Casella CEL CEL-160 User Manual

Operator's Handbook
Avec les instructions résumes en Français
archive Document
Discontinued Instrument
Issue: AD
1. Introduction ........................... 4
2. Commissioning ......................... 4
2.1 Schedule of Parts ...................... 4
2.2 Preparing the Instrument for Service .............. 5
2.2.1 Batteries ......................... 5
2.2.2 CEL-3732 AC Adaptor and Battery Charger ............ 5
2.2.3 Loading the Chart Rolls ................... 5
2.2.4 Input Signals ....................... 5
2.2.5 Routine Maintenance .................... 5
3. Shortform Instructions ...................... 6
3.1 Controls and Indicators .................... 6
3.2 Connectors ........................ 8
3.3 Scale Annotations ...................... 9
3.3.1AmplitudeAxis(Y) ..................... 9
3.3.2TimeAxis(X)........................ 9
3.3.3 Frequency Axis (Y) .....................10
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4. Signal Inputs .......................... 10
4.1 Use with the CEL-2980 Preamplifier .............. 10
4.2 DC Inputs ......................... 11
4.3 ACInputs......................... 12
5. Modes of Operation ....................... 12
5.1 Recording of Sound Pressure ................. 12
5.2 Recording of Vibration .................... 12
5.3 RMS Level Recording .................... 13
5.4 Waveform Recording .................... 13
5.5 Recording DC Levels .................... 13
6. Operation with Frequency Analysers ................. 13
6.1 Stepped Serial Analysers ................... 14
6.2 Real Time Analysers ..................... 15
6.3 Continually Variable Narrow Band Analysers ........... 15
7. Additional Instructions for Program Level 2 Instruments ......... 15
7.1 Expanded Trace Recording .................. 15
7.2 Transient Capture ...................... 15
8. Manufacturers Servicing and Warranty Arrangements .......... 18
9. CEL-160 Post-Production Software Amendment ............ 18
9.1 PSS, Preset Start & Stop Bands ................ 19
9.2 VSD, Variable Setting Delay .................. 19
10. Options and Modifications Schedule ................. 19
10.1 Additional Power Supply for Preamplifier ............ 19
10.2 Additional Instructions for Use With B & K 1621 Tunable Band Pass Filter20
10.2.1General .......................... 20
10.2.2Connections ........................ 20
10.2.3Operation ......................... 20
10.2.4Calibration Considerations With Alternative Signal Inputs ...... 20
10.2.5Limitations of Use ..................... 21
10.3 CEL-160/2A Integration Software Options (L
Option) ....... 21
10.3.1Introduction ........................ 21
10.3.2Operation ......................... 22
10.4 CEL-160/2B Reverberation Time (RT60) Measurement Option .... 22
10.4.1Introduction ........................ 22
10.4.2Operation ......................... 23
10.4.3Filters .......................... 23
10.4.4Decay Times ........................ 23
10.4.5Repeat Scans ....................... 24
10.4.6Excitation mode ...................... 24
10.4.7Measurement Day ..................... 24
10.4.8Initiation ......................... 24
10.4.9Summary ......................... 24
10.4.10 Control Signals for Alternative Noise Sources .......... 24
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1. Introduction
The CEL-160 represents a completely new concept in instrumentation for the measurement of sound and vibration. It enhances the latest techniques to provide the most convenient system for documenting results.
An all-electronic writing system is employed and hence there are no moving parts to limit the writing speed. In practice, the CEL-160 can accurately write levels which have time constants as short as 10 Ms and print actual waveforms up to 10 kHz. The complete system is microprocessor controlled and is programmed to print its own measurement graticule as it records; full trace annotation is provided allowing the time axis to be read directly without the need for complex measurement and calculation based upon chart length. Inputs may be AC or DC signals and these may be recorded as either waveforms or levels with the RMS detector having its time constant selected as either 10 mS, 125 mS (F), 1 S (S) or 10 S and its output in either linear or logarithmic units. The software provides for operation with a wide range of serial and real time frequency analyzers with; in the former case, a subroutine that optimises the 'bandwidth-time constant' product and in the latter full alphanumeric annotation of each band level.
CEL-160 Graphic Recorders are available in two basic hardware configurations that allow for increasing data storage and higher levels of programming. In addition to the facilities provided by the basic unit as described above the 'Program Level 2' option has the capacity to operate in an expanded trace mode when making RMS recording or in a transient capture mode when making waveform recordings. It also has provision for one customer specified program package a few of which could be: calculation of reverbration times (RT calculation of period L hearing protector attenuation.
The CEL-160 incorporates a full specification sound level meter to IEC 651 Type 1 (BS 6959 Type 1, ANSI S1.4 Type 1 and DIN 45 633) and it is only necessary to add a CEL-2980 preamplifier, connecting cable and transducer to be able to make direct recordings.
or estimation of
2. Commissioning
2.1 Schedule of Parts
The description CEL-160 Graphic Recorder complete refers to the following items and on receipt, the instrument should be checked against this schedule. Items supplied are common to both versions.
CEL-160 RS 591-231
CEL-3730 RS-1 CEL-3843 060019 CEL-3876
In addition to the standard items listed above, there are a number of optional items and although provision for some of these is made in the standard transit pack they are only provided if specifically requested. Such items will be detailed separately on invoices and advice notes. The most popular of these items are as follows.
CEL-3732 CEL-2980 CEL-186/2F
CEL-2962 CT-3
Ancillary Instruments
CEL-177 Precision Acoustic Calibrator CEL-196 Automatic Third Octave
CEL-3789 Ever Ready Case for CEL-196
Graphic Recorder Battery Pack (set of five alkaline manganese C cells) Pack of nine rolls of chart paper Screwdriver Writing comb brush Handbook Rule
Ever Ready Carrying Case for CEL-160 Rechargeable Battery Pack (NiCad) AC Adaptor and Battery Charger Preamplifier Precision Measurement Microphone Cable CEL-2980 to CEL-160 - 2 metres Windshield for CEL-186/2 Tripod (accepts CEL-2980 Preamplifier) Vibration Adaption Kit (comprises accelerometer and mounting kit, connection cable, passive integrator and slide rule).
(fits to CEL-3729)
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The CEL-160 Level 2 is also provided as a complete sound and vibration measuring and analysing kit under the part number CEL-160/K1. This comprises all the items listed above including the CEL-196 and its associated connection cables.
2.2 Preparing the Instrument for Service
2.2.1 Batteries
The batteries must be inserted into the battery compartment that is located on the right hand side of the instrument with the positive connection outwards. Having inserted all five cells with the same polarity the battery cover should be replaced. If the alkaline manganese batteries are being used the instrument is ready for operation. However, it must be remembered that the NiCad cells are delivered having residual charge only and they should therefore be charged before using the CEL-160 (See section 2.2.2). It is advisable to remove batteries from the recorder if it is to be stored for any period of time.
The preferred batteries are the CEL-3731 NiCad cells. If the RS 591-231 cells are used there are certain operation limitations. The internal resistance of the alkaline manganese cells will not accommodate the high start up current required at high paper speeds and will cause deregulation of the power supplies.
This would be most noticeable on the transient capture and RTA modes; however, for most general purpose applications it is possible to take advantage of the lower cost of the alkaline batteries.
2.2.2 CEL-3732 AC Adaptor and Battery
This should be connected to the 220-240 V, 50 Hz mains supply and connected to the socket on the recorder marked 'power' using the cable provided that is marked 'voltage'. As this cable is connected the internal batteries are disconnected. To operate the CEL-160 from the mains no further connection is necessary. When it is required to charge the internal batteries the CEL-160 should be switched off and the charger connected to the recorder with the cable marked 'current'. Note that the alkaline manganese cells must not be used in conjunction with the CEL-3732 charging unit.
A fully discharged set of NiCad batteries will take in the order of 12 hours to recharge; the charger unit is fully regulated and it is not possible to damage the cells by overcharging. The front panel indicator fitted to the charger is provided for charging indication only, and will remain unlit when operating the recorder with the 'voltage' cable. To operate the CEL-3732 on 100 - 120V, 60Hz mains supplies the voltage tap on the transformer primary should be reset following the instructions marked on the transformer fitted to the unit.
2.2.3 Loading the Chart Rolls
Chart rolls locate in the compartment on the top face of the recorder. When opening this compartment care must be taken to ensure that the writing comb disengages from the rubber drive roller.
This is achieved by pressing the front of the plastic cover towards the back of the instrument and raising it a few degrees until the bias springs allow it to move forward again; it may then be simply hinged open. The chart roll may now be placed in the tray with a short section unrolled and placed over the drive roller, the cover may then be closed following the reverse procedure ensuring that the chart is squarely located between the writing comb and the drive roller. Chart rolls are supplied by CEL in packs of nine under the part number CEL-3730.
2.2.4 Input Signals
The CEL-160 is primarily intended for use with the CEL-2980 preamplifier in conjunction with the CEL-186/2F microphone, this combination is connected by means of the CEL-3686 cable.
Alternatively it will accept either conditioned or unconditioned signals from sound or vibration level meters. Log DC inputs may also be connected to the instrument. The procedures for these modes are outlined in Section 4 of this manual.
2.2.5 Routine Maintenance
Accepted practices relating to Electronic Instruments should apply to this equipment especially in relation to the batteries. From time to time the debris resulting from the spark errosion of the chart paper will need to be removed from the paper tray and also brushed out of the writing comb. That in the tray can be dusted out whilst a brush is
CEL-160 Graphic Recorder - Page 5
provided for cleaning the comb. This procedure needs to be undertaken with care to ensure that the pins are not damaged and should always be brushed towards the ends. With extended use the writing comb will eventually wear and will need replacing. These are available under the part number CEL-3842 and are fitted in the following manner.
First the knobs must be removed from the 'Gain-Cal' and 'dB-Range' controls. This is achieved by removing their top covers and releasing the locking collars with a split screwdriver. It is then possible to remove the escutcheon plate and some care is needed here to ensure that it is not bent. It is held in place by 'low tack' adhesive and the best approach is to open the chart compartment and ease away the area around this with a flat bladed knife. It is easily freed to the left edge and it is then possible to free it down and towards the right.
Having removed the escutcheon plate take care that dust does not settle on the adhesive face or it can not be refixed. The paper tear bar (transparent plastic) may now be pulled out of its locating slots and the two screws that secure the comb carrier may now be released (black plastic). These screws are visible through the two cutouts in the instruments top plate, a captive or magnetic screwdriver is recommended to ensure they are not lost inside the instrument.
Either end of the comb carrier should then be held and pulled upwards to release the comb assembly from its 100-way connector. The comb (light blue plastic) may then be unclipped from its carrier and the replacement fitted by reversing this procedure. New combs will require to be 'run in' for a short period before an even burn is obtained, this is best achieved by running the unit at 10 mm/S in the AC mode with a full scale deflection input for about 5 minutes.
3. Shortform Instructions
These instruments are, by definition, complex devices and it is not, therefore, possible to give definitive shortform instructions. However, those who are familair with advanced acoustic and digital instrumentation will be able to gain an appreciation of the operation of the instrument from the description of the functions of the various
controls and indicators given in the following section.
3.1 Controls and Indicators
The functions of the various controls are described below. They are identified by the legend that appears on the instrument's panel and may be located by working from left to right starting with the bottom row.
Power. on-off
This is the main power switch and controls the instrument on both mains and battery operation. When in the ON position the instrument carries out its selected function whilst in the OFF setting no power is drawn and no functions are carried out, apart from battery charging.
Cont. on-off
This switch controls the power supplies to the paper transport and writing systems. In the OFF position all the measurement and processing functions are operational but paper transport is inhibited, this arrangement allows for the correct setting up of a measurement system without wasting chart paper.
Exp. trace. on-off-option
(Not fitted in Program Level 1 versions)
In the expanded trace setting, the instrument operates in either the expanded trace or transient capture modes depending on the setting of the AC-RMS-DC switch. The OPTION position selects one of the customer specified options that may be programmed into the instrument, where an option is provided its functions are fully detailed in the section at the end of this manual.
Dynamic Range. 10-20-50
Sets the dynamic range of the print-out in dB. It is only operational in the RMS mode.
Range (dB)
Sets the full scale deflection value of the trace when the instrument is operating in the sound level mode with the CEL-2980 preamplifier. It also controls the sensitivity of the auxiliary AC input but over a narrower range, reference should be made to Section 4.3 of this manual.
This is a continuously variable analogue control that sets the gain of the DC amplifier, and it is
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in series with the main attenuator switch described above. When the instrument is being used in the AC or RMS modes it should be set to the CAL position. In the DC mode it will set the sensitivity in terms of mV/dB and in this mode of operation the main attenuator switch (RANGE dB) is not in circuit.
S.L.M. Gain
This control is also in series with the main attenuator switch and is used to trim the gain of the AC amplifiers to take account of differing microphone sensitivities. Full description is given in the sections dealing with sound level meter calibration (4.1).
The voltage of the internal batteries are indicated by this meter. As long as it remains within the scale banded green there is sufficient power to operate the instrument to specification.
The burn voltage to the writing comb is set by this control and it can therefor be used to take out any slight variation in the print contrast obtained between different batches of recording paper.
Paper Feed
Feeding of blank paper through the writing comb is achieved by depressing this button.
This control sets the averaging time of the RMS detector and is only operational in the RMS mode. The fast and slow settings provide the standardised time constants of 125 mS and 1 S respectively as defined in the sound level meter standards.
The output of the RMS detector is selected as being either linear in terms of dB (log mode) or mV (lin mode) and again this control only operates in the RMS mode.
In the AC mode the input signal is fed direct to the writing head hence allowing the instrument to operate in the waveform mode. The RMS setting sends the signal via the RMS detector to provide operation in the level mode whilst a similar mode of operation is provided
in the DC setting for DC input signals only. It must be remembered that in the DC mode the input must be in terms of mV/dB (i.e. voltage linear in dB) for correctly scaled results.
Lin-A-Filter (or Flat-A-Filter)
This control routes the AC input signals either direct to the input amplifier, via the standardised A weighting filter or diverts the signal via the filter IN and OUT sockets on the side panel. In this later mode the instrument may be used with the CEL-196 Automatic Third Octave Analyser to provide fully annotated frequency plots.
Signal +/-
When operating in the DC mode this control allows for the polarity of an input signal to be set either -ve or +ve going. 0 V is taken as 0 dB on the 50 dB dynamic range setting. When the 10 dB or 20 dB dynamic range is selected in the DC mode it must be noted that the scale is expanded from full scale deflection downwards.
Key Pad
This is used for inputting all the main operational instructions to the instrument. Each main function is designated one of the letter codes and this should be preceded by a number code specifying the exact require- ment. The main codes are summarised below.
A Sampling ratesfor transient capture mode
(not operational on Program Level 1 version)
0 = 36 µS, 1 = 108 µS, 2 = 360 µS, 3 = 1080 µS,
4 = 3600 µS. eg for 108 µS sample rate, key 1A. Start up state 0A. A second entry of 5 through to 9A will select the block length for the data sample. See section 7.2 and Fig 8.
B Paper Speed
0 = one step up in speed 1 = 30 mm/S 2 = 10 mm/S 3 = 3 mm/S 4 = 1 mm/S 5 = 0.3 mm/S 6 = 0.1 mm/S 7 = 0.03 mm/S 8 = 0.01 mm/S 9 = one step down in speed
eg for 10 mm/s, key 2B. Start up state 3B.
C Clock Setting
The clock automatically comes on at zero time but may be set to real time by keying in the actual time required on a 24 hour clock
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followed by a C. (Operation of C key is actual entry time, eg for 5.53 p.m. key 1753C). Start up state 00H00M00S. The instrument also has a 10 day elapsed day counter and this will increment 1 day as the clock passes 24.00 but it cannot be preset.
D Preset Scale Annotation
When the instrument is being used with the integral sound level meter, the annotation on the top of the paper is the main attenuator setting whilst that at the bottom is the same level minus the dynamic range setting. If it is required to operate in the non SLM mode then the FSD figure should be entered as a one or two digit decade followed by D. The minimum scale deflection will again, be calculated from the dynamic range setting. eg for
180 dB FSD
Start up state
E Frequency Analysis Trigger
Operation of this key will initiate the frequency analysis program. Full details are given in Section 6 of this manual.
F. Select Frequency Analyser Type
The control logic to operate the following analysers is pre-programmed into the CEL-160, however, non-standard packages are available and if fitted to this unit details are given in section 12 of this manual.
0 CEL-196 Automatic Third Octave 20 Hz- 20 kHz
1 Rion SA-59 Serial Third Octave 25 Hz-20 kHz 2 Rion SA-59 Serial Third Octave 2.5 Hz-2 kHz 3 Bruel
and Kjaer 1618 Serial Third Octave 4 Bruel and Kjaer 2215 Serial Octave 5 Bruel and Kjaer 1616 Third Octave 25 Hz-40 kHz 6 Bruel and Kjaer 1621 Continually Variable Narrow
Band 20 Hz-20 kHz 7 Bruel and Kjaer 1621 Continually Variable Narrow
Band 2 Hz-2 kHz 8 Rion SA-24 Real Time Third Octave 31.5 Hz-8 kHz 9 Rion SA-24 Real Time Third Octave 1 Hz-250 Hz
eg for Bruel and Kjaer 1616 key 5F. Start up state 0F.
3.2 Connectors
All the input connections to the CEL-160 are on the panel that is located on the right hand side of the instrument. The functions of these are as below and are shown in Fig 1. PRE-AMP: This socket accepts the input from the CEL-2980 preamplifier which should be connected via the CEL-3686/2 cable. It may also be used for direct AC inputs. Full details of connections and loading conditions are given in Figure 2. It must be noted that when direct AC inputs are connected, the function of the main range switch is different; reference should be made to Section 4.3 for full details. FILTER IN AND FILTER OUT: These are primarily intended for the connection of external frequency analysers such as the CEL-196. The filter output connector is only in circuit when the frequency weighting (LIN - A- FILTER) is set to the filter position, however, the filter input is always in circuit.
Figure 1: Connector locations and pin connections
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