Cisco IMS/IP-WiFi Installation And Operation Manual

TD 92322GB
2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual
Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
TD 92322GB
2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Requirements ..................................................................................................... 2
2 Installation (ELISE2)................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Description of LED Indications ............................................................................ 3
2.2 Internal Inputs and Outputs ............................................................................... 3
2.3 Function Indicator and Error Relay Output .......................................................... 4
2.4 Addressing of the IMS/IP .................................................................................... 5
2.5 Licence .............................................................................................................. 5
2.5.1 Unlicensed Mode ....................................................................................... 5
3 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 6
3.1 WLAN Interface ................................................................................................. 6
3.1.1 Handset Registration .................................................................................. 6
3.1.2 Shared Phones ........................................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Message Distribution ................................................................................. 6
3.1.4 Interface Groups ........................................................................................ 7
3.1.5 Handset Administration ............................................................................. 7
3.1.6 WLAN System ............................................................................................ 7
3.1.7 Messaging Tool .......................................................................................... 8
3.1.8 Phonebook ................................................................................................ 8
3.2 900 Interface ..................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 System 900 Interface ................................................................................. 8
3.2.2 Message Distribution ................................................................................. 9
3.3 Other Parameters ............................................................................................... 9
3.3.1 Status log .................................................................................................. 9
3.3.2 System Activity log ..................................................................................... 9
3.3.3 User Server .............................................................................................. 10
4 IMS/IP Connected to the A-bus without Central Unit ........................................ 10
5 Absence Handling ................................................................................................. 10
5.1 Absence List ..................................................................................................... 10
6 Basic Alarm Manager ............................................................................................ 11
6.1 Nomenclature .................................................................................................. 12
6.2 Technical Specification ..................................................................................... 12
6.3 Parameter Setup .............................................................................................. 12
6.4 Configuration .................................................................................................. 13
6.4.1 Define Inputs and Outputs ....................................................................... 13
6.4.2 Define an Event ....................................................................................... 14
6.5 Backup and Restore ......................................................................................... 14
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Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
7 IMS/IP Phonebook Configuration ........................................................................ 15
7.1 Technical Specification ..................................................................................... 15
7.2 Phonebook address .......................................................................................... 15
7.3 Phonebook Setup ............................................................................................ 16
7.3.1 Enter Search result texts ........................................................................... 16
7.3.2 Select Phonebook Database ..................................................................... 16
7.4 Local Phonebook Administration ...................................................................... 16
7.4.1 Update the Local Database ...................................................................... 17
7.4.2 Export the Local Database ........................................................................ 18
7.4.3 Delete the Local Database ........................................................................ 18
7.5 LDAP Parameter Setup ..................................................................................... 19
7.6 Examples of Settings ........................................................................................ 20
7.7 Operation ........................................................................................................ 21
8 Handset Administration ....................................................................................... 22
8.1 Search for Registered Handsets ........................................................................ 22
8.1.1 Save the Search Result list ........................................................................ 22
8.1.2 Remove IP Address, force a Relogin, or Delete a VoWiFi handset .............. 23
8.1.3 Show Handset Details .............................................................................. 23
8.2 Change the Handset Absent Status .................................................................. 23
9 Messaging tool...................................................................................................... 24
10 Phonebook Service and Route2ELISE ................................................................ 25
11 Open Access Protocol.......................................................................................... 25
11.1 Configuration ................................................................................................ 25
12 Related Documents ............................................................................................. 26
Document History ........................................................................................................ 27
Appendix A: IMS/IP and Firewalls........................................................................... 28
Appendix B: Basic Alarm Manager Configuration Examples................................ 29
TD 92322GB
2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
1 Introduction
This document describes the installation and configuration of IMS/IP-WiFi, the Integrated Message Server for the VoWiFi system.
The IMS/IP-WiFi is a message server based on the ELISE hardware. It acts as a messaging gateway and controls messaging and alarm between Ascom messaging systems and the VoWiFi handsets in the VoWiFi System. The IMS/IP-WiFi also enables creation of messaging groups in the VoWiFi System and messages can be sent to the VoWiFi handsets via a browser with an integrated Messaging Tool.
Figure 1. IMS/IP-WiFi connected to the LAN
IMS/IP-WiFi communicates with the Unite System via the LAN and with System 900 via the A-bus. The Central Unit in System 900 normally acts as the communication controller on the A-bus, but if IMS/IP-WiFi is configured to control the communication on the A-bus, then the Central Unit can be excluded.
An application called Basic Alarm Manager is included in the IMS/IP-WiFi. This application makes it possible to send messages to Pocket Units in the system, or activate outputs in the system as a reaction to activated inputs, or alarm or user data from Pocket Units in the system.
A phonebook that can be accessed from the VoWiFi handsets is also included in the IMS/IP-WiFi.
Phonebook Service is delivered along with the IMS/IP-WiFi. The service gives the same functionality as the IMS/IP-WiFi Phonebook and is needed for large phonebooks.
Client applications can communicate with the IMS/IP-WiFi over the Local Area Network (LAN) with help of the Open Access Protocol (OAP).
IMS/IP - WiFi (Messaging Gateway)
VoIP Gateway/Gatekeeper
Main PBX
access points
WiFi Handsets
Unite modules
Unite System
System 900
TD 92322GB
2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
1.1 Requirements
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0™ or later (only used for installation, administration and IMS/IP Messaging Tool)
Basic licence for IMS/IP
IMS for VoWiFi licence
Additional licences for IMS/IP
OAP licences:
• Basic messaging (acknowledge included)
• Basic messaging, interactive messaging, and user data
• Basic messaging and alarm
• Basic messaging, interactive messaging, user data, and alarm
TD 92322GB
2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
2 Installation (ELISE2)
This chapter is a complement to Installation Guide, ELISE2, TD 92232GB.
Figure 2. Board description with components described in this chapter.
2.1 Description of LED Indications
There are a number of LEDs on ELISE that indicate the status of the software, see figure 2. These status indications are software dependent and are described in this chapter. For information regarding indications by other LEDs, see the ELISE2 Installation Guide.
2.2 Internal Inputs and Outputs
The IMS/IP has two internal inputs and two open-collector outputs (J16, see figure 2 above), that can be used by the Basic Alarm Manager.
See chapter 6 Basic Alarm Manager on page 11, for more information about the Basic Alarm Manager, and the ELISE2 Installation Guide for information about how to connect inputs and outputs.
LED # LED status Indication
LED5 ON The IMS/IP applications are up and running.
OFF Problems when starting the applications, check the log
files on the IMS/IP Administration web page for more information.
LED2 ON Paging waiting in queue to A-bus
OFF No paging in queue to A-bus
S4 S5 S1 S2
J1 SW2
1414 1
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2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
2.3 Function Indicator and Error Relay Output
Figure 3. The function indicator that indicates the status of the IMS/IP
The function indicator and the error relay indicate the status of the IMS/IP. The indication is dependent of whether the IMS/IP is connected to the A-bus or not, and also whether there is a Central Unit connected to the A-bus. Which mode the IMS/IP uses is set on the IMS/IP administration pages, see chapter 3.2.1 System 900 Interface on page 8 for more information. The function indicator and error relay indications are described below.
IMS/IP connected to A-bus with a Central Unit
IMS/IP connected to A-bus without a Central Unit, or A-bus not connected
For information about other LED indications, see Installation Guide, ELISE2, TD 92232GB.
Status Function Indicator Error Relay
Communication with the Central Unit.
Green Operates
No communication with the Central Unit.
Flashing orange (100ms ON/100 ms OFF)
Shut down Flashing red
(1000ms ON/3000 ms OFF)
Restart or reboot Flashing orange
(100ms ON/800 ms OFF)
Status Function Indicator Error Relay
A-bus connection or no A-bus connection. (Connected or not, it does not change the indication.)
Green Operates
Shut down Flashing red
(1000ms ON/3000 ms OFF)
Restart or reboot Flashing orange
(100ms ON/800 ms OFF)
Function indicator
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2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
2.4 Addressing of the IMS/IP
If the IMS/IP is connected to an A-bus with a Central Unit, the address must not be set to 00 nor to the same address as any other module. In other modes, i.e. connected to A-bus without Central Unit or no A-bus, the address should be set to 00.
2.5 Licence
All IMS/IP units must have a valid licence. The licence is preprogrammed, and does not need to be entered at installation.
2.5.1 Unlicensed Mode
When needed, the IMS/IP can be started in unlicensed mode. Unlicensed mode is indicated by the Function Indicator with an orange light (3000 ms ON/100 ms OFF). For details on the LED characteristics, see the ELISE Installation Guide.
The IMS/IP has full functionality in unlicensed mode for 2 hours. After that, it must be restarted, either physically from the unit or from the IMS/IP Administration web page.
How to set the IMS/IP in unlicensed mode is described in Installation Guide, ELISE2, TD 92232GB.
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2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
3 Configuration
This chapter covers the parameters that can be altered on the IMS/IP Administration pages. The address to the administration pages is
There are two types of users for the IMS/IP administration pages:
• Technicians, first time set up commissioning (sysadmin) Full access right.
• Administrators (admin) Limitation in troubleshooting (no access to view complete log).
3.1 WLAN Interface
3.1.1 Handset Registration
To be able to register to the IMS/IP, each VoWiFi handset must be programmed with the IP address of the IMS/IP used, refer to the Configuration Manual for respective VoWiFi handset.
3.1.2 Shared Phones
When using shared phones it is recommended that all VoWiFi handsets authenticates with individual passwords. The IMS/IP can retrieve these passwords from a User Server. Another possibility is to use the handset´s call number as password.
If a User Server is used the operating mode for the UNS must be set to “forwarding” and the User Server (the ESS which has the users defined) must be specified as the forwarding destination. The ESS must also be identified as User Server as described in 3.3.3 User
Server on page 10.
Note: Shared phones requires, besides the User Server (ESS), a PDM System version for management.
3.1.3 Message Distribution
The WLAN Interface has distribution lists that define where incoming data from handsets, for example alarms and user data, should be sent. The following information is supported:
- Personal alarm from VoWiFi handsets. The IMS/IP-WiFi adds the handset´s MAC address
• Mobile Data
- User data sent from VoWiFi handsets. The IMS/IP-WiFi adds the handset´s MAC address
User account Default password
admin changeme
sysadmin setmeup
1. The MAC address is added as extended information in the original sender (USD). In for example the AMS, the MAC
address is found as service address in the source address.
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2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
• Availability Info
- Change of status of the VoWiFi handsets. (The status can be changed from the IMS/IP GUI or from the VoWiFi handset).
When an alarm or user key data message is received from a PP, the PP MAC address shall be added as extended information in the original sender (USD) when the message is distributed on UNITE.
The addressing of the receivers is described in Installation Guide, ELISE2, TD 92232GB.
3.1.4 Interface Groups
Interface Groups is used when one message should be sent to several VoWiFi handsets. The group handler has 30 groups with 15 handset addresses and one group with 50. The first group in the list is the large group.
The groups are defined in the administration pages. Each group is given an address, either a name or a number, and then the addresses of the handsets that should be included in the group are added.
Note: Only VoWiFi handsets can be included in the groups in the group handler. Messages will not be sent to any other types of Pocket Units.
Note: If it shall be possible to send messages from a VoWiFi handset or from the A-bus to the group address, the address must be numeric.
3.1.5 Handset Administration
Handset Administration gives the possibility to list all handsets that are registered in the system, search for a specific handset, or a range of handsets.
It is possible to customize the pages by changing the language and number of handsets shown on the search result list. See 8 Handset Administration on page 22.
3.1.6 WLAN System
WLAN system handles the VoWiFi handset relogin time and authentication. Call diversion display text and Extended activity logging is also enabled in this view.
The time before a handset must relogin to the IMS/IP is set in minutes and when this time is exceeded the handset will be considered unreachable. This is the maximum time it takes for a handset to reconnect after installing a new IMS/IP, or updating an IMS/IP. Note that a short relogin time implies a higher service/security but it also loads the system.
Text specified in the “Call Diversion Display Text” text field is, if enabled, added to the display text when a call diversion takes place. By entering the character “%”, the original call ID will be included in the display text on the place where the character is entered. Note that all characters are not possible to display.
Enable Extended Activity Log for intermediate logs, for more information refer to the Function Description, Activity Logging in Unite, TD 92341GB.
The very first time a VoWiFi handset logs in to the IMS/IP, it must authenticate itself to the IMS/IP with a password. The password is then stored in the handset for future authentication. The IMS/IP has three authentication alternatives; “Common password”, “User server” and “Number as password”. A common password can be specified in the IMS/IP, and this password is then used for all VoWiFi handsets in the system. If the common password field is left empty, the handset must send an empty password for authentication.
TD 92322GB
2007-06-26/ Ver. D
Installation and Operation Manual Integrated Message Server, IMS/IP-WiFi
If individual passwords is needed, for example for shared phones, passwords can either be specified in a User Server or the individual call numbers can be used, refer to 3.1.2 Shared
Forced login allows a user to login with a call number that already is in use. The handset that already is logged in will then be unregistered. The function is only valid when the authentication method is set to “Common password” or to “Number as password”.
3.1.7 Messaging Tool
The title on the IMS/IP Messaging Tool web page can be changed.
3.1.8 Phonebook
Included in the IMS/IP is the possibility to access and search for phone numbers in a phonebook, from a VoWiFi handset. The phone numbers can be searched for in a local database or in an LDAP server. Refer to chapter 7 IMS/IP Phonebook Configuration on page 15 for configuration instructions.
3.2 900 Interface
This chapter handles settings for the connection to the System 900 A-bus. If the A-bus is not connected, the bus operating mode should be set to ‘No A-bus’. All other parameters only needs to be set when the IMS/IP is connected to a Central Unit in the System 900, or controlling the communication on the A-bus in systems without a Central Unit.
3.2.1 System 900 Interface
• Bus operating mode
- A-bus with Central Unit: The IMS/IP is connected to a system with a Central Unit.
- A-bus without Central Unit: The IMS/IP controls the communication on the A-bus.
- According to DIP switch: If the IMS/IP address DIP switch is set to 00, it is controlling
the communication on the A-bus. If the address is set to 01-FF the Central Unit is controlling the communication on the A-bus.
- No A-bus connected: The A-bus connection is not used. If the IMS/IP expects an A-
bus with Central Unit, the IMS/IP will indicate “starting up”.
• Module Priority
This is the IMS/IP priority on the A-bus. This parameter is only used when the IMS/IP is connected to an A-bus with Central Unit.
• Number of message transmissions
This is how many times a paging is transmitted in the System 900. This parameter is only used when the IMS/IP is connected to an A-bus with Central Unit.
• Configuration of parameters below
When the IMS/IP is connected to an A-bus with Central Unit, the parameters in the Central Unit can be used and this parameter can be set to “automatic”. If the IMS/IP is controlling the communication on the A-bus, the parameters have to be configured manually.
• Number of digits in call number
This is the number of digits in the pocket unit addresses in the system. If the IMS/IP is controlling the communication on the A-bus, this parameter has to be set manually. See System Planning, On-site Paging System, TD 90202GB for more information.
• Prefix and call number range
This is the prefix that is used in the system. The prefix has to be the same as for the other modules in the system. If the IMS/IP is controlling the communication on the A-
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