Casio QV-3500EX User's Guide Part 3


You can use the camera’s built in monitor screen to play back recorded images.

Basic Playback Operation

Use the following procedure to scroll through recorded im­ages stored in the camera’s memory.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
PLAY: PLAY mode for playing back images
Use [] and [] to scroll through the images on the monitor screen.
To do this Scroll forward Scroll backward
Press this button
[] []
• Holding down [] or [] scrolls images at high speed.
• In order to allow for faster playback image scrolling, the image that initially appears on the monitor screen is a preview image, which is of somewhat lower quality than the actual display image. The actual display im­age appears about three seconds after the preview image. This does not apply to images copied from an­other digital camera.

Playing a Movie

Use the following procedure to play back a movie recorded in the Movie Mode.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Use [] and [] to scroll through the images on the monitor screen until the movie you want to play is displayed.
Movie Mode icon
Press the shutter release button to start play­ing the movie.
• The following describes operations that are available during movie playback.
If you want to do this
Toggle the movie between full screen and quarter screen view
Playback forward Playback in reverse Pause playback Skip to the next frame while
playback is paused Skip to the previous frame while
playback is paused Exit movie playback
Press this button
[] []
Shutter release button

Playing a Panorama

Use the following procedure to play back a panorama re­corded in the Panorama Mode.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Use [] and [] to scroll through the images on the monitor screen until the panorama you want to play is displayed.
Panorama Mode icon
Press the shutter release button to start play­ing the panorama.
• The following describes operations that are available during panorama playback.
If you want to do this
Toggle the panorama between full screen and compressed view
Scroll forward Scroll back Pause playback Skip to the next image while
playback is paused Skip to the previous image while
playback is paused Exit panorama playback
Press this button
[] []
Shutter release button

Enlarging the Playback Image

Use the following procedure to enlarge the playback image on the screen. You can select either 2X or 4X enlargement.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Use [] and [] to display the image you want to enlarge.
Slide the zoom slider towards T(TELE) to zoom in on the image.
• Operating the zoom slider sometimes causes a crop­ping boundary (page E-109) to appear in the image.
Each operation of the zoom slider change the zoom factor as follows: 1X 2X 4X.
• The following describes operations that are available while an enlarged image is on the playback screen.
If you want to do this
Display on-screen guidance messages
Shift the view right Shift the view left Shift the view upwards Shift the view downwards Change the zoom factor: 1X
2X 4X Return the image to normal size
Do this
Press SET/DISP Press [].
Press []. Press []. Press []. Operate the zoom
slider. Press MENU.
• You cannot enlarge movie or panorama images.
• Sliding the zoom slider towards W (WIDE) while a normal size (1X) image is on the display switches to the 9-image view.

Displaying the 9-image View

The following procedure displays nine images on the monitor screen at the same time.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Slide the zoom slider towards W (WIDE) .
• This displays the 9-image view, starting with the last image you recorded.
123 456 789
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
• The following describes operations that are available while the 9-image view is on the monitor screen.
To do this Scroll forward Scroll backward Display the selection pointer (See
following section.) Exit the 9-image view
Press this button
Any button other than the above three.
19 20 21 22 23 24
26 27
[] []

Selecting a Specific Image in the 9-image View

Display the 9-image view.
• This causes a pointer to appear in the upper left cor­ner of the monitor screen.
Use [], [], [] and [] to move the pointer to the image you want to select, and then press SET/DISP.
• This displays the single-image view of the selected image.

Displaying the Histogram

The following procedure displays a histogram of an image's luminance components. The histogram is a tool you can use to check the exposure of an image.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Use [] and [] to display the image whose histogram you want to view.
Press SET/DISP a number of times until the histogram appears.
• See "Changing the Contents of the Monitor Screen" on page E-27 for information about how the monitor screen contents change when you press the SET/ DISP button.
Use [] and [] to scroll to another image if you want.
To exit the histogram, press SET/DISP a num­ber of times.
• The histogram does not appear during movie play­back (page E-101).
• In the case of a panorama image (page E-102), the histogram is displayed for the first image of the pan­orama only.
• Use of the flash or multi-metering, as well as certain shooting conditions can cause the histogram to indi­cate exposure that is different from the actual expo­sure of the image when it was recorded.
About the histogram...
The histogram is a graph of pixel luminance levels in terms of the number of pixels. The vertical axis represents the number of pixels, while the horizontal axis represents lumi­nance. The information on the histogram can be used when correcting or editing the image to determine whether image details include enough shadows (left side) midtones (cen­ter), or highlights (right side). The histogram also makes it easy to visualize the color tone range of an image, which makes it a valuable reference tool when touching up the im­age.
• If the histogram appears too lopsided in either direc­tion, you should try recording the image again after correcting the exposure (EV) value (page E-66), ad­justing the aperture priority AE aperture value (page E-80), adjusting the manual exposure shutter speed or aperture value setting (page E-81).

Using the Slide Show Feature

Slide Show automatically plays back images in sequence at a fixed interval.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Press MENU.
Select “SLIDE SHOW”, and then press SET/ DISP.
• This starts the slide show.
• Pressing MENU at this point displays a screen for set­ting the interval between image changes within the range of three to 30 seconds.
To stop Slide Show, press any button besides MENU.
• Auto Power Off (page E-38) is disabled whenever Slide Show is being used. This means you should not leave Slide Show running when using batteries to power the camera. Doing so can rundown batteries. Be sure to stop Slide Show and turn off the camera after you are finished.
• Note that all buttons are disabled while an image change is in progress. Wait until an image is stopped on the monitor screen before performing a button op­eration, or hold down the button until the image stops.
• Images copied from another digital camera or a com­puter may take longer time to appear than the Slide Show interval time you select.

Resizing an Image

You can use the following procedure to change an image to VGA size (640 x 480 pixels).
• VGA is the optimum image size for attachment to e-mail messages or incorporation into Web pages.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Use [] and [] to display the image you want to resize.
Press / /MF RESIZE.
In response to the confirmation message that appears, use [] and [] to select “Yes”.
• Select “No” to exit the procedure without resizing the image.
The resized version of the image is saved as a new file.
The original, pre-resized image is also retained in memory.
Images smaller than 640 x 480 pixels cannot be resized.
Movie Mode, Panorama Mode, and TIFF (uncompressed) images cannot be resized.
• Resizing of an image cannot proceed if the message “MEMORY FULL Delete unneeded images” appears during the above procedure.

Cropping an Image

Use the following procedure when you want to crop a portion of an enlarged image and use the remaining part of the im­age as an e-mail attachment, Web page image, etc.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Use [] and [] to display the image you want to crop.
Slide the zoom slider towards T(TELE) to zoom in on the image.
• Operating the zoom slider causes a cropping bound­ary to appear in the image. You cannot crop an image if the cropping boundary does not appear.
Use [], [], [] and [] to enclose the area you want to cut out within the cropping boundary.
Press / /MF RESIZE.
In response to the confirmation message that appears, use
Select "No" to exit the procedure without cropping the image.
The cropped version of the image is saved as a new file.
The original, pre-cropped image is also retained in memory.
Movie Mode, Panorama Mode, and TIFF (uncompressed) images cannot be cropped.
• Cropping of an image cannot proceed if the message “MEMORY FULL Delete unneeded images” appears during the above procedure.
The table below shows how cropping affects image size.
Uncropped Image size
(pixels) 2048 × 1536 1024 × 768
800 × 600
[] and []
Cropped 2 ×
Zoomed Image
(pixels) 800 × 600 320 × 240 320 × 240
to select “Yes”.
Cropped 4 ×
Zoomed Image
320 × 240 Cannot be cropped Cannot be cropped


Your camera lets you use any one of the following four meth­ods to delete images from its memory. You can delete the currently displayed image, one or more selected images, all the images in one or more selected folders, or all the images in the camera’s memory.
• Image deletion cannot be undone. Before deleting an image, make sure you no longer need it or you have a back-up copy saved on you computer, on diskette, or on some other medium. Be especially careful with “Deleting All Unprotected Images” operation, which deletes all unprotected images in memory.
• A protected image cannot be deleted. See “Protecting Images Against Deletion” on page E-116 for details on protecting and unprotecting images.
• Delete operations are disabled when all of the images on the camera’s memory card are protected.

Deleting the Displayed Image

Use the following procedure when you want to delete the image that is currently on the monitor screen.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Use [] and [] to scroll through images and display the image you want to delete.
Press .
In response to the confirmation message that appears, use [] and [] to select “Yes”.
• If you change your mind and do not want to delete the image, select “No” instead.
• Displaying a panorama or movie image in step 2 of the above procedure causes all of the images that make up the panorama or movie to be deleted.
• The camera does not maintain open spaces in its memory. Deleting an image causes images following the deleted image to be shifted up to fill in the empty space created by the deletion.The following shows how remaining images are shifted when image 100-3 is deleted.
100-1 100-2 100-3 100-4
100-1 100-2 100-3

Deleting Selected Images

The following procedure lets you select one or more image for deletion.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Press MENU.
Select “DELETE” “Select”, and then press SET/DISP.
Use [] and [] to display the image you want to delete.
Press [] or [] to toggle the displayed image’s icon on and off.
• Any image marked with the icon is marked for de­letion. It will be deleted when you perform the next step of this procedure.
• Note that the image that was on the monitor screen when you pressed MENU in step 2 appears first with its icon turned on.
• You can repeat steps 4 and 5 to mark and unmark multiple images if you want.
In response to the confirmation message that appears, use [] and [] to select “Yes”.
• If you change your mind and want to cancel the delete, select “No” instead.

Deleting All Images in Selected Folders

Use the following procedure to select one or more folder for deletion of all their images.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Press MENU.
Select “DELETE” “Folder”, and then press SET/DISP.
Use [] and [] to display the folder whose im­ages you want to delete.
Press [] or [] to toggle the displayed folder’s icon on and off.
• Any folder with the icon is marked for deletion. All its images will be deleted when you perform the next step of this procedure.
• Note that the folder whose image was on the monitor screen when you pressed MENU in step 2 appears first with its icon turned on.
• You can repeat steps 4 and 5 to mark and unmark multiple folders if you want.
In response to the confirmation message that appears, use [] and [] to select “Yes”.
• If you change your mind and want to cancel the delete, select “No” instead.

Deleting All Unprotected Images

Use the following procedure when you want to delete all of the images currently on the camera’s memory card.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with PLAY.
Press MENU.
Select “DELETE” “All”, and then press SET/ DISP.
In response to the confirmation message that appears, use [] and [] to select “Yes”.
• If you change your mind and want to cancel the delete, select “No” instead.


The image management capabilities of the camera make it easy to keep track of images. You can protect images against deletion, and even use its DPOF feature to specify images for printing.

Folders and Files

When you shoot the first image on a particular day, the cam­era automatically creates a folder for that date. All subse­quent images you shoot on that day are stored in the same folder.
For full details about the organization of folders on the memory card, see Using a Memory Card to Transfer Im­age Data on page E-129.


A folder is created automatically whenever you shoot the first image on a particular date. The name assigned to the folder is based on the current date, as described below. You can have up to 900 folders on a memory card at the same time (subject to storage capacity restrictions).
Example: Folder created on July 19, which is the 100th
folder on the memory card
Serial number
The actual number of files you will be able to store on a memory card depends on the capacity of the card, image quality settings, etc.


Each folder can contain up to 250 image files. If you try to save the 251st image to a folder, the camera automatically creates a new folder and stores the image there. The names assigned to files are based on the current date, as shown below.
Example: 26th image shot on November 7
Extension (.JPG/.TIF/.AVI)
Serial number
In addition to image files, memory cards also contain a number of other files used by the system for image data management.
The actual number of files you will be able to store on a memory card depends on the capacity of the card, image quality settings, etc.
Panorama images are stored as groups of multiple indi­vidual images.
If there are more than 250 image files in a folder (due to copying from another digital camera or other source), only the first 250 (in name sequence) can be played back.
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