Cashco 964 User Manual

stem globe-style control valve. Sizes are 1/2",3/4", 1", 1-1/2", & 2". Available in Cast Iron and Cast Steel body ma te ri als.
Failure position is determined by actuator for: "D" = Direct action; on increasing air loading pressure,
the actuator stem extends. Fail-safe position is with the stem retracted.
"R" = Reverse action; on increasing air loading pres-
sure, the actuator stem retracts. Fail-safe position is with the stem extended.
The valve is designed primarily for general service
or utility applications such as steam, air, oil, gas and water.
Refer to Technical Bulletin 964-TB for complete tech ni cal specifi cations of a Model 964 coupled with either Cashco Actuator Model C27 or C53.
Refer to following Installation, Operation & Main­ te nance Manuals (IOM’s) for either actuator and/or devices that maybe mounted to a Model 964:
Actuators: Positioners: P/P: I/P: I/P:
Model 964
with ATO - FC Actuator
ATC–FO – Air–to–Close, Fail Open ATO–FC – Air–to–Open, Fail Close CCW – Counter Clockwise CW – Clockwise D or DIR – Direct Acting IAS – Instrument Air Supply LOAD – Positioner Output Air Pressure R or REV – Reverse Acting SIG – Output Signal from Instrument V – Vent
For welded installations, all internal trim parts and seals, must be removed from body prior to welding into pipeline. The heat of fusion welding will dam age non-metallic parts if not re moved. NOTE: This does
not apply to units equipped with extended pipe nip ples.
A. Orientation:
1. Recommended ori en ta tion when in stalled in a hor i zon tal pipeline with the stem ver ti cal. Valves may also be in stalled in ver ti cal pipe­ lines with stems hor i zon tal.
3. If pipe reducers are located before and/or after the valve body, keep the reducers as close as prac ti cal to the valve body; this is especially important where the reducers are more than one line size larger than the valve body size, which is common in gaseous ser vice.
4. Clean the piping of all foreign debris, in clud ing chips, weld scale, weld spatter, oil, grease, sand or dirt prior to in stall ing the control valve. This is an absolute re quire ment for valves supplied with composition soft seats. System start-up strain ers, for removal shortly after initial start-up, are rec om mend ed.
5. Field hydrostatic testing the com plet ed piping system to 1-1/2 x CWP in psig indicated on the nameplate, including the 964, is ac cept able. If hydro test pressure exceeds the 1-1/2 x CWP limit, the 964 must be re moved for such testing. Before pres sur iza tion, the valve plug should be lifted from the seat if of ATO-FC action. Tighten packing as re quired.
Figure 1: Typical Control Valve Station
2. Outdoors, all in stal la tions may be ori ent ed any angle from hor i zon tal-to-vertical.
3. Valves are not recommended for in stal la tion with the actuator oriented down wards..
B. Piping System:
1. It is recommended that the control valve unit be in stalled with a double-block and bypass as in di cat ed in Figure 1. This ar range ment is rec om mend ed es pe cial ly where main te nance will be done on the valve body while still in­stalled in the pipeline.
2. Pipe unions are recommended for NPT screwed or socket welded installations to al low complete removal from sys tem. If re mov al for main te nance is by cutting torch for socket welded valves, leave suffi cient pipe nipple space be tween the 964 body and the next piping com po nent up or down stream to allow socket weld couplings for re-in stal la tion.
6. In placing thread sealant on pipe ends prior to en gage ment, ensure that excess ma te ri al is removed and not allowed to enter the valve upon start-up.
7. Flow Direction: Install so the fl ow direction match es the arrow marked on the valve body.
8. For best performance, install in well drained hor i zon tal pipe, properly trapped if a steam service ap pli ca
9. Valves are not to be direct buried un der ground.
10. Insulation may be applied as in di cat ed in Fig­ure 2. Drain age away from the packing area must be ensured when fully in stalled, sealed and lagged for outdoors in stal la tion.
Limit of Bonnet Insulation
Figure 2: Body Insulation
11. Undue piping stress/strain or bend ing torques may not be trans mit ted thru the valve body. One pipe (inlet or outlet) should be an chored rig id ly for pip ing that is “hot” or “cold” with respect to ambient tem per a ture; the re main ing pipe (in let or out let) should be sup port ed and guid ed to ensure uni di­ rec tion al ex pan sion/con trac tion.
C. Air Supply:
1. Use a desiccant dried, instrument quality air supply. Such a supply is recommended for outdoor installations, and is required in areas of freezing weather conditions.
A. General:
1. Ensure that the Model 964 unit has been prop er ly adjusted and cal i brat ed, in clud ing the po si tion er, if in stalled.
2. Recommend startup to be in a “man u al” mode. This pro ce dure assumes dou ble block (iso la tion) and bypass valves for the “control valve station”. See Fig ure 1.
3. Start with either of the two block valves closed, with the other open. The bypass valve should be closed. Pres sur ize sys tem, if pos si ble/prac ti cal.
4. Back out the airset’s adjusting screw until loose.
2. If air supply contains moisture and /or lu­bricating oil, the air should be fi ltered with a coalescing type of fi lter prior to use in stroking the actuator.
3. Failure to remove moisture will cause corro­sion to the internals of the actuator casings.
4. Connections for the air supply are 1/4" female NPT. Use a suitable pipe thread sealant when installing the pipe or tube fi tting. DO
NOT allow sealant to enter the tube/pipe.
8. Confi rm that action of con trol ler and po si- tion er - direct or reverse - are producing the de sired re sponse in the con trol unit. Con fi rm that the con trol valve “fail” po si tion is as re quired.
9. Hereafter, the procedure as sumes that ac tu al uid fl ow may be established. This may not be practical / pos si ble in all cas es; if so, vary procedure as re quired.
Always “heat” or “cool” down the system
pip ing SLOW LY by open ing the control valve sta tion by pass valve in small in cre ments.
5. Turn on air supply pressure.
6. Adjust the air supply airset (fi l ter-reg u la tor) to the proper lev el as in di cat ed as follows:
Bench Setting Airset Output
psig (Barg) psig (Barg)
5–15 (.34–1.0) 20 (1.4)
15–60 (1.0–4.1) 75 (5.2)
7. Place loop controller into “man u al” mode. Vary setting from minimum - mid-range ­max i mum SIG output. Ob serve re sponse of con trol valve unit to these chang es of input SIG. The valve should fully stroke at the vari a tion from min i mum SIG to max i mum SIG; the mid-range SIG should have the valve stem travel at/near 1/2 open.
10. With one of the control valve station block valves still closed, and the loop con trol ler still in “man u al” mode, open by pass valve and vary fl ow rate man u al ly to ob serve the re sponse of the con trol ler and control valve unit to geth er.
11. Attempt to develop manual con trol of the loop by opening/clos ing the man u al by pass as re quired, or by manually con trol ling main­ stream fl ow as re quired.
12. When the control valve is partially open, crack open slowly the closed block valve while si mul ta neous ly clos ing the by pass valve. Con tin ue this pro ce dure until the bypass is closed and the block valves are both fully open. The system is still under “man u
mode control, but all fl ow is pass ing through the control valve.
13. Vary controller “manual” SIG output until match ing the “au to mat ic” SIG output, then
change the mode of the controller over to “automatic”, and the loop will ex pe ri ence a min i mum of upset con di tions, and will be in au to mat ic control.
SYSTEM UNDER PRES SURE. Prior to per form ing any maintenance, isolate the valve/actuator from the sys tem and relieve all pressure. Fail ure to do so could result in personal injury.
A. General:
1. Maintenance procedures here in af ter are based upon re mov al of the valve/ac tu a tor unit from the pipe line where in stalled.
2. Owner should refer to Owner’s pro ce dures for re mov al, handling and cleaning of non-re us­ able parts, i.e. gaskets, suitable sol vents, etc.
3. Valves supplied from the factory use a gasket sealant, Federal Process Company, PLS2, or equal. Owner may use such aids provided the aids are com pat i ble with the Owner’s fl uid.
4. All indicated Item Numbers that are with re spect to the actuator assembly (AA) are in pa ren the sis and un der scored; i.e (20). All Item Num bers that are with respect to the body assembly (BA) of a Model 964 are not un der scored; i.e. (32). Reference with respect to the po si tion er is in double parentheses; i.e. ((AP)).
5. Special care must be exhibited when
ro tat ing the stem (3) of the valve to not mar that portion of the surface of the stem (3) where it contacts with the pack ing (6). To rotate the stem (3), use
the jam nuts (18) or grasp stem with soft­jawed pliers. NOTE: When using the jam
nuts (18) to rotate the stem (3), use the upper jam nut to rotate the stem CW, and the lower jam nut to rotate the stem CCW, when viewed from above valve stem.
6. Hereafter, whenever text has the fol low ing no ta tion, “(Note PA.)”, the fol low ing text is to be ap plied;
“For ATO-FC reverse action units, connect a temporary air source to the actuator and pres sur ize to a level suf­ fi cient to initiate travel to ap prox i mate ly mid-stroke.
7. Hereafter, whenever text has the fol low ing no ta tion, “(Note RP.)”, the fol low ing text is to be applied:
“For ATO-FC reverse action units, re­ lease all tem po rary air pressure.
B. Actuator Removal:
1. Secure the body (1) in a vise with the actua­tor as sem bly (AA) oriented ver ti cal ly. Place matchmarks between the body (1) bon net ange, the bonnet (2) fl ange, and the yoke (3) to assist in fi nal ori en ta tion when the body is dis as sem bled and/or the ac tu a tor removed. If actuator has handwheel - see Actuator IOM for removal instructions.
2. (Note PA.) Using blunt end tool, ham mer rap the tool to loosen yoke nut (29) turning CCW (viewed from above) ap prox i mate ly 2 rev o lu tions. Secure the ac tu a tor stem (6). Loos en the stem jam nuts (18) by rotating CW (viewed from above) one-at-a-time to base of stem (3) threads.
3. Fully loosen any accessory de vic es that are con nect ed to the stem (6) or (3) such as ac ces so ry plate ((AP)) for po si tion
4. Loosen packing (6) by rotating nuts (15) CCW 2-3 rev o lu tions. (Note RP.).
NOTE: To fully disengage the actuator stem (6) from the plug/stem (3) is a two-step pro ce dure. Be aware of the valve’s stroke length as in di cat ed on the name plate (40) before be gin ning dis en­ gage ment. During the dis en gage ment, mea sure the dis tance ex tend ed, and stay at least 1/8" (3 mm) away from the full stroke length. Count and record the number of rev o lu tions for each step in the box below:
For Steps 5 and 6: Count the number of revolutions to disengage plug/stem from actuator stem:
Step A. Step B.
5. For ATO-FC Reverse Action Units:
a. (Note PA.)
b. Step A. Rotate plug/stem (3) CW (viewed
from above) to disengage the ac tu a tor stem (6) from the plug/stem (3), while holding the actuator stem (6). Record the num ber of plug/stem rev o lu tions for Step A above. When the dis en gage ment reach es about 50% of full stroke trav el Step A is com plet ed. (Note RP).
c. Step B. Support the actuator as sem-
bly (AA) from above. Fully loosen yoke nut (29). Lift the actuator as­ sem bly (AA) up wards ap prox i mate ly 1/4"-3/8" (6-8 mm). Again, rotate plug/ stem (3) CW (viewed from above) to dis en gage the ac tu a tor stem (6) from the plug/stem (3) while holding the ac tu a tor stem (6). Record the number of plug/ stem (3) rev o lu tions for Step B above. This should allow the stems (6) (3) to fully dis en gage.
NOTE: Take notice of the parts “dan gling loosely” about the plug/stem (3), the order of their lo ca tion and their proper orientation.
d. Fully raise the actuator assembly (AA)
from the valve body assembly (BA). Re move cautiously to prevent dan gling parts - position indicating washer (26), ac ces so ry plate ((AP)), yoke nut (29) ­from fall ing.
6. For ATC-FO Direct Action Units:
a. Step A. Rotate plug/stem (3) CW (viewed
from above) to disengage the ac tu a tor stem (6). Do not rotate the plug (3) into the seat (11). Record the number of plug/stem (3) rev o lu tions for Step A above. When the dis en gage ment reach es about 75% of full stroke travel, Step A. is com plet ed.
b. Step B. Support the actuator as sem bly
(AA) from above. Fully loosen yoke nut (29) and remove. Lift the actuator as sem­ bly (AA) upwards ap prox i mate ly 1/4" ­3/8" (6-8 mm). Again, rotate plug/stem (3) CW (viewed from above) to dis en­ gage the ac tu a tor stem (6) from the plug/ stem (3), while holding the actuator stem (6). Record the number of plug/stem rev o lu tions for Step B. This should al­low the stems (6) (3) to fully disengage.
NOTE: Take notice of the parts “dangling loosely” about the stem (3), the order of their lo ca tion and their proper orientation.
c. Fully raise actuator assembly (AA) from
the valve body assembly (BA). Re move cau tious ly to prevent dan gling parts – po­ si tion indicating washer (26), ac ces so ry plate ((AP)), yoke nut (29) - from falling.
C. Actuator Replacement:
1. Secure body assembly (BA) in a vise with the plug/stem (3) oriented ver ti cal ly. Push plug/stem (3) down until the plug touches the seating surface in the body.
2. Secure the actuator assembly (AA) from above. Use matchmarks from B.1. previous to assist with (BA) and (AA) alignment.
3. This procedure assumes that the bonnet (2) has been bolted to the body (1), with stem jam nuts (18) threaded on the plug/stem (3).
4. Lower actuator assembly (AA) until the plug/ stem (3) penetrates the opening in the yoke (3). Re po si tion the “dangling parts” - yoke nut (29), ac ces so ry plate ((AP)) or in di cat­ ing washer (26) - over threaded end of plug/ stem (3). Con tin ue to lower the actuator assembly (AA) until there is ap prox i mate ly 1/4" (6 mm) space between the two stems (6) (3).
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