Installation SLY3500
For gates up to 5.500kg
Email: info@chamberlain.de
Chamberlain GmbH
Alfred Nobel Strasse 4
D-66793 Saarwellingen
Germany 11/2008

Make sure to leave sufficient space.
Windload: Even light wind may cause the motor to reverse (safety-reverse) as the forces effecting the gate are very
high. This applies especially to solid panel gates.
Gate Size: Gate size is an important factor. Wind can slow down gate or distort it, leading to higher amount of
required force.
Gate weight: Specification of gate weight represents only a rough parameter, which can vary according to actual
demand. Operation is important.
Influence of temperature: Low outdoor temperatures can impede or even prevent starting torque (gro und
deformation etc.). High outdoor temperatures can lead to premature initiation of temperature protection switch.
Notice: Motors are not designed to run permanent run (continuous operation). O utside temperature and gate
represent important parameters for actual operating duration.
Attention: This product may only be installed from professional installers. Only qualified and trained electricians may
connect, programme and service the controls. Qualified and trained electricians meet the following requirements:
- have knowledge of the general and specific safety and accident prevention regulations,
- have knowledge of the relevant electrical regulations,
- are trained in the use and care of appropriate safety equipment,
- are capable of recognising the dangers associated with electricity.

Model Number: SLY3500 SLY3500E1 SLY3500E2
Controller none EWS2T CB400
Max. Gate weight (kg) 5500kg 5500kg 3500kg
Motor Protection Switch yes yes yes
Hold to run function no no yes
Automatic function no no yes
IR-Sensor no no yes
Automatic close no no yes*
Flashing Light no no yes*
Safety edges no no yes*
Emergency Stop no possible yes*
Radio no external external
External Light switching function no no yes*
Traffic light with Red-Light no no yes*
Technical Data
Voltage 415V
Phases 3
Frequency 50Hz
Current (nominal) 1,79A
Power 0,75 kW
Motor Protection Switch adjust to 2.1
Torque (max.) 150Nm
Gear Reduction 1:40
Duty Cycle Rating 60%
Temperature Range -25/+55°C
IP-Rating IP55
Gate Speed 10m/min
Sprocket 90mm / Module 4
ht 41kg
The base for the drive can either be concreted or, if
appropriate, made of steel.
The concrete plinth needs to be of an appropriate size
(approx. 80cm long x 80cm wide x 100cm deep).
Notice: Precisely determine the height of the plinth
(motor mounting socket) and the distance from the gate
prior to installation. You are advised to work as
precisely as possible.
The weight of the gate should not be borne by the cog
wheel! Position the drive via the adjustment holes such
that its location vis-à-vis the rack bar complies with the
installation dimensions.
The easiest way to fit the rack bar is to first place it on
the motor's drive cog, disengage the motor and, by
pushing the gate further with the rack bar, screwing the
bar bit by bit firmly in position. In this way, you ensure
that the rail bar engages with the cog wheel in an
optimum manner. While doing this, do not forget to
mark each fixing point.
Notice: Steel racks are recommended (320001 = 1m)
For gates with weights above 3.000kg it is
recommended to use two steel racks.
The tooth racks should be fitted as shown with an
overlap from rack to rack. For two rack mounting the
M8 screw must be replaced with a longer type to suit
the application.
* requires optional ZM-SKS-B plug in card

The drive is equipped with a lockable release
mechanism to enable the gate to be operated
manually during a power out.
Open Door
1. Open lock with key
2. Push on lock to open
3. Turn opening lever into position
Disengage gear:
Turn knob fully inside (clockwise).
Engage gear:
Turn knob outside (anti-clockwise).
Notice: For full engagement of gear it is important to
turn the knob completely outside (anti-clockwise).
• The drive should be disengaged before this part of
the assembly work is carried out.
• Slide the gate into the closed position.
• Mount the limit switch bracket such that the roller of
the first switch is situated approximately in the
middle of the bracket. Repeat this process for the
open position. The bracket must be mounted with
screws immediately.
Check gate functionality manually when the drive has
disengaged. Electrical operation is only possible with
a controller.
Electrical connections:
See electrical wiring diagram
Always ensure that the mechanical and electrical
safety requirements relevant to the given system are
complied with. A sliding gate can also be secured by
implementing on-site measures (fence, wall, etc.).
Motor Protection Switch
The motor protection switch protects the motor. Turn
large lever to ON (I) for power. The switch turns the
power OFF automatically in case of a motor overload.
The correct adjustment value is to 2.1.
Notice: Do never turn the adjustment higher than 2.1
The drive mechanics are generally maintenance-free.
Check at regular intervals that the gate hardware and
the drive are all firmly in place.
• Disengage the drive and check gate functionality.
Only an easy-running gate will work well with a
drive. A drive is no substitute for a poorly
functioning gate.
• Inspect for oil leakage on gear box.
• Inspect for damage to electrical wiring

Electrical Installation
The gate can be moved in the hold-to run mode. Open-Stop-Close using push buttons.
• See wiring diagram for electrical connection.
• 3-Button station
• Emergency Stop Switch
• External 2-channel radio receiver 8002E
A change in wiring of the control board to allow constant movement of the gate is not allowed.
Control Board EWS2T