Cashco 521 User Manual

The Model 521 is a bellows sealed, globe-style con­trol valve fabricated from a tee-block of isostatically com pact ed virgin TFE. Sizes are 1/2", 1", 1-1/2" and 2". The split body jacket is CF8 (304 SST) material. All wetted internal parts are of isostatically compacted TFE material. The standard stem material is of 316 SST; two optional Hastelloy C-276 stem material con struc tions are avail able.
End connections are available to mate with 150#, 300# or DIN PN16, 25 or 40 fl anges. Each fl ange is drilled and tapped to receive stud bolting only.
The valve is designed for chemical service with fl uids that are normally corrosive to metallic materials.
For application pressure vs. temperature zone refer to Model 521-TB, Graph No. 1 (pg. 3).
Actuators that may be mounted to a Model 521 body are Cashco Model C27 or Model C53, both eld reversible.
Refer to Technical Bulletin 521-TB for complete tech ni cal specifi cations of a Model 521 coupled with either Cashco Actuator C27 or C53.
Refer to following Installation, Operation & Main­ te nance Manuals (IOM’s) for either actuator and/or devices that maybe mounted to a Model 521:
Actuators: Positioners: P/P: I/P: I/P:
SST.......... Cast or Wrought Stainless Steel
HC ........... Wrought Hastelloy C-276
ATO-FC ... Air-to-Open, Fail Close ATC-FO ... Air-to-Close, Fail Open
CW ........... Clockwise
D or DIR ... Direct Acting R or REV.. Reverse Acting
IAS ........... Instrument Air Supply
IOM .......... Installation, Operation and Maintenance
SIG .......... Output Signal from Instrument
LOAD ....... Positioner Output Air Pressure
V .............. Vent
Model 521
with ATO - FC Actuator
Man u al
A. Orientation
1. Recommended orientation when installed is in a hor i zon tal pipeline with the stem verti­cal. Valves may be installed in a vertical or hor i zon tal pipeline with the stem between vertical and horizontal.
2. Outdoors, all installations may be oriented at any angle from horizontal-to-vertical, as per A.1. above.
3. Model 521 valves should not be installed with the stem oriented below horizontal/ down wards.
4. In no case is additional weight to be applied to the actuator assembly when installed in an ori en ta tion other than vertical.
The valve/actuator unit should not be used as a “step” to sup port per son nel. Failure to comply may cause leak age at the bonnet/body joint, al­ low ing pos si ble con tact with harm ful fl uids.
2. If pipe reducers are located before and/or after the valve body, keep the reducers as close as practical to the valve body; this is especially important where the reducers are more than one line size larger than the valve body size, which is common in gaseous ser vice.
3. Clean the piping of all foreign debris, in­cluding chips, weld scale, weld splatter, oil, grease, sand or dirt prior to installing the control valve; THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT.
4. Field hydrostatic testing the completed piping system, including the Model 521, to 1-1/2 x CWP in di cat ed on Model 521 name plate is ac cept able. If hydro test pres­ sure ex ceeds the 1-1/2 x CWP limit, the 521 must be re moved for such testing. Before pres sur iza tion, the valve plug should be lifted from the seat if of re verse, ATO-FC action.
5. Flow Direction: Install so the fl ow direc- tion match es the arrow cast on the valve body.
6. Valves are not to be direct buried un der ­ground.
B. Piping System
1. It is recommended that the control valve unit be installed with a double-block and bypass as indicated in Figure 1. This arrangement is recommended especially where main te­ nance will be done on the valve body while still installed in the pipeline.
Figure 1: Typical Control Valve Station
7. Insulation may be applied as indicated in Fig ure 2. Drainage from the packing area must be ensured when fully installed, sealed and lagged for outdoors installation. Vented pipe plug (12) should not be covered.
Figure 2: Body Insulation
8. Undue piping stress/strain or bending torques may not be transmitted thru the control valve body. One pipe (inlet or outlet) should be anchored rigidly for piping that is “hot” or “cold” with respect to ambient
tem per a ture; the re main ing pipe (inlet or outlet) should be sup port ed and guided to ensure uni di rec tion al ex pan sion/con trac­ tion. Properly align prior to installing valve with required fl ange bolting.
9. The Model 521 is designed for a fl anged con nec tion that is gasketless. The raised face portion of end con nec tion fl ange serves as the gasket.
10. An ANSI/DIN adapter gasket (17) is sup­plied with all Model 521 valves provided with DIN 16/25/40 end con nec tions. See Figure 3. The purpose of this adapter gasket (17) is to en sure prop er compression of the body’s TFE core (1.2) when used with DIN piping.
To assist during installation, place pipe
thread sealant on one side of adapter gasket (17), and press the sealant covered side of the adapter gasket over the exposed TFE of the body core (1.2) end connection. The sealant will hold the adapter gasket (17) to its proper location prior to joining with a piping fl ange.
Body Size End Connection Flange Bolting
In. (DN) 150# 300# DIN 16/25/40
1/2" DN15
1" DN25
1-1/2" DN40
2" DN50
No. Bolt Holes 4 4 or 8 * 4
1/2" Ø - 1-3/4"
13 UNC-2B
1/2" Ø - 2"
13 UNC-2B
1/2" Ø - 2-1/2"
13 UNC-2B
5/8" Ø - 2-1/2"
11 UNC-2B
* 2" - 300 # requires 8 bolt holes; all others 4.
1/2" Ø - 1-3/4"
13 UNC-2B
5/8 Ø - 2"
11 UNC-2B
3/4" Ø - 2-3/4"
10 UNC-2B
5/8" Ø - 2-3/4"
11 UNC-2B
14 mm Ø - 45 mm
14 mm Ø - 52 mm
18 mm Ø - 70 mm
18 mm Ø - 70 mm
12. Tighten fl ange stud nuts uniformly in a cross- ing pattern. Ensure fl ange facing align ment. Do not use fl ange bolting to “pull” fl ang es into alignment. Tighten fl ange bolting to torque levels of Table 2 in increments of 1/2 rev o lu tion to ensure uniform loading of valve’s raised facing.
Body Size End Connection Flange Bolting
In. (DN) ANSI-150 ANSI-300 DIN 16/25/40
1/2" DN15 10 - 12 ft-# 10 - 12 ft-# 15 - 18 N-m
1" DN25 10 - 12 ft-# 12 - 14 ft-# 21 - 25 N-m
1-1/2" DN40 10 - 12 ft-# 14 - 17 ft-# 18 - 22 N-m
2" DN50 35 - 40 ft-# 17 - 20 ft-# 50 - 60 N-m
Figure 3: ANSI/DIN Adapter Gasket
11. Flange bolting must be of the stud-type. Each fl ange is drilled and tapped to accept studs. The studs should be of a length to penetrate the full depth of the bolt hole thru the fl ange; DO NOT USE STUDS/BOLTS OF TOO SHORT LENGTH. See Table 1 for stud size/thread/length requirements.
Figure 4: End Connection - Partial Section
NOTE: If the installed Model 521 has had
the fl ange bolting over-torqued, distortion of TFE core (1.2) will occur. If dimension “X” in Figure 4 is 0.040" (1 mm) or less, a gasket is rec om mend ed upon reinstallation. If dimension “X” is less than 0.020" (0.5 mm), body re place ment is recommended.
C. Auxiliary Detection:
1. When a fl uid is known to permeate TFE over a fi nite time period and the fl uid is lethal or is subject to stringent limits of fugitive emis­ sions, the vented pipe plug (12) should be removed and one of, or a com bi na tion of, the following methods should be considered to
monitor the integrity of the internal primary stem (9) seal – the bellows sub-assembly (8):
a. gas detector with alarm b. pressure indicating gauge c. pressure switch with alarm d. inert gas, constant fl ow purge.
A. General:
1. Ensure that the Model 521 unit has been properly adjusted and calibrated, including the po si tion er, if in stalled.
2. Recommend startup to be in “manual” mode. This procedure assumes double block (iso la tion) and bypass valves for the “control valve station" per Figure 1.
3. Start with either of the two block valves closed, with the other open. The bypass valve should be closed. Pres sur ize system if possible/prac ti cal.
4. Back out the airset’s adjusting screw until loose.
5. Turn on air supply pressure.
6. Adjust the air supply airset (fi lter-regulator) to the proper level as indicated in the technical bulletin 521-TB. DO NOT STROKE THE CON TROL VALVE WITH AN AIR SUPPLY PRESSURE SET TING GREATER THAN REC OM MEND ED MAX I MUM PRESSURE!
7. Place loop controller into “manual” mode. Vary setting from minimum – mid-range— maximum SIG out put. Ob serve response of control valve unit to these changes of input SIG. The valve should fully stroke at the variation from minimum SIG to maximum SIG; the mid-range SIG should have the valve stem travel at/near 1/2 open.
8. Confi rm that action of controller and po si- tion er – direct or reverse – are producing the desired response in the control unit. Confi rm that the control valve “fail” position is as re quired.
9. Hereafter, the procedure assumes that actual fl uid fl ow may be established. This may not be practical/pos si ble in all cases; if so, vary pro ce dure as required.
Always “heat” or “cool” down the system
pip ing SLOW LY by opening the control valve station bypass valve in small increments.
10. With one of the control valve station block valves still closed, and the loop controller still in “man u al” mode, open bypass valve and vary fl ow rate manually to observe the re sponse of the controller and control valve unit to geth er.
11. Attempt to develop manual control of the loop by opening/closing the manual bypass as required, or by manually controlling main stream fl ow as required.
12. When the control valve is partially open, crack open, slowly, the closed block valve while si mul ta neous ly clos ing the bypass valve; it may be necessary/desirable to vary the man u al output SIG from the controller si mul ta neous ly also. Continue this proce­dure until the by pass is closed and the block valves are both fully open. The system is still under “manual” mode control, but all fl ow is passing thru the control valve.
13. Vary controller “manual” SIG output until match ing the “automatic” SIG output, then change the mode of the controller over to “automatic”, and the loop will ex pe ri ence a minimum of upset conditions, and will be in
automatic control.
Model 521 control valves fre quent ly are installed in haz ard ous/le thal fl uid ser vic es. Be fore re mov al from pipe line or any level of dis as sem bly, con sult the Own er’s safety pro ce dures for proper fl ushing, clean ing and han dling of a valve ex posed to po­ ten tial ly haz ard ous fl uids dur ing de-pres sur iza tion and re mov al. Owner's safe ty procedures pre empt any state ments or rec om men da tions con tained in this IOM.
A. General:
1. Once fl uid pressure has been iso lat ed by block valves, and piping fl ange bolting has been only loos ened, care ful ly re move vented pipe plug (12) from the bonnet (2), applying the detection procedures of C. 1. above, as a small quantity of fl uid may be “trapped” in the void space of the bellows (8) interior due to permeation. The plug (12) has a “groove” notched in its threads to assure venting prior to the threads fully disengaging. Once fully vented and/or purged as required by safety procedures, reinstall the plug (12) using a uid compatible lubricant . DO NOT USE THREAD SEAL ANT FOR VENT ED PIPE PLUG (12) ON RE IN STAL LA TION.
6. The stem sub-assembly (9) is designed for non-rotation when installed. DO NOT AT TEMPT TO RO TATE WITH THE STEM SUB-ASSEMBLY IN STALLED; FAILURE TO HEED MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE STEM SUB-ASSEMBLY (9), THE BEL­LOWS SUB-AS SEM BLY (8), THE PLUG (3) AND/OR THE BODY ASSEMBLY(1). Exhibit special care when handling the stem (9) sur face where it contacts the packing (6).
B. Pressure Boundary Leakage Shop Test:
1. Secure the body assembly (BA) in a vise with the valve stem (9) oriented vertically.
2. Remove vented pipe plug (12).
3. Install a pipe nipple, test pressure gauge and isolation valve into the 1/8"-NPT (female) open ing. (See Figure 5.)
2. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are
based upon removal of the valve/actuator unit from the pipeline where installed.
3. Owner should refer to Owner’s procedures for re mov al, handling and cleaning of non­reuseable parts and suitable sol vents, etc.
4. Valves supplied from the factory do not use any sealing aids for the gasket such as oil, sealant, or pipe dope in the wetted portions of the valve body as sem bly. Sealing aids should not be required and are not rec om­ mend ed.
5. All indicated Item Numbers that are with re spect to actuator assembly (AA) will be in pa ren the sis and un der scored; i.e. (20). All Item Num bers that are with respect to the body assembly (BA) are not underscored; i.e. (32). Reference with respect to the positioner is in double parentheses; i.e. ((AP)).
Figure 5: Pressure Boundry Testing Confi guration
4. Place a suitable adhesive tape (“duct tape”) around the perimeter of the bonnet/body ange. Place tape on the “joint lines” of the shell halves (1.1) (see Figure 10). Place blind ang es over the fl anged end connections and bolt down; one of the blind fl anges must have a hole thru the face; place tape over the opening of the blind fl ange.
5. Using a source of acceptable fl uid such as ni tro gen gas, pressurize the bellows “void zone” to 30 psig (2.1 Barg). Tightly close off the isolation valve of 3. above. Disconnect the pressure source.
6. Poke small holes in the tape at the bonnet/ body fl ange and at the opening in the blind ange.
7. For units with Reverse Action (ATO-FC) ac tu a tors pressurize to a level suffi cient to initiate travel to approximately mid-stroke to hold the plug (3) away from the body (1) seat.
6. Loosen stem nut (20) by rotating nut CW (viewed from above) to base of threads.
7. Loosen packing (6) by turning packing gland nut (5) CCW 2-3 revolutions.
8. Apply leak detection fl uid to all the potential leak paths: a. Packing gland nut (5). (Tighten as nec es-
sary.) b. Body (1)-to-bonnet (2) fl ange tape hole. c. Body (1) and bonnet (2) bolting (13, 14,
1.3, 1.4, 1.5). d. End connection blind fl ange tape hole. e. Test pressure piping con nec tions.
9. If leakage occurs at: a. a. above, there is a packing (6) or a pack-
ing (6) /stem sub-assembly (9) failure.
b. b. above, there is a bonnet gasket (11)
c. c. above, there is a bonnet gasket (11),
or TFE core (1.2) failure.
d. d. above, there is a bellows sub-as sem bly
(8) failure.
10. Following this test procedure may help to solve main te nance problems when combined with visual ex am i na tion of disas­sembled body assembly (BA).
8. Rotate yoke nut (15) CCW to fully loosen nut.
9A. For ATO-FC Reverse Action Actuators:
a. Connect a temporary air source
to the actuator and pressurize the actuator to upper limit of the bench range specifi ed on the valve name plate. (Pressure will lift the plug head
(3) away from the body's (1) integral seat until the plug (3) is 100% open.)
b. Place a wrench on the hex surface of
the swivel lower knuckle (44) and rotate knuckle CCW (viewed from above ac tu a­ tor) until lower knuckle dis-engages from stem (9). Keep track of the number of full rev o lu tions to dis-engage and record here. _______________
c. Maintain lift support from above the
C. Separation of Body/Actuator:
1. Reference the Actuator IOM-C27-C53 for item number call outs and drawings for actuator.
2. Secure the body in a vise with the actuator assembly (AA) oriented vertically. Place matchmarks between the body (1) bon net ange, the bonnet (2) fl ange, and the yoke (3) to assist in fi nal ori en ta tion when the body is dis as sem bled and/or the ac tu a tor removed. If actuator has handwheel - see Actuator IOM for removal instructions.
3. Secure and rig the actuator assembly (AA) for a ver ti cal lift using an overhead hoist. Remove slack from rigging.
4. This procedure assumes that the body as­ sem bly (BA) has been fully assembled thru the bonnet (2), including the packing gland nut (5) and packing (6).
5. Remove vented pipe plug (12) from body.
Figure 6: Swivel-Type Connector
actuator assembly (AA). Dis-engage (slide) the swivel lower knuckle (44) out of the upper knuckle (43) slot.
9B. For ATC-FO Direct Action Actuators:
a. Place a wrench on the hex surface of
the swivel lower knuckle (44) and rotate knuckle CCW (viewed from above ac tu a­ tor) until lower knuckle dis-engages from stem (9). Keep track of the number of full rev o lu tions to dis-engage and record here. ________________
b. Maintain lift support from above the
actuator assembly (AA). Dis-engage (slide) the swivel lower knuckle (44) out of the upper knuckle (43) slot.
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