Casio tv3 Schematic

Basic Information for
Casio Pocket Television
TELEVISION TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ...........................................................
Color System ....................................................................................................
TV System ........................................................................................................
Details of Color System ....................................................................................
Details of TV System ........................................................................................
Details of TV Channel ......................................................................................
World TV Broadcast System ............................................................................
Casio TV Model ................................................................................................
BLOCK DIAGRAM ..............................................................................................
VHF, UHF .........................................................................................................
Rod Antenna ....................................................................................................
PCB Ass'y ........................................................................................................
Display Ass'y ....................................................................................................
AD PCB ............................................................................................................
Back Light ........................................................................................................
Power Supply ...................................................................................................
CIRCUIT OPERATION .......................................................................................
Tuner ................................................................................................................
IC200 ...............................................................................................................
IC300 ................................................................................................................
IC400 ................................................................................................................
IC700 ................................................................................................................
Tuning Operation ..............................................................................................
Adjustment .......................................................................................................
Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................
Trouble example ..............................................................................................
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM & WAVEFORMS .........................................................
Waveforms ......................................................................................................
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9
9 11 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 28 29 32


Three Systems
TV transmissionsystemsarenotthesamethroughoutth eworld:Colorsystem, TV system andChannelaredifferent.T he countriesforwhich aparticular model issuitableareindicatedi n t he salesliteratureandinstructionbookletsupplied, andare printedonthe box inwhicheach televisionispacked.

Color system

Therearethree colortransmissionsystemsintheworld:NTSC,PALandSECAM.
Ifthe color systemsaredifferent,TV doesnotg etin color.
ColorSystem TVSystem ChannelSystem Brazil PAL M/M US U.S.A. NTSC M/M US
ColorSystem TVSystem ChannelSystem SaudiArabia SECAM B/G,H CCIR German y PAL B/G,H CCIR

T V System

Therearefourteen TVsystemsin the world: From A to N. Eachsystemisdiffer ent fromscanningline, sound
frequencyandmodulation system. Ifthe TV systems aredifferent, TVdoesnot getapicture andasound. TVsystemsareindicatedi n the rating plateon the lower case.
ColorSystem TVSystem ChannelSystem Brazil PAL M/M US Argentina PA L N/N US

Channel System

Ifthe channel(TVfrequency)isdifferent,TVcannotget th e local channel.
Japan U.S.A. ColorSystem NTSC NTSC TVSystem M/M M/M Channel Japan US
1ch 91.25MHz ­2ch 97.25MHz 55.25MHz 3ch 103.25MHz 61.25MHz 4ch 171.25MHz 67.25MHz
It is no t possible t o convert it t o work i n a ny country otherthanthe o ne for which it is designed.

Details of Color System

System NTSC PAL SECAM NTSC: A 525-line 60-field color television system
(Germany) (France) originally developed in the USA.
Scanning lines 525 625 625 The 3.58MHz sub carrier is used to
transmit color information.
Field frequency (MHz) 59.94 50 50
PAL: A 625-line 50-field color television system
Interlacing ration 2 : 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 originally developed in West Germany.
PAL is improved about the phase distortion
Aspect ration 4 : 3 4 : 3 4 : 3 of NTSC. PAL is basically the same as
NTSC. But PAL is different from NTSC in
Line frequency (MHz) 15.734 15.625 15.625 the way of the color signal transmission.
The phase of B-Y signal is fixed 90 degree.
Channel bandwidth(MHz) 6 8 8 The phase of R-Y signal changes at 0 and
180 degree on every horizontal scanning
Luminance signal(MHz) 4.2 5 6 line. The influence of the phase distortion is
denied by this way.
Color signal (MHz) I 1.5 R-Y 1.3 R-Y 1.3 The 4.43MHz sub carrier is used to transmit
Q 0.5 B-Y 1.3 B-Y 1.3 color information.
Sound carrier-frequency +4.5 +5.5 +6.5 SECAM: A 625-line 50-field color television
(MHz) system originally developed in France.
Video Modulation AM negative AM negative AM positive Sub carrier frequency is different from
every lines, R-Y signal:4.40MHz, B-Y
Sound modulation FM FM AM signal 4.25MHz, the phase of sub
carrier changes over beginning of scanning lines. The merit of SECAM is strong about phase jitters, and have not cross talk both of two color signals.

Details of TV System

System CCIR Belgium OIRT(1) France Luxembourg CCIR
Broadcast System B C D E F G,H Scanning line 625 625 625 819 819 625 Channel bandwidth 7 MHz 7 MHz 8 MHz 14 MHz 7 MHz 8 MHz fs(audio) - fv(video) +5.5MHz +5.5MHz +6.5MHz +11.5MHz +5.5MHz +5.5MHz Audio modulation F3(+/-50kHz) A3 F3(+/-50kHz) A3 A3 F3(+/-50kHz)
System UK(UHF), OIRT(2) France USA USA 625
Ireland (UHF) (Argentina)
Broadcast System I K,K1 L M N Scanning line 625 625 625 525 625 Channel bandwidth 8 MHz 8 MHz 8 MHz 6 MHz 6 MHz fs(audio) - fv(video) +6.0MHz +6.5MHz +6.5MHz +4.5MHz +4.5MHz Audio modulation F3(+/-50kHz) F3(+/-50kHz) A3 F3(+/-25kHz) F3(+/-25kHz)
A3: AM CCIR: International OIRT Organization F3: FM Radio International de
Consultative Radio diffusion Committee Television
- 2 -

Details o f TV Channel

1) TV Channel
In the United States, the low band of television stations occupies the frequency range 54 - 88MHz, with a small gap of 4MHzbetweenchannel 4 and 5. (This band -72 to 76MHz-is usedby otherservices.)Betweenthelow-bandandthe high band stations there isafrequencyspace (88 - 174MHz)that isoccupied by FM broadcastinga nd government and aircraft communicationsservices. Channel 14, thefirst of UHF channels, occupies the band 47 0 - 476MHz, channel 15, 476 - 482MHz, channel 16, 48 2 ­488MHz,and so on,all the wayup to890MHz.Within this band,470 - 890MHz(atotalof 420MHz),70 televisionchannels areaccommodated. Likethe UHFallocations,eachUHFtelevision channelis6MHzwide.
CH.NO. VideoFrequency Sound Frequency
IF 58.75MHz 54.25MHz
1 91.25MHz 95.75MHz 2 97.25MHz 101.75MHz 3 103.25MHz 107.75MHz 4 171.25MHz 175.75MHz 5 177.25MHz 181.75MHz 6 183.25MHz 187.75MHz 7 189.25MHz 193.75MHz 8 193.25MHz 197.75MHz
9 199.25MHz 203.75MHz 10 205.25MHz 209.75MHz 11 211.25MHz 215.75MHz 12 217.25MHz 221.75MHz
fs -fv=4.5MHz fs-fv=4.5MHz
CCIR VHF Channel
CH.NO. VideoFrequency Sound Frequency
IF 38.90MHz 33.40MHz
1 41.25MHz 46.75MHz 2 48.25MHz 53.75MHz 3 55.25MHz 60.75MHz 4 62.25MHz 67.75MHz 5 175.25MHz 180.75MHz 6 182.25MHz 187.75MHz 7 189.25MHz 194.75MHz 8 196.25MHz 201.75MHz
9 203.25MHz 208.75MHz 10 210.25MHz 215.75MHz 11 217.25MHz 222.75MHz 12 224.25MHz 229.75MHz
CH.NO. VideoFrequency Sound Frequency
IF 45.75MHz 41.25MHz
2 55.25MHz 59.75MHz 3 61.25MHz 65.75MHz 4 67.25Mhz 71.75MHz 5 77.25MHz 81.75MHz 6 83.25MHz 87.75MHz 7 175.25MHz 179.75MHz 8 181.25MHz 185.75MHz
9 187.25MHz 191.75MHz 10 193.25MHz 197.75MHz 11 199.25MHz 203.75MHz 12 205.25Mhz 209.75MHz 13 211.25MHz 215.75MHz
fs -fv=5.5MHz
2)ChannelSystem and Frequencies
2ch 4ch 5ch 12ch
48.25 62.25
1ch 5ch
49.75 85.25
1ch 5ch 6ch 12ch
49.75 93.25 175.25 223.25
Ach Cch Dch H2ch
53.75 82.75 175.25 224.25
1ch 3ch 4c h 10ch
43.25 60.25 175.25 223.25
175.25 224.25
6ch 12ch
168.25 216.25
4ch 12ch
175.25 215.25
21ch 69ch
471.25 855.25
13ch 24ch 25ch 57ch
471.25 863.25
21ch 69ch
471.25 855.25
21ch 69ch
471.25 855.25
21ch 69ch
471.25 855.25
21ch 69ch
471.25 855.25
0ch 5ch 5Ach 11ch
46.25 102.25 138.25 216.25
Ach Cch
45.75 61.75 175.25 215.25
1ch 3ch
45.25 62.25 175.25 210.25
Dch Ich
4ch 10ch
163.25 211.15
4ch 9ch
4ch 12ch
175.25 247.25
28ch 69ch
527.25 814.25
21ch 69ch
471.25 855.25
21ch 69ch
471.25 855.25
21ch 69ch
471.25 855.25
21ch 69ch
471.25 855.25

World TV Broadcast System

COUNTRY Broadcast System Color Casio COUNTRY Broadcast System Color Casio COUNTRY BroadcastSystem Color Casio
VHF UHF System Model VHF UHF System Model VHF UHF System Model Albania B G PAL I Zaire K1 - SECAM W Vietnam D/M - SECAM F Austria B G PAL C Zambia B - PAL C NEAR & MIDDLE EAST Belgium B H PAL C AMERICA Afghanistan B - PAL C Bulgaria D K SECAM W Argentina N - PAL H Bahrain B - PAL C Czechoslovakia D K SECAM W Barbados M - NTSC B Cyprus B G SECAM F Denmark B G PAL C Bermuda M - NTSC B Iran B - SECAM F Germany B G PAL N Bolivia M - NTSC B Iraq B - SECAM F Finland B G PAL C Brazil M M PAL G Israel B G PAL C France E/L L SECAM J Canada M M NTSC K Jordan B G/H PAL C Gibraltar B G PAL C Chile M - NTSC B Kuwait B - PAL C Greece B G SECAM F Colombia M - NTSC B Lebanon B - SECAM F Holland B G PAL C Costa Rica M - NTSC B Oman B G PAL C Hungary D K SECAM W Cuba M - NTSC B Qatar B - PAL C Iceland B G PAL C Dominica M - NTSC B Saudi Arabia B G SECAM F Ireland A/I I PAL Y Ecuador M - NTSC B Syria B - SECAM F Italy B G PAL I El Salvador M - NTSC B Turkey B - PAL C Luxembourg B G PAL C Guadeloupe K1 - SECAM W United Arab Emirates B - PAL C Malta B H PAL C Guatemala M - NTSC B Yemen B - PAL C Monaco G L/G SECAM/PAL - Guyana K1 - SECAM W OCEANIA Norway B G PAL C Haiti M - NTSC B American Samoa M - NTSC B Poland D K SECAM W Hawaiian IS. M - NTSC B Australia B G PAL M Portugal B G PAL C Honduras M - NTSC B Guam M - NTSC B Romania D K PAL W Jamaica M - NTSC B New Caledonia K1 - SECAM W San Marino B G PAL I Mexico M M NTSC B New Zealand B - PAL C Spain B G PAL C Nicaragua M - NTSC B Tahiti K1 - SECAM W Sweden B G PAL C Panama M - NTSC B Switzerland B G PAL C Paraguay N - PAL H UK - I PAL D Peru M - NTSC B USSR D K SECAM W Puerto Rico M M NTSC B Yugoslavia B G PAL C ST. Kitts-Nevis M - NTSC B
AFRICA Surinam M - NTSC B Algeria B - PAL C Trinidad & Tobago M - NTSC B Burkina Faso K1 - SECAM W Uruguay N - PAL H Canary IS. B G PAL C USA M M NTSC B Congo D - SECAM W Virgin IS. M - NTSC B Cote D'ivoire K1 - SECAM W Venezuela M - NTSC B Djibouti K1 - SECAM W ASIA Egypt B - PAL C Brunei B - PAL C Ethiopia B - PAL C Cambodia M - NTSC B Gabon K1 - SECAM W China D D PAL E Ghana B - PAL C Democratic People's D - PAL E Kenya B - PAL C Republic of Korea Liberia B - PAL C Hong Kong - I PAL D Libya B - SECAM F India B - PAL C Madagascar K1 - SECAM W Indonesia B G PAL C Morocco B - SECAM F Japan M M NTSC A Niger K1 - SECAM W Malaysia B - PAL C Nigeria B G PAL C Mongolia D - SECAM W Senegal K1 - SECAM W Pakistan B - PAL C Sierra Leone B - PAL C Philippines M M NTSC B Sudan B - PAL C Republic of Korea M M NTSC B South Africa I I PAL *Y Singapore B - PAL C Tanzania B/I I PAL C Sri Lanka B - PAL C Tunisia B - SECAM F Taiwan M M NTSC B Uganda B PAL F Thailand B - PAL C

Casio TV Model

Casio Color TV Channel Country Scanning fs(audio)-fv(video) Color burst Notes Model System System line
A NTSC M/M JPN Japan 525 4.5MHz 3.58MHz B NTSC M/M US American Samoa / Antigua and Barbuda / Bahamas / Barbados / 525 4.5MHz 3.58MHz
C PAL B/G,H CCIR Afghanistan / Algeria / Austria / Bahrain / Bangladesh / Belgium / 625 5.5MHz 4.43MHz
D PAL -/I UK Hong Kong / UK 625 6 MHz 4.43MHz E PAL D/I China/UK Democratic People's Republic of Korea / China / Hong Kong 625 6.5 MHz / 6 MHz 4.43MHz F PAL/SECAM B/G,H CCIR Cyprus / East Germany / Egypt / Greece / Iran / Iraq / Lebanon / 625 5.5 MHz 4.25/4.40MHZ
G PAL M/M US Brazil / Lao People's Democratic Republic 525 4.5 MHz 3.58MHz H PAL N/N US Argentina / Paraguay / Uruguay 625 5.5 MHz 3.58MHz
I PAL B/G ITALY Italy / Albania / San Marino 626 5.5 MHz 4.43MHz J SECAM L/L France France 625 6.5 MHz 4.25/4.40MHz
K NTSC M/M US Canada *plus Casio Model BA 525 4.5 MHz 3.58MHz
L PAL B/G,H CCIR Denmark / Finland / Norway / Sweden *plus Casio Model CA 625 5.5 MHz 4.43MHz
M PAL B/B Australia Australia *plus Casio Model CA 625 5.5 MHz 4.43MHz
N PAL B/G,H CCIR West Germany *plus Casio Model CA 625 5.5 MHz 4.43MHz P PAL B/G,H,I CCIR/UK Casio Model LA plus DA 625 5.5 MHz / 6MHz 4.43MHz
Q PAL B/G,H,I CCIR/UK Casio Model NA plus DA 625 5.5 MHz / 6MHz 4.43MHz
R PAL B/G,H,I Italy/UK Casio Model IA plus CA plus DA 625 5.5 MHz / 6MHz 4.43MHz S PAL B/G,H Australia *Australia (except VHF CH 0 and 3-5A) 625 5.5MHz 4.43MHz Selector: I
PAL B/G,H CCIR Casio Model CA 625 5.5MHz PAL B/G,H ITALY Albania, Italy 625 5.5MHz
PAL B/G,H New Zealand New Zealand (except VHF CH 1) 625 5.5MHz SECAM B/G,H CCIR Casio Model FA 625 5.5MHz 4.25/4.40MHz SECAM B/G,H Morocco Morocco (except VHF CH 4 ) 625 5.5MHz
PAL I/I Angora Angora (except VHF CH 1) 625 6.0MHz 4.43MHz Selector: II
PAL I/I Ireland Ireland (except VHF CH A) 625 6.0MHz
PAL I/I UK Hong Kong, U.K. 625 6.0MHz
PAL I/I South Africa South Africa (except CH 11 and 12) 625 6.0MHz
PAL D/D China China (except UHF CH 57) 625 6.5MHz 4.43MHz Selector: III
PAL D/K O.I.R.T North Korea, Romania 625 6.5MHz SECAM K1/- F.O.T. Benin, Burkina Faso, Brundi, Chad, Congo, Cote D'ivoire, Djibouti, 625 6.5MHz 4.25/4.40MHz
SECAM D/K O.I.R.T Bulgaria Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Mongolia, Poland, U.S.S.R., 625 6.5MHz 4.25/4.40MHz
V PAL M/M US System Selector M: BRAZIL, LAOS 525 4.5MHz 3.58MHz Selector: M
PAL N/N US System Selector N: Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay 625 4.5MHz 3.58MHz Selector: N
W SECAM K1/- F.O.T. Benin, Burkina Faso, Brundi, Chad, Congo, Cote D'ivoire, Djibouti, 625 6.5MHz 4.25/4.40MHz
SECAM D/K O.I.R.T Bulgaria Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Mongolia, Poland, U.S.S.R., 625 6.5MHz 4.25/4.40MHz
Y PAL B/G,H Australia *Australia (except VHF CH 3-5A) 625 5.5MHz 4.43MHz Selector: I
PAL B/G,H CCIR Casio Model CA 625 5.5MHz
PAL B/G,H Italy Albania, Italy 625 5.5MHz
PAL B/G,H New Zealand New Zea land (except VHF CH 1) 625 5.5MHz SECAM B/G,H CCIR Casio Model FA 625 5.5MHz 4.25/4.40MHz SECAM B/G,H Morocco Morocco (except VHF CH 4 and 5 ) 625 5.5MHz
PAL I/I Angora Angora (except VHF CH 1) 625 6.0MHz 4.43MHz Selector: II
PAL I/I Ireland Ireland 625 6.0MHz
PAL I/I UK Hong Kong, U.K. 625 6.0MHz
PAL I/I South Africa South Africa (except CH 11 and 13) 625 6.0MHz SECAM L/L France France (except CH A) 625 6.5MHz 4.25/4.40MHz Selector: III
Belize / Bermuda / Bolivia /Cambodia / Chile / Colombia / Costa Rica / Cuba / Dominican Republic / Ecuador / El Salvador / Guatemala / Haiti / Honduras / Jamaica / Mexico / Micronesia / Netherlands Antilles / Nicaragua / Panama / Peru / Philippines / Puerto Rico / Saint Christopher & Nevis / Saint Lucia / South Korea / Surinam / Taiwan / Trinidad and Tobago / Union of Myanmar / U.S.A. / Venezuela
Brunei / Central African Republic / Equatorial Guinea / Ethiopia / Ghana /Greenland / Holland / Iceland / India / Indonesia / Jordan / Kenya / Kuwait / Liberia / Luxembourg / Malaysia / Maldives / Malta / Mozambique / New Zealand / Nigeria / Oman / Pakistan / Portugal / Qatar / Seychelles / Sierra Leone / Singapore / Spain / Pakistan / Portugal / Qatar / Seychelles / Sierra Leone / Singapore / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Swaziland / Switzerland / Tanzania / Thailand / The Yemen Arab Republic / Turkey / United Arab Emirates / Yugoslavia / Zambia *Australia (except VHF CH 3-5A)
Libya / Mauritania / Mauritius / Morocco / Saudi Arabia / Syria / Tunisia / Uganda / Vietnam / Zimbabwe * plus Casio Model CA
Gabon, Guadeloupe, Guiana, Guinea, Guyana, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, Martinique, New Caledonia, Niger, Polynesia, Reunion, ST. Pierre et Miquelon, Senegal, Tahiti, Togo, Zaire,
Gabon, Guadeloupe, Guiana, Guinea, Guyana, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, Martinique, New Caledonia, Niger, Polynesia, Reunion, ST. Pierre et Miquelon, Senegal, Tahiti, Togo, Zaire,



VHF:Abbreviation for VeryHighFrequency.
Thesendingou t ofradiowavesatthe rateof 30 to 300MHz,Producinggoodsoundquality.
UHF:AbbreviationforUltra High Frequency.
Thesendingou t ofradiowavesatthe rateof 300 to3000MHz, Producingexcellentsoundquality.
Power Supply
TU200 Q200
Tuner IF Amp.
Tuning Voltage Generator
Display ass'y
Video Det. Sound Det. FMDet. AFTCircuit AGCCircuit
Chroma Circuit
OSC. Display Control A-DConverter Auto-tuning
VR IC600
Volume Control
Common Drive
Audio Amp.
Brightness Control
Display Voltage Generator
Segment Drive

Rod Antenna

Whentherodantennaisnotproperlyadjustment, TVreceptio n isnot getaclear picture( picturemovesup ordown, disappearsperiodically,becomesfuzzy orblurred,isdoubled,etc.). Inthis case, adjustangleanddirection forbest
reception. LocationswhereTV receptionisbad.
• Far away from broadcastingstations,amongferro-concrete structuresornearmountains.
• Underground,intunnels orinferro-concrete buildings.
• Near high-tension wires, neonsigns, orradiostationswhose frequenciesinterfere.
• Near railroads, highways or airport.
• In trains or cars.
Under poor reception conditions,the tuning indicator may continue to move without stoppingbecause the auto tuner cannot detect weak broadcasts.In this case, usea commercially available externalantenna or relocate the TV to a place where reception is better. The user usually damaged the rod antenna. We suggest that you stock this parts. Model CV-1 is used both as a earphone and an antenna.

PCB Ass'y

Linear PCB
1) Colortuner: TU200 Selects a desired radio wave and changes it to the videoIF signal.
2) Video IF Amp.:Q200 Amplifies the video IF signal output from the tuner by 10 times.
3) Video Det./ SoundDet./ FM Det./ AFT/ AGC: IC200 Eliminates the carrier wave in the video IFsignal, andpick up the video signal and thesound signal. Also, the sound signal is pickedup from the sound IF signal by FM detection. Automatic fine tuning circuit for keeping thefrequency of the oscillator in thetuner correct for bestcolor picture bycompensating for drift and incorrect tuning. Automatic gain control circuitfor avoiding influence of receiving deterioration by wave strength.
4) Audio Amp.: IC600
5) Chroma Circuit: IC300
Generates the tricolor (red,green and blue) from the video signal.
6) Tuning voltage generator: IC500 Generates the tuning voltage from thetuning pulse(TU).
PW PCB: Generates the power supply voltage.
SUB PCB: Generates thepower supply voltage.
RD PCB: Selects adesired radio wave.

Display Ass'y

Casio LCD television is used two type of LCD drivesystems: HQM and Active matrix.
1) HQM ( SimpleMatrix ) Scanning and segment transparent electrodes are arranged in closed way. To the scanning electrodes,the gate pulse is applied timesharing. The TVsignal is changed into 4-bit or 3-bit data through A/D conversion (IC700), so that the TV signalcan be handed with the LSI, and applied to thesegment electrodes. Structure is simple and price is low, but contrast ratio is low.
2)Active Matrix
Each picture element electrode is controlled by a transistor. To the gate electrodes, thegate pulse is applied timesharing, like the HQM. I f the gate pulse is applied, the transistors are in operation and voltage is applied between thepicture electrodes and common electrodes and the liquid crystal reacts allowing the light to transmit.
Structure is complicated and price is high,but contrastratio is high.
(1) High Quality Matrix
Y1 Y2Y3 Y4 Xn
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
(2) Active Matrix
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
X n
Back Light: It produceslight and allows the LCD to be seen.
A fluorescent lamp is used this back light, and the life of this unit is to be 1,500 hours.
Power Supply: 3-way power supply system.
Batteries - AA-size or AAA-size (CV-1) dry batteries.
Battery Life:
Type Life AlkalineLR6 (AM-3) Approx.2 ~3hours ManganeseR6(UM-3) Approx.15 ~30minutes


1) OSC/ A-D Converter/Display Control/ Auto-Tuning Control: IC700 Converts the color signal into a digital signal. Also, generates the clock pulse for the display and controls the display.
2) Displayvoltage generator: IC800 Generates thedisplay voltage.

Back Light

Placed it under the LCD unitand producing light that TV screen can be seen. A fluorescent lamp is used this back light. The life is to be 1,500 hours. Newtype of fluorescent lampis to be 3,000 hours. The back light is consumption items, so even under guarantee replace it under charge basis.

Power Supply

There are 3-way power supply systems.
1) Batteries: AAA-size and AA-size (CV-1) We recommendto use alkaline batteries.The battery life is approx. 2 to 3 hours with alkaline battery, 15 to30 minutes with manganese battery. The battery supplied with TV are test battery which have a shorter life span. Low battery power generates heat. Heatdoes not mean malfunction.
2)AC adaptor There are three typeof AC adaptors: 6V, 9V and 12V. The optional AC adaptoris supplied from our sales department.
3)Car adaptor There are three typeof Car adaptors: 6V, 9V and 12V. The optional car adaptor is supplied from our sales department.
DC IN: External power source jack. Insert the plug of the AC adaptor or the car adaptorinto this jack.
EXT/ANT.: External antenna jack.Insert the plug of theoptional car antenna intothis jack. Connect the optional antenna
adaptorAS-35S to your outdoor antenna or the optional RF cord CF-13 to your VCR.
AUDIO/VIDEO: Audio video jack. Connect the optional Audiovideo cable cord AV-C1 to your VCR.
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