Aluminum Evaporator Coils
Enjoy the Comfort of Enhanced
Durability and Peace of Mind
Innovation and the
Leaders in
Over 100 years ago, a humble but
deter mined engineer solved one of
mankind’s most elusive chal lenges by
controlling the indoor environme nt. A
leading engine er of his
ay, Dr. W illis Carrier would
file more than 80 paten ts
over the cours e of his
career. His ge nius would
enable incredible advan cements in
health care, manufactur ing proce sses,
food preservation, art and historical
conservation, indoor comfort an d
much more.
Carrier’s foresight changed the worl d
forever and paved the w ay for over a
century of once-impossible inno vations.
Yet in add ition to being an accompli shed
inventor, he was also an avid outdoo rsman. Carrier recognized the power and
beauty of the natural environment. This
appreciation of our wor ld and its
resources continues to guide Car rier
Corporation to day. We will never rest on
our accomplish ments, but instead
consistently l ook for ways to improve our
products, our environment and ou r world.
evaporator coi ls are de signed to
complement you r Carrier system for
optimum efficiency and comfort. These
recyclable coils suppor t Carrier’s respect
for our environment whi le provid ing
tough, durable and lasting resistance to
multiple sources of cor rosion.
Perfo rmance™ series aluminum
What Efficiency Means to You
The evaporator coil is the unsung hero within you r home comfort sy stem. It is
the key to max imizing the perfo rmance of your air conditioner or heat p ump to
ensure the efficiency and saving s you expect. Carrier Performance series
aluminum evapo rator coils provide the excellent h eat transfer needed to kee p
your system op erating at peak energy efficiency a nd comfort capaci ty. And
because they o ffer supe rior corrosion resistance, they protect against
efficiency loss that ca n occur with standard copper/alumin um coils in
corrosive environments.
with Puron refrigerant set the s tandard for environme ntally sound performance well a head of
industry competitors and over t ime have shown exceptional reliabil ity. They are a testament to
our industr y-leading experience in this area and our continued ins istence upon delivering
superior quali ty produc ts.
refrigerant is environmentally s ound and won’t deplete the ozone layer. Carrier syst ems