The EDMk three-phase electronic energy meter is capable
of me as ur in g co ns um ed a nd g en er at ed ene rg y (fou r
quadran ts) : Active energy (consumed an d generated),
inductive reactive energy (consumed and generated) and
capacitive reactive energy (consumed and generated), plus
metering partial energies.
Measurements are in true effective value, via three AC.
voltage and neutral inputs and three AC. current inputs. (via
…/5A, …/1A or .../250mA for MC3 current transformers).
The parameters measured and calculated are shown in
the variables table
This manual describes how to configurate and use the
ED Mk ene rgy meter. This man u al may b e f oun d i n
electronic format on the CIRCUTOR website:
Before any m ai nt en ance, modif ic at io n to
the connections, repair, etc., the equipment
must be disconnected from the supply. If any
operation or protection fault is suspected the
equipment must remain out of service ensuring against
any accidental reconnection. The equipment is designed
to changed quickly in the event of any breakdown
The butto n allows the user to move through the
different energy groups (if any): tariff one and partial tariff,
or tariff one, two, three and partial tariff (EDM3k type). It
used in the set up menu it is used to enter the data and
move on to the next parameterisation screen.
The button allows the active or reactive energy display
options to be displayed. It is used in the set up menu
to increase the value by one digit if a variable has been
entered or selected.
Generated or consumed energy can be selected using
in the option. Inductive or capacitive energy can be
selected in the reactive option. In the set up menu is used
to move the cursor among the digits.
The button allows the display to come on in the
absence of any power supply. This function allows the on
site reading of meters when the device is out of service.
This option is available when the meter has an optional
station installed inside (see price list M3).
The button allows a quick access to the device’s full
parameterisation menu. To access this menu, press the
button for less than one second.
The button deletes partial energies. To do this, press
the button for less than 4 seconds. The message will then
display “donE”, indicating that these meters have been
successfully started (active and reactive).
Th e b ut t on
sta r ts the m ete r i n o ne ste p onl y
wit h the mini mu m setting for the m et er. (see s ec ti on
Parameterisation in one step only).
2.1. Previous information
2.2. Parameterization in one step only
Thi s option is only valid for installat io ns wh er e there
is no vol tage transfor mer to meas ure. Voltage is only
measured directly (300V AC f-N / 500V AC f-f) and current
measurement is via secondary external current transformers
of .../1A, .../5A or in model MC of .../250 mA.
Kee pi ng th e
butt on pres se d for 1 seco nd , the
energy meter enables the current primary and secondary
parameterisation on screen.
Usi ng and but to ns the v alue of th e current
transformer primary and secondary is validated using thel
Using the complet e parameteris ation of the mete r, all
setting options can be set. These options affect the setting
of the external voltage transformers, if any, as well as the
omission of energy meters which the customer believes to
of little relevance or are not required in their installation.
3.1. Voltage transformer
On screen the words “Pri U” appear followed by 6 digits.
Thes e allow the volta ge transformer primary to be set
(from 1 to 999.999).
On screen the words “SEC u” appear followed by 3 digits.
These allow the voltage transformer secondary to be set
(from 1 to 999).
3.2. Current transformer
On screen the words “Pri A” appear followed by 4 digits.
These allow the current transformer primary to be set (from
1 to 9.999).
On scree n the wo rds “SEc A” appea r followed by the
number 5 or 1. These allow the installed current transformer
secondary ratio to be set (5 =…/ 5A or 1 =…/ 1A).
* The option secondary in model MC does not exist (is
allways 250mA)
3.3. Measurement in 2 or 4 quadrants
On scre en the word s “QuA d” appear; on e of th e two
available options must be selected: 2 = power consumption
or 4 = consumption and generation.
3.4. Backlight disconnection time setting
On s cre en the words “diSP oF f” appear; the time the
backlight is on can be set after pressing the keypad. The
backlight is permanently on if 00 is set.
3.5. Display or not reactive energy
On screen the words “rEACt” appear; this option allows the
reactive energy to be displayed or omitted (“YeS” or “nO”).
3.6. Display partial energy counters
On screen the words “PArt” appear; this option allows the
partial active and reactive energy to be displayed or omitted
(“YeS” or “nO”). In the event of omission, the meter does
not show energy and stops metering energy.
3.7. Energy output pulse settings
The screen shows “Out ACt”; the energy to be associated
to digit al output 1 must be s elected: Consu med active
energy (import) or generated (export); once the data
has been entered with button, the W•h value must
be entered by pressing.The screen shows “Out rEA”: the
reactive energy to be associated to digital output 2 must be
selected: L / C- / L- / C; once the data has been entered
with the button , the var•h value must be entered by
pressing the keypad. In case of selecting 2 quadrants (see
section 3.3. Measurement in 2 or 4 quadrants), only are
available L or C.
The EDMk-ITF-C2 electronic three-phase meter is supplied
with the following default settings:
Primary voltage 3.1 000001
Secondary voltage 3.1 001
Primary current 3.2 0005
Secondary current 3.2 5 / 0.250 A
Measure in 2 or 4 quadrants 3.3 2
Backlight disconnection 3.4 10
Reactive energy display 3.5 no
Partial energy counters 3.6 no
Energy pulses
- Active energy 3.7 IMPORT
- w·h / pulse 3.7 1000
- Reactive energy 3.7 L
- var·h / pulse 3.7 1000
Th e t ari ff tim e i s c arr ied out using har dwa re. T he
equipment has a common and two inputs free of voltage
to select the type of tariff required (Tariff 1, Tariff 2 or Tariff
- Tariff 1: Without any bridge between terminals
- Tariff 2: Bridge between terminal A and S
- Tariff 3: Bridge between terminal B and S
6.1. Programming parameters
Confi gurable parameters in the parameterisation menu:
- “nPEr”: Peripheral number 001 to 255
- “bAud”: Baud rate 1200-2400-4800-9600-19200
- “bitS”: Length 8 bits
- “PAri”: No, Even, Odd
- “StoP”: Stop bits 1 or 2
Default settings 001 / 9600 / 8 / N / 1
6.2. Communication protocol
The EDMk meter uses MODBUS RTU © communication
protocol and network protocol RS-485. The format is as
NP: 1 Byte Peripheral number
FT: 1 Byte Function 04 reading of n Words
AAAA: 2 Bytes Address of 1st register
NNNN: 2 Bytes Number of regiters to be requested
CRC: 1 Byte Cyclic Redundancy Checking
In the MODBUS © recordings, the energy is accumulated in
kW•h x 100 (2 decimal points) with a length of 2 Words.
6.3. Modbus/RTU © memory map
Active Energy (+) 00-01
Active Energy (-) 02-03
Inductive reactive energy (+) 04-05
Capacitive reactive energy (-) 06-07
Inductive reactive energy (-) 08-09
Capacitive reactive energy (+) 0A-0B
Partial active energy (+) 30-31
Partial activ energy (-) 32-33
Partial inductive reactive energy (+) 34-35
Partial capacitive reactive energy (-) 36-37
Partial inductive reactive energy (-) 38-39
Partial capacitive reactive energy (+) 3A-3B
The device has to be provided of an magnetic-thermal
switch to be disconnected. The fuses has to be type gl
(IEC 269) or type M between 0,5 to 2 A.
6.4. Communications connections
De s cri p t ion of c o nne c t ion for the RS -48 5 bus , for
communication via an Intelligent Converter (485-RS232), or
via an Ethernet Converter (Transparent / Modbus/TCP).