Helpful Hints - Quick Reference
Make },our installation even easier. Use the enclosed adapter
brackets and block-off panel for upflow or downflow furnace
Slip these adapter brackets
over the inner side flanges
of your Electronic Air Cleaner
foran exact and sturdy fit to
your furnace. (Trim the ends
at perforations, if required.)
Failure to follow this caution may result in personal injury.
Sheet metal parts may have sharp edges or burrs. Use care and
wear appropriate protective clothing and gloves when
handling these parts.
Slip Block-Off Panel over front
flange (here) and trim panel
at perforations for an exact
fit to furnace.
Fig. 1 - Block-Off Panel Assembly
Copyright 2007 CAC / BDP • 7310 W. Morris St. • indianapolis, iN 46231 Printed in U.SA Edition Date: t 2/07 Catalog No: I#- SSEAOB- 01
Manufacturer reserves the right to change_ at any time_ specifications and designs without notice and without obligations. Replaces: NEW