k-mz)
Enterprise/CIP2 Set (rsp-k2-mz)
Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT Release Note and Update to Configuration Guides and Command References 3
MinimumRequired Code Memory
8 MB Flash memory card
8 MB Flash memory card
Required Main Memory
24 Mb 32 Mb RAM
24 Mb 32 Mb RAM
Required CIP Memory
Release11.0 Runs From
Update to Configuration Guide
Cisco 7500 Series and Cisco 7000 with RSP7000
Cisco 7000 Series
Enterprise Set (gs7-k-mz)
Enterprise/CIP2 Set (gs7-k2-mz)
MinimumRequired Code Memory
8 MB Flash memory card
8 MB Flash memory card
Microcode Software
Note that microcode software images are bundled with the system software image. Bundling eliminates the need to store separate microcode images. When the router starts up, the system software unpacks the microcode software bundle and loads the proper software on all the interface processor boards.
New Software Features in 11.0(10)BT
The TN3270 server is a new feature on the CIP of the Cisco 7000 family of routers. The TN3270 server allows TN3270 clients access to IBM and IBM-compatible mainframes. It can reduce the cycles spent by the mainframe on TCP/IP and TN3270 processing by a factor of ten or more and off-load the TCP/IP and TN3270 cycles from the mainframe.
Required Main Memory
Required Code Memory
16 Mb 32 Mb RAM
16 Mb 32 Mb RAM
Required CIP Memory
Required CIP Memory
Release11.0 Runs From
Release11.0 Runs From
The TN3270 server supports up to 8000 (CIP1) or up to 16000 (CIP2) concurrent sessions, while most external gateway solutions can support only 1000 to 2000 sessions. The TN3270 server offers the following capabilities:
Load Balancing and Redundancy—Provides effective CIP resource utilization and more
consistent response times. (This feature is initially provided by means of an external, prototype implementation.)
End-to-End Session Visibility—Provides enhanced resource management.
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Session Switching—Off-loads VTAM by providing
session routing.
TN3270E Support—In combination with a TN3270E client, provides advanced SNA
management and SNA functionality, including printer support.
Dynamic Definition of Dependent Logical Units (LU)—Provides simplified configuration and
network definition at the router and in VTAM.
Dynamic Allocation of LUs—Makes efficient use of LU pool resources while supporting
multiple SNA model types.
TN3270 server requires 32 MB of CIP dynamic RAM to support up to 4000 sessions, 64 MB to support 8000 sessions, and 128 MB to support 16000 sessions (CIP2 only). TN3270 server can run concurrently with any of the other CIP applications (IP Datagram, TCP/IP Offload, or CIP SNA (CSNA)), but operation of any of these features will affect the total number of sessions supported because of contention for CIP processor cycles.
Update to Configuration Guide
The information that follows is an update to the Router Products Configuration Guide, Chapters 23 to 33. Add the TN3270 information as a standalone chapter following page 33-22.
4 Cisco IOS Release 11.0 BT Release Note and Update to Configuration Guides and Command References
Cisco’s Implementation of TN3270 on a Channel Interface Processor
Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor
This chapter describes TN3270 server support provided by the Channel Interface Processor (CIP) card for Systems Network Architecture (SNA) devices. For a complete description of the commands mentioned in this chapter, refer to the “TN3270 Server Commands” update chapter.
Cisco’s Implementation of TN3270 on a Channel Interface Processor
The TN3270 server feature on a CIP card provides mapping between an SNA 3270 host and a TN3270clientconnectedtoaTCP/IPnetworkasshownin Figure 1. Functionally,itisusefulto view the TN3270 server from two different perspectives: SNA functions and Telnet Server functions.
SNA Functions
From the perspective of an SNA 3270 host connected to the CIP, the TN3270 server is an SNA device that supports multiple physical units (PUs), with each PU supporting up to 255 logical units (LUs). The LU can be Type 1, 2, or 3. The SNA host is unaware of the existence of the TCP/IP extension on the implementation of these LUs.
The LUs implemented by TN3270 server are dependent LUs. To route these dependent LU sessions to multiple virtual telecommunications access method (VTAM) hosts connected to the server in the CIP card, rather than routing in the VTAM hosts, the TN3270 server implements a SNA session switch with end node dependent LU requester (DLUR) function. Using the DLUR isoptionalsothattheTN3270servercan be used with VTAMversions prior to version4.2,which provide no APPN support.
SNA session switch allows you to eliminate SNA subarea routing between hosts of TN3270 traffic by establishing APPN links with the primary LU hosts directly.
Telnet Server Functions
From the perspective of a TN3270 client, the TN3270 server is a Telnet server that can support approximately 8000 (CIP1) or 16000 (CIP2) concurrent Telnet sessions. The server on the CIP card supports Telnet connection negotiation and data format as specified in RFC 1576 (referred to as “traditional TN3270”) and RFC 1647 (referred to as “TN3270E”).
Figure 1 TN3270 Implementation
Router Router
Because the TN3270 server configuration is performed after an interface is configured for CIP SNA (CSNA)support, TN3270 configuration issues and tasks are addressed separately from the interface configuration tasks. The description of TN3270 configuration issues and tasks begins in the section “Configuring TN3270 on a Channel Interface Processor,” later in this chapter.
Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor 5
Configuring TN3270 on a Channel Interface Processor
Note To enable the TN3270 server feature, you must have a CIP installed in a Cisco 7000 family
router.The TN3270 server is different from the TN3270 terminal emulation access feature described in the “Configuring TN3270” chapter of the Access Services Configuration Guide.
Configuring TN3270 on a Channel Interface Processor
The following sections describe additional features of TN3270 server support on the CIP. The features discussed include the following:
Dynamic LU Allocation
Formation of LU Model Type and Number
Specific LU Allocation
SNA Session Switch—End Node DLUR
Multiple Hosts Support
You will also need to understand the following information before proceeding with TN3270 configuration tasks:
VTAM Host Configuration Considerations for Dynamic LU Allocation
TN3270 Configuration Modes
Dynamic LU Allocation
This will be the most common form of request from TN3270 clients emulating a TN3270 terminal. The user typically wants to specify emulating a particular terminal type and normally is not interested in what LOCADDR or LU name is allocated by the host, as long as a network solicitor logon menu is presented. The server will perform the following on such a session request:
Form an EBCDIC string based on the model type and number requested by the client (see
“FormationofLU Model Typeand Number” for the algorithm used). This string is used as a field in a Reply product set ID (PSID) network management vector transport (NMVT).
Allocate a LOCADDR from the next available LU in the generic LU pool. This LOCADDR is
used in the NMVT.
Send the formatted Reply PSID NMVT to VTAM.
When VTAMreceives the NMVT,it will use the EBCDIC model type and number string to look up an LU template under the LUGROUP. For example, the string “327802E” will find a match in the sample configuration shown in Figure 2. An ACTLU will be sent and a terminal session with the model and type requested by the client is established.
Formation of LU Model Type and Number
VTAM requires a model type and number from the Reply PSID NMVT to use as a key to look up in the LU group to find an LU template. The model type is a four character string; the model number is a two or three character string. The server will accept the following formats of terminal type string from the client:
IBM-<XXXX>-<Y>[-E]: This will be formatted as “XXXX0Y”or “XXXX0YE” in the model
type and number field in the Reply PSID NMVT.
6 Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor
Configuring TN3270 on a Channel Interface Processor
IBM-DYNAMIC: This will result in “DYNAMIC”being put in the model type and number field.
The VTAM configuration will need to have “DYNAMIC”defined as a template in the LU group. In fact “IBM-ZZ..Z,” where “ZZ..Z” does not match the preceding syntax, will be forwarded as “ZZ..Z.”
Note The “E” in the model string refers to 3270 extended datastream. It has no connection with
the “E” in “TN3270E”.
Any other string is forwarded as is.
In all cases, the string forwarded is translated from ASCII to EBCDIC and truncated at seven
A complication arises with TN3270E clients that request a copy of the BIND-IMAGE. Such clients require system control services (SCS) datastream on the system services control point (SSCP)-LU flow. All other clients require 3270 datastream on that flow. Therefore, these two kinds of client must be directed to different LUGROUP entries at the host. To make this as easy as possible, the SCS requirement is also encoded into the model string sent to the host. Following the previously described terminal type string formats accepted by the server, this additional condition is applied:
If the client has negotiated to receive BIND-IMAGE, the character “S” is overlaid on the fifth
character of the string, or appended if the string is less than five characters. (See Table 3.)
Table 3 Examples of Model String Mapping
String from client (ASCII)
IBM-3278-4 No 327804 IBM-3279-5E No 327905E IBM-3279-3-E Yes 3279S5E IBM-DYNAMIC Yes DYNASIC ABC Yes ABCS ABCDEFGH Yes ABCDSFG
Specific LU Allocation
A TN3270E client can request a specific LU name by using the TN3270E command CONNECT as documented in RFC 1647. The name requested must match the name by which the TN3270 server knowsthe LU (see the section “LU Names in the TN3270 Server”), and the host must have activated the LU (with ACTLU).
LU Names in the TN3270 Server
Where SNA session switching is configured (that is, on DLUR PUs) the TN3270 server learns the LU names from the ACTLUs.
BIND-IMAGE requested? String to Host (EBCDIC)
For direct PUs, a “seed” name can be configured on the PU. The TN3270 server uses this name in conjunction with the LOCADDRS to generate names for the LUs. It is best to use the same naming convention as the host, if possible.
Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor 7
VTAM Host Configuration Considerations for Dynamic LU Allocation
SNA Session Switch—End Node DLUR
An end node DLUR function is implemented as part of the TN3270 server. The purpose of the DLUR is to allow the routing of TN3270 LUs to multiple VTAM hosts to be performed in the CIP card rather than on the VTAM hosts. The need for this feature will increase with the introduction of the new multi-CPU CMOS mainframe which comprises up to 16 CPUs that appear as separate VTAMs.
The implementation of TN3270 server LUs under DLUR also allows the server to learn about the LU names on the ACTLU, which greatly simplifies the configuration to support specifically requested LUs such as printers.
Multiple Hosts Support
The TN3270 server supports access to multiple hosts via the configuration on a PU basis (Table 4). PUs connected to different hosts or applications can be configured with different IP address.
Table 4 Direct PU Configuration in Router
Name IDBLK IP-address Type
pu X1 05D30001 tok 1 4 rmac lu-seed TN3X1### pu X2 05D30002 tok 1 8 rmac lu-seed TN3X2###
r number LSAP RMAC RMAC LU-seed LU-name
From the pu (direct) TN3270 configuration command values shown in Table 4, PU X2 establishes a link to a host at SAP 8 on MAC address A client connecting to IP address is allocated an LU from that PU and is routed to that host. Note that by using the DLUR function, all the LUs in the server can be defined and owned by a
controlling VTAM. When a client requests an application residing on a different VTAM host, the controlling VTAM will issue the request to the target host which will send a BIND directly to the client. All LU-LU data will then flowdirectly between the target host and the client without needing to go through the controlling VTAM.
VTAM Host Configuration Considerations for Dynamic LU Allocation
Other non-Cisco implementations of TN3270 support depend on predefined, static pools of LUs to support different terminal types requested by the TN3270 clients. The CIP TN3270 server implementation removes the static nature of these configurations by using a VTAM release 3.4 feature, dynamic definition of dependent LU (DDDLU). (Refer to the VTAM operating system manuals for your host system, under the descriptions for LUGROUP for additional information.) DDDLU dynamically requests LUs using the terminal type provided by TN3270 clients. The dynamic request eliminates the need to define any LU configuration in the server to support TN3270 clients emulating a generic TN3270 terminal.
TosupportDDDLU, the PUs used by the TN3270 server havetobedefinedinVTAM with LUSEED and LUGROUP parameters as shown in Figure 2.
8 Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor
VTAM Host Configuration Considerations for Dynamic LU Allocation
Figure 2 VTAM Host Values Defining LUSEED and LUGROUP
Example VTAM host values defining LUSEED and LUGROUP name parameters: TN3270PU PU .
IDBLK=05D, IDNUM=30001,
LUSEED=TN3X1###, * define the seed component of the LU names
LUGROUP=AGROUP * define the LU group name * TN3X1100 LU LOCADDR=100,
Example VTAM host values defining LUGROUPname, AGROUP: AGROUP LUGROUP * define LU group to support various
* define other PU parameters
created by DDDLU (e.g. LOCADDR 42 will have the name TN3X1042)
* define a terminal which requires a
specific LU name
* define a printer which requires a specific
LU name
terminal types
* define template to support IBM 3278
terminal model 2 with Extended Data Stream. Note that the USS messages in USSXXX should be in 3270 datastream.
* define template to support IBM 3278
terminal model 2 with Extended Data Stream, for TN3270E clients requesting BIND-IMAGE.
* define template to support IBM 3279
terminal model 5
this is the default template to match any other terminal types
Withthe configuration shown in Figure 2 defined in the host, the ACTPU sent by VTAMfor the PU TN3270PU will have the “Unsolicited NMVT Support” set in the system services control point (SSCP) capabilities control vector. This allows the PU to dynamically allocate LUs by sending NMVT with a “Reply Product Set ID” control vector.
After the TN3270 server sends a positive response to the ACTPU, it will wait for VTAM to send ACTLUs for all specifically defined LUs. In the sample configuration shown in Figure 2, ACTLUs will be sent for TN3X1100 and TN3X1101. The server sends a positive response and sets SLU DISABLED. The LOCADDR of these LUs are put into the specific LU cache and reserved for specific LU name requests only.
To allow sufficienttime for the VTAMhost to send all the ACTLUs,a30-second timer is started and restarted when an ACTLU is received. When the time expires, it is assumed all ACTLUs defined in VTAM for the PU havebeen sent. All LUs that have not been activatedare availablein a generic LU pool to be used for DDDLU unless they have been reserved by the configuration using the generic-pool deny TN3270 configuration command.
Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor 9
TN3270 Configuration Modes
After the VTAM activation, the server can support session requests from clients using dynamic or specific LU allocation.
TN3270 Configuration Modes
The TN3270 configuration modes and router command prompts are described in the following sections and displayed in Figure 3. The TN3270 server can be configured only on Port 2, the internal LAN port, of a CIP card.
Some configuration commands create entities on the CIP. For most of these, the command changes to the mode associated with that entity (for example, a PU). In general, the parameters provided to create the entity come in two sets: those which identify the specific instance of the entity (for example,a PU name) and those that merely set operating parameters. To return to the mode later,the same command is used but with only the first set of parameters. The following example tasks clarify how to return to a command mode without necessarily creating a new entity:
To create a DLUR LSAP and enter DLUR LSAP configuration mode, perform the following task beginning in TN3270 DLUR configuration mode:
Task Command
Create a DLUR LSAP and enter DLUR LSAP configuration mode.
lsap token-adapter 1 84
To return later to the DLUR LSAP configuration mode on the same entity, perform the following task beginning in TN3270 DLUR configuration mode:
Task Command
Enter DLUR LSAP configuration mode on the same LSAP.
To remove an entity, the same identification parameters are needed. Perform the following task beginning in TN3270 DLUR configuration mode:
Task Command
Remove a previously defined DLUR LSAP entity. no lsap token-adapter 1
TN3270 configuration modes described in this section include the following:
lsap token-adapter 1
TN3270 Server Configuration Mode
DLUR Configuration Mode
DLUR SAP Configuration Mode
PU Configuration Mode
Commands Allowed in Multiple Modes
10 Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor
Figure 3 TN3270 Configuration Modes
TN3270 Configuration Modes
configuration mode
tn3270-pu> tn3270-dlur>
TN3270 Server Configuration Mode
From interface configuration mode, tn3270-server command puts you in TN3270 server configuration mode.
DLUR Configuration Mode
From TN3270 server configuration mode, the dlur command puts you in DLUR configuration mode.
Use TN3270 PU configuration mode when the TN3270 server is attached to a non-APPN host.
Use TN3270 DLUR PU configuration mode when the TN3270 server is attached to an APPN host.
Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor 11
TN3270 Configuration Modes
DLUR SAP Configuration Mode
From DLUR server configuration mode, lsap command puts you in DLUR SAP configuration mode. Prompt:
PU Configuration Mode
There are two paths to PU configuration mode: from the TN3270 serverconfiguration mode, or from the DLUR configuration mode. In either mode, the pu command puts you in PU configuration mode.
From TN3270 configuration mode, the pu command to create a new PU is:
pu pu-name idblk-idnum ip-address type adapno lsap [rmac rmac] [rsap rsap] [lu-seed
From DLUR configuration mode, the pu command to create a new PU is:
pu pu-name idblk-idnum ip-address
From either mode, to return to PU configuration mode on PU pu-name the command is:
pu pu-name
tn3270-pu> tn3270-dlur-pu>
Commands Allowed in Multiple Modes
The following commands are valid in TN3270 configuration mode, or in either variation of PU configuration mode:
[no] tcp-port port-number [no] idle-time seconds [no] keepalive seconds [no] unbind-action {keep | disconnect} [no] generic-pool {permit | deny} [no] shutdown
Values entered in PU configuration mode override settings made in TN3270 configuration mode. In addition, the no form of these commands entered in PU configuration mode will restore the command value entered in TN3270 command mode.
12 Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor
TN3270 Configuration Task List
The following sections describe how to configure TN3270 server support on the CIP. Not all tasks are required. Refer to “TN3270 Configuration Example” for configuration examples.
Note The TN3270 server is configured on an internal LAN interface in the CIP, which is port 2 of
a CIP. Port 0 and port 1 represent physical interface ports; port 2 is a “virtual” port and is always reserved for the internal LAN interface.
Task List for Multiple APPN Hosts
When the host site uses APPN and the TN3270 server can reach multiple hosts, we recommend you use the SNASession Switch feature and configure your PUs under DLUR. In this instance, perform the following tasks:
Configure SNA Support
Configure TN3270 Server
Configure DLUR
TN3270 Configuration Task List
Configure SAPs under DLUR
Configure PUs under DLUR
Monitor the TN3270 Server
Note You can also use DLUR to reach a mix of APPN and non-APPN hosts. The host owning the
PUs must be an APPN network node that also supports the subarea (that is, an interchange node). When an SLU starts a session with any of the APPN hosts, it can use session switching to reach that host directly. When it starts a session with a non-APPN host, the traffic will be routed through the owning host.
Task List for Non-APPN Hosts
When the host site does not use APPN, or you have a single APPN host, you configure your PU parameters for a directly connected host. In this instance, perform the following tasks:
Configure SNA Support
Configure TN3270 Server
Configure PU Parameters on the TN3270 Server
Monitor the TN3270 Server
Configure SNA Support
CIP SNA support (CSNA) must be configured prior to configuring TN3270 support. Refer to the section “Configure IBM Channel Attach for CSNA Support,” in the “Configuring IBM Channel Attach” chapter of Bridging and IBM Networking Configuration Guide.
After you have configured CSNA support, proceed with TN3270 configuration.
Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor 13
TN3270 Configuration Task List
Configure TN3270 Server
Thistaskisrequired.To establish a TN3270 server on the internal LAN interface on the CIP,perform the following tasks beginning in global configuration mode:
Task Command
Select the channel attach internal LAN interface and enter interface configuration mode.
Specify a TN3270 server on the internal LAN interface and enter TN3270 configuration mode.
(Optional) Configure maximum number of LUs allowed.
(Optional) Configure transmission of a WILL TIMING-MARK.
(Optional) Assign a TCP port other than the default of 23. This command is also available in PU configuration mode.
(Optional) Specify the idle time for server disconnect. This command is also available in PU configuration mode.
(Optional) Specify the maximum time allowed between keepalive marks before the server disconnects. This command is also available in PU configuration mode.
(Optional) Specify whether the TN3270 session will disconnect when an UNBIND command is received. This command is also available in PU configuration mode.
(Optional) Select whether “left-over” LUs can be used from a generic LU pool. This command is also available in PU configuration mode.
interface channel slot/2
maximum-lus max-number-of-lu-allocated
tcp-port port-nbr
idle-time num-of-seconds
keepalive num-of-seconds
unbind-action {keep | disconnect}
generic-pool {permit | deny}
When you use the tn3270-server command, you enter TN3270 configuration mode and can use all other commands in the task list. You can later override many configuration values you enter in TN3270 configuration mode from PU configuration mode. On IBM host systems, these types of commands are often referred to as “sift down” commands because their values can sift down through several levels of configuration and can be optionally altered at each configuration level.
Configure PU Parameters on the TN3270 Server
This task is required when configuring PUs that do not use the SNA Session Switch feature. To configure PU parameters for the TN3270 server, perform the following tasks beginning in TN3270 configuration mode.
Task Command
Enter PU configuration mode and create or delete PUs with direct host links.
(Optional) Assign a TCP port other than the default of 23. This command is also available in TN3270 configuration mode.
14 Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor
pu pu-name idblk-idnum ip-address type adapno lsap [rmac rmac] [rsap rsap] [lu-seed lu-name-stem]
tcp-port port-nbr
TN3270 Configuration Task List
Task Command
(Optional) Specify the idle time for server disconnect. This command is also available in TN3270 configuration mode.
(Optional) Specify the maximum time allowed between keepalive marks before the server disconnects. This command is also available in TN3270 configuration mode.
(Optional) Specify whether the TN3270 session will disconnect when an UNBIND command is received. This command is also available in TN3270 configuration mode.
(Optional) Select whether “left-over” LUs can be used from a generic LU pool. This command is also available in TN3270 configuration mode.
idle-time num-of-seconds
keepalive num-of-seconds
unbind-action {keep | disconnect}
generic-pool {permit | deny}
When you use the pu command, you enter PU configuration mode and can use all other commands in this task list. Configuration values you enter in PU configuration mode will override other values entered while in TN3270 configuration mode. In addition, you can enter PU configuration mode from DLUR configuration mode when configuring PUs that are connected by means of DLUR.
If you are configuring PUs for directly connected hosts, you need not perform any additional configuration tasks.
Configure DLUR
This task is required when configuring DLUR connected hosts. To configure DLUR parameters for the TN3270 server, perform the following tasks beginning in TN3270 configuration mode.
Task Command
Create a DLUR function in the TN3270 server and enter DLUR configuration mode.
(Optional) Specify the fallback choice for the DLUR DLUS.
(Optional) Specify the preferred network node (NN) server.
Configure SAPs under DLUR
To configure SAPs under the DLUR function, perform the following tasks beginning in DLUR configuration mode.
Task Command
Create a SAP function under DLUR and enter DLUR SAP configuration mode.
(Optional) Identify an APPN virtual routing node (VRN).
dlur fq-cpname fq-dlusname
dlus-backup dlusname2
preferred-nnserver NNserver
lsap type adapno [lsap]
vrn vrn-name
Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor 15
TN3270 Configuration Task List
Task Command
(Optional) Create named links to hosts. A link should be configured to each potential NN server. (The alternative is to configure the NN servers to connect to DLUR.) If VRN is used it is not necessary to configure links to other hosts. Do not configure multiple links to the same host.
Configure PUs under DLUR
This task is required when configuring DLUR connected hosts. To configure PUs under the DLUR function, perform the following tasks beginning in DLUR configuration mode.
Task Command
Create a PU function under DLUR and enter PU configuration mode.
Assign a TCP port other than the default of 23. tcp-port port-nbr Specify the idle time for server disconnect. idle-time num-of-seconds Specify the maximum time allowed between
keepalive marks before the server disconnects. Specify whether the TN3270 session will
disconnect when an UNBIND command is received.
Select whether “left-over” LUs can be used from a generic LU pool.
link name [rmac rmac] [rsap rsap]
pu pu-name idblk-idnum ip-address
keepalive num-of-seconds
unbind-action {keep | disconnect}
generic-pool {permit | deny}
The pu command entered in DLUR configuration mode has different parameters than when it is entered from TN3270 configuration mode.
Monitor the TN3270 Server
The following table lists some of the monitoring tasks specific to the TN3270 server. To display the full list of show commands, enter show ? at the EXEC prompt.
Use the following commands in privileged EXEC mode:
Task Command
Display the current server configuration parameters and the status of the PUs defined in each server.
Display the PU configuration parameters, statistics and all the LUs currently attached to the PU.
Display the status of the LU. show extended channel tn3270-server pu-name
Display the information about LUs that are defined under an IP address.
Display information about the DLUR components. show extended channel tn3270-server dlur
show extended channel tn3270-server
show extended channel tn3270-server pu-name
lu lu-number [history] show extended channel tn3270-server
client-ip-address ip-address
16 Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor
TN3270 Configuration Example
The following configuration has three PUs using DLUR and two more with direct connections. The initial CIP configuration is as follows:
interface Channel2/2 ip address no ip redirects
no ip directed-broadcast ip pim query-interval 0 ip igmp query-interval 0 no ip route-cache no keepalive no clns checksum clns congestion-threshold 0 clns erpdu-interval 0 clns rdpdu-interval 0 no clns route-cache no clns send-erpdu no clns send-rdpdu lan TokenRing 0 source-bridge 223 1 2099 adapter 0 llc2 N1 2057 adapter 1 llc2 N1 2057
TN3270 Configuration Task List
Configuration dialog to configure the TN3270 function follows:
! HOSTA is channel-attached and will open SAP 8 on adapter 0. ! HOSTB is reached via token-ring ! HOSTC is channel-attached non-APPN and will open SAP 4 on adapter 0.
! enter interface configuration mode for the virtual interface in slot 2 router(config)#int channel 2/2
! create TN3270 Server entity router(config-if)#tn3270-server
! set server-wide defaults for PU parameters router(cfg-tn3270)#keepalive 0 router(cfg-tn3270)#unbind-action disconnect router(cfg-tn3270)#generic-pool permit
! define DLUR parameters and enter DLUR configuration mode router(cfg-tn3270)#dlur SYD.TN3020 SYD.VMG
! create PUs under DLUR ! Note that the first two share an IP address router(tn3270-dlur)#pu pu0 05d99001 router(tn3270-dlur-pu)#pu pu1 05d99002 router(tn3270-dlur-pu)#pu pu2 05d99003
! create a DLUR LSAP and enter DLUR LSAP configuration mode router(tn3270-dlur-pu)#lsap token-adapter 1
! specify the VRN name of the network containing this lsap router(tn3270-dlur-lsap)#vrn syd.lan4
! create a link from this lsap router(tn3270-dlur-lsap)#link hosta rmac rsap 8 router(tn3270-dlur-lsap)#link hostb rmac 4000.7470.0009 rsap 4 router(tn3270-dlur-lsap)#exit router(tn3270-dlur)#exit
Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor 17
TN3270 Configuration Task List
! create direct pus for the non-APPN Host ! note that they must use different lsaps because they go to the same Host router(cfg-tn3270)#pu pu3 05d00001 tok 1 24 rmac lu-seed pu3### router(tn3270-pu)#pu pu4 05d00002 tok 1 28 rmac lu-seed pu4### router(tn3270-pu)#end
The resulting configuration from the initial configuration and the configuration dialog follows:
interface Channel2/2 ip address no ip redirects no ip directed-broadcast ip pim query-interval 0 ip igmp query-interval 0 no ip route-cache no keepalive no clns checksum clns congestion-threshold 0 clns erpdu-interval 0 clns rdpdu-interval 0 no clns route-cache no clns send-erpdu no clns send-rdpdu lan TokenRing 0 source-bridge 223 1 2099 adapter 0 llc2 N1 2057 adapter 1 llc2 N1 2057 tn3270-server
pu PU3 05D00001 token-adapter 1 24 rmac lu-seed PU3###
pu PU4 05D00002 token-adapter 1 28 rmac lu-seed PU4### dlur SYD.TN3020 SYD.VMG lsap token-adapter 1 vrn SYD.LAN4 link HOSTB rmac 4000.7470.0009 link HOSTA rmac rsap 08 pu PU0 05D99001 pu PU1 05D99002 pu PU2 05D99003
18 Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor
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