Casio 4725 User Manual

Operation Guide 4725

Getting Acquainted

Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch. To get the most out of your purchase, be sure to read this manual carefully.
Elapsed time bezel
About This Manual
For watch with the elapsed time bezel
Rotate the elapsed time bezel to align the the minute hand. After certain amount of time elapsed, read the graduation on the elapsed time bezel which the minute hand points to. The elapsed time is indicated.
Some water resistant models are equipped with a screw lock crown.
With such models, you must unscrew the crown in the direction noted in the illustration to loosen it before you can pull it out. Do not pull too forcibly on such crowns.
Also note that such watches are not water resistant while their crowns are loosened. Be sure to screw the crowns back in as far as they will go after making any setting.
Button operations are indicated using the letters shown in the illustration.
Each section of this manual provides you with the information you need to perform operations in each mode.

General Guide

Crown Positions
First click
Second click
Selecting a Mode
With the crown in the normal position, rotate it to select the mode you want. The current mode is indicated by the mode hand.
Crown (Normal position)
To set the date
1. With the crown in the normal position, rotate it until the mode hand is pointed at TME (Timekeeping Mode).
2. Pull the crown out to the first click. This will cause the second hand to move the currently selected month setting and stop.
3. If you want to change the month setting, press B.
March September
4. Rotate the crown to set the day.
Rotating the crown one turn towards you until you feel a click will advance the
current setting one day.
Rotating the crown two or more turns will scroll the day setting at high speed. To
stop high-speed date scrolling, rotate the crown towards you or away from you one turn. If you do not stop high-speed date scrolling, it will stop automatically after a 31­day cycle.
Note that the day setting can be scrolled forward only. It cannot be scrolled back.
5. Push the crown back in to the normal position to restart timekeeping.


The stopwatch lets you measure elapsed time up to 59 minutes, 59.95 seconds.
Stopwatch second hand
To measure elapsed time
1. With the crown in the normal position, rotate it until the mode hand is pointed at CHR (Stopwatch Mode).
2. Press A to start the stopwatch.
3. Press A to stop the stopwatch.
To view the 1/20-second count, hold down B. This will cause the stopwatch minute
hand to move to the applicable 1/20-second value. After you are finished viewing the 1/20-second count, release B.
You can resume the elapsed measurement operation from the point it was stopped
in step 3 by pressing A again.
4. To clear the stopwatch, stop elapsed time measurement and then hold down A.
Stopwatch minute hand
Stopwatch 1/20 second hand
Mode hand
Crown (Normal position)
Timekeeping Mode
Stopwatch (Chronograph) Mode
Dual Time Mode
Alarm Mode


The watch’s calendar normally makes allowances for different month lengths. However, you will have to adjust the date manually in the case of leap years.
Hour hand
Second hand
Mode hand
To set the time
1. With the crown in the normal position, rotate it until the mode hand is pointed at TME (Timekeeping Mode).
2. Pull the crown out to the second click to stop the second hand.
3. Rotate the crown to set the current time with the hour and minute hands.
Rotating the crown one turn towards you until you feel a click will return the current
time setting one minute.
Rotating the crown one turn away from you until you feel a click will advance the
current time setting one minute.
Rotating the crown two or more turns will move the hands at high speed. To stop
high-speed hand movement, rotate the crown towards you or away from you one turn. If you do not stop high-speed hand movement, it will stop automatically after a 12-hour cycle.
Set the time carefully, making sure to distinguish between AM and PM.
4. Push the crown back in to the normal position to restart timekeeping.
Minute hand 24-hour hand
Second click (Setting time)
Crown (Normal position)
First click (Setting day)

Dual Time

The Dual Time Mode lets you keep track of time in a different zone. The Dual Time setting can be a time that is ±23 hours from the watch’s current time setting.
The seconds count of the Dual Time Mode is synchronized with the seconds count of the Timekeeping Mode.
Minute hand 24-hour hand
First click
Second hand
Hour hand
Mode hand
To change the Dual Time setting
1. With the crown in the normal position, rotate it until the mode hand is pointed at L-
TM (Dual Time Mode).
This will cause the hour and minute hands to move to the current Dual Time setting.
2. Pull the crown out to the second click.
3. Rotate the crown to change the Dual Time setting.
Rotating the crown one turn towards you until you feel a click will return the current setting one hour.
Rotating the crown one turn away from you until you feel a click will advance the current setting one hour.
There is no high-speed hand movement when setting changing the Dual Time setting.
Change the setting carefully, making sure to distinguish between AM and PM.
4. After you are finished, push the crown back in to the normal position.
Second click (Setting time)
Crown (Normal position)
Operation Guide 4725


You can set the hour and minute for one alarm time. When the alarm is turned on, the watch will beep whenever the current time (Timekeeping Mode) reaches the alarm time.
Second hand
Hour hand
Mode hand
To change the alarm time setting
1. With the crown in the normal position, rotate it until the mode hand is pointed at ALM (Alarm Mode).
This will cause the hour, minute, and 24-hour hand to move to the current alarm time
The second hand moves to either ON (alarm on) or OFF (alarm off) in accordance
with the current alarm on/off setting.
2. Pull the crown out to the second click.
3. Rotate the crown to change the alarm time setting.
Rotating the crown one turn towards you until you feel a click will return the current
time setting one minute.
Rotating the crown one turn away from you until you feel a click will advance the
current time setting one minute.
Rotating the crown two or more turns will move the hands at high speed. To stop
high-speed hand movement, rotate the crown towards you or away from you one turn. If you do not stop high-speed hand movement, it will stop automatically after a 12-hour cycle.
Change the setting carefully, making sure to distinguish between AM and PM.
4. After you are finished, push the crown back in to the normal position.
To turn the alarm on and off
1. With the crown in the normal position, rotate it until the mode hand is pointed at ALM (Alarm Mode).
2. Pull the crown out to the first or second click.
3. Press A to toggle the alarm on or off.
4. After you are finished, push the crown back in to the normal position.
Minute hand 24-hour hand
First click
Second click (Setting time)
Crown (Normal position)
Date and Function Hand Adjustment
With the crown pulled out to the first click, rotate it towards you until the date shows 31. Rotating the crown two or more turns will scroll the day setting at high speed. To stop high-speed date scrolling, rotate the crown towards you one turn.
While the function hand is rotating, set the date to 1.
After setting the date to 1, press A to align the function hand with 0.
Hour, Minute, Second, and 24-hour Hand Adjustment
Pull the crown out to the second click.
Press A to adjust the second hand position. Each press of A advances the
hand by one second. Holding down A will advance at high speed. Release A to stop high-speed movement.
Rotate the crown to adjust the hour, minute, and 24-hour hand positions. Rotate the crown towards you to move the hands clockwise. Rotate the crown away from you to move the hands counterclockwise. Rotating the crown two or more turns will move the hands at high speed. To stop high-speed hand movement, rotate the crown towards you or away from you one turn. If you do not stop high-speed hand movement, it will stop automatically after a 12-hour cycle. Carefully set the time, making sure to distinguish between AM and PM.
4. After you are finished, push the crown back in to the normal position.
Alarm Operation
The alarm tone sounds at the preset time for 15 seconds, regardless of the mode the watch is in.
To stop the alarm tone after it starts to sound, press A or B.
To test the alarm
In the Alarm Mode, hold down A to sound the alarm.

Checking and Adjusting the Hand and Date Home Positions

If you feel that the second hand position is off (at the start of a stopwatch elapsed time operation, for example), use the procedure below to check and adjust its home position.
Function hand
Second hand
24-hour hand
Hour hand
Mode hand
To checking and adjusting the hand and date home positions
1. With the crown in the normal position, rotate it until the mode hand is pointed at CHR (Stopwatch Mode).
2. Pull the crown out to the first click.
This will cause the watch’s settings to change to the following home positions.
Hour hand: 12 o’clock Minute hand: 12 o’clock Second hand: 12 o’clock 24-hour hand: 24 Function hand: 0 Day: 1
3. If any setting is not at the correct home position, perform one of the following operations to correct it.
Minute hand
Second click
Crown (Normal position)
First click