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Systems Operation
Media Number -RENR7902-01 Publication Date -2006/01/01 Date Updated -2006/01/27
Password Entry
SMCS - 4490
There are three levels of password protection on the EMCP 3 control panel. All of the adjustable parameters
are associated with a specific level of security that is required in order to make an adjustment to the
The passwords only affect changing parameters from the EMCP 3 control panel. Changing parameters with
the Caterpillar service tool does not require passwords.
The level of password protection that is required for each setpoint is identified on the parameter setpoint
entry screen. A security level identification number "1", "2", or "3" next to a padlock symbol is displayed on
the parameter setpoint entry screen. Level 3 security is used for the most secure setpoints and Level 1
security is used for the least secure setpoints.
If the EMCP 3 is currently at the required level of protection when viewing a parameter, then the padlock
will not appear.
If a parameter is displayed with a padlock, but there is no security level identification number associated
with it, then the parameter cannot be changed from the EMCP 3 display.
Level 1 and Level 2 passwords are disabled when shipped from the factory. If desired, Level 1 and Level 2
asswords can be user defined on initial startup of the EMCP 3.
Function and Navigation Keys
ReferenceCallouts in this section can be found on the EMCP 3 Control System Panel in Systems Operation,
"Electronic Control Module (Generator Set)"
The keys listed below are used for programming the EMCP 3 and navigating within the menu structure.
ReferenceFor a full explanation of the use of the Function keys (Enter, Escape) and the Navigation keys
(Scroll Left, Scroll Right, Scroll Up, Scroll Down) that are referenced in this section, see Systems
Operation, "Electronic Control Module (Generator Set)"
(9) Escape - Navigate up (backward) through the menu structure and also used to cancel out of data entry
screens during setpoint programming.
(10) Enter key - Select a highlighted menu item or save a programmed value.
(11) Scroll Right key - Durin
numeric data entry, choose the digit to edit. During certain setpoint
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adjustments, select or deselect a checkbox.
(12) Scroll Down key - Move down through the main menu or navigate within a list in order to highlight
one of the items. Also used to decrement digits (0-9).
(13) Scroll Up key - Move up through the main menu or navigate within a list in order to highlight one of
the items. Also used to increment digits (0-9).
(14) Scroll Left key - During numeric data entry, choose the digit to edit. During certain setpoint
adjustments, select or deselect a checkbox.
Drop to Minimum Security Level
The first option on the security screen is "DROP TO MIN LEVEL". This option refers to a process of
lacing the EMCP 3 into the lowest level of security that is authorized. This would be used after the
rogramming of the control is complete. If "DROP TO MIN LEVEL" is not initiated manually, then the
control will automatically revert to the minimum level after ten minutes of non-activity.
1. From the MAIN MENU, press the Scroll Up key or the Scroll Down key in order to highlight the
2. Press the ENTER key in order to select the CONFIGURE menu. SECURITY will be highlighted.
3. Press the ENTER key in order to select the SECURITY. The DROP TO MIN LEVEL option will be
4. Press the ENTER key in order to select the DROP TO MIN LEVEL option
5. The EMCP 3 will now be at the minimum level of security
Note: When the EMCP 3 is in the SECURITY screen, then the current level of security for the EMCP 3 is
displayed at the top of the display.
Enter Level 1 or 2 Password
1. From the MAIN MENU, press the Scroll Up key or the Scroll Down key in order to highlight the
2. Press the Enter key in order to select the CONFIGURE menu. SECURITY will be highlighted.
3. Press the Enter key in order to select the SECURITY menu. "DROP TO MIN LEVEL" will be
4. Press the Scroll Down key in order to highlight ENTER LEVEL 1 OR 2.
5. Press the Enter key in order to select the ENTER LEVEL 1 or 2 menu. "ENTER PASSWORD FOR
DESIRED LEVEL" is displayed. There is also a 16 digit entry field with 0 highlighted at the far right.
6. Press the Scroll Up key or the Scroll Down key in order to increment or decrement the highlighted
digit to the desired number.
7. Press the Scroll Left key in order to highlight the next character to be entered and then press the
Scroll Up key or the Scroll Down key in order to increment or decrement the highlighted digit to the
desired number.
8. Continue this process until the correct password has been entered for the corresponding level. When