dertaking any form of maintenance, modification of connections, repairs, etc. If you suspect any operational
EDS-3G (Efficiency Data Server) is an energy efficiency manager with a built-in GPRS/3G modem. The device has an
RS-485 communications bus, as well as 8 digital i nputs and 6 digital outputs via relay, which allow it to communicate with external field devices, representing and storing the information via its Ethernet connection and integrated web server. EDS- 3G also has a standard XML server, through which other external applications can integrate information from the device easily and intuitively.
This document represents the user an d operation manual of the
EDS-3G device. If misplaced, the manual may be downloaded
faults in the device or in its protecti on system, remove the device from service. The design of the device makes it easy to replace in the event of a fault.
1.- Buttons
The front panel of the EDS-3G device has an alphanumeric
LCD displ ay, along with four function buttons, allowing the user to navigate through the configuration screens of the device.
The buttons have two operating methods: SHORT KEYSTROKE: when the user presses the function button for
less than two seconds. LONG KEYSTROKE: when the user presses the function button for
more than two seconds. The buttons have the following functions:
Scroll left: edit button, scrolls the cursor to the left to modify the numerical or alphanumeric digit.
Scroll RIGHT: edit button, scrolls the cursor to the right to modify the numerical or alphanumeric digit.
Scroll up: the function of this button is to modify the digit where the edit cursor is located. If there is no cursor on the screen, move up to the next step of the previous configuration option.
Scroll down: the function of this button is to modify the digit where the edit cursor is located. If there is no cursor on the screen, move down to the next step of the previous configuration option.
2.- Configuration
The device has two clear configuration routes: the first one is related to the Ethernet network (IP addressing) and GPRS/3G network integration start-up, and the second one is related to the configuration of the internal application and possible association with other field devices via the RS485 bus.

2.1.- Network addressing

EDS-3G is a device with self-detecting Ethernet
10/100BaseTX connectivity. This means that, in order to integrate the device into a Local Area Network, it must be provided with a previous IP addressing configuration.
The user can access the configuration parameters via the display and the function keys on the front panel of the device, or through the internal configuration web site, which is accessible via a conventional Internet browser.

2.2.- Network parameter confi guration (Keyboard)

The configuration of the Ethernet network parameters can be fully carried out using the function buttons on the front panel of the device.
To access the setup menu, simultaneously hold down the keys Scroll RIGHT, Scroll up and Scroll down for more than two seconds. The device shows the text hold on 2 seconds to enter
setup on screen and after 2 seconds the display shows ENTERING SETUP RELEASE THE KEYS.
from CIRCUTOR's web site:
Disconnect the device from the power supply source before un
2.2.1.- MAC address
After entering the setup menu, the device displays MAC (Media Access Control) physical address on screen, with a 00:26:45:XX:XX:XX type format. This is an information panel that the user can use to know the physical address of the device. To go the next setup screen, press the Scroll down key.
2.2.2.- DHCP assignment
After entering the setup menu, the device displays DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), and shows the by default NO option. To modify the option displayed on the screen, press Scroll RIGHT until the YES option appears. Do this twice and the device cyclical ly displ ays both options until one of them is validated.
When the DHCP server is activated via the YES capti on, press the Scroll down key to go to the next option. Client ID - ( DHCP YES )

After activation of the DHCP authentication and the subsequent validation, the device displays the Client ID parameter configuration on the screen, which makes reference to the DHCP name of the device to be logged into the Ethernet network.
The Scroll RIGHT key is used to enable the edit cursor on the first digit. Press this key and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry of up to 20 digits. After the data is entered, press the Scroll RIGHT key twice until the edit ke y disappears, and then validate the data with the Scroll down key, by going to the next screen. Assigned values - ( DHCP YES )

After entering the Client ID name in the device for the first time, the device displays the parameters assigned by the DHCP server on the screen. The parameters that are being edited will not be fi xed until the device is fully configured, so that it will displa y the foll owi ng fiel ds on the screen, which cannot be edited (asterisk on the upper left hand corner):
- IP
- Netmask
At this point, the DHCP server has not assigned the Ethernet addressing values yet (displaying Press the Scroll down a few times until you select the APN Modem option..
The 3G version of the unit does not offer the Gateway and Primary and Secondary DNS configuration option. This is due to the fact that the unit is connected to the Internet via the GPRS/3G network and not via the local area network. To this end, the unit is connected to the Ethernet network and only available on the same local area network, with no routing possibilities, due to the lack of the gateway.
2.2.3.- APN Modem
The configuration parameters associated with the modem's GPRS/3G connection must be entered in accordance with the configuration used by the operator in each case. The SIM card must be inserted and a data tariff must be enabled for this application.
The unit must be disconnected from the auxiliary power supply to insert or remove the SIM card.
APN or Access Point Name is the GPRS access point name that must be configured on the mobile device to provide access to computer networks.
The Scroll RIGHT key is used to enable the edit cursor on the first digit. Press this key and the Scroll down and Scroll up buttons to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry of up to 20 digits. After the data is entered, press the Scroll RIGHT key twi ce until the edit key disappears, and then validate the data with the Scroll down key, by going to the next screen.
2.2.4.- User modem
The user wil l be supplied by the operator that supplies the SIM card. The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data with the Scroll down key.
2.2.5.- Password modem
The password will be supplied by the operator that supplies the SIM card. The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data with the Scroll down key.
2.2.6.- PIN modem
The PIN wi ll be supplied by the operator that supplies the SIM card. The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data with the Scroll down key.
Insert the PIN and the unit will displ ay **** on the screen. The value is visible and can be edited in configuration mode, provided that the security option is not enabled (Enable Security).
2.2.7.- Reset modem
The unit has an automatic reset system that is activated when a fault or anomaly is detected in the mobile connection system, but since the unit can be installed remotely in a place that is hard to access, it also has a forced auto reset system for the GPRS/3G connection. This RESET MODEM (HOURS) is expressed in hours, which indicates that the device is automatically reset when the unit has been connected with a GPRS/3G connection with no interruptions during a determined number of hours.
The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key, and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data with the Scroll down key.
2.2.8.- Primary NTP
The device can be synchronised with a time and date NTP server (Network Time Protocol) server in the UTC time system. The device does not display a value by default, indicating that the synchronisation is completed via DHCP, if the network server allows this to be done. In this case, it is the main server.
To configure an NTP server that is different from the DHCP (, press the Scroll RIGHT key, enabling the edit cursor on the first digit. Set parameters for an alphanumeric data entry with the Scroll up and down buttons up to a maximum of 20 digits, indicating an http address or internal or external IP (if the device has Internet access). After establishing the parameters, press the Scroll RIGHT key repeatedly until the edit cursor disappears and validate the data with the Scroll down key, opening the next screen.
Servers available on the Internet:
2.2.9.- Secondary NTP
configuration of the secondary NTP server, carry out the same procedure as with the Primary NTP.
2.2.10.- Time Zone
Press the Scroll RIGHT key to select the time zone where the EDS-3G device is l ocated. After selecting the zone, press the Scroll down key, and go to the next screen.
2.2.11.- Dyn DNS type
The Dyn DNS type menu offers two dynamic communications systems, when working with connections with no fixed IP and which require identification by a connection master.
To configure a dynamic system, press the Scroll RIGHT key until the desired system is selected (DynDNS, cirdns or disabled).
After it has been selected, press the Scroll down key to open the next screen. DynDNS System

DynDNS (Dynamic Network Services) can update information on domain names hosted in a name server in real time. The most common use involves assigning an Internet domain name to a PC with a variable IP address (EDS-3G with a dynamic IP in this case). This all ows the unit to be connected with no need to hire an Internet connection with fixed IP identification. DynDNS - host

Enter the DNS server name supplied by the dynamic DynDNS service provider.
The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key, and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data with the Scroll down key. DynDNS - user

Enter the user name (user) of the dynamic DynDNS service supplied by the service provider.
The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key, and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data with the Scroll down key. DynDNS - password

Enter the password of the dynamic DynDNS service supplied by the service provider.
The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key, and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data with the Scroll down key.
M98240601-03-13B CirDNS System

CirDNS is a proprietary system that has been designed to invert the role of the remote device connection process. The devices start the communication process with the remote connections server, by creating a transparent communications tunnel between the device and connection server. Therefore, the user avoids having to hire and maintain a fixed IP system or DynDNS in its remote control locations.
Once the connections have been received by a central computer, said connections are shared by a local DNS name server, hosted in a machine with the software supplied with the EDS device. CirDNS - host
Enter the name with which the local DNS name server will be identified when it is connected to the central server. For example, w hen conf igur ing EDS001 when it is connected to the main server, the server will identify it with the local DNS name (after the name server has been installed - refer to the CirDNS user manual).
The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key, and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data by pressing the Scroll down key. CirDNS - password
An authentication password can be activated in the CirDNS system installed on the server to provide access to the remote devices machine. In this case, the EDS-3G units that wish to connect to the machine must have an access password established for such purposes.
The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key, and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data with the Scroll down key. CirDNS - server
Enter the destination IP or DNS name where the device will be actively connected. This is an alphanumeric field.
The cursor is enabled with the Scroll RIGHT key, and the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons can be used to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry. Validate the data with the Scroll down key. CirDNS - port
Enter the port used to access the central server, where the CirDNS connections software was installed. This computer must have an access port used to connect all remote devices, in order to establish a transparent communications tunnel.
In this case, access to the Internet connection from the central location will require the use of a connection router, which will establish a NAT access rule to activate a UDP connection port in the connection server (connection path).
An access port must be activated in the Internet access router, which will internally transfer the public communication frames to the CirDNS internal connection server and to a port specified by and known to the user.
2.2.12.- Enable Security
A user and edition password can be activated in the device, thus avoiding modification of the configuration parameters. The device displays NO by default. It should be pointed out that if the password is activated, it will be present in all the device's configuration and display accesses (keyboard, W eb configuration and internal applications).
To modify the option displayed on screen, Scroll RIGHT until the option YES appears. Do this twice and the device cyclically displays both options until one of them is validated. Establish the parameters for the alphanumeric data entry with the Scroll up and down buttons, up to 20 digits corresponding to the user, and when the data is validated, repeat the operation with the password. Validate the data (Scroll right and scroll down).
2.2.13.- Confirm Changes - ( DHCP YES )
The information must be validated to save the configuration. The device displays yes by default. When the completed configuration is validated, press the scroll down key and the device saves the data and leaves configuration.
If the configuration is not saved, Scroll RIGHT until the no option appears. Do this twice and the device cycli cally di splays both options until one of them is validated with the scroll down key
2.2.14.- Client ID - ( DHCP NO )*
If the DHCP server is not activated, shown in section 2.2.2.­DHCP assignment, validate the NO option using the Scroll down key and go to the next screen. IP - ( DHCP no )*

The user configures an IP address for the EDS-3G device using this configuration option. To configure them, press the Scroll RIGHT key, enabling the edit cursor on the first digit. Press the Scroll up and down buttons to establish the parameters of a type numeric data entry. After
establishing the parameters, press the Scroll RIGHT key repeatedly until the edit cursor disappears, and validate the data with the Scroll down key, opening the next screen. NetMask - ( DHCP no )*

To configure the (NetMask) configuration, press the Scroll RIGHT key, activating the edit cursor on the first digit. Press the Scroll up and down buttons to establ ish the parameters of a type numeric data entry. After establishing the
parameters, press the Scroll RIGHT key repeatedly until the edit cursor disappears, and validate the data with the Scroll down key, opening the next screen. Other configurations - ( DHCP no )*

After configuring the secondary DNS, the other setup screens correspond to the same ones as in the activated DHCP mode; consequently the configuration procedure will be the same as the one for sections:
- 2.2.3.- APN Modem
- 2.2.4.- User modem
- 2.2.5.- Password modem
- 2.2.6.- PIN modem
- 2.2.7.- Reset modem
- 2.2.8.- Primary NTP
- 2.2.9.- Secondary NTP
- 2.2.10.- Time Zone
- 2.2.11.- Dyn DNS type
- 2.2.12.- Enable Security
- 2.2.13.- Confirm Changes - ( DHCP YES ) Manual Date and Time Configuration

If there is no authentication configuration by the DHCP system, and if there is no Primary and Secondary NTP server available, EDS-3G all ows the time and date to be configured manually when validating the changes by displaying the caption adjust clock. The date and time are displayed on screen with the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. To configure them, press the Scroll RIGHT key, enabling the edit cursor on the first digit. Use the Scroll up and Scroll down buttons to establish the parameters of the numeric data entry. After establishing the parameters, press the Scroll RIGHT key twice until the edit key disappears, and then validate the data with the Scroll down key, leaving setup and validating the configuration.
When the configuration is validated, the DONE caption appears, returning to the main screen.
2.2.15.- Display of configuration parameters
To display the configuration parameters, the user must enter the setup menu by simultaneously pressing the SCROLL RIGHT,
SCROLL UP and Scroll down keys. The user must Press the Scroll down key twice for complete visualisation of the device
configuration. If a user and password are available even when the user does
not have one, all the configuration parameters can be visualised without being abl e to change them (asterisk in top left hand corner). Ping system

To confirm IP connectivity via a Local Area Network (LAN) or the Internet using a DSL or 3G router, the user sometimes has to know if the EDS-3G device has this IP access or if the unit has particular access to a certain host.
To do so, EDS-3G has a PING, section, from which the user can carry out an IP connectivity test with an IP address or name, emulating the ping command of a conventional operating system.
The device displays the physical address within the setup menu, as shown in section 2.2.1.- MAC address. Press the SCROLL RIGHT key to go to the on-screen caption HOST PING. To enter the name or IP address to carry out the ping test, press the Scroll RIGHT key to enable the edit cursor on the first digit. Press this key and the Scroll down and Scroll up buttons to establish the parameters of an alphanumeric data entry of up to 20 digits. After the data is entered, press the Scroll RIGHT key twice until the edit key disappears, and then validate the data with the Scroll down key.
When the data is val idated, the screen displays the DOING PING caption and will then show the results:
- PING RESULT: OK - a response was obtained from the host
- PING RESULT: time out - no response was obtained from the host
When a result is obtained by the device, press the Scroll down key and the device goes back to the by default display screens.
2.2.16.- Acquired IP and coverage
Once the unit has been connected to the Internet, two sensitive variables must be known by the user or integrator, which are the IP acquired by the mobile phone telephony provider and the coverage signal the unit is connected to.
Press the Scroll right and Scroll left keys at the same time and the unit will display on the screen the IP acquired by the operator and the connection coverage. Said coverage can oscillate from -113 dBm to -51 dBm. The la tter is considered as the value with the highest coverage.
These values may be known by accessing the following website:
- http://dhcp_name/html/modem-status.html
Where is the IP address assigned by the user Where dhcp_name is the name assigned and authenticated
by the name server of the local area network (LAN) or a DNS server in case of using a DynDNS system to connect to the Internet.
2.2.17.- Internal configuration web site
After establishing the parameters with the keyboard and connecting to the Ethernet, or even from the unit's Internet connection, the device has a configuration web site where the user can fully modify the data entered with the keyboard. The configuration web site is at the http address below:
- http://dhcp_name/html/setup.html
Where is the IP address assigned by the user Where dhcp_name is the name assigned and authenticated
by the name server of the local area network (LAN) or a DNS server in case of using a DynDNS system to connect to the Internet.

2.3.- Network parameters configuration (Software)

Configuration of addressing can be done in the same way as using the keyboard via the IPSetup.exe file, available on a CD supplied with the device.
2.3.1.- Fixed IP assignment
To assign a fixed IP address, enter the MAC address displayed on the device screen as shown in section 2.2.1.- MAC address address, the format of which is 00:26:45:XX:XX:XX.
In the Address field, enter the IP address being configured; performs the same operation with the Netmask. After entering the device configuration, press “Configure” to send the configuration to the unit.
2.3.2.- DHCP IP assignment
To assign the DHCP name, activate the option using the upper right hand arrow and select On. Once the configuration fields have been enabled, enter the MAC address.
In the Address fi eld, enter an unused, temporary IP address, which is within the working range of your computer. In the Host Name field, enter the DHCP name to be assigned to the equipment. Optionally, the user can configure the parameters of the ClientID field. The default VendorID of the device is
2.3.3.- Configuration web site
Once connection to the Local Area Network (LAN) is established and the IP address or DHCP name is configured, the device has an internal web site where the user can fully modify all the network configuration parameters (0 Where is the IP address assigned by the user
Where dhcp_name is the name assigned and authenticated by the name server of the local area network (LAN) or a DNS server in case of using a DynDNS system to connect to the Internet.
Internal configuration web site), and even the time and date data.
+ 4 hidden pages