Casio QV-3500EX User's Guide


This section describes the basic procedure for recording an image.

Recording a Simple Snapshot

The camera’s Program AE Mode (P Mode) is for simple snapshots. In this mode, the camera automatically sets the shutter speed and aperture for you in accordance with sub­ject brightness.
Before turning on the camera, remove its lens cap.
Align the POWER/ Function Switch with REC.
REC :Turns on power and
enters the REC mode.
PLAY :Turns on power and
enters the PLAY mode.
OFF :Turns off power.
Compose the image on the monitor screen so the point on which you want to focus is inside the Focus frame.
Focus frame
• If you are using the viewfinder to compose the image, align the viewfinder’s auto focus frame with the sub­ject you want to focus.
• If you are using the viewfinder to compose the subject, press SET/DISP twice to turn off the monitor screen.
Press the shutter release button about half way and hold it there to perform auto focus.
Shutter release button
• The monitor screen momentarily goes blank when you press the shutter release button half way.
• The camera’s Auto Focus feature automatically focuses the image.
• You can find out the status of the Auto Focus operation by checking the color of the focus frame
and the status of the operation lamp.
If you see this
Green focus frame and green operation lamp
Red focus frame and green operation lamp
The image is in focus.
The image is not in focus.
Operation lamp
It means this
• Take care that you do not block the lens or the sensors with your fingers as you hold the camera.
• See “Using the Macro Mode” on page E-60 for infor­mation about shooting close-ups.
After confirming that the image is in focus, press the shutter release button all the way down to record the image.
• Recorded images are temporarily stored in a buffer from which they are stored to the memory card. You can continue to shoot consecutive images as long as there is space available in the buffer.
• The number of images you can store in the camera depends on the storage medium and the image quality setting (page E-64) you are using.
• To avoid hand movement, press the shutter release button gently.
• Use of a tripod is recommended for slow shutter speeds and telephoto shots to avoid blurring of the image due to camera movement.
Camera Shake Indicator
The (camera shake indicator) appears on the monitor screen when the zoom slider is set to T (telephoto) or when a slow shutter speed is being used.
• If the camera shake indicator appears, use a tripod to avoid camera movement.

About the REC Mode Monitor Screen

• The image shown on the monitor screen in the REC mode is a simplified image for composing purposes. The actual image is recorded in accordance with the image quality setting currently selected on your camera. The image re­corded on the memory card has much better resolution and detail than the REC mode monitor screen image.
• Certain levels of subject brightness can cause the re­sponse of the REC mode monitor screen to slow down, which causes some static noise in the monitor screen im­age.

About Auto Focus

Auto Focus tends not to work well with the following types of subjects. If you experience problems with obtaining good results with Auto Focus, try using manual focus (page E-61).
• Solid color walls or objects with little contrast
• Strongly backlit objects
• Polished metal or other brightly reflective objects
• Venetian blinds or other horizontally repeating patterns
• Multiple images that are varying distances from the camera
• Subjects in poorly lit areas
• Auto Focus also may not work properly when the camera is unsteady or shaking.
Fixed Focusing Distances
• The following are the fixed focusing distances when Auto Focus is unable to focus properly.
Well-lit Location:1.5 meters minimum With Flash :Approximately 2 meters
• Depending on actual conditions, a green operation indica­tor and focus frame do not necessarily guarantee that the image is in focus.

Recording Precautions

• Never open the battery compartment cover, disconnect the AC adaptor from the camera, or unplug the AC adaptor from the wall socket while the operation lamp and the card access lamp are flashing green. Doing so will not only make storage of the current image impossible, it can also corrupt other image data already stored on the camera’s memory card.
• Never remove batteries, unplug the AC adapter, or remove the memory card while the camera is saving images.
• Fluorescent lighting actually flickers at a frequency that cannot be detected by the human eye. When using the camera indoors under such lighting, you may experience some brightness or color problems with recorded images.

Image Recording when the Battery is Low

To protect against unexpected loss of image data, each im­age is recorded directly to the memory card (without going into the buffer) whenever battery level is indicated as or lower. The message “Press to cancel save.” appears on the monitor screen during the save operation under this condition. As long as you do not press , the save op­eration continues and takes a few seconds to complete. Be sure to replace all four batteries as soon as possible after this message starts to appear. Pressing while the “Press to cancel save.” is on the monitor screen cancels the image save operation.
• If you have a microdrive loaded in the camera, the above message appears whenever the battery level is indicated as or lower.
• The message “Press to cancel save.” also appears momentarily during save operations in the Panorama Mode and Movie Mode. In this case, this message does not indicate that battery power is low.
• The message described above does not appear while the monitor screen is turned off.

Camera Orientation Detection

The camera automatically detects whether it is oriented vertically or horizontally when you record an image, and stores the orientation along with the image data. Then when you play back images using the bundled Photo Loader application, they are all automatically oriented correctly on the display.
• Note the following precautions to ensure that the sensor built into the camera can correctly detect the orientation of the camera.
— Make sure you are holding the camera still when re-
cording images. Camera movement can cause sensor errors.
— When recording portrait orientation images, position
the camera to it is standing up as straight as possible, as shown in the illustration below. Holding the camera at an angle can cause sensor errors. As a general rule, do not allow the camera to be more than about 20 degrees off of vertical.
— Tilting the camera too far upwards or downwards can
also cause sensor errors. As a general rule, do not allow the camera to point more than about 60 degrees up or down.
— The camera orientation sensor does not work with
movie images.

Previewing the Last Image Recorded

Use the following procedure to preview the last image re­corded, without leaving the REC mode.
Press the PREVIEW button to display the last image recorded.
• You can use the PREVIEW button in the Movie Mode, too.
• The PREVIEW button does not perform any operation if you press it immediately after turning on camera power or immediately after entering to the REC mode from the PLAY mode.

Deleting the an Image in the REC Mode

You can use following procedure to delete the last image you recorded without leaving the REC mode.
• Note that the image delete operation cannot be un­done. Make sure you really do not need an image be­fore you delete it.
In the REC mode, press the PREVIEW button to display the last image you recorded.
Press .
In response to the confirmation message that appears, select “Yes”.
• Select “No” to cancel the delete operation without de­leting anything.
• This deletes the image and returns to the REC mode.

Using the Viewfinder for Recording

The illustrations below show what you see when you look through the viewfinder to compose an image for recording.
Auto Focus Frame
Focus Range Frame
Short distance to subject
Note that the focus range frame is valid for subjects that are about three meters away. A different focus range is used for subjects that are closer or farther away. Because of this, you should use / /MF RESIZE to change to the Macro Mode( ) or Manual Mode (MF) whenever the distance be­tween the camera and the subject is 30cm or less.
• The monitor screen turns on automatically whenever the camera is in the Macro Mode. Use the monitor screen to compose images in the Macro Mode.
• You can use the Diopter Dial to adjust the image in viewfinder screen to your eyesight.
• Rotate the diopter dial to adjust the image in the viewfinder to match your eyesight.
Focusing of the viewfinder image is disabled while the camera is turned off or in the PLAY mode.
Diopter Dial

Using Zoom

Your camera is equipped with both optical zoom and digital zoom capabilities.

Using Optical Zoom

Optical zoom enlarges the image by changing the focal dis­tance of the lens. You can zoom an image by a zoom factor ranging from 1 (normal size) to 3 (three times normal size).
Align the POWER/Function Switch with REC.
Move the zoom slider to­wards T (telephoto) to zoom in on the subject, or W (wide­angle) to zoom out.
T (TELE): Telephoto W (WIDE): Wide-angle
Zoom slider
• Changing the optical zoom factor also affects the lens aperture value.
• The lens aperture value indicated on the camera is the aperture when optical zoom is 1X. Using a higher opti­cal zoom setting results in a higher aperture value (smaller aperture).
• Use of a tripod is recommended for telephoto shots to avoid blurring of the image due to camera movement.

Using Digital Zoom

With digital zoom, you can enlarge the image on the monitor screen by zoom factors of 2X or 4X before recording it.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with REC.
Press MENU.
Select “FUNCTION” “Digital Zoom”, and then press SET/DISP.
Select the setting you want, and then press SET/DISP to apply it.
To do this Turn off digital zoom Toggle between 2X and 4X digital zoom
whenever the zoom slider is slid to the maximum T (telephoto) setting.
Always use 2X digital zoom Always use 4X digital zoom
• A frame appears on the monitor screen whenever 4X digital zoom is in use. Only the area of the image within the frame is recorded, with the resulting image measuring 1024 x 768 pixels.
• 4X digital zoom is not available in the Movie Mode and Panorama Mode.
• 2X and 4X digital zoom are disabled while the compo­sition outline is displayed in the Best Shot Mode.
Select this
X2 X4

Using the Flash

The following describes various flash settings you can make to suit the type of image you are trying to record.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with REC.
Press to cycle through the available flash modes until the indicator for the one you want is on the monitor screen.
Flash mode
• Each press of cycles through the available flash modes described below.
To do this
Have the flash fire automatically when required (Auto Flash)
Turn off the flash (Flash Off) Always fire the flash (Flash On) Fire a pre-flash followed by image
recording with flash, reducing the chance of red-eye in the image (Red­eye Reduction)
Select this setting
No display

Flash Status Indicators

You can check the current flash unit status by checking the monitor screen indicator and flash lamp while the shutter re­lease button is pressed about half way down.
Flash lamp
Flash lamp
When you press the shutter release button half way, the flash icon appears on the monitor screen and the Flash lamp light (amber) to indicate that the flash will fire when the shut­ter release button is pressed the rest of the way down.
Monitor screen
When you have Auto Flash or Red-Eye Reduction selected as the flash mode, the indicator appears on the display when you press the shutter release button about half way down to indicate that available light is insufficient and the flash will be fired.

Adjusting the Flash Intensity

Use the following procedure to adjust the intensity of the flash when it fires.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with REC.
Press MENU.
Select “FUNCTION” “Flash Intensity”, and then press SET/DISP.
Select the setting you want, and then press SET/DISP to apply it.
To do this Fire the flash with strong intensity Fire the flash with normal intensity Fire the flash with weak intensity
Select this setting

Precautions when Using Flash

• Make sure that you do not touch or block the flash or the exposure sensor with your fingers. Doing so can soil these components and interfere with correct flash operation.
Exposure sensor
• Flash is best be used for distances within the range of about 0.5 meters to 4 meters (fully open aperture). Flash does not work well outside this ranges.
• Depending on operating conditions (type of batteries being used, temperature, etc. ), it may take up to 40 seconds for the flash unit to charge.
• The flash is disabled during movie recording, which is indi­cated by the (Flash Off) icon on the monitor screen.
• The flash unit does not charge when battery power is too low to charge the flash. The (Flash Off) indicator ap­pears in order to warn you that the flash will not fire cor­rectly, which may affect exposure of the image. Replace batteries as soon as possible when this happens.
• Red-eye reduction may not work well when the camera is not pointed directly at the subject or when the subject is far from the camera.
• In the Red-eye Reduction Mode , the flash is fired auto­matically in accordance with exposure. Because of this, the flash does not fire if the subject is well-lit.
• White balance is fixed while the flash is being used, so sun­light, fluorescent lighting, or other sources of illumination in the immediate area may affect the coloring of the recorded image.

Selecting the Focus Mode

You can use the following procedure to select from among four different focus modes: Auto Focus, Macro, Infinity, and Manual Focus.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with REC.
Press / /MF RESIZE to cycle through the available focus mode
Focus Mode
Each press of / /MF RESIZE cycles through the focus modes in the following sequence.
Auto Focus (no indicator) Macro ( ) Infinity ( ) Manual Focus ( )

Using the Auto Focus Mode

As its name suggests, the Auto Focus Mode adjusts focus automatically whenever you press the shutter release button about half way down. The following shows the relationship between the optical zoom factor and the focusing distance for Auto Focus.
Optical Zoom Factor
1X 3X
Press / /MF RESIZE to cycle through the fo-
Focusing Distance
30cm to 32cm to
cus mode settings until there is no focus mode indicator on the display. This indicates the Auto Focus Mode.
Compose the image to the object you want within the focus frame, and then press and hold the shutter release button about half way down.

Using the Macro Mode

The Macro Mode automatically sets the focus for close-up shooting. Focus adjustment starts automatically whenever
Focus frame
you press the shutter release button about half way down. The following shows the relationship between the optical zoom factor and the focusing distance for the Macro Mode.
• You can find out the status of the Auto Focus opera­tion by checking the color of the focus frame and the status of the operation lamp.
If you see this
Green focus frame and green operation lamp
Red focus frame and green operation lamp
Press the shutter release button the rest of the
It means this
The image is in focus.
Auto Focus is not possible for some reason.
way down to record the image.
Optical Zoom Factor
1X 2X
Press / /MF RESIZE to cycle through the focus
Focusing Distance
6cm to 30cm 9cm to 30cm
mode settings until the indicator appears on the display. This indicates the Macro Mode.
Compose the image and record it.
• See “Using the Auto Focus Mode” on page E-59 for information about how the camera focuses an image automatically.
• You can check the current status by looking at the op­eration lamp and focus frame. See “Using the Auto Focus Mode” on page E-59 for more information.
• The focusing range is the distance from the lens sur­face to the subject.
• Note that you can use 1X and 2X zoom only with Macro Mode recording.

Using the Infinity Mode

The Infinity Mode sets the focus near infinity. It is a good choice for scenery and other far-off subjects. Focus adjust­ment starts automatically whenever you press the shutter release button about half way down.
Press / /MF RESIZE to cycle through the fo­cus mode settings until the indicator ap­pears on the display. This indicates the Infinity Mode.
Compose the image and record it.
• See “Using the Auto Focus Mode” on page E-59 for information about how the camera focuses an image automatically.
• You can check the current status by looking at the op­eration lamp and focus frame. See “Using the Auto Focus Mode” on page E-59 for more information.

Using the Manual Focus Mode

With Manual Focus, you make the required focus settings by hand. The following shows the relationship between the opti­cal zoom factor and the focusing distance for the Manual Focus Mode.
Optical Zoom Factor
1X 3X
Press / /MF RESIZE to cycle through the fo-
Focusing Distance
6cm to
18cm to
cus mode settings until the indicator ap­pears flashing on the display. This indicates the Manual Focus Mode.
While the indicator is flashing, use [] and [] to focus the image.
• If you do not perform any focus operation for about three seconds, the indicator stops flashing.
• You can press / /MF RESIZE while the indica­tor is on the monitor screen to change to another focus mode, if you want.
Press SET/DISP to stop the indicator flash­ing and fix the image focus at its current level.
• After stops flashing, you can use [] and [] to adjust exposure compensation (EV).
• If stops flashing before you have a chance to fo­cus, press / /MF RESIZE to make it flash again.
Press the shutter release button to record the image.
• The focus frame does not appear when you press the shutter release button half way down while in the Manual Focus Mode.

Using Focus Lock

Normally, Auto Focus automatically focuses on the object that is inside the focus frame. Focus lock is a technique you can use in the Auto Focus, Macro( ), and Infinity ( ) modes that lets you lock the focus on a subject and then move the camera so the focus frame is pointed at another subject when you record. This keeps the original subject in focus, even though a different object is within the focus frame.
• Instead of using focus lock, you could also use the procedure under “Specifying the Focus Frame Loca­tion” on page E-63 to move the focus frame to a differ­ent location.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with REC.
Align the focus frame with the subject you want to lock on and press the shutter release button half way down.
• The focus frame turns green when the image is in fo­cus.
Focus frame
While keeping the shutter release button de­pressed half way, move the camera and com­pose the image as you want.
Press the shutter release button the rest of the way down to record the image.
• Locking the focus also locks the exposure setting.

Specifying the Focus Frame Location

Normally, the Auto Focus frame is located in the center of the screen. Use the following procedure when you need to change the location of the focus frame.
• Instead of moving the focus frame, you could also use the procedure under “Using Focus Lock” on page E­62 to lock the focus on one subject and then move the camera so the focus frame is pointed at another sub­ject.
Align the POWER/Function Switch with REC.
Compose the image you want to record.
Holding down SHIFT to display all of the avail­able Auto Focus frame positions, use [], [], [], and [] to move the [+] mark to the focus frame location you want to use.
• The currently selected Auto Focus frame is the one where the [+] mark is located.
After selecting the focus frame you want to use, release SHIFT and then press the shutter release button about half way to perform auto focus.
• This causes the focus frame you selected to change green when proper focus is achieved (or red if there is a problem with the focus).
Press the shutter release button the rest of the way to record the image.
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