This chapter provides step-by-step procedures for setting up BBSM Hotspot. After you complete the
procedures in this chapter, your BBSM Hotspot server should be fully operational.
The following two chapters, Chapter 3, “Advanced Configuration Options,” and Chapter 4, “System
Operation,”, provide more detailed information and advanced options for configuring and using BBSM
Read the Before You Start section, then follow the step-by-step procedures to set up your BBSM
• Before You Start, page 2-1
• Running the Setup Wizard, page 2-2
• Changing the Default Security Passwords, page 2-23
• Configuring Windows for Multinet, page 2-26
• Configuring DNS Forwarding, page 2-30
• Feature Considerations, page 2-32
Before You Start
This section describes the prerequisites that you need to complete or check before setting up the
software. After running the Setup Wizard in this chapter, you perform all operations from the Dashboard.
Before you configure BBSM, make sure that you complete the following tasks:
• First, read the ReadMeFirst web page, which launches the first time you start your BBSM Hotspot
• Then, read the first chapter to this guide, and the cautions below to avoid costly problems.
• From your BBSM Hotspot server desktop, open the BBSM Hotspot Configuration Requirements
Checklist and complete it to make sure that you have all of the networking information you need to
configure your server.
• Assemble the BBSM Hotspot server using the instructions in the Cisco BBSM Hotspot Hardware
Assembly Guide. For information on obtaining this guide and other Cisco documentation, refer to
the Obtaining Documentation section in the preface to this user guide.
• If you will be using secured (https) pages, obtain and install a Certificate Authority (third-party
SSL). (Refer to Appendix B, “Installing an SSL Certificate.”)
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Running the Setup Wizard
CautionDo not change the Windows 2000 computer name of your BBSM Hotspot server, because the BBSM
CautionWe recommend using the latest version of Internet Explorer to perform functions accessed through the
CautionWhen running the wizards, making any changes to BBSM Hotspot, or rebooting the BBSM Hotspot
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
• Before beginning the basic configuration of your BBSM Hotspot server, be sure to determine if any
service packs or patches need to be installed. We recommend that you install all available service
packs and patches to maximize the functionality of your BBSM Hotspot server. For instructions on
performing these installations, refer to Chapter 4, “System Operation.”
Hotspot MSDE database has the name embedded in the application. Changing the name breaks MSDE
functionality, and you will see SQL server errors reported on your BBSM Hotspot server. This problem
is a Microsoft issue and not one that the Cisco software team can change.
BBSM Hotspot Dashboard.
server, make sure that there are no active sessions. The Client Deactivation tool, located on the
Dashboard, can be used to deactivate any active sessions.
Running the Setup Wizard
This section explains how to configure the BBSM Hotspot server by using the Setup Wizard. This wizard
prompts you for your server’s basic configuration parameters and then configures the server with these
It also prompts you to decide if you would like to create a custom web page at this time:
• If you decide to use a custom web page, the Custom Web Page Wizard launches after the Setup
Wizard completes.
• If you decide not to create a custom web page, the first time you run the Setup Wizard, it applies the
FreeAccess web page to all ports. If you run the Setup Wizard again at a later time, it will not change
the port settings.
Note the following configuration and custom web page options that you can use:
• To configure your server using the Address Change Wizard and Switch Discovery Wizard, refer to
Appendix A, “Advanced Wizards.”
• To configure your server manually on a per-port basis or change your configurations after the initial
setup, refer to Configuring Your Server (Hotspot Configuration), page 3-1.
• To change your port settings after the initial setup, refer to Configuring Ports (Port Configuration),
page 3-27.
• To create a custom web page after the initial setup, refer to Adding Custom Web Pages to BBSM
Hotspot, page 3-24.
NoteBe sure to complete the BBSM Hotspot Configuration Requirements Checklist before running the Setup
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
CautionBe sure to disconnect all active end-user sessions before running any BBSM Hotspot wizard, including
the Setup Wizard. Refer to the “Deactivating Client Sessions” section on page 4-21.
Follow these steps to run the wizard.
Step 1From the Windows desktop, double-click the BBSM Hotspot Setup Wizard icon. (From the Windows
desktop, you can also choose Start > BBSM Hotspot Wizards > BBSM Hotspot Setup Wizard.) The
BBSM Hotspot Setup Wizard Welcome window appears. (See Figure 2-1.)
Click Next. The Enter Server Settings window appears. This window lets you enter location information
and the server address for relaying e-mail messages sent out through BBSM Hotspot. (See Figure 2-2.)
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Running the Setup Wizard
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Figure 2-2Enter Server Settings Window
Step 3
Enter the field data, as described in Table 2-1. This location data is used globally by BBSM Hotspot.
Table 2-1Enter Server Settings Field Descriptions
Location NameEnter a specific property name. Use up to 50 alphanumeric characters,
such as “Joes Coffee Shop” or “2nd Level Conference Rooms.” This
field is required.
Location DescriptionEnter descriptive text for the location, such as the city or address. You
can use any alphanumeric word or phrase to a maximum of
100 characters, such as “San Diego, CA,” or “Guest cubicles in the
northeast annex.” This field is optional.
E-mail Relay Server Address
(IP address or FQDN)
Enter the IP address or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for
the e-mail relay server that is used by your Internet service provider
(ISP) to forward non–web-based e-mail, such as Microsoft Outlook or
Eudora mail programs, from public locations. An example FQDN is The FQDN can contain a maximum of
100 characters.
This field is optional. Use it only if you want to provide your end users
with e-mail support.
Typical e-mail servers block traffic from unknown sources for security
purposes. The BBSM Hotspot server, as with any public location, is
considered an unknown source that requires an e-mail relay server to
forward end-user mail.
Step 4Click Next. The Enter External and Internal IP Addresses window appears. (See Figure 2-3.)
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Figure 2-3Enter External and Internal IP Addresses Window
Running the Setup Wizard
Step 5
Enter the IP addresses, as described in Tab le 2-2. The wizard uses this data to determine BBSM Hotspot
external and internal NIC addresses, the router address, and allocation of the network device, static, and
DHCP client address pools. Note that the wizard requests the external and internal network IDs and
subnet masks and then calculates the external and internal IP addresses automatically. Obtain the
network IDs from your ISP. (An internal network of size Class C or smaller is supported.)
Table 2-3 shows the number of IP addresses available to you based on the subnet code number you enter
after the slash. The table shows the subnet codes that you would most likely use.
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Running the Setup Wizard
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Table 2-2Enter External and Internal IP Addresses Field Descriptions
External Network ID Enter the external network IP address block assigned by your ISP. The number
after the slash is the subnet code for the number of IP addresses available in the
Default GatewayThis IP address is automatically generated based on the external network ID
that you entered. You cannot change the first three sets of numbers in this
address. This IP address is the address of the gateway (router) assigned by the
ISP and used to access the Internet. Here’s what can and cannot be changed in
this field:
• You cannot change the first three sets of numbers in the IP address.
• The fourth set defaults to the number 1. You can change this fourth octet
after the Setup Wizard populates the Default Gateway based on the
External Network ID.
Your router needs to be configured for the internal network to point to the
external NIC of the BBSM Hotspot server. If you are using a private IP address,
you will also need to create a network address translation (NAT) pool for end
users and one-to-one NAT statements for remote access to internal network
Internal Network IDThis is the Network ID for the subnet that end users use to connect to the BBSM
Hotspot network and, through it, the Internet. The internal subnet consists of the
network devices, end-user clients (such as laptops and PDAs), and the BBSM
Hotspot internal NIC. The number after the slash is the subnet code for the
number of IP addresses available in the block.
You can enter your own private network ID, or you can input a public network
Primary DNS Server Enter the IP address for the primary domain name system (DNS) server
provided by your ISP. Because BBSM Hotspot is not configured as a DNS
server, DNS forwarding is enabled to forward all DNS requests to a remote
DNS server. BBSM Hotspot acts as a DNS forwarder for end-user DNS requests
as well as its own DNS requests. These requests, such as, are
resolved into IP addresses so the Internet routers can locate the web server with
the content.
Table 2-3Subnet Code Conversions
Subnet Code
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Number of
IP Addresses
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Step 6Click Next. The Calculating TCP/IP Addresses window appears. BBSM Hotspot uses the information
provided in the Enter External and Internal IP Addresses window to calculate TCP/IP addresses for the
NoteIf you need to change the IP addresses of the NICs from the defaults generated by the Setup Wizard, you
must use the Address Change Wizard to make these changes. Continue with and complete the Setup
Wizard, then use the Address Change Wizard to change the NIC addresses to the desired settings. Refer
to the “Running the Address Change Wizard” section on page A-1.
(See Figure 2-4 and Tabl e 2 -4 for field descriptions.)
Figure 2-4Calculating TCP/IP Addresses Window
Running the Setup Wizard
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Running the Setup Wizard
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Table 2-4BBSM Hotspot Setup Wizard, Calculating TCP/IP Addresses Field Descriptions
External Network IDThe network ID used for your BBSM external network.
External Broadcast IPThe IP address used to broadcast data within the external network.
External NIC IPThe IP address of the external NIC on BBSM Hotspot. BBSM Hotspot
assigns the first host address that is not the default gateway, as
calculated from the External Network ID field in Step 5.
External NIC Subnet MaskThe subnet mask calculated from the External Network ID subnet code
(after the slash) in Step 5.
Default GatewayThe default gateway address entered in the Default Gateway field in
Step 5.
Internal NIC IPThe IP address on the internal NIC on BBSM Hotspot, as calculated
from the Internal Network ID in Step 5. It is set to the first host address
calculated from the Internal Network ID.
Internal NIC Subnet MaskThe subnet mask on the internal NIC, as calculated from the Internal
Network ID subnet code (after the slash) in Step 5.
Range of Available Addresses The range of IP addresses available for internal network devices and
end-user connections on the internal network. The range is from the
second host ID through the last host ID calculated.
Step 7Click Next. The Restart Computer dialog box appears on top of the Setup Wizard. This dialog box gives
you the option to restart BBSM now or cancel. (See Figure 2-5.) You must restart or reboot for the
IP address settings to take place. If you do not restart, you cannot continue with the setup.
CautionRestarting the BBSM Hotspot server at this point will save all of the settings entered for your server up
to this point. Click No to close the dialog box, which returns you to the Calculating TCP/IP Addresses
window. If you click Cancel at any point after the restart, the server settings and IP addresses that you
have entered at this time will be retained, while settings entered after the restart will be cancelled. If you
run the Setup Wizard a second time and do not change the IP address settings (a reboot is unnecessary),
if you click Cancel, all settings entered at that time, including the server settings, will be cancelled.
Figure 2-5Restart Computer Dialog Box
Step 8
For the IP address configuration settings to take effect, click Yes . The BBSM Hotspot server configures
the new settings, then restarts. After you log in to BBSM Hotspot as Administrator, the Welcome Back
window appears. (See Figure 2-6.)
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Figure 2-6Welcome Back Window
Running the Setup Wizard
CautionBefore continuing, make sure that your router is configured and connected to the Internet.
Step 9Click Next. The Testing Internet Connectivity window appears and begins testing the connection from
BBSM Hotspot through the router to the Internet. A progress bar shows the test time remaining. The test
should take less than a minute. The Back and Next buttons are disabled until the test is complete.
(See Figure 2-7.)
• If the test is successful, a Test Success window pops up with a message telling you that the
connection test was successful. Click OK to close the window, then go to Step 11.
• If the test was unsuccessful, this message appears on the Testing Internet Connectivity web page:
“Setup Wizard was NOT able to verify Internet connectivity. Click Next to continue.” Go to Step 10.
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Running the Setup Wizard
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Figure 2-7BBSM Hotspot Setup Wizard, Testing Internet Connectivity Window
Step 10
Click Next. The Test Failure window appears (Figure 2-8) and provides you with options. Note the
following reasons that the test may have failed and the options for correcting errors:
• Failure to communicate with the default gateway IP address:
Verify the physical connection from BBSM Hotspot to the router.
Make sure that a cross-over cable has been used.
Verify that the link status light is on for both the internal connection of the router and the BBSM
Hotspot external NIC.
Verify that the router IP address was configured correctly. You may need to contact your ISP so
they can verify this setting.
• Failure to communicate with the DNS server IP address:
Verify the physical connection from the router to the Internet.
Verify that the link status light is on for the external connection of the router.
Verify that the ISP provided the correct DNS address and that it was entered correctly.
Contact the ISP to verify this address.
• Failure to resolve the DNS name:—Contact the ISP to verify that the DNS is
The following are the options available to you from the Test Failure window:
Check your physical connections. Then click Back to rerun the test.
After the question asking if you want to change your IP addresses, click Yes. Then click Next
to continue. You are returned to the Enter External and Internal IP Addresses window where you
can enter new IP addresses. Then continue with the setup.
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Figure 2-8Test Failure Window
Running the Setup Wizard
After the question asking if you want to change your IP addresses, click No to ignore the
connectivity issues and continue with the setup. A warning message pops up to tell you that you
must resolve the IP address issue for BBSM Hotspot to work properly. (See Figure 2-9.) You
are then taken to the Enter Network Device Configuration Parameters window.
(See Figure 2-10.)
Click Cancel to stop the setup.
Step 11
Figure 2-9You Must Resolve This Issue Dialog Box
Click Next. The Enter Network Device Configuration Parameters window appears. (See Figure 2-10.)
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Running the Setup Wizard
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
Figure 2-10 Enter Network Device Configuration Parameters Window
Step 12Enter the network device parameters, as described in Ta ble 2-5. The wizard uses this data to determine
the number of IP addresses to allocate to the network device range. (This may have been familiar to
current BBSM customers as the “Management Range.”) This information will also be used in the switch
discovery part of the wizard.
Number of Network DevicesEnter the total number of switches and wireless access points that will
be installed on the BBSM internal network. You can also enter a larger
number than the current amount of network devices in anticipation of
additional devices in the future.
SNMP PasswordEnter the SNMP password that is used to access network devices.
BBSM Hotspot needs this information to run switch discovery. Note
that on Cisco Catalyst switches, the SNMP password is also known as
the SNMP community read/write string.
Step 13Click Next. The Calculating Internal Network Address Ranges window appears, providing you with a
list of the internal IP address ranges that have been calculated and assigned by the BBSM Hotspot server.
These include the following:
• Network Device Addresses—These addresses are allocated to the network devices. This address
range is allocated from the “Number of Network Devices” number entered in Step 12.
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
CautionThe IP addresses of your switches and access points must be set to addresses that are within
• DHCP Client Addresses—These addresses are allocated to the DHCP client address pool. Because
most network devices are configured as DHCP, after the BBSM NIC and the network device
addresses have been allocated, BBSM Hotspot allocates 90 percent of the available end-user
addresses to the DHCP pool. You can modify this address range in the Hotspot Configuration tool
on the Dashboard or by using the Address Change Wizard.
• Static Client Addresses—These addresses are allocated to the statically configured client address
pool. Because static configurations are not common, this range is allocated by BBSM Hotspot to
10 percent of the total remaining pool after the BBSM NIC and the Network Device addresses have
been allocated.
this Network Devices Address range. To increase performance, we recommend using the
numbers in this range consecutively so that any unused IP addresses are at the end of the
Step 14
Click Next. The Discovering Network Devices window appears, showing that BBSM Hotspot is running
switch discovery to find network devices connected to the BBSM Hotspot internal network.
(See Figure 2-12.) As each device is discovered, BBSM Hotspot is automatically configured to work
with the device. The progress bar shows the number of devices found based on the number entered in
Step 12. The Back and Next buttons are disabled until the process is complete.
Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
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