Installation Instructions
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS .............................. 1
INTRODUCTION ..................................................... I
DESCRIPTION AND USAGE .................................... 1
INSTALLATION ...........................................................5
COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS .........................7
MAINTENANCE OF CELLS ........................................8
TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................8
PARTS LIST ....................................................11
Installation and servicing of this equipment can be hazardous due
to mechanical and electrical components. Only trained and
qualified personnel should install, repair, or service this equipment.
Untrained personnel can perform basic maintenance functions such
as cleaning and replacing air filters. All other operations must be
performed by trained service personnel When working on this
equipment, observe precautions in the literature, on tags, and on
labels attached to or shipped with the unit and other safety
precautions that may apply Follow all safety codes. Installation
must be in compliance with local and national building codes
Wear safety glasses, prolecfive clothing, and work gloves. Have
fire extinguisher available Read these instructions thoroughly and
follow all wamlngs or cautions included in literature and attached
to the unit.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety-alert symbol Z_ ..
When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions or
manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury
Understand these sigmal words; DANGER, WARNING, and
CAUTION. These words are used with the safety-alert symbol.
DANGER identities the most serious hazards which will res_ait in
severe personal injuu¢ or death. WARNING signifies hazards
which could result in pemonal injury or death.. CAUTION is used
to identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal
injury or product and property damage NOTE is used to highlight
suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or
These instructions cover the installation, operation and
maintenance of an EACB Electronic Air Cleaner
This electronic air cleaner is technically known as a two-stage
electrostatic precipitator. The air cleaner is designed to remove
airborne particulates, including dust, dirt, smoke, pollen, virus,
spores, bacteria and mold, from indoor air Air movement through
the unit is provided by the heating, air conditioning or ventilating
system blower As dirty air enters the air cleaner, the air passes
through a metal mesh prefilter The prefilter prevents lint, pet hair
and other large particulates from entering the air cleaner It is
important that these filters be in place to prevent excessive dirt
loading of the air cleaner collector cells These filters extend the
time between maintenance of the air cleaner collector cells_ This
allows the ionizing-collector cells to provide clean air for a longer
period between washings The prefiltered air then passes through a
two-stage Electronic Air Cleaner In the first stage, all airborne
particulate, even _bmic'ron size, are electronically charged
(,positive) as they pass through the ionizer The ionizer field is set
up by a corona discharge emanating from the fine, tightly strung
wires suspended between two adjacent flat plates In the second
stage, the charged particulate passes through an intense electrical
field established between alternately charged and grounded parallel
collector plates. Here, the positively charged particulate is attracted
to the negatively ground plates and removed from the air stream
Unit Specifications
This air cleaner is easy to install, operate, and maintain See Fig. 1
for EACB assembly See Table I and Fig 2 for unit specifications.
Fig. 1 - Unit Assembly

Table 1 - Unit Specifications
MODEL NO, EACBA_--O014 EACBA---0020 I EACBA---1614 EACBA---2020 EACBB---2020
Factory lnstaIled YES YES YES YES YES
Electrical Input 120v, 60Hz, 1 PH 120v, 60Hz, 1 PH 120v, 60Hz, 1 PH 120%60Hz, I PH 240v, 60Hz, 1 PH
Electrical Power Cord 6' / 1.8 p LHngth 6' l 1..8p LI-pgth 6' / t 8 p 14-1ngth 6' / t .8 p Li-pgth 6' t I 8 p 14_gth
Maximum Rated Airflow (2380 m3thr) (3400 m3[hr) (2282 m3Lhr) '2720-3400 m3Lhr) i (2720- 3400 m3Lhr)
Maximum Pressure Drop @ @ @ @ @
Cell t eight (2 per unit)
Unit t eight
Maximum Power Consumption
Electrical output
Dimensions 20 x 7-1L4 x 25 20 x 7-1L4 x 21 - 1L4 21-_ 2I -31.8
Pressure drop at 2000 CFM Filler ef_c]ency ts ross than peak at this higher a_d]o_ Refer to the Efficiency and Pressure Drop Performance chad below for
1400 CFM 2000 CFM 1350 CFM 1600-2000 CFM* [ 1600-2000 CFM*
11 in. wg 14in. w.g 141n. wg .11-.22[n. wg. 11- 22in wg
1400 CFM 2000 CFM 1350 CFM !600-2000 CFM* 1600-2000 CFM*
10 lbs each 12 tbs each 7 Ibs each 9 lbs each 9 lbs each
(4 54 kg) (545 kg) (3 2 kg) (4.08 kg) (4 08 kg)
32 [bs 38 Ibs 29 tbs 30 Ibs 30 lbs
(14.8 kg) (164 kg) (13 2 kg) (13 6 kg) (136 kg)
40 t atts 48 t arts 40 t arts 40 t arts 40 t arts
2,5 mADC 3.2 rnADC 2.5 reADe 2.5 rnADC 2.5 rnADC
6200 kVDC 6200 kVDC 8200 kVDC 6200 kVDC 6200 kVDC
c UL us c UL us c UL us c UL us c UL us
24-1L2 x 7-1L4 x 25 24-112 x 7-1L4 x 24-112 x 7-1L4 x
The EACB basic components are:
Mounts to existing ductwork; houses the ionizing-collecting cells
and prefilters,
Ionizing-Collector Cells
Collect the dust, dirt, and other particulates in the air, They contain
the ionizing and collecting sections The cells must be installed
with ionizing wires on the air intake side_ A ,spring contact is
located on the top of each cell and must be in position to make
C 002
c ig. 2 = bfficiency and P_=sure a top Performance
o 224
007 011 0t5 --
006 -- 011 -- -- --
004 _ 0e7 -- -- e14
A EACB-2020
B EACB-1614
contact with the contact board assemblies on the bottom of the
power tray assembly
Trap large p;_licalates before it enters the ionizing-collector cells
Power Tray Assembly
Contains the indicating light, solid state power supply, contact
boards and electrical controls including ON/OFF switch, airflow
sensor and safety interlock switch_ A power cord at the rear of the
tray allows the unit to be connected to a standard 120-v or 240-v
outlet (see voltage of your EACB unit) A wiring compartment is
-- m

providedattherearofthe tray allowing the option to permanently
wire the unit directly to a furnace control,
AirFlow Sensor (AFS)
This part controls the operation of the unit by sensing the
movement of air within the duct This helps to reduce power usage.
How to Identify Which Air Cleamer Model You Own
The model number and serial number for your Electronic Air
Cleaner can be found on the data label located on the inside of the
access door
Facts You Should Know About Your New
Electronic Air Cleaner
Dus_g and "Whi_usW
Your new Electronic Air Cleaner will efficiently clean and filter
your household air. Unfortunately, it will not eliminate the need for
regular dusting of your furniture and belongings. Due to the design
of all duct-mounted air cleaners, they can only clean the air that
reaches tbe air cleaner.. Therefore, if the particulates are not being
carried to the air cleaner in the air _tream, the air cleaner cannot
remove them from your home Occasionally a "white dust" may be
noticed in bedrooms or newly furnished rooms. This is mainly
composed of lint which, because it is heavier than other
particulates, settles before it reaches your unit_ This "white dust" is
not mixed with airborne dirt particles, therefore, it is clean and has
no staining or soiling properties.. However, running the furnace
blower continuously, day and night, will help reduce this from
Under normal operating conditions all Electronic Air Cleaners
produce minute quantities of ozone as an incidental by-product._ In
fact, all electronic products, such as televisions, cordless phones
and refrigerators, produce some amount of ozone. The average
homeowner can detect the smell of ozone concentrations as low as
25 to 100 ppb (parts per billion) The design of this unit hag been
tested and ozone production is approximately half of the published
permias_le limits established by the Environmental Protection
Agency.. These limits recommend that the concentration of indoor
ozone not exceed 50 ppb.. Ozone is not harmful in these
concentrations. In fact, the ozone level in major cities can
sometimes reach as high as 100 ppb on a summer day. The
addition of optional charcoal after-filters can help reduce this
Normally, a new unit will produce more ozone than one that has
been in operation for several weeks.. This is due to sharp comers or
manufacturing burrs on the ionizing-conecting ceil(s) and is
normal. As the Electronic Air Cleaner arcs _md zaps, the voltage is
vaporizing these areas and tends to round them off This is part of
the breaking-in period of ownership and the issue is
self-correcting Also, high-altitude locations can be more
susceptible to noticing the presence of ozone. An
ionizing-collecting cell that has been damaged or bent (the
designed Macing between electrically charged and ground
components has been decreased) may also produce an abnormal
amount of ozone_
Hew the .'MrFlow Sensor (AFS) Works
Electronic AFS (see Fig 3) was designed to provide an efficient
and reliable method of controlling the operation of the air cleaner
when the dealer is unable to wire the unit directly into the furnace
blower. The electronic AFS is now integrated into the power
supply circuitry and utilizes a thermistor that heals up to
approximately 130°F (54_C). The AFS then stabilizes at this
temperature and when the furnace blower tams on and air flows
through the ductwork, the same vacuum effect pulls cooler air over
the hot surface. This air movement cools down the thermistor and
this cooling down effect allows the electronic AFS to understand
that the furnace blower is moving air and the Electronic Air
Cleaner must turn on to provide air cleaning
Fig. 3 - AJrflow Sensor
If the air cleaner is installed in a location that is dusty and dirty, the
sensor on the AFS can become coated with dirt and lint.. This
coating am insulate the AFS and keep it from operating properly
To clean the thermistor, tam unit off and allow thermistor to cool, 1
then take a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol and carefully
insert it into the hole tocaled on the right hand side of the power
S[2dqt_sl-p E_ (whhn ll2_ing thHunit)ThHho_liS 3/I6" (5 p p ) in
diameter and is located on the front of the power tray assembly..
Carefully twirl the cotton swab between your fingers, making sore
the tip is lightly in contact with the coated bead, cleaning this
coating from the thermistor If airflow sensor is bypa_ed on the
circuit board, the Air Cleaner will run at all times when power is
applied (see Fig 4),
Fig. 4 - gP9 Prongs
Outdoor Air
t hen outdoor air is added to the return air duct, sufficient heat
should be added to maintain the return air temperature at 55°F
(t3°C) intermittent or 60'_F (16"C) continuous lower air
temperatures can cause premature heat exchanger or ionizer wire
Sheet Metal Installations
Failure to follow this caution may result in personal injury..
Sheet metal parts may have sharp edges or burrs. Use care and
wear appropriate protective clothing and gloves when
handling these pnrts.
The Electronic Air Cleaner is adaptable to all new or existing
residential forced air fumaca and cooling systums
If the air duct does not fit the air cleaner cabinet opening, gradual
transitions (see Fig. 5) are recommended to reduce air turbulence
through the air cleaner and maximize efficiency Not more than
20 ° ([_ut 4" / 102 p p SHJLanning loot / 305 p p ) o! FFSD_sion
should be used on each side of the transition fitting

MAX 4"/102 mm DROP --
PER LINEAL 12"1305mm
Fig. 5 - Transition to Unit
Turning Vanes
If the air cleaner is installed adjacent to a 90 ° duct elbow, add
turning vanes (see Fig. 6) inside the duct to improve air
distribution across the face of the air cleaner, Failure to follow this
recommendation can reduce the efficiency of the Electronic Air
Fig, 6 - Turning Vanes
Select Location for Air Cleaner
Remember to select a location that is readity access_le for periodic
inspection and cleaning of this air cleaner, Allow a minimum of
24" (610 ram) FtearanFe in IrRnt and 12" (305 ram) !_earanFe
above the air cleaner for component removal and service space
Planning the Installation
Air cleaners are used in Iorced air heating cooling and ventilating
systems The air cleaner should be installed in the system so that all
the system air is circulated through the air cleaner The air cleaner
will only remove the airborne contaminants delivered to it,
Maximum performance is obtained when the system blower is set
for continuous operation
Installation Requirements
The best location for the air cleaner is in the return air duct next to
the blower compartment, In this location, the blower molor and
cooling coils will be kept clean.
Failure to follow this caution may result in reduced airflow
and potential operating problems
a o not install the air cleaner in the diseharge air duct
Before instaning the air cleaner, consider the application and type
of e VAC sy_em present, See Fig, 7 for the most common types, If
a transition between the ductwork and air cleaner is required, refer
to section entitled Transitions and Fig 5,, The unit must be readily
access_le for periodic inspection and cleaning of the prefilters and
electronic cells to maintain maximum efficiency and trouble-free
Air Conditioning
The air cleaner should be installed upstream of the cooling coil
This will keep the coil clean and reduce air conditioning coil
maintenance Improved cooling efficiency is the result and directly
affects energy costs A clean coil will reduce utility costs.
An evaporative humidifier can be mounted upstream of the air
ctcanem, It is best to install an atomizing humidifier downstream of
the air cleaner because hard water salt deposiL_ and water droplets
may damage the air cleaner
Fig. 7 - Typical Installations

If an atomizing humidifier must be mounted upstream of this air
I Mount it as lar upmream as poss_le (recommended 6'/2m
2 Install a standard di.cposable furnace filter between the
humidifier and the air cleaner to trap water droplets and
hard water salts
3 Clean the air cleaner more frequently to prevent a hard
water salt buildup
Direction of Airflow Through the Air Cleaner
This air cleaner is set up for left to right airflow when you are
facing the access door Cor right to left airflow, follow these
l, Oemove the prefilter(s) and cells from the cabinet., A plastic
positioning spacer is located inside the bottom of the
cabinet This spacer (see Cig 8) is secured to the cabinet
using a #6-32 round head rrhillips drive thread cutting
screw to assure installation of tile cells in the proper position
with respect to airflow.
20emove the screw and reposltion the spacer in the alternate
hole at the bottom of the cabinet
Fig. 8 - Plastic Positioning Spacer
3. O eplace the screw to insure the plastic spacer is not
aceidentaIly knocked out of place during normal
maintenance It must be in.ailed in the hole provided
closest to the air leaving side of the cabinet. Peal the unused
hole with duct tape
4, Oemove the cell handle and reatlach to the opposite end of
the cell. Turn cells around, replace in cabinet and replace
prefiltars on the air entering side. The directional arrows on
the cel! end plates must point in the direction of airflow
This blectronic Air Cleaner _an be installed in any position, except
with the access door facing down Cig 7 shows examples of proper
air cieaner mounting with a variety of furnace installations
eailure to follow this warning could result in personal injury
or death
The following procedures could expose hazardous live
components I nly a trained, experienced service person
should install this electronic air cleaner Before performing
installation, service or maintenance operations on uniL tam off
all power to unit TAd a IPCI NNbCr Pt 1TC e t IT e
il CKt rTTAd
Cailure to follow this warning could r_'ult in personal injury
or death.,
The power mapply should be removed before installation To
remove the power supply, remove the two (2) screws in the top
front of the cabinet Oemember to keep this hardware for
reinstallation of the power supply when the air cleaner
installation is _mplete.
Prior to installing this product:
] Ocad rules and instructions carefully for safe operation
Cailure to follow them could damage the product or cause a
hazardous condition.
2 Check the ratings given on the product to make sure it is
suitable for your application.,
3 Pelect a location for the air cleaner,
40emove the old furnace filter and discard
5 The air cleaner cannot remove existing dirt from the blower
and ducts Clean the area thoroughly before you begin
60emove unit access panel, and slide the prefilters and
ionizing-collecting cells out of the cabinet, trlace them
safely aside for later use.
NOTE: The following is a typical installation of the air cleaner on
a upflow furnace, You may have to alter the installation to fit your
particular application,
Installation of the EAC
Cailureto follow this warning could result in personal injury
The following procedures could expose hazardous live
components, t nIy a trained, experienced service person
should install this electronic air cleaner Before performing
installation, service or maintenance operations on unit, turn off
all power to unit TAd a tPCI NNbCT pt ITC e t ITe
il CKI rTTAd.
1. iocate the cabinet in the cold air return duct so that all of
the return air flows through the unit. If the furnace and air
cleaner openings are different, use a transition
2, Mounting holes are provided for ductwork attachment, The
,140" Koles (see) ig. 9) are sized lot #8 skeet metal screws,