Casella CEL CEL-181 User Manual

Casella USA 17 Old Nashua Road #15 Amherst, NH 03031-2839
Personal Noise Dosimeter
Handbook Page 1 of 14 tel: (800) 366-2966
27 Jan 2006 fax: (603) 672-8053
Casella USA 17 Old Nashua Road #15 Amherst, NH 03031-2839
Introduction 2
1 The Risk of Industrial Deafness 3 2 Technical Description 5 3 Operating the Instruments 6
3.1 Dosimeter Calibrator Type CEL-182 6
3.2 Noise Dose Meter CEL-180/181 6
3.2.1 Schedule of Parts 6
3.2.2 Controls and Indicators 7
3.2.3 Connection of the Batteries 8
3.2.4 Calibration Checks 8 4 Measurement Methods 9 5 Analysis of Results 11 6 Care and Maintenance Procedures 11 7 Manufacturer's Warranty and Service Arrangements 12 8 Specification 13 9 Calibration Certificate 14 10 Modifications and Post Production Developments 14
These are personal integrating noise dose meters that have been specifically developed for the accurate and reliable assessment of the degree of auditory hazard associated with any given job function. The design concept allows for a wide degree of flexibility in determining the integration law and, hence, they can be preset to conform to any of the damage risk criteria that are currently in use. This is achieved by using a wide range RMS detector followed by an amplitude-weighting network and in both of these circuits the main parameters may be manufacturer preset. Particular attention has been paid in the design to minimizing the instrument's weight and physical dimensions in order that it will be socially acceptable to the subject and cause minimum interference with the normal working routine. Special procedures are employed to ensure the security of the results, thereby preventing unauthorized access to the accumulated data.
When worn by the subject the dose meter will monitor the actual noise level to which he has been exposed and calculate the percentage of
permitted exposure consumed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the various National Standards and Government control orders that apply in each individual country. When calibrated with a 5dB exchange rate (q =
5) the instruments comply to the OSHA regulations published in the United States and with q = 3 they comply with the International Standard ISO R1999. Furthermore, the impulse time constant may be, employed as required by certain West German regulations. Each of these calibration settings is clearly explained in this manual and each instruments' calibration is indicated by a letter code on the serial number plate. An additional measurement range is included in the CEL personal dose meter enabling its range of applications to be extended to cover measurements in both work areas having lower noise levels and to undertake certain environmental noise measurements.
Full details regarding the theory and practice of industrial noise dose measurements are given in the latter sections of this manual.
Page 2 of 14 tel: (800) 366-2966
27 Jan 2006 fax: (603) 672-8053
Casella USA 17 Old Nashua Road #15 Amherst, NH 03031-2839
1 The Risk of Industrial Deafness
It has been known for many years that people employed in noisy occupations invariably suffered from deafness. Only in recent years, however, has the full extent of the hazard been appreciated with the realization that the effects of excessive noise exposure are non-reversible but preventable.
The efficiency of the human ear, along with the other body functions, naturally decreases with advancing years. However, this effect known as presbycusis would not, in general, leave an individual with a 'social handicap' in later life. It would not cause any problems with everyday conversation or limit their ability to work or enjoy a full social life. In addition to this natural deterioration, however, will be added other losses in hearing acuity resulting from disease, accidents or excessive noise exposure, which could well result in a total degree of deafness that would present a considerable social handicap quite early in life.
Within the ear is a very clever, yet delicate, system that enables us to hear. A diaphragm
in these cases. The only 'cure' for industrial deafness is, therefore, prevention-Hearing Conservation.
In order to fully understand the subject an extensive research campaign was directed towards establishing exactly how much noise caused a given degree of deafness. Firstly, it was established that certain frequencies were more dangerous than others. To accommodate this fact a special frequency filter has been derived for use when the hazard potential of sound is being assessed, The response of this filter gives added weight to the more hazardous frequencies in the range 1-5kHz and proportionally derates those outside this band according to a carefully defined formula. This 'A weighted' response, as it is known is specified in all the international and national standards relating to the assessment of deafness risk that are known to date. 'A weighting' is, therefore, built into all CEL personal noise dose meters and it is not necessary to make any further separate measurements of frequency when using these instruments to measure auditory hazards.
(the tympanic membrane) converts the air pressure fluctuations that constitute sound into a mechanical motion. This motion is then transmitted through the middle ear, with some mechanical advantage by a system of small bones (the ossicles), to the inner ear, Here, the mechanical movement is converted into nerve impulses by the cochlea which are then transmitted to the brain, for interpretation, by the eighth nerve. Sudden very high intensity sounds, such as those associated with explosions, can cause a rupture of the tympanic membrane and, in severe cases, a disruption of the auditory ossicles. Such dramatic effects are not, however, as serious as would first appear. Many eardrums wiII, in fact, heal themselves and, thanks to modern medical and surgical methods, many types of malfunction of the outer and middle ear can be rectified. Far more serious damage will result from prolonged exposure to much lower levels. Continued exposure to even only moderately intense sounds will result in a permanent reduction in the ability of the cochlea to produce nerve impulses for transmission to the brain and, because of its nature and location, treatment for a noise-damaged cochlea is just not possible. As nerve signals to the brain are not being generated, amplification of the sounds by a hearing aid would be of little benefit Page 3 of 14 tel: (800) 366-2966
27 Jan 2006 fax: (603) 672-8053
The other parameter of risk was established as the total noise immission which is proportional to the measured noise level in dB (A) and the duration of exposure, Results of large scale investigation of noise exposed workers that compared their total noise immission with the degree of deafness acquired has shown that if noise immission is contained to around 90dB(A) for an eight hour working day they should not acquire a degree of deafness that would constitute a social handicap after a working lifetime. As the noise level is increased so the
Figure 1
Casella USA 17 Old Nashua Road #15 Amherst, NH 03031-2839
exposure duration must be reduced in order to contain the total noise immission or ‘noise dose'. One of the main variables found between different noise control regulations is the relationship between noise level and exposure time. The International Standards Organization followed by most European countries favor an 'equal energy' concept where the exposure duration is halved for each 3dB increment in noise level (q = 3) whilst in North America the 'exchange rate' calls for a halving of exposure for each 5dB increment in noise level (q = 5). At other times regulations calling for q = 4 and q = 6 have been noted.
The problem that arises in actual industrial situations is that the noise level is never a constant level to compare against the criteria but it is continually changing as machines come on and off load, pressures are vented and processes move through various phases. It is necessary, therefore, to continually monitor the noise climate and process the results such that the total noise is accumulated in the correct manner in order to provide a noise dose figure
for comparison against the damage risk criteria. Therefore, noise dose is proportional to the time integral of the instantaneous level that is amplitude weighted and referred to a criterion level. A constant factor is added to scale the results in terms of exposure and to provide an answer of 100 for one daily dose enabling results to be expressed as a percentage of permitted exposure.
The basic criteria discussed above are accepted in most countries of the world; however, as an added complication some have advanced further than others with their noise control programmes and have been able to reduce the criterion in order to give a better safety margin in respect of the more noise susceptible subjects. In order to accommodate these requirements all CEL personal noise dose meters are available having their criterion levels set accordingly; these calibration settings are also manufacturer preset. The various settings are indicated by a letter code on the serial number plate and a complete schedule is set out below:
Figure 2 Page 4 of 14 tel: (800) 366-2966
27 Jan 2006 fax: (603) 672-8053
Casella USA 17 Old Nashua Road #15 Amherst, NH 03031-2839
2 Technical Description
The CEL-180 meets all the essential require­ments for Precision Sound Level Meters. These are defined in the International Standard IEC 651 type 1 (IEC 179) and the British Standard BS 4197. As this instrument conforms to the highest standard of accuracy it is no longer necessary to make any special provision for possible instrumentation errors when applying it to industrial situations. The CEL-181 meets the lower accuracy requirements outlined in the relevant sections of IEC 651 type 2, BS 3489 and ANSI S1.4
The microphones employed in the CEL-180 Noise Dose Meters are half-inch (12.7mm) Precision Measurement Microphones type CEL-186. These microphones have extremely uniform frequency response and very high calibration stability. The signal from the microphone is passed to the main unit over approximately 0.5m of cable where they are amplified and applied to an 'A' frequency network. The CEL-181 types have similar configuration but employ a 12mm piezo-electric type of microphone.
A wide dynamic range RMS detector is used in the device and this feeds a separate amplitude weighting circuit. The device has, therefore, a very wide degree of flexibility in its specification allowing the dynamic range; count rate, q factor and RMS time constant to be specified within wide limits. Basically, the RMS detector has a range of 40dB plus a 23dB crest factor giving a total input range of 63dB, whist the voltage to frequency converter can handle a ratio of
10,000:1 (213). The converter can, therefore, handle the full 40dB RMS level in the q3 mode as this signal will obviously double in significance 13 times (40/3). In the q4, q5 or q6 modes the significance of the signal becomes much less severe with increasing amplitude; when q = 6, for example, we only have 6.6 doublings so it is only in the q3 case that we have to consider the voltage to frequency converter as a possible limitation. The RMS detector will, however, control all modes of the instrument and, as mentioned before, this will handle levels over the range of 40dB with an additional 23 dB for impulses. To protect against incorrect answers being given, the instruments employ a dual overload indication system. The overload indicator will be set by either an instantaneous level 63dB up on the threshold or by an RMS level that is 40dB up. These overload indication levels can be reduced to lower levels if required, e.g. to conform to the USA OSHA regulation the RMS overload level should be set at 115dB(A) slow.
The active circuit elements are mounted on glass fiber double-sided printed circuit panels and extensive use is made of integrated circuits. The assembly is contained within a high impact ABS case that has neoprene surface treatment.
A general block diagram of the instrument is shown in Fig 3. The various versions have similar layout of the main circuit elements and differ only in detail. This diagram is provided for general information only - for full technical and servicing information reference should be made to the service manual.
Figure 3 Page 5 of 14 tel: (800) 366-2966
27 Jan 2006 fax: (603) 672-8053
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