Th is e qu ip ment mu st b e operated as d es cribed in t hi s User’ s Gui de and docu me nt s referred to h erein . Please
read t he e ntire g uide and re fe rr ed d ocument s befor e at tempting to u se t his uni t. P lease pay a tt en ti on to tha t
gloves o r protective cl ot hing are no t worn on the illustrati on s/ pictures sh ow n in this U se r’s Guide. Ho we ve r,
Ch em oM et ec A /S do es r ec om mend that t he user wea r su it able pr ot ec tive clot hi ng e t c.
Contacting support
Te ch ni ca l informati on i ncluding pr od uct literatur e, a nswers to q uest ions re ga rd in g the ope ra ti on of the
Nucl eo Co un te r NC- 200 n ot cove re d in this d oc um en t a nd r eferred d oc um en ts is a va ilable th ro ugh the
foll ow in g:
Fo r e- mail supp or t, send que st io ns to Nuc le oC ou nter
Su pp or t@ ch em m
Ch ec k ou t th e FAQ sec ti on under su pp ort at www.che mo me te c. com
To s pe ak with a T ec hn ical Suppor t Sp ec ia list, c al l (+45) 48 13 1 0 20.
NC- 200 T echn ical Su pp or t on the ad dr es s
Pl ea se n ot e the Nucle oC ou nter NC- 200 serial num be r an d have it a va il ab le when c on ta cting Che mo Me te c A/S
for su pp or t. The Nu cl eo Co unter NC- 200 s er ial num be r is found on t he label af fi xe d to the bot to m of the
inst ru me nt . The v ersi on number o f th e Nuc leoV iew NC- 200 so ft ware shal l al so be noted , th is can be f ou nd on
the He lp – Abou t me nu item in th e Nuc le oV ie w NC- 200 so ft wa re .
Sales and ordering information
Fo r sa le s assista nc e wi th Nucleo Co un te r NC- 200 o r the Nuc le oV iew NC-200 software, t o pl ace an orde r fo r a
Nucl eo Co un te r NC- 200 o r consu ma bl es , ca ll (+45 ) 48 1 3 10 20, fa x (+45) 48 13 1 0 21, or send e -m ai l to
Sa le s@ ch em
Disclaimer Notices
Th e ma te rial in thi s document and refer re d do cuments i s for i nf or ma ti on only a nd i s subject t o change with ou t
noti ce . Wh ile reasona bl e ef forts h av e been made in p re pa ra tion of t he se do cu me nt s to as su re t heir ac cu ra cy,
Ch em oM et ec A /S assumes no liabil ity re su lting fro m er rors or o missions in t he se docume nt s, or from th e use
of t he i nformation co ntai ned her ei n.
Ch em oM et ec A /S reserv es t he ri gh t to make chang es i n the pro du ct d esign w it ho ut reservat io n and without
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me ch an ic al , photocopy in g, record in g or otherw is e, w it hout th e pr io r writte n consent o f Ch em oMetec A/ S,
Gydeva ng 4 3, DK -3 45 0 Allerød, De nm ar k.
Ch em oM et ec a nd Nucleo Co un te r are reg is te re d trademark s ow ned by Ch em oM etec A/S. N uc le oC ounter,
Nucl eo Ca ss ettes, Vi a1 -Casset te and Nucleo Vi ew a re trademar ks o f ChemoMete c A/ S.
Al l ot he r tradema rk s are the p ro pert y of th ei r re sp ective ow ne rs .
991-0 203 Rev. 1.1 Sep. 2012
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991-0 203 Rev. 1.1 Sep. 2012
Declar ation of Con fo rmity
Direct ives
Electr omagnetic Compatibility (2 004/108 /EC). EM C
Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC) LVD
Machinery D irective (2006/42/EC) MD
EN 61326-1: 2006 El ectrica l equip ment fo r laboratory use
EN 61000-3-2: 2006 Limits for ha rmoni c current emis sions
EN 61000-3-3: 1995 +A1 +A2: 2005 Limi tation of volt age cha nges, voltage
fluctuation s and fli cker
EN 61010-1: 2001 Safety require ments for electr ical eq uipment for
measur ement, control, and laboratory use
EN 12100-1: 2003 Safety o f machinery; Basic concepts, general princip les
for design — Part 1
EN 12100-2: 2003 Safety of machinery; Basic concept s, gene ral principles
for design — Part 2:
EN I SO 14121-1:2007 Saf ety of ma chinery ; risk assessmen t
Declaration of Conformity
Name of produ ct: Nucleo Count er
Type : Flexib le Cell Coun ter
Other identifying da ta: Part no. 900-0201
We d eclare un der our sole responsibility that the products, to which this declaration
relates, are in conformity with th e Council Direct ives on the approxima tion of the la ws of
the EEC Member States rel ating to the following:
This d evice c omplies with Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operation is subject to th e follo wing
two condition s: (1) this de vice may n ot cause har mful interferenc e, and (2 ) this device
must accept a ny interference recei ved, including interfer en ce that may cause u ndesired
operat ion.
Date : 2011-July-1st Sign ed :
Name : Sarah R. Rasmussen
Position: QA/QC Manager
Name and ad dress of manufacturer :
ChemoM etec A/S
Gyde va ng 43
DK-3450 Allerod
991-0 203 Rev. 1.1 Sep. 20 12 vii
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Declar ation of Con fo rmity
991-0 203 Rev. 1.1 Sep. 20 12 viii
WEEE directive infor matio n – Europe only
Corr ec t Disposal of This Pr oduct
(Waste Electrical & Electro nic Equipment) - Europe only
This marking shown o n the product or its literature, indicates t hat it should
not be disposed together with other household wa stes at the en d of it s
workin g lif e. To prevent possibl e harm to the en viron ment or human health
from uncontro lled wa ste d isposal, please separat e this from other types of
wastes and recycle i t responsibly to promote the sustainable reu se of
material resources.
Business user s should con tact their suppli er and ch eck t he terms and
conditions of the purchase contract. This p roduct should not b e mixed with
other commercial wastes f or disposal.
This information is listed in “Appendix B: WEEE directive information in
more EU langu ages”.
WEEE directive information – Europe only
991-0 203 Rev. 1.1 Sep. 20 12 ix
WEEE directive infor matio n – Europe only
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991-0 203 Rev. 1.1 Sep. 20 12 x
Introduction and intended use
Introduction and intended use
The Nu cleoCounter NC-200 is a compact cell-count er intended to be u sed for pr ecise cell
counting within th e life-scien ce and pharmac eutical market s. The NucleoCounter NC-200
system is int ended for research use only, not for diagnostic use . The Nuc leoCounter NC-
200 u ses dispo sable cass ettes from ChemoMet ec A/S.
The Nu cleoCounter NC-200 is a highly a dvanced cell co unter b ased on fluorescenc e
microscopy using CMOS camera techno logy wi th low magnifi cation an d advan ced ima ge
analysis. D ifferent properties of the individual cells can be analyzed wit h the 3 int eg rated
light sources (365nm, 500 nm and dark field ) and with 2 emission bands. Spatial position is
mainta ined from filt er to filter enabling d irect compar ison of t he di fferent p arameters
detected or q uanti fi ed on each ind ividual cell. The low magnification (x1.3) guarantees a
high analysis volume and th us ensures a hig h statistical performance.
Specia lly d esigned sample illumination ensures homo geneous illumination at the complet e
measur ing area and thereb y accurat e quantification of f luorescence si gnal is a chieved .
Sinc e no tube s, valves, hos es etc. are present the inst rument is virtually ser vice an d
maintenance free.
The Nu cleoCounter NC-20 0 is improved in relation to NucleoCounter N C -10 0 and shares
some o f the strong features with th e NucleoCounter NC- 3000. In norma l viability an alysis
the sample vo lume is as high as 1.4 µl and the ability to detect cell s in clust ers is also
availa ble.
The Nu cleoCounter NC-200 part number at ChemoM etec A/S is 900-0 201.
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Introduction and intended use
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Warnin gs and precaut ions
Pin no.
Maxi mum
Voltag e level1
VDC 2 D-
VDC 3 D+
Meta l
to DGN D)
Warnings and precautions
Whenever th e symbo l app ears on the NucleoCounter NC-200 instrument, i t indicates
that the manual must be c onsulted for precaution s and warnings.
Power and cables
Use th e shielded USB cabl e supplied with the Nu cleoCounter NC-200 to en sure that
appr opriate EMI classificat ion is maintain ed for the intended environment.
The USB interface connector of th e Nucleo Counter NC-200 must only be conn ected to
SELV c ircuits. External com puting devices connected to the USB interface conne ctor of the
Nucleo Count er NC-200 have to comply with th e stand ards, UL 1950 and IEC/EN 609 50.
Table 1 Description of the Nucle oCounter USB interface connector
Nucleo Count er NC-200 is p owered by an external 24 VDC p ower supply. F or safe use,
plea se follow the in structi ons for connecting th e power supply .
The N ucleoCo unter NC-200 sha ll only be used with an extern al power supply p urchased
at ChemoMet ec A/S.
The d etachable DC power supply cord set and applia nce inlet of the ext ernal p ower
supply are considered as the disco nnectin g devic e.
The mains su pply cord an d plug of the ex ternal power supply shall co mply wi th any
national regu lations.
The u ser should be mad e aware of that, if the Nucle oCounte r NC-200 and the external
power supply are u sed in a manner not specified by the manufacturer , the pro tecti on
provid ed by t he Nu cleoCounter NC-200 a nd th e external pow er supply may be impa ired.
In normal operation mode (refers to Pin no 4)
991-0 203 Rev. 1.1 Sep. 20 12 xiii
Warnin gs and precaut ions
Electromagnetic interference
NOTE: This eq uipment has been test ed and found to comply wi th the limits fo r a Class B
digital devic e, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. T hese limits are designed to provide
reason able protection again st harmfu l int erference in a residential insta llation . This
equipment gen erate s, uses and can radiate radio freq uency energy and, if no t installed and
used in accordance with the instru ction s, may ca use harmful interferenc e to radio
communication s. Ho wever, there is no guaran tee that int erferen ce will n ot occur in a
particular in stallat ion. If this equipment doe s cau se ha rmful int erferen ce to radio or
television reception, which can be determ ined by turnin g the equipmen t off and on, the
user is encou raged to try t o correct the in terference by one or more of t he foll owing
measur es:
Reorient or r elocate the receivi ng antenna .
Increa se th e separat ion between th e equip ment and recei ver.
Connect the equipm ent to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is con nected.
Consult the d ealer o r an experienc ed radio/TV tech nician for help.
Cautio n! Chan ges or modification s not expressly approved by the party resp onsib le for
comp liance could void the u ser's aut hority to operate the equipment.
Cassettes, Reagents, Solutions and Dispensers
With respect to use and handling of cassettes, reagents, solutions and dispens ers, pl ea se
refer to appropriate package inser ts for these items.
Cautio n! When using a bot tle -top di spenser: To pr otect aga inst accidenta l splas hes ,
protective cl othing, eye pr otection and glo ves must be wo rn when using potenti ally
haza rdous liquids.
Any biological specimen should be handled , as if it is capable of transmitting infect ious
diseas e and d ispos ed of with proper precaut ions according with federal, stat e and local
Avoid specimen contact with skin or mucou s memb ranes .
Never pipette by mou th.
Avoid cross contam ination of the sample s when pr eparing the sa mples. This ca n
compromise th e quality of the resu lts.
991-0 203 Rev. 1.1 Sep. 20 12 xiv
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