At a glance
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Cisco Business Wireless Access Points
and Mesh Extenders
From connectivity to cloud applications, networking plays a crucial role in every business
journey. Reliability, security, and affordability continue to be top of mind, while ongoing
management and operations add complexity that exhausts time and resources.
Cisco® Business Wireless access points and mesh extenders offer a simple-to-deploy
solution designed to empower small and medium-sized businesses to connect and
collaborate like never before. Built with reliability and flexibility in mind, the Cisco
Business Wireless access points and mesh extenders provide industry-leading wireless
performance that meets your evolving business requirements. An intuitive mobile
application establishes a secure network instantaneously. Extensive customer service
and a comprehensive warranty help ensure business continuity.
Specifically designed for small and medium-sized networks, Cisco Business wireless
access points and mesh extenders deliver enterprise performance via the 802.11ac Wave
2 standard. They offer a data rate of up to 867 Mbps on the 5-GHz radio, far exceeding
the data rates offered by access points that support other legacy standards.
Cisco Business Wireless access points and mesh extenders are managed by the Cisco
Business Mobile app, an intuitive client application that simplifies traditional challenges
associated with wireless network deployment, right from your mobile device. You can
extend your network by adding new mesh extenders and automating wireless network
activation in minutes. A robust management capability dynamically changes network
configuration such as enabling secured guest access. Network usage, traffic patterns,
and network throughput can be closely monitored, providing a real-time snapshot; this
not only provides peace of mind, it virtually ensures optimal user experience. The Cisco
Business Mobile app is available for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.
The Cisco Business wireless access
points and mesh extenders are simple,
secure, and flexible—the three pillars of
network excellence—strengthening the
network by providing the best wireless
experience without compromise.
• Simple: Cisco Business Mobile
app simplifies network operations,
thereby freeing up valuable time
and resources for growth and
profitability. Ease of integration
enhances network automation for
Managed Service Providers (MSPs).
• Secure: Advanced security
protocols provides a solid security
foundation. Commercially proven
solution lowers the risk associated
with network deployments, while
extensive customer support helps
ensure business continuity.
• Flexible: Innovative product portfolio
provides the flexibility to adapt a
rapidly evolving business environment
for small businesses and MSPs
alike. Affordable pricing models
complement your business needs.
© 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
© 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

At a glance
Cisco public
Cisco Business
This optional subscription-based, devicelevel service offers affordable, 3-year peaceof-mind coverage. It helps you protect your
investment and derive maximum value from
Cisco Business products. Delivered by Cisco
and backed by your trusted partner, this
comprehensive service includes software
updates, extended access to the Cisco Small
Business Support Center, and expedited
hardware replacement, should it be required.
For more information on Cisco Business
products and solutions, visit: https://www.
© 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S.
and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.
cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property
of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a
partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
C45-742937-01 03/20
Cisco Business
240AC Access Point
Delivers an ideal
blend of predictable
performance in a
compact form factor,
ideal for small to
midsize deployments.
801.11ac Wave 2 with
4x4 Multi-User MultiInput Multi-Output
(MU-MIMO) and 4
spatial streams for
maximum performance.
Flexible network
expansion with
Cisco Business wireless
mesh extenders.
Cisco Business
145AC Access Point
Offers a compact, wall
plate–mountable form
factor, ideal for in-room
or office deployments
requiring connectivity
forboth wired and
wireless devices.
Supports simultaneous
dual radios and dual
bands with 802.11ac
Wave 2 MU-MIMO
functionality, delivering
abetter user experience
and more predictable
Three Gigabit Ethernet
ports support a variety
of connections with
wired connectivity,
Power over Ethernet
(PoE), and passive
Cisco Business
140AC Access Point
performance, ideal for
small networks.
Supports simultaneous
dual radios and dual
bands with 802.11ac
Wave 2 MU-MIMO
functionality, delivering
abetter user experience
and more predictable
Single Gigabit Ethernet
port supports PoE.
Cisco Business
100 Series
Mesh Extenders
Expanded connectivity
and seamless coverage
with Cisco Business
Mesh Extenders.
Flexible mounting
options with desktop
placement, wall mount,
or mounting directly
into an AC outlet.