Cashco 8310LP User Manual

The Model 8310 is a high capacity pressure reducing regulator with double seat design used to control down stream (outlet or P2) pressure. Sizes are 1-1/2" (DN40), 2" (DN50), 2-1/2" (DN65), 3" (DN80) and 4" (DN100). With proper trim utilization, the unit is suitable for liquid, gas eous, or steam service. Refer to Tech ni cal Bulletin 8310-TB for design conditions and selection recommendations.
For welded installations, all internal trim parts, seals and diaphragm(s) must be removed from reg u la tor body prior to welding into pipeline. The heat of fusion welding will dam age non-metallic parts if not re moved. NOTE: This does not apply to units equipped with extended pipe nip ples.
1. An inlet block valve should always be installed.
2. If service application is continuous such that shut down is not readily accomplished, it is rec om mend ed that an inlet block valve, outlet block valve, and a manual bypass valve be installed.
3. Pipe unions are recommended for NPT screwed in stal ­la tions to allow removal from piping.
4. An outlet pressure gauge should be located ap prox i­ mate ly ten pipe diameters downstream, and within sight.
5. All installations should include a downstream re lief device if the inlet pressure could exceed the pres sure rating of any downstream equipment or the max i mum outlet pressure rating of the unit.
Installation of adequate overpressure pro tec tion is recommended to pro tect the reg u la tor and all downstream equip ment from dam age in the event of reg u la tor failure.
Outlet @ P
@ P
Model 8310HP or 8310 LP Pressure Reducing Regulator
Blowdown-Drain Blowdown-Drain
(Shaded portion for steam/condensate systems)
Recommended Piping Schematic For
Pressure Reducing Station
6. Clean the piping of all foreign material including chips, welding scale, oil, grease and dirt before in stall ing the regulator. Strainers are rec om mend ed.
7. In placing thread sealant on pipe ends prior to en­ gage ment, ensure that excess material is re moved and not allowed to enter the regulator upon start-up.
8. Flow Direction: Install so the fl ow direction match es the arrow cast on the body. Install an external sensing line (1/2" O.D. (DN15) tubing minimum) from the 3/8" (DN10) NPT con nec tion in needle valve (39) to a point down stream, pref er a bly at gauge location. If regula­tor pipe line is ex pand ing to a larger pipe line, always connect sensing line to the larger pipe line.
9. For best performance, install in well drained hor i zon tal pipe, properly trapped, if a steam service ap pli ca tion.
By pass
10. Basic Regulator - (Refer to Figure 1): Regulator may be rotated around the pipe axis 360°. Rec om mend ed position is with spring chamber ver ti cal upwards. Orient such that the spring chamber vent hole does not collect rainwater or debris.
11. Regulators are not to be direct buried un der ground.
12. For insulated piping systems, recommendation is to not insulate regulator.
1. Movement occurs as pressure variations register on the diaphragm. The registering pressure is the outlet P2, or downstream pressure. The range spring opposes di a phragm movement. As outlet pressure drops, the
1. Start with the block valves closed. A bypass valve may be used to maintain outlet pressure in the down stream system without chang ing the fol low ing steps.
DO NOT HYDROSTATIC TEST THRU AN IN STALLED UNIT; ISOLATE REGULATOR FROM TEST. The upper range spring pressure level listed on the name plate is the rec om mend ed “up per operative limit” for the sens ing di a phragm (see Section IV. Start-up, Number 7.) High er pres sures could cause internal damage. In ad di tion, note on the name plate that the Inlet and Outlet pres sure and tem per a ture ratings are at dif fer ent levels.
range spring pushes the di a phragm down, opening the ports; as outlet pres sure increases, the di a phragm push es up and the port opening closes.
2. A complete diaphragm failure will cause the reg u la tor to fail open.
7. Continue to slowly open the outlet (downstream) block valve, especially when the downstream piping sys tem isn’t pressurized. If the outlet (down stream) pressure exceeds the de sired pres sure, close the block valve and go to Step 2, then return to Step 4.
2. Relax the range spring by turning the adjusting screw counter clockwise (CCW) (viewed from above) a min­ i mum of three (3) full revolutions. This re duc es the outlet (downstream) pres sure set point.
3. If it is a “hot” piping system, and equipped with a by­pass valve, slowly open the bypass valve to preheat the system piping and to allow slow ex pan sion of the piping. Ensure proper steam trap operation, if installed. Close ly monitor outlet (down stream) pressure via gauge to ensure not over-pres sur iz ing. NOTE: If no bypass
valve is in stalled, extra caution should be used in start­ing up a cold system; i.e. do everything slowly.
4. Crack open the outlet (downstream) block valve.
5. Slowly open the inlet (upstream) block valve ob serv ing the outlet (downstream) pressure gauge. De ter mine if the regulator is fl owing. If not, slowly rotate the regulator adjusting screw clock wise (CW) (viewed from above) until fl ow be gins.
6. Continue to slowly open the inlet (up stream) block valve until fully open.
8. When fl ow is established steady enough that the outlet (downstream) block valve is fully open, begin to slowly close the bypass valve, if in stalled. NOTE: The needle
valve (39) is shipped in a full open position. If the system is unstable due to pressure fl uctuations, slowly close the needle valve (39) until the system becomes stable. This needle valve (39) should never be in a fully closed position.
9. Develop system fl ow to a level near its expected normal rate, and reset the regulator setpoint by turning the adjusting screw CW (viewed from above) to increase outlet pressure, or CCW to reduce outlet pressure.
10. Reduce system fl ow to a minimum level and observe setpoint. Outlet pressure will rise from the set point of Step 9. The maximum rise in outlet pressure on decreasing fl ow should not exceed the stated upper limit of the range spring by greater than 10%; i.e. 10-40 psig (.69-2.8 Barg) range spring, at low fl ow the outlet pressure should not exceed 44 psig (3 Barg). If it does, consult factory.
1. On systems with a bypass valve, and where system pressure is to be maintained as the reg u la tor is shut down, slowly open the bypass valve while closing the inlet (up stream) block valve. Fully close the inlet (up stream) block valve. (When on bypass, the system pres sure must be con stant ly observed and manually reg u lat ed.) Close the outlet (downstream) block valve.
Do not walk away and leave a bypassed regulator un at tend ed!
2. If the regulator and system are to both be shut down, slowly close the inlet (upstream) block valve. Close the outlet (down stream) valve only if regulator re mov al is re quired.
SYSTEM UNDER PRESSURE. Prior to performing any main te nance, isolate the regulator from the system and relieve all pressure. Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
A. General:
1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are based upon removal of the regulator unit from the pipeline where installed.
2. Owner should refer to owner’s pro ce dures for re mov al, handling, cleaning and disposal of non­reuseable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc.
3. Refer to Figure 1 for standard regulator (NOTE:
“LP” variation has larger di a phragm area than “HP” variation). Refer to Figures 2 through 4 for option blow-ups.
B. Diaphragm Replacement:
1. Using an overhead hoist, lift regulator on to a fl at surface work bench.
8. Pry loose pressure plate (22) from diaphragm(s) (20) and remove both. In spect to ensure no de for ­ma tion due to over-pres sur iza tion. If de formed, replace.
NOTES: 1. Not re mov ing the pusher plate (17) or rotating the valve plug assembly (12) will pro vide per for mance equal to orig i nal fac to ry per for mance when diaphragm(s) (20) is re placed with a like diaphragm(s) (20). Refer to Section VI.C, steps 12 and 13 for correct diaphragm setting if pusher plate (17) or stem lock nut (19) is re moved, or valve plug as sem bly (12) is rotated.
2. Refer to quantity of diaphragm(s) (20) in cor po­ rat ed in the bill of ma te ri als listing. De pend ing on outlet pressure level, multiple metal di a phragms may be “stacked”.
9. Remove diaphragm gasket (21) and pusher plate gas­ket (18). Clean gasket sealing sur fac es thor ough ly.
10. Install new diaphragm gasket (21) on di a case (14) fl ange and new pusher plate gasket (18) on pusher plate, if required. NOTE: No gaskets
utilized with a com po si tion (soft) di a phragm).
11. Position new diaphragm(s) (20) over threaded end of valve plug assembly (12).
12. Ensuring that the curved outer rim side of the pres­sure plate (22) rests against the diaphragm(s) (20) directly, place the pres sure plate (22) over threaded end of the valve plug assembly (12).
SPRING UNDER COMPRESSION. Prior to re mov ing ange bolts, relieve spring compression by removing the ad just ing screw. Failure to do so may result in fl ying parts that could cause per son al injury.
2. Relax range spring (28) by turning ad just ing screw (or T-bar) (32) CCW (viewed from above) until re moved from spring chamber (13).
3. Draw or embed a match mark between di a phragm case (14) and spring chamber cast ing (13) along anged area.
4. Remove all fl ange nuts (30) and bolts (29).
5. Remove spring chamber (13), spring button (27), and range spring (28).
6. Draw second match mark on diaphragm case (14) fl ange in alignment with a match mark on the threaded end of the valve plug assembly (12) to indicate “free vertical movement” position of the valve plug assembly (12).
7. Securing the “fl ats” on the threaded end of the valve plug assembly (12) with ad just able wrench, re move pressure plate nut (24) by rotating CCW (viewed from above).
NOTE: Do not rotate the valve plug assembly (12). The plug (12.1) and seat rings (10 & 11) have been me chan i cal ly lapped at the factory per ANSI Class II seat leakage and assembled to pro vide op ti mum “free vertical movement”.
13. Install pressure plate nut (24) on threaded end of valve plug as sem bly (12) and tighten to a torque value of 75-80 Ft-lbs (101-108 Nm) for metal di a­ phragm, or 30-35 Ft-lbs (40-47 Nm) for com po si tion di a phragm. Main tain align ment of match marks on the valve plug as sem bly (12) with second match mark on di a phragm case (14) fl ange. NOTE: Use
two fl ange bolts (29) to keep multiple di a phragms' (20) bolt holes prop er ly aligned while tight en ing pres sure plate nut (24). DO NOT USE FINGERS
14. Set range spring (28) on retainer hub of pres sure plate (22).
15. Place multi-purpose, high temperature grease into depression of spring button (27) where ad just ing screw (or T-bar) (32) bears. Set spring button (27) on to range spring (28); ensure spring button (27) is laying fl at.
16. Aligning the match marks, place spring cham ber (13) over the above stacked parts. In stall all fl ange bolts (29) and fl ange nuts (30). Me chan i cal ly tight en bolting (29) (30) in a cross pattern that al­lows spring cham ber (13) to be pulled down evenly. Rec om mend ed torque values are as fol lows:
8310HP ALL 45 ft-lbs (61 Nm) 5/8" Ø
8310LP ALL 45 ft-lbs (61 Nm) 1/2" Ø
Bolt Size
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