Cashco 5100 User Manual

Model 5100 Pilot Operated
Pressure / Vacuum Relief Vent
The Model 5100 Pilot Operated Vents are used on liquid storage tanks and other process vessels or systems to prevent structural damage during the process of  lling or emptying of a tank or for changes in atmospheric conditions. Excess pressure is vented to atmosphere..
Storage tanks are pressurized when liquid is pumped in, compressing the existing vapor or when increasing temperature causes increased evaporation or expansion of existing vapor. Conversely, a vacuum may be created when  uid is pumped out or as atmospheric temperature decreases. To prevent structural damage, vapor must be allowed to escape or enter the tank at a speci ed  ow rate. The volume rate of venting is dependent on the tank size, displacement rate and the  ash point of the  uid. See API Standard 2000 for procedures to determine venting requirements.
For information on repair centers in your area, please contact:
Valve Concepts, Inc. %Cashco, Inc. 607 West 15 Ellsworth, KS 67439-0006 (785) 472-4461 (Phone) (785) 472-3539 (Fax)
Thus the vent valve is capable of operating at pressures closer to the maximum allowable working pressure of the tank. Operating at higher pressures reduces evaporation and total venting volume, thereby reducing product loss and the cost of handling emissions.
Each application must be reviewed to ensure ma­terial compatibility with all metal and soft good components with the service conditions. The pallet assembly, wetted components and tubing are 316 SST. Diaphragm material is FKM, unless speci ­cied otherwise.
The pilot valve is factory set to comply with the speci cations on the purchase order. The adjust­able pressure range is a function of the installed spring and will be stamped on the metal nameplate. The set point pressure maybe changed within the design parameters of the spring while installed on line or in a maintenance shop. See Section IX for setting and testing procedures.
A pilot operated relief vent has two principal advantages over other relief vent designs:
1. Bubble tight shutoff up to 100% of set point.
2. Full open capacity for pressure relief is achieved within 10% above set point.
This manual is intended to provide recommended procedures and practices for installation, operation and maintenance of the Model 5100 POVV. Al­though this manual cannot cover all possible con­tingencies, these guidelines will provide safe and reliable pilot valve performance.
Warning: Before beginning any relief vent inspection or maintenance, carefully read and understand the information in this manual. If there are any questions concerning the information in this manual, please contact the factory or an authorized repair center before proceeding.
Tank or system protection is the primary function of the Pilot Operated Vent Valve (POVV). It must be selected to meet the total pressure  ow requirements within the maximum allowable working pressure of the system on which it is installed. Consult API Standard 2000 for tank protection sizing procedures. Improperly speci ed relief vents may result in structural damage to the tank or system, and can cause severe personal injury or death.
In the event of a diaphragm failure, the Model 5100 will vent pressure to the atmosphere causing the pressure relief valve to fail in the OPEN position. The vent will now function like a weight loaded vent under this condition with a lower set point. Consult the factory for any questions related to this over­pressure condition.
DO NOT attempt to change pressure set point beyond the limit speci ed on the nameplate..
The 1/2” OD SST pilot valve sensing line must be kept open and unobstructed to ensure that the pilot “senses” the actual tank pressure. For applications where tank vapors may condense or polymerize in the sensing tubing or the pilot valve, a nitrogen purge may be required to prevent internal obstruction of the tube. Consult the factory for recommendations.
DO NOT attempt to remove the vent from the tank or process vessel without  rst bleeding all pressure from the system. ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF PRESSURE RELIEF MUST BE PROVIDED WHEN THE VENT IS OUT OF SERVICE.
After isolating the relief vent, bleed all pressure from both main and pilot valve before removing the Model 5100 POVV.
NOTE: Both the pilot valve and main valve are exposed to the process vapors. Observe all plant procedures and Material Safety Data Sheet recommendations before inspecting, adjusting or servicing any components.
The vent on the spring bonnet of the pilot must be clean and unobstructed for proper and safe operation of the valve.
The POVV vent is carefully packaged to prevent damage or contamination during shipping. Inspect the equipment when it is received and report any damage to the carrier immediately. The POVV should be stored in a clean environment with all the protective  ange covers in place to prevent intrusion of foreign materials. If there are indications of physical damage or internal contamination, the valve may need to be disassembled, cleaned and inspected prior to installation.
Lifting lugs may be provided on the main valve for lifting and handling. To avoid damage to the lower  ange surface, rest the vent on a soft clean gasket material until it is ready to be installed. DO NOT store the POVV directly on the ground.
Make sure that any loading weights that might have been shipped separately, to protect the vent during shipping, are accounted for and stored with the vent. These weights when required, will be installed during installation,at installation.
The Model 5100 POVV is a precision device that must be handled carefully to ensure seat tightness.
The vent must be installed in a vertical position. The tank nozzle on which the vent is mounted should have the same nominal diameter as the venting device. It is recommended that the tank nozzle  ange face be within 1 degree of horizontal for best performance of the venting device.
1. At installation, the POVV should be carefully lifted into position using the lifting lugs on the body. Use the case assembly (32,33) to help align the body directly over the tank nozzle. DO NOT use the pilot valve or pickup line to pull the POVV into position.
2. Aluminum body vents should be mated to  at-faced 125# ASME  anges. Mating  anges should be  at within 0.020” and clean; free of scratches, corrosion and tool marks. A full faced gasket is recommended.
4. Center the gasket within the bolt circle of the tank nozzle ange.
5. Lubricate all studs and nuts with an appropri­ ate thread lubricant. If stainless steel studs and nuts are required, use an anti-seize lubri­ cant such as moly-disul de.
6. Remove  ange protective covers and carefuly set the POVV down on the gasket and face of the nozzle ange.
Minimum clearance between tank roof and vacuum inlet port must be at least equal to the vents’ nomi­nal  ange bore. Tank nozzle bore must be greater than or equal to vent inlet  ange bore. Inlet piping loads must be supported by appropriate structural
supports, NOT by the vent body.
7. Install lockwashers and nuts. Tighten nuts to half the recommended torque value using an alternating crossing pattern. See Table 2.
3. Install the  ange gasket on the nozzel face. Use either a full faced or ring gasket for raised face  anges. Ensure that the gasket material is suitable for the service. See Table 1 for gasket dimensions.
Table 1
Body Flange Gasket Dimensions
150# ASME RF
2’ 4.12 2.38 -- -- --
3” 5.38 3.50 -- -- --
4” 6.88 4.50 -- -- --
6” 8.75 6.62 -- -- --
8” 11.00 8.62 -- -- --
10” 13.38 10.80 -- -- --
12” 16.12 12.80 -- -- --
Alum w/ 125#
2” 6.00 2.00 4.75 .75 4
3” 7.50 3.00 6.00 .75 4
4” 9.00 4.00 7.50 .75 8
6” 11.00 6.00 9.50 .88 8
8” 13.50 8.00 11.75 .88 8
10” 16.00 10.0 14.25 1.00 12
12” 19.00 12.00 17.00 1.00 12
O.D. I.D. B.C. Hole Qty
Table 2
Recommended Minimum Torque Values *
2” 4 5/8”-11 31 81
3” 4 5/8”-11 43 106
4” 8 5/8”-11 29 68
6” 8 3/4’10 51 101
8” 8 3/4”-10 78 142
10” 12 7/8”-9 75 138
12” 12 7/8”-9 93 179
* Torque vlaues are based on a gasket factor m = 3.5, gasket factor y = 4000 psi, operating pressure = 30 psi
Torque (lb-ft)
Raised Face Flat Face
8. Make sure that the gasket is compressed evenly and the  anges are not distorted.
NOTE: Misalignment of  ange faces will cause bending stresses at the  ange and may damage  ange joint.
9. Finish tightening nuts to the point that no ad­ ditional rotation occurs.
10. If loading weights were shipped separate from the vent, install weights on vacuum pressure pallet. Ensure that all packing has been re moved.
A. General:
1. Maintenance procedures herein after are based upon removal of the pilot/vent valve unit from the vessel/piping where installed.
2. Owner should refer to owner’s procedures for re mov al, handling and cleaning of non re us­ able parts; i.e. gaskets, suitable solvents, etc.
3. All indicated Item Numbers that are with respect to the Pilot Assembly will be in pa ren the sis and un der scored; i.e. (205). All Item Numbers that are with respect to the Vent Valve are not un der scored; i.e. (6).
B. Separation from Main Valve and Disassembly:
1. Disconnect sense tube (57) from  ttings (48) and (244). Remove the pilot valve as­sembly from the nipple (53) by rotating the pilot body (201) CCW.
2. Secure body (201) in vise with ‘sensing” port facing front. Disconnect tubing (243) from connectors (232),(234).
3. Paint or embed a match mark between upper case (202), spacer (245) and lower case (203) along  anged area. NOTE lo-
cation of 1/8” NPT tap from elbow (234) in relation to body sensing port and straight connector (232).
SPRING UNDER COMPRESSION. Prior to re mov ing  ange bolts, relieve spring com pres sion by backing out the adjusting screw. Failure to do so may result in  ying parts that could cause personal injury.
4. Rotate the closing cap (205) CCW for removal. Loosen the adjusting screw nut (214) two revolutions. Rotate Adjusting screw (213) CCW and remove.
5. Remove diaphragm case nuts (209), lockwashers (210),  at washers (221) and cap screws (220). Grasp spring bonnet (204) and lift up until diaphragm case (202) clears top of spring button (212).
6. Secure spring bonnet (204) in a vice with the upper diaphragm case (202) orientated upwards.
7. Use 5/32” allen wrench to remove cap screws (237) and lock washers (239) to separate the bonnet (204) from the upper case (202). Replace bonnet gasket (222) and reassemble item numbers (202, 204, 237 and 239). Remove bonnet from vice and set assembly aside.
8. Lift range spring (215) and spring button (212), up and set aside.
9. Grasp the  at surfaces of wrench washers (228) with a wrench and rotate piston stud nut (235) CCW to remove nut, lock washer (241), spring guide (211), washers (228).
10. Remove pressure ring (250), upper pressure plate (246), upper diaphragm (207) and spacer (245).
11. Remove upper diaphragm washer (219), upper diaphragm gasket (226), and diaphragm spacer (247).
For Intermediate & High Pressure Pilots Only:
Remove diaphragm case gasket (255)
and pressure ring (251).
12. Remove lower pressure plate (206), lower diaphragm (207), lower diaphragm washer (219) and lower diaphragm gasket (226).
13. Rotate 7/16” hex head cap screws (238) CCW and remove lock washers (240). Lift up on lower diaphragm case (203) to remove. NOTE the alignment of the four
bolt holes and the sense hole in case (203) with the holes in the body (201).
14. Grasp the cylinder (227) / piston (208) assembly and lift upwards to extract this assembly from the body (201). Remove upper and lower body gaskets (225).
15. From top of assembly, press piston stud (230) / piston (208) downward through the center of the cylinder (227) to remove. Apply Dow Corning 111 lubricant in o-ring grooves and install new piston O-rings (224).
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