Cisco Systems 4028650000000 User Manual

Cisco D9865 Satellite Receiver
Installation and Operation Guide
Please Read This Entire Guide Veuillez lire entièrement ce guide Bitte das gesamte Handbuch durchlesen Sírvase leer completamente la presente guía
Please read this entire guide before you install or operate this product. Give particular attention to all safety statements.
Veuillez lire entièrement ce guide avant d'installer ou d'utiliser ce produit. Prêtez une attention particulière à toutes les règles de sécurité.
Zu beachten:
Bitte lesen Sie vor Aufstellen oder Inbetriebnahme des Gerätes dieses Handbuch in seiner Gesamtheit durch. Achten Sie dabei besonders auf die Sicherheitshinweise.
Sírvase leer la presente guía antes de instalar o emplear este producto. Preste especial atención a todos los avisos de seguridad.
Trademark Acknowledgements
Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco’s trademarks can be found at
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Other third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1007R)
Publication Disclaimer
Cisco Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in this publication. We reserve the right to change this publication at any time without notice. This document is not to be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel, or otherwise any license or right under any copyright or patent, whether or not the use of any information in this document employs an invention claimed in any existing or later issued patent.
© 2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Printed in United States of America.
Information in this publication is subject to change without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by photocopy, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express permission of Cisco Systems, Inc.
This Cisco product (D9865 Satellite Receiver) contains, in part, certain free software (“Free Software”) which has one or more types of licenses. The licenses may include the GNU General Public License (GPL), which allows you to freely copy, modify and redistribute the Free Software. Please go to:
opensource/scientificatlanta/satellitereceiver to find additional information
regarding the Free Software, including a copy of the licenses and related information. If you have any questions or problems accessing the link, please contact:

Safety Precautions

1. Read these instructions.
2. Keep these instructions.
3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not use this apparatus near water.
6. Clean only with dry cloth.
7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus including amplifiers) that produce heat.
9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide v
Safety Precautions, Continued
12. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.
14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
15. Do not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing and ensure that no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, are placed on the apparatus.
16. To completely disconnect this apparatus from the AC Mains, disconnect the power supply cord plug from the AC receptacle.
17. The mains plug of the power supply cord shall remain readily operable.
18. Damage Requiring Service: Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:
(a) When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged. (b) If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the product. (c) If the product has been exposed to rain or water. (d) If the product does not operate normally by following the operating
instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation.
(e) If the product has been dropped or damaged in any way. (f) The product exhibits a distinct change in performance.
vi D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C
Safety Precautions, Continued
19. Replacement Parts: When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician uses replacement parts specified by Cisco, or parts having the same operating characteristics as the original parts. Unauthorized part substitutions made may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.
20. Safety Check: Upon completion of any service or repairs made to this product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the product is in safe operating condition.
21. Outdoor Antenna Grounding: If an outside antenna or cable system is connected to this product, ensure that the antenna or cable system is properly grounded to provide protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. Appropriate sections of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 1990) provide information with respect to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and requirements for the grounding electrode (see Satellite Receiver and Satellite Antenna Satellite Antenna Grounding).
Satellite Receiver & Satellite Antenna Grounding
Before you can operate your satellite receiver system, both the satellite receiver chassis and the satellite antenna LNB connection(s) must be properly grounded. For information about grounding your satellite receiver, also referred to as “receiver”, and satellite antenna follow:
Grounding the receiver: The receiver ground connection is made from the shield conductor attached to the RF coaxial cable “F” connector (rear panel RF IN input) to an external grounding rod via a receiver/antenna grounding block. A separate grounding wire connects the grounding block (and the satellite antenna LNB grounding block) to the grounding rod.
Grounding the LNB and/or VHF/UHF antenna: The antenna ground connection is made from the satellite LNB/antenna ground and/or the VHF/UHF terrestrial antenna discharge unit to an external grounding rod via a receiver/antenna grounding block.
General grounding information: The actual ground/cable connections made depend on your site installation requirements, and on the type of satellite antenna and/or VHF/UHF terrestrial antenna you have. If your satellite antenna installation includes a dual-port LNB, both RF coaxial cables must be routed to the grounding block. When connecting RF coaxial antenna cables to the grounding block, looping the antenna cables as shown in the accompanying figure helps to direct moisture away from the grounding block. Always choose the shortest route possible when connecting RF coaxial cables to the receiver/antenna grounding block and when connecting the grounding wire(s) to the grounding rod.
1)Multi-strand (braided) shield surrounding the center conductor of the coaxial cable.
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Safety Precautions, Continued
Important: Each ground connection must be made using a single (continuous) piece of wire. Never splice two wires together when making a ground connection. Corrosion and weathering can cause a poor electrical connection at the splice which can lead to an ineffective and dangerous ground condition.
Figure 1. Outdoor antenna grounding
Install this product on a flat surface only, ensuring that all four rubber feet are making full contact with the mounting surface. During normal operation, it is recommended that physical contact be limited to using the front panel buttons only. Do not place any other equipment directly on top of the receiver, and prevent foreign objects from coming into direct contact with the chassis. Subjecting this product to abnormal impact may result in momentary interruption of video service.
viii D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C

Safety Precautions (EU Market)

Mesures de Sécurité Sicherheitmassnahmen Precauciones de Seguridad Warning
To prevent fire or electric shock:
• Do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture.
• Avoid spilling liquids on or near this apparatus.
• Do not open the top cover of this apparatus.
• Do not push objects through openings in this apparatus.
• Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
Afin d'éviter tout incendie ou choc électrique:
• Ne laissez pas cet appareil sous la pluie ou dans un endroit humide.
• Ne renversez pas de liquide sur ou à proximité de l'appareil.
• N'ouvrez pas le couvercle supérieur de l'appareil.
• N'insérez pas d'objet dans les ouvertures de l'appareil.
• Faites réparer votre appareil par une personne qualifiée.
Um Feuer oder elektrischen Schock zu vermeiden:
• Keiner Nässe oder Feuchtigkeit aussetzen.
• Keine Flüssigkeiten auf oder in der Nähe des Gerätes verschütten.
• Den oberen Deckel nicht öffnen.
• Keine Gegenstande in die Geräteöffnungen stecken.
• Arbeiten am Gerät nur von qualifiziertem.
Para prevenir incendio o una descarga electrica:
• No exponga este aparato a la lluvia o a la humedad.
• Evite derramar liquidos en o cerca del aparato.
• No abra la cubierta superior de este aparato.
• No introduzca objetos a traves de las aberturas de este aparato.
• Mandelo a servicio unicamente donde existe personal calificado.
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Safety Precautions (EU Market), Continued
• To protect this apparatus against damage from lightning storms and power-line surges, or when you are not using this apparatus for a long period of time, disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet.
• To disconnect the cord, pull it out by grasping the plug. Never pull the cord itself. Additionally, never walk on, place objects on, or pinch the power cord.
• The top cover on this apparatus has openings for ventilation to protect it from overheating. To ensure reliable operation, do not block or cover these openings by placing this apparatus on a bed, sofa, rug, or any similar surface, or by placing entertainment apparatus, lamps, books, or other objects on the top cover.
• Additionally, never place this apparatus near or over a radiator or heat register, or a built-in installation, such as a bookcase or rack, unless the installation provides proper ventilation.
• Locate this apparatus on a stable, vibration-free surface capable of supporting its weight and size.
Précautions à prendre
• Afin de protéger votre appareil des orages et des surtensions de courant ou si vous ne l'utilisez pas pendant une période prolongée, débranchez de la prise électrique du secteur.
• Pour débrancher, tirez sur la prise. Ne tirez jamais sur le cordon secteur. En outre, ne marchez jamais sur le cordon, ne placez pas d'objet dessus et ne le coincez pas.
• Le couvercle supérieur de cet appareil comprend des ouvertures pour la ventilation afin d'éviter qu'il ne chauffe trop. Pour assurer un bon fonctionnement, ne bloquez pas ou ne couvrez pas ces ouvertures en plaçant cet appareil sur un lit, un sofa, un tapis ou toute autre surface sembiable. Ne posez pas de lampes, livres ou tout autre objet sur le couvercle supérieur.
• De plus, il ne faut jamais mettre cet appareil près d'un radiateur ou tout autre élément dégageant de la chaleur. Ne l'incorporez pas dans une installation comme une bibliothèque, une étagére, à moins que l'installation offre une ventilation appropriée.
• Installez cet appareil sur une surface dégagée, stable et sans vibration capable de supporter son poids et sa taille.
x D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C
Safety Precautions (EU Market), Continued
• Um dieses Gerät vor Biltzschlag bzw. Stromüberladung zu schützen, oder wenn das Gerät längere Zeit nicht benutzt wird, soll der Stecker aus der Steckdose gezogen werden.
• Zum Abschalten immer am Stecker selbst und nie am Kabel ziehen. Außerdem nie darauf treten, einen Gegenstand darauf legen oder das Kabel drücken.
• Die Oberseite des Gerätes hat Ventilationsöffnungen, die das Gerät vor Überhitzung schützen. Um einwandfreies Funktionieren zu gewährleisten, dürfen diese Öffnungen nicht blockiert oder verdeckt werden (z.B. nicht auf ein Bett, Sofa, Teppich oder ähnliche Unterlagen stellen, oder Lampen, Bücher oder ähnliches auf das Gerät stellen).
• Außerdem soll dieses Gerät nie in der Nähe einer Heizquelle stehen. Vermeiden Sie, das Gerät in einem geschlossenen Platz aufzustellen, z. B. Schrank, wo ausreichende Ventilation nicht möglich ist.
• Stellen Sie das Gerät auf eine stabile und schwingungsfreie Unterlage, die für das Gerät groß genug ist.
• Para proteger este aparato contra daños producidos port tormentas eléctricas y pulsaciones de energia eléctrica, o cuando no use este aparato por largo tiempo, desconéctelo del tomacorriente de CA.
• Para desconectar el cable, tómelo del enchufe y desconéctelo. Nunca tire del cable directamente. Asimismo, nunca apriete, pise, o coloque objetos sobre el cable.
• La cubierta superior de este aparato tiene aberturas de ventilación para evitar que se recaliente. Para asegurar una operación confiable, no bloquee o cubra estas aberturas colocando este aparato sobre una cama, sofá, alfombra o cualquier superficle similar, o colocando sobre la cubierta superior artefactos de entretenimiento, lámparas, libros u otros objetos.
• Adicionalmente, nunca coloque este aparato cerca o sobre una salida de calefacción o lo instale en un lugar tal como un mueble integrado o estante para libros, a menos que la instalación proporcione una ventilación adecuada.
• Coloque este aparato sobre una superficle estable, sin vibraciones y que tenga la capacidad de aguantar su peso y tamaño.
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Safety Precautions (EU Market), Continued
AC Mains Lead Connection (Important)
The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:
•Blue: Neutral
•Brown: Live
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with coloured markings identifying the terminal in your apparatus, proceed as follows:
1. The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal which is
marked with the letter N or coloured black.
The wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red.
Do not connect the blue or brown wires to the earth terminal of a three-pin plug. Note: The earth terminal is distinguished by its color (green, or green-yellow), or by being marked with the letter E, or marked with the safety earth symbol ( ).
xii D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C
Safety Precautions.......................................................................................................................................v
Safety Precautions (EU Market).................................................................................................................ix
Chapter 1 Quick Setup - Read Me First!
About the Video Standard...............................................................................................1-1
Quick Setup Instructions..................................................................................................1-2
Rear Panels Connections..................................................................................................1-4
Chapter 2 Introduction
D9865 Satellite Receiver ...................................................................................................2-2
Chapter 3 Front Panel Operation
About the Front Panel ......................................................................................................3-2
Common Interface Modules............................................................................................3-5
Remote Control Functions...............................................................................................3-6
Chapter 4 Setup and Monitoring via On-Screen Display
Main Menu.........................................................................................................................4-3
Channel List without EPG...............................................................................................4-6
Introduction to the EPG ...................................................................................................4-7
Setting Timers..................................................................................................................4-10
Setting Up Your Favorite Channels..............................................................................4-13
Setting Up One Button Channel Change.....................................................................4-16
Setup Menu......................................................................................................................4-17
Setting up Tuning / Preset ............................................................................................4-18
Setting up the Preset / LNB ..........................................................................................4-21
Setting up LNB ................................................................................................................4-23
Setting Up the Satellite Dish..........................................................................................4-26
Setting up the Video .......................................................................................................4-33
Setting up Subtitles .........................................................................................................4-40
Setting up Audio.............................................................................................................4-42
Advanced Setup ..............................................................................................................4-44
Setting up Advanced User Settings..............................................................................4-45
Changing the Lock Level Password.............................................................................4-48
Setting up POV Mode.....................................................................................................4-50
Network Setup.................................................................................................................4-52
Configuring Noise Cutoffs ............................................................................................4-63
Setting up Alarms and Warnings .................................................................................4-67
Viewing Downloads .......................................................................................................4-69
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide xiii
Contents, Continued
Setting Bootable Application Selection........................................................................4-70
System Information ........................................................................................................4-71
Viewing the Version Information.................................................................................4-72
Viewing Hardware Information...................................................................................4-73
Viewing Installed Options.............................................................................................4-74
Viewing Service Information.........................................................................................4-75
Viewing Channel Information ......................................................................................4-76
Viewing DVB-CI Information .......................................................................................4-77
Viewing Device Status Information .............................................................................4-79
Viewing the Active Alarm and Warning Messages...................................................4-80
Viewing the RF Status ....................................................................................................4-82
Viewing Advanced RF Diagnostics..............................................................................4-84
Viewing ADP Status.......................................................................................................4-85
Chapter 5 Setup and Monitoring via Web GUI
Logging on to the Web GUI.............................................................................................5-3
Web GUI - Summary Screen............................................................................................5-4
D9865 Web GUI Environment ........................................................................................5-7
Tuning Setup .....................................................................................................................5-9
Setting Up Dish Pointing ...............................................................................................5-12
Setting up SI Receive Parameters .................................................................................5-16
Setting up Muting Threshold Controls........................................................................5-18
Setting up the Tuning Presets/LNB.............................................................................5-21
Setting up LNB Presets...................................................................................................5-23
Viewing Input Status......................................................................................................5-25
Setting the Channel Information ..................................................................................5-26
Configuring the Common Interface (CI) Information...............................................5-28
Viewing the PSI Tables...................................................................................................5-32
Viewing PSI Frequency Information............................................................................5-33
Viewing the PSI Channels..............................................................................................5-34
Setting up the Video .......................................................................................................5-35
Configuring Captions.....................................................................................................5-37
Setting up Subtitles .........................................................................................................5-38
Setting up Audio.............................................................................................................5-41
Viewing System Information ........................................................................................5-43
Viewing Features/Licenses ...........................................................................................5-44
Setting Up IP Information..............................................................................................5-45
Setting Up IP Routing.....................................................................................................5-46
xiv D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C
Contents, Continued
Setting Up SNMP and Trap Destinations....................................................................5-48
Configuring Time/Clock Information.........................................................................5-50
Configuring Favorites and Reminders ........................................................................5-51
Viewing the Alarm/Warning Status............................................................................5-53
Setting Up Alarms and Warnings ................................................................................5-54
Viewing the Alarm/Warning History.........................................................................5-56
Viewing Version Information .......................................................................................5-57
Setting Up Import/Export Information.......................................................................5-59
Viewing the Backup/Restore History..........................................................................5-61
Managing D9865 Web GUI Accounts ..........................................................................5-62
Configuring Lock Level Settings ..................................................................................5-65
Viewing Contact Information .......................................................................................5-67
Viewing Diagnostic Logs...............................................................................................5-68
Viewing the Usage Counters.........................................................................................5-69
Performing Service Actions...........................................................................................5-71
Chapter 6 Customer Information
Product Support................................................................................................................6-2
Returning Products...........................................................................................................6-4
Chapter 7 Service and Maintenance
Troubleshooting ..............................................................................................................7-19
Appendix A Technical Specifications
Receiver Specifications....................................................................................................A-2
LNB Requirements...........................................................................................................A-3
DVB-S Eb/No (C/N) Ratio.............................................................................................A-4
DVB-S2 Error Rate Performance ES/No (C/N) Ratio................................................A-5
Video Output....................................................................................................................A-6
Audio Outputs..................................................................................................................A-7
Power .................................................................................................................................A-8
Appendix B Default Settings
Factory Default Settings.................................................................................................. B-2
Appendix C Lock Levels
D9865 Satellite Receiver Lock Levels ............................................................................C-2
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide xv
Contents, Continued
Appendix D Compliance
Applicable Notices and Disclaimer...............................................................................D-1
xvi D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C

Quick Setup - Read Me First!

About the Video Standard

The Video Standard used to operate the receiver is preset at the factory to either NTSC (525-line), or PAL (625-line). Changing the Video Standard is normally required only when operating the receiver in a network or jurisdiction that uses the alternate Video Standard, and/or when new (or different) subscriber services are made available. Changing the Video Standard or resetting the receiver to the default factory settings may cause TV video to display improperly.
Satellite Receiver Startup
1. Check your installation:
Check that your receiver is correctly installed and connected to the satellite LNB antenna, to other A/V equipment (as required) and to AC power.
Important! This product plugs into a socket outlet. A socket outlet must be near this product, and must be easily accessible. This product may not have a main power switch; the power cord serves this purpose.
The product has a power switch (located on the rear panel). It may be used to turn off the receiver to conserve energy.
Chapter 1
2. The application code version and APP appears on the receiver front panel while
it is powering up. It takes about 60 seconds for the receiver to completely power up. Once the receiver has completely powered up, a flashing “.” appears on the front panel.
3. Turning on the receiver: Press the DISPLAY button on the Remote Control or
press the DISPLAY button on the receiver front panel.
4. A “No signal” message is displayed on the TV monitor. To set up your receiver
for your network to receive your authorized programs, refer to Quick Setup Instructions, on page 1-2.
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 1-1

Quick Setup Instructions

The following instructions are for use with the Remote Control.
1. Display the MAIN MENU by pressing MENU.
2. Press the
3. Move to the Tuning / Preset menu and press OK.
4. Enter or select the following parameters on this menu from your service
provider. Refer to About the Front Panel, on page 3-2 for instructions on the use of the arrow buttons.
•Enter the Modulation Type (DVB-S, DVB-S2).
•Enter the Downlink Frequency (in GHz).
•Enter the Symbol Rate (in MS/s).
•Enter the NetId.
• Select LO Select (On, Off, Auto) when using a Ku-band dual LNB. This controls the 22 kHz tone.
•Enter LO Freq 1 (in GHz) based on C or Ku-Band LNB operation (e.g., 9.75 for Ku-Band, 5.150 for C-Band).
•Enter LO Freq 2 (in GHz). Use this when using a Ku-band dual LNB. LO Freq 2 > LO Freq 1.
•Enter the Crossover frequency when using a Ku-band dual LNB.
•Enter the LNB Power. Turn on if using the receiver to power the LNB.
• Select DiSEqC (if required). This allows control of the satellite dish motor.
Note: LNB Power must be on to use DiSEqC functions.
• Select the LNB port for the DiSEqC Switch (if used).
button to move to the Setup Menu and press OK.
Note: The LNB power alarm will be on if LNB power is on for use with a
DisEqC switch, but external power is also used.
Receivers with Factory Pre-configured Presets
If the receiver has been factory pre-configured with presets, press the yellow button to go to the Preset / LNB Setup menu to view the presets and select the one for your network.
Note: You need to press OK to view the parameters and Name of the preset.
Once you have selected your network preset by scrolling through the presets in the Preset field, press the blue button to Activate the displayed preset as the current preset.
Go to Step 5.
1-2 D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C
Quick Setup Instructions, Continued
5. The “Acquiring Network” message is displayed until the “Acquisition Status” message appears. Press OK to continue or press EXIT to cancel and return to the menu. If the dish is aligned, Signal Lock will display “Lock” to the right.
Press EXIT to go to video. If the dish is not aligned, the “Acquisition Failed” message is displayed. Select
OK to save the settings. Go to the Dish Setup menu to align the dish.
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 1-3

Rear Panels Connections

D9865B Satellite Receiver
D9865H Satellite Receiver
1-4 D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C
Rear Panels Connections, Continued
D9865D Satellite Receiver
Note: Only ETH1 Ethernet port is currently available.
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 1-5
1-6 D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C



This chapter is a general introduction to the Cisco® D9865 Satellite Receiver. It describes the most common applications and interfaces of the receiver.
In This Chapter
This chapter contains the following topics.
Chapter 2
Topic See Page
D9865 Satellite Receiver 2-2
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 2-1

D9865 Satellite Receiver

General Description
The Cisco D9865 Satellite Receiver is designed for satellite content distribution and it targets the broadcast, business TV, private networks, and SMATV environment. The receiver offers the ability to receive digitally encrypted video, audio, VBI, and data. It provides a cost-effective, variable-rate solution to transition existing DVB­S/MPEG-2 services to DVB-S2/MPEG-4. Additional features include IP data and RS-232 utility data (D9865D only).
The unit is set up via the on-screen display menu, using a handheld infrared remote control, or navigation keys on the front panel of the receiver. The unit can also be set up and monitored using the embedded Web interface. User-editable presets are provided for quick re-tuning to other broadcasts. The receiver also supports SNMP control via the Ethernet port as an option.
Free-to-air Reception
This receiver is capable of receiving a DVB/MPEG compliant free-to-air broadcast.
Secured Broadcast Reception
Supporting the PowerVu conditional access with DES or DVB descrambling, or with DVB Conditional Access Module (CAM) based DVB CA systems, this receiver can be used to receive secured corporate communication of video, audio, and data broadcast. It can also be used for secured delivery of TV programming to hotels, MDUs, homes, and commercial establishments such as restaurants and stores.
Data Outputs (D9865D only)
Data outputs can be used for distribution of electronic documents, such as price lists and video files. Utility data (RS-232) can be used for smaller file transfer at a slower speed. DVB MPE IP data via an Ethernet interface allows for connection to a local area network for larger file transfer or communication with multiple network clients.
MIB Browser
A MIB Browser is a type of SNMP manager, which can be used to communicate with SNMP agents. It is a tool for reading and writing to controls and status objects defined by the MIB.
Note: A MIB file is included in the delivery from Cisco for the D9865 Satellite Receiver to support 3rd party SNMP managers.
2-2 D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C
D9865 Satellite Receiver, Continued
Key Features
The D9865 receiver provides the following key features:
• DVB-S QPSK, DVB-S2 QPSK/8PSK demodulation
• Variable QPSK symbol rates from 1 to 45 MS/s for DVB-S and 1 to 31 MS/s for
• CAM interface hardware for DVB CAM-based descrambling
• 4:2:0 High Definition (HD) MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AVC decoding
• 4:2:0 Standard Definition (SD) MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AVC decoding
• 4:2:0 NTSC and PAL (B/G/I/D/M/N) video decoding
•MPEG, Dolby
• DVB Subtitling and DVB VBI (WST, WSS, VPS)
• One unbalanced stereo pair of audio outputs
• Line 21 closed caption and V-chip support
• Fingerprint trigger
• Service replacement
• Field upgradeable software and security
• Front panel 4-digit LED for channel display
• On-screen display menu for setup and status
• User-editable preset configurations
• Low Speed Data
• SNMP traps support for alarms and warnings
• MIB Browser support, used to manage SNMP requests
• Web browser interface for easy setup, control and monitoring
• Browse channels using the Electronic Program Guide (EPG)
conditional access with DES and DVB descrambling
Digital Plus and HE-AAC audio decoding
Optional Features
The following features are available options:
• HDMI and component video outputs for HDTV (D9865H and D9865D only)
• Support HDCP on HDMI port (D9865H and D9865D only)
• Dual Ethernet 10/100BaseT for IP data and SNMP control (D9865D only)
• Multiprotocol Encapsulation (MPE) data support with static Unicast routes and
Multicast forwarding (D9865D only)
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 2-3
2-4 D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C


This chapter describes how to set up the D9865 Satellite Receiver using the front panel keys and display. This information is primarily applicable for standalone operation.
In This Chapter
This chapter contains the following topics.
Chapter 3

Front Panel Operation

Topic See Page
About the Front Panel 3-2
Common Interface Modules 3-5
Remote Control Functions 3-6
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 3-1

About the Front Panel

CI Slot
Navigation Selection
Display Button
LCD Panel
The front panel of your satellite receiver provides controls for enabling the receiver’s video output, and for interfacing with the remote control. MUTE, SIGNAL and MENU LEDs are also provided. Some remote control buttons are duplicated on the front panel for activating and navigating menus.
Button Function
DISPLAY • Enables the video display output.
• When the video display is enabled, the channel number is displayed on the front panel. When switched off, a “.” flashes.
MENU • Enters Menu mode or returns to video.
• Returns to previous menu.
SELECT • Selects menus.
• Enters or exits edit mode.
• In Menu mode, used to navigate menus.
• In Video mode, used for volume up/down.
• In Video mode, used for channel up/down.
3-2 D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C
About the Front Panel, Continued
To change a setting on a menu using the front panel:
1. Use the
2. For numeric options, you can:
3. To access the menus at the bottom of the screen (for example, Save), navigate to
4. Press Menu to move to the previous menu.
Front Panel LEDs
The functions of the LEDs are described in the table below.
MUTE • On when sound is muted.
SIGNAL • On when receiver is synchronized with the incoming
 buttons to move to the setting you want to change. Press the
Select button to select the setting.
•use the
• navigate to Keyboard using the
the appropriate selection using the message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
 buttons to change the value one digit at a time, or
 buttons to use an on-screen
 buttons and press Select. A help
LED Function
digital signal and authorized for the current channel.
• Flashing when a signal has been found, but receiver is not authorized for the current channel.
• Off when no signal has been found. For more information about troubleshooting your satellite receiver, see Troubleshooting, on page 7-19.
MENU • On when on-screen menus are displayed.
CI Slot
The CI Slot allows the use of CAM (Conditional Access Module) Smart Card to decrypt purchased programming. For setup information, see Viewing DVB-CI
Information, on page 4-77 and Configuring the Common Interface (CI) Information, on page 5-28. For a list of supported CAMs, refer to Common Interface Modules, on page 3-5.
4035197 Rev C D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 3-3
About the Front Panel, Continued
Keyboard Display
Press the MENU and SELECT buttons simultaneously on the Front Panel to display a keyboard on the TV monitor. The keyboard allows alphabetical and numerical character entry in menu fields using the front panel. Alternatively, press the red button on the remote control.
Note: You must have a menu field selected (i.e., must be in edit mode) to display the keyboard.
1. Use the arrow buttons to move along the keyboard.
2. Press OK to select a number or letter for each entry.
Setting the TV Video Format
The video format is set to the standard format for your country. Check with your satellite or local service provider before changing this setting to ensure it is set correctly. If you are instructed to change this setting for your TV set:
1. Press the SELECT and
2. Press SELECT and panel (e.g., NTSC, PAL, etc).
3. Press
4. Press SELECT to save the setting and re-display the selected channel.
until you display your video format. Each change is viewable on-
Note: You must be in video mode (i.e., on-screen menus not displayed) to perform this function on the receiver front panel.
Note: This function is not available through the remote control.
buttons on the receiver front panel at the same time.
again. The video format is displayed on the receiver front
3-4 D9865 Satellite Receiver Installation and Operation Guide 4035197 Rev C
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