Page 2 of 8 SA-361-30 Installation Instructions
12/20/16 CP5165A
GENERAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................................. 2
SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................. 3
UNPACKING .................................................................................................. 3
INSTALLATION .................................................................................................. 3
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS............................................................................... 3
MOUNTING.................................................................................................... 3
OPTION SWITCHES...................................................................................... 4
ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ................................................................... 4-5
OPERATION....................................................................................................... 6
POWER ON/OFF ........................................................................................... 6
YELP - STANDBY - WAIL SELECTOR SWITCH ........................................... 6
MANUAL / PHASER SWITCH ....................................................................... 6
AUXILIARY INPUT FUNCTIONS.................................................................... 6
Horn Ring Cycler 2 (HRC2)...................................................................... 6
WAIL / YELP TOGGLE MODE ....................................................................... 6
SERVICE............................................................................................................ 7
PROBLEMS ................................................................................................... 7
PARTS and ACCESSORIES.......................................................................... 7
RETURNS ...................................................................................................... 8
WARRANTY ................................................................................................... 8
The SA-361 Remote Siren Amplifier is designed for single 100W speaker use. The primary operating modes are Yelp, Wail and Standby, selected by a 3-position rocker switch. Horn Override,
push-on/push-off Phaser operation in the Yelp and Wail modes, and Manual siren control in the
Standby mode are controlled by a momentary 3-position rocker switch. The unit features instanton allowing the unit to produce a tone instantly when a switch is activated The supplied switch
panel or other switches may be used for control. A DIP switch on the amplifier provides options to
select Two-Tone, disable tones, HRC2 operation, Auxiliary polarity & function, and Wail/Yelp
toggle mode. The unit utilizes short circuit, high voltage, and reverse polarity protection systems
for maximum service life.
This Carson siren is intended for use by authorized personnel only. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure they
understand and operate this emergency warning device in compliance with all applicable city, state and federal
laws and regulations.
Due to continuous product improvements, we must reserve the right to change any specifications and information,
contained in this manual at any time without notice.
Carson Manufacturing Co., Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Carson Manufacturing Co., Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
See for latest information.
Sound Hazard - Sound level from siren speaker (>120dBA @ 10 feet) may cause hearing damage.
Do not operate siren without adequate hearing protection for you and anyone in immediate vicinity.
(Ref. OSHA 1910.95 for occupational noise exposure guidelines)