Carrier SYSTXCCSAN01 Installation And Start-up Instructions Manual

lnfinit S stem Access NoduMe
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Installation and Start-Up instructions
This is the safety°alert symbol z_ When you see this symbol on the equipment and in the instruction manual, be alert to the potential for personal i11.iuW [ nderstand the signal words DAN- GER, _'_ARNING, and CA[ TION These words are used _ith
the sa_kty°alert symbol DANGER identifies the most serious hazards, _hich will result in sexere personal in3uU or death.
_ARNING signifies a hazard, which could result in personal iaju W or death (A[ TION is used to identK)- unsafe practices, which ma? result in minor personal irwinW or product and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.
Infinity System Access Module
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual be%re starting the installation
This symbol --> indicates a change since the last issue.
INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS ....................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .................................... 1
INSTALLATION .......................................... ! ° 3
Check Equipment and Job Site ....................... 1
Component Location and Wiring (onsiderations ........ 2
Connect Power Source ........................... 2
Radio Test ...................................... 2
Install ( omponents .............................. 2
Connect Infinity Systems ......................... 2
Connect Water Sensor ........................... 2
System Start°E p ................................ 3
PIN Number ................................... 3
RS=232 ( onnector .................................... 3
Updating System Profile ................................ 3
Troubleshooting ...................................... 3
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service, maintenance,
or use can cause fiie, electrical shock, or other conditions that may cause personal injury or property damage. Consult a qualified
installer, service agency, or your distributor or branch for infor= marion or assistance. The qualified installer or agency must use
factory authorized kits or accessories when modifying this product. RefEr to the individual instl_actions packaged with the kits or accessories when installing. Follow all safety codes and wear
safety glasses. Have fire extinguisher available. Read these in= structions thoroughly and [bllow all warnings or cautions attached to the unit. Consult local and state building codes and Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Association (SMACNA) %r special installation requirements.
Before the actual installation of a System Access Module can begin, determine the mounting location. A radio test must be performed with the System Access Module in the intended mounting location. See below on how to perform a radio test. The System Access Module is powered with a 24 VA( transformer (included). A 120VAC supply must be near the mounting location of the System Access Module. Provisions must be made to secure the transformer to the outlet. The D=wire (24 VAC) l_-om the Infinity system MIST NOT be used to power the System Access Module. Use this instruction to guide the actual installation process after the Infinity system(s) have been installed. One System Access Module is capable of handling two Infinity systems.
An Infinity System Access Module allows remote com_ectivity %r up to two Infinity systems within the same building _he Infinity system owner as well as authorized dealer can monitor and control
the system via the interact as well as by telephone. The System Access Module communicates d_rough a two-way radio via the
Skytel paging network. Please visit: http:iiwww.skvtel comicovera_eitelemetlw coverage htm to check
coverage for the installation site. The coverage must be listed as "Full Service" for the System Access Modtde to _imction properly.
Please note that Skytel is continuously expanding their service area so coverage may not be indicated by the web site. The System Access Module can also monitor a &y=contact sensor to provide a warning for the presence of water in the building, or some other
use. If the sensor is active, the Infini w system will not be disabled or shut down.
Step l--Check Equipment and Job Site
INSPE(T EQ[ IPMENT File claim with shipping company, prior to installation, if shipment is damaged or incomplete
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
_2 PC 101 Printed in USA Catalog No. SAM01-1SI Pg 1 05-05 Replaces: NEW
Step 2--Component Location and Wiring Consider- ations
ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Failure to _bllow this warning could result in personal injury,
death, o1"possible equipment damage Disconnect supply power before routing wire
NOTE: All wiring must comply with national, state, and local codes
Since the System Access Mo&le (SAM) uses two=way radio, choose a potential mounting location that is as high and as close to outside walls or windows as possible to attempt to maximize radio coverage The coverage is dependent on where the Sky-tel trans= ceivers are tocated. It" one location does not work, try the opposite side to get the device in closer directional proximity Temporarily
mount the System Access module in the intended pe*manent mounting location until the radio test has passed 100%.
The System Access Module is approved for indoor use only and should never be installed with any of its components exposed to
the elements. The System Access Module may be installed in any
area where the temperature remains between =4c>and 158°F and
there is no condensation The cover must be installed to prevent
damage from other sources Do not locate where it will be accessible to chil&en. The SAM should be mounted in the vertical
position. Remember that wiring access and Skytet reception are the most imporq_ant considerations
Select a location near the Infini w fm'nace or fan coil where wiring fiom the User Inter_tce, each Remote Room Sensor or Smart
Sensor, each damper actuator, and the equipment itself can come
together easily.
ELECTRICAL OPERATION HAZARD Failure to %llow this caution may result in equipment damage or improper operation
To prevent possible damage to the System Access Modole, do not mount on plenum, duct work, or flush against _/rnace.
WIRING CONSIDERATIONS Ordinary thermostat wire is
ideal when wiring the System Access Module (shielded cable is
not necessary) Use 22 AWG or larger _br normal wiring Lengths
over 100 _L should use 20 AWG or larger wire. Step a--Connect Power Source and Antenna Screw the antenna to the radio connector See Fig 3 for antenna
attachment location
A separate 24 VAC transfbrmer is included to power the System Access Modute DO NOT connect the D-wire (24 VAC hot) fi'om the Infinity system.
The trans_bm_er is heavy Make sure it is secured to the power outlet with an appropriate screw through the boss on the tlans°
Step 4--Radio Test The purpose of this test is to verify' effective 2-way commtmica=
lions at the installation site. The test must pass 100% before the
installation of the SAM can continue. Press and hold the RADIO TEST button fbr at least 5 seconds.
A flashing Yellow LED will indicate the test is in progress. A
flashing Yellow and Green LED means the transmission is complete and the System Access Module is waiting for a reply. A constant Green LED means the radio test has passed. The radio
will per%tin three message tests, so this sequence will occur d_ree times If the System Access Module has errors during the process,
the test could take up to 15 minutes If the Red LED is tit solid, then the System Access Module _idled
to send the message. Try a new mounting location for the System Access Module.
If the Yellow LED is tit solid, then the System Access Module sent its message but did not receive a reply. The ( arrier server may be down or the received signal is weak. Try a new mounting location for the System Access Module.
Aborting Test - There is no method to abort a radio test once it is started, other than to remove power.
The LEDs will maintain their state for 1 hour after the test. Pressing the Radio Test button momentarily will clear the LEDs.
Pressing the Radio Test button again for five seconds will repeat the radio test. See Fig. 2 for a description of the radio test and LED
Step 5-- Instal! Components
INSTALL SYSTEM ACCESS MOD[ LE Once the radio test has passed, d_e System Access Module can be permanently
installed. The System Access Modnle is designed so that wires can enter it t_-om behind, above, or below. Plan wire routing befbre mounting.
1. Remove cover to access mounting holes.
2. Mount back plate to wall using screws and wall anchors provided.
3. Level back plate and tighten screws.
Step 6-- Connect Bnfinity Systems
UNIT OPERATION HAZARD Failure to follow this caution may result in improper unit
operation. Improper wiring of the ABC connector will cause the System Access Module to operate improperly. (heck to make sure all wiring is correct befbre proceeding with installation or mining on power.
Connect the A, B, and C wires fi'om the Infinity System to terminals labeled AI, BI, and C1. Connect the second Infinity System (if present) to the tem_inals labeled A2, B2, and (72
ABC bus wiring only requires a three wire connection; however, it is good practice to ton thermostat cable greater than three wires in the event of a damaged or broken wire during the installation.
It is recommended that the following color code be used when wiring each ABC connector:
A Green Data A B Yellow Data B
C White 24VAC (Corn)
NOTE: The D-wire (red - 24 VAC hot) fi'om the Infinity system is not connected to the System Access Module.
It is not mandatory that the above color code be used, but each ABC connector in the system MUST be wired consistently.
Step 7--Connect Auxiliary Sensor (optional) The System Access Module will support a &y contact sensor for
use with water detection or some other use as seen fit. Connect one side of the contacts to connector AUXC (common) and the other
side to connector AUX (input). The sensor input can provide up to 20mA at 5 volts d.c. If the sensor input is active, it will not shut down or affect operation of the HVAC system(s). A pop=up message will appear on the user interface indicating the auxiliary-
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