Please read all warnings found in this manual. This information is highlighted in
bold italic type and is included to inform you of the potential for personal injury or
damage to property.
Hearing Damage
Continuous, excessive exposure to sound pressure levels in excess of 85 dB can
cause a loss of hearing. Cerwin-Vega! speakers are capable of producing sound
pressure levels greater than 85 dB.
Volume And Driver Awareness
Use of Cerwin-Vega! speakers can impair your ability to hear necessary traffic
sounds and may constitute a hazard while driving. We recommend using low volume levels when driving your vehicle.
Cerwin-Vega! accepts no liability for hearing loss, bodily injury, or property damage as a result of use or misuse of this product.
Attention !
Prenez connaissance de tous les avertissements contenus dans ce manuel. Ces
informations, présentées en caractères gras, sont destinées à vous avertir en cas de
risque de blessure ou de dégâts matériels.
Danger pour l'ouïe
Une exposition continue et excessive à des niveaux sonores dépassant 85 dB peut
entraîner une baisse de l'acuité auditive. Les haut-parleurs Cerwin-Vega! sont capables de produire des niveaux sonores dépassant 85 dB.
Volume sonore et vigilance au volant
L'écoute de haut-parleurs Cerwin-Vega! peut vous empêcher d'entendre des
bruits de circulation que vous devriez entendre et risque de présenter un danger
pendant la conduite. Nous vous recommandons d'écouter à des niveaux réduits
lorsque vous conduisez.
Cerwin-Vega! ne saurait être tenue responsable de toute baisse d'acuité auditive,
blessure ou dégât matériel résultant de l'utilisation normale ou abusive de ce produit
Installing the Tweeters
Each V-MAX tweeter is housed in an attractive surface-mount enclosure with grill, and
comes with a separate 12 dB per octave passive crossover network. Flush-mounts kits are also
Flush Mounting Tweeters
To flush-mount tweeters, first remove panels at each selected site. Make sure there is minimum mounting depth of 1 3⁄8" (35 mm) behind each panel.
1. At a chosen site, use the enclosed template to create a hole for the flush-mount cup.
Insert the tweeter into the cup from the rear
and press it in until it stops. Insert the flushmount cup (and tweeter) into the opening (see
Figure 1).
2. Route the tweeter’s wires through the panel
opening. (see Figure 1).
3. Press the cup (and tweeter) towards the clip
and use supplied machine screw to fasten clip
to rear of tweeter. Connect each tweeter’s
wires to the crossover pigtail (from the side that says “output”) and re-install the panel.
Surface Mounting Tweeters
1. At the chosen site, use the surface-mount bracket (with two holes) or template to mark
locations of mounting holes. A 5 ⁄16" (8 mm) diameter feed-through hole is required to
pass the tweeter wires and pre-attached terminals. Make sure the proposed hole will
not extend beyond the tweeter’s boundary.
2. Use a hole punch to create drilling guides.
Clear away any carpet or other material prior
to drilling. Use a drill with a 5 ⁄16" (8 mm) bit
to create the feed-through hole at each tweeter
location. Then use a 1 ⁄8" (3 mm) bit to drill
two mounting holes.
3. Fasten each surface-mount plate with supplied
screws. Connect each tweeter’s wires to the
crossover pigtail from the side that says ”output”. (see Electrical Installation).
4. Carefully align the openings on the back of each tweeter with the tabs on the surfacemount bracket. Turn each tweeter 45˚ clockwise to lock it into place (see Figure 2).
Angled Surface Mounting Tweeters
1. Follow the steps above listed under surface mount tweeters (see Figure 3).
Electrical Installation
Wiring Precautions
Whenever you run wires through sheet metal,
use grommets to properly insulate the metal edges from cable jackets. This technique prevents chafing and possible short circuits that could damage an amplifier or other system
Figure 2. After installing the surfacemount plate, lock the tweeter onto the
plate with a 45˚ clockwise turn.
Figure 1. After installing the flush-mount
clip in a panel, lock the cup holding the
V-MAX tweeter to the clip with a
45˚ clockwise turn.
Figure 3. After installing the Angled surface-mount plate, lock the tweeter onto
the plate with a 45˚ clockwise turn.