Constant Volume (CV) Cooling
CV Heating
Variable Air Volume (VAV) Cooling
VAV Cooling With Warm-Up
VAV Heating and Cooling With Changeover
VAV Heating
VAV Cooling With Electric Warm-Up
VAV Heating and Cooling With Electric Changeover
VAV Cooling With Electric Heat Interlock
Pneumatic Sequenced Cooling/Heating (Hot Water)
VAV Cooling With Pneumatic Warm-Up
VAV Cooling With Fire Safety
Night Set Back Heating
VAV Cooling/Separate System Heating
CONTROL SELECTION ................... 50-54
Control Index ............................. 50
Control Packages ......................... 50
System-Powered Controls ................. 55
System-Powered Controls With
Electric Interface ......................... 64
AIRFLOW ADJUSTMENT .................. 71,72
Maximum Airflow (Cfm) Adjustment ........ 71
Minimum Airflow (Cfm) Adjustment ......... 71
Variation in Maximum Airflow .............. 72
AIR DISTRIBUTION ........................ 73
Throw for Standard Diffusers ............... 82
The Modulinet airterminal (Fig. 1) is a truly flexible unit
for the control and distribution of conditioned air to the occupied space. Available in 3 airflow sizes for single or multiple terminal installation, it is adaptable to a variety of
Fig. 1 — Moduline Air Terminal
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 3
Tab 6a
PC 201Catalog No. 513-741Printed in U.S.A.Form 37HS-1XAPg 16-91Replaces: New
ceiling designs and building control systems. Modulinet terminals installed in modular ceilings can be moved easily when
tenant requirements change, and the quiet, linear slot distribution integrates well in most commercial ceilings. Figure 2
shows a 37HS Moduline unit with variable air volume (VAV)
The basic Moduline terminal control system is system powered; the distribution duct pressure provides the energy to
operate the devices that control all the units in the system.
This system can be thought of as reactive. The control reacts
to changes in occupied space conditions and to changes in
supply duct airflow and pressure, and adjusts the unit valve
to maintain preset airflow or flow proportional to the room
It is also possible to apply directive controls, both pneumatic and electric, to the Moduline terminal. In these applications, the Moduline control system is still system powered. The difference is that now the space can be controlled
by other sensors and devices, replacing the reactive control
This application data book provides design guidance for
layout of a Moduline system. All aspects of the unit application are included: Unit layout, control location, control
characteristics, control system options and air distribution
characteristics. This book covers both system-powered control and system-powered with electric or pneumatic interface controls. Application information for Carrier’s electronic
Product Integrated Controls (PIC) can be found in a separate
publication. (Moduline units with PIC controls can be controlled as part of the Carrier Comfort Network [CCN] system.) Sound power levels and sound applicationdata are found
in the 37HS Sound Application Data book. Specific mounting and installation data is found in the 37HS Installation,
Start-Up and Service instructions or, for PIC units, in the
37HC Installation, Start-Up and Service Instructions.
Cooling —
lay out the building air distribution system, it is first necessary to calculate the building cooling and heating loads
which the Moduline terminals will offset.
The first step is to determine the complete ‘‘block’’ load
for the building in order to size the fan, cooling equipment
and trunk duct. This estimate is for the month and hour of
greatest total building load. (See Fig. 3.)
The next step is to estimate each zone load (sensible heat
only). These are used to size the terminals and run-out ducts.
The zone peak load estimates are for different months and
hours, depending on zone window orientation. (See
Fig. 4.)
These calculations are made for a building which will utilize Moduline units in both perimeter and interior spaces.
The Moduline system supplies all building cooling. The heating system is described on page 20.
The object of making these load estimates is to arrive at
the required air volumes, so that the system can be designed
and equipment selected.
The airflow through a variable volume system is constantly changing in response to the changes in the building
cooling loads. At any one moment the airflow to each temperature control zone is determined by the room sensible heat
cooling load (RSH), the supply air temperature (T)
and the room thermostat setting (T), as shown in the following equation:
In order to select Moduline equipment and
Fig. 2 — 37HS Unit With VAV Controls
Zone cfm =
*1.09 is constant in this formula.
The fan airflow at the same moment is the sum of all the
zone airflow rates. (Duct leakage is assumed to be negligible
because of the high quality duct construction required by VAV
1.09* (T− T)
Fig. 3 — Estimating Block Load
Oversizing — Oversizing of variable volume systems results in unused equipment capacity and worse performance
at part load, not in increased system airflow.The actual system operation will reflect the actual system load, not the design load. If conservative data, safety factors, or provision
for future loads are included in the design estimate, the actual system airflow will not be increased. The equipment will
be capable of handling an increased load should it ever exist, but will automatically throttle back to handle only the
actual load at that moment.
It is recommended that safety factors not be included in
load calculations; they are notincluded in the following method.
Air Motion, Ventilation and Odor Dilution — Air motion,
ventilation, and odor dilution deserve special attention in the
design of a VAV system. The designer must visualize the
correct system operating condition in order to evaluate the
adequacy of these items at either full or part-load cooling
conditions, or during the heating season.
Room air motion is determined by the supply air quantity
and the diffuser induction ratio. The minimum room air velocity is higher if building humidity and temperatureare higher.
The design cfm at peak cooling load in any zone should be
not less than the minimum shown below:
Fig. 4 — Floor Plan of Typical Zones
for Single-Story Office Building
Lighting — Even though lighting loads (Watts/sq ft) are con-
siderably lower in today’s buildings, the lighting is by far
the largest load component.
It is necessary, therefore, to pay close attention to getting
an accurate estimate of the lighting requirements.
In estimating the lighting load, special consideration should
be given to evaluating storage effect and the performance of
return air ceiling plenums. Both of these items reduce the
peak room load from lights and delay the time at which the
stored heat becomes a load on the central equipment.
(cfm/sq ft)
These minimums are based on using the Carrier Moduline diffuser, which has very high performance; competitive
diffusers require a higher cfm/sq ft.
The outside air cfm requirement at maximum design conditions may be determined by local building code. If the outside air cfm to the central air handler is adequate to maintain
a low overall building odor level, the odor level in a particular space will depend upon the odors generated locally in
that space and the supply airflow to that space. A space with
high odor generation (a conference room with much smoking) should be provided with a separate exhaust system to
increase the air flow through the space for odor dilution. The
only way to increase the VAV airflow to that space would be
to add reheat to increase the room sensible heat, which is
unacceptable from an energy conservation standpoint.
The following odor dilution cfm (either VAV supply or
supplemental exhaust cfm) is usually adequate:
Private or General Office — 0.25 cfm/sq ft
Major Conference Room — 1.0 cfm/sq ft
Supply Air Temperature — In systems using draw-thru air
handling units and high induction Carrier Modulinet terminal units, the acceptable range of supply air temperatures at
the terminals is from 50 to 54 F. The cooling coil ADP (Apparatus Dew Point) will be from 3 to 5° F lower than the
supply air temperature, due to allowance for coil bypass, fan
heat and duct gain.
The system installed cost for ductwork, central air handler, and VAV terminals will be greater if the air quantity is
higher because of the designer’s choice of a higher supply
air temperature. The increased fan air quantity will result in
higher fan operating cost, which may be offset by the lower
cost of operating the refrigeration system at a higher suction
temperature. The higher coil surface temperature (ADP) of
the system will result in a higher building humidity, which
will be less comfortable and require greater ventilation air.
An unduly low choice of supply air temperature may
result in unacceptably low room air motion in interior zones
with low lighting levels, and in unnecessarily low
The same supply air temperature must be used for the zone
load and block load estimates.
Load Calculating Methods — The cooling load estimates can
be made very accurately and quickly using the Carrier E20-II
Block Load program.
Because of the computer’s speed, it is not necessary to
compromise the design procedure to obtain the most accurate result. The optimum design procedure listed here assumes the use of the E20-II program, and may require ‘‘short
cuts’’ when using manual methods.
While the E-20 program is the most convenient and rapid
method of load calculation, other methods will also provide
the required results. In particular, Carrier multi-room load
estimating form E-5056 is available for this purpose.
DESIGN PROCEDURE (with example)
Data Collection — Our example uses Cincinnati, Ohio as a
representative city. The building is a one-story office building with 11,250 sq ft. The building layout is shown in
Fig. 4 on page 3.
1. Using the E20-II Block Load Program, select Cincinnati
for its weather data. TheWEATHER PARAMETERSprintout shown on pages 5 and 6 shows the weather data used
for the load estimating calculations.
2. The next step is to gather data on the building, including
dimensions, construction materials used, internal load patterns (such as lighting levels) and the building orientation. For our example, we have divided the building into
nine zones. The actual building has ten zones on its north
exposure, but we’ve grouped them all into a single zone
because zones on the same exposure tend to have similar
load patterns. Similarly, the ten south exposure zones have
been grouped into a single zone, and the four east and
west zones have been combined into single east and west
zones respectively.
Pages 7-15 contain the ZONE DESCRIPTION printouts
for each of the nine zones.
3. The final input step is to select an initial set of system
design data, including the cooling and heating set points,
the supply air temperature (or supply airflow rate, if that
is known) and the fan static pressure. This system design
data will, of course, be directly influenced by the actual
central station equipment, be it packaged or applied.
Page 16 shows the HVAC SYSTEM DATAprintout which
lists the system design data we’ve selected for this
Load Calculations — With the input data from Step 1, the
Block Load Program calculates the building loads for each
month of the year to find the largest load on the building’s
air conditioning system. Typically,this will occur during the
middle or late afternoon hours in July or August. The
SYSTEM SIZING SUMMARY printout shown on pages 17
and 18 provides both the cooling and heating equipment sizing data. At the same time, it provides the maximum cooling
load, maximum heating load and design airflow rate for each
zone in the building. Notice that each zone may peak at a
month and hour different from that at which the HVAC system peaks. The detailed system load report is shown on
page 19.
Modulinet Selection (Analysis of Data) — The printout shown below presents an analysis of the preceding data.
Heating — Heat must be provided in a building to offset
losses through the perimeter walls, windows, and roof. In
the interior spaces the heat gain from lights and people will
in many cases be enough to cause a cooling load even in
The two most commonly used heating systems are these:
• Baseboard
• Overhead air
Baseboard has been used historically in the North because
it is effective in overcoming the downdraft from windows,
particularly with the large single pane windows used in the
Now, with improvements in the building thermal enve-
lope due to better materials and construction methods, overhead air heating is a viable and attractive alternative.
Overhead air heating, when properly applied, can handle
all requirements except the severe cases in which the wall U
values and temperature differences are large.
Overhead air heating is the method which will be con-
sidered for these procedures.
OVERHEAD AIR HEATING — Two basic forms of over-
head heating are used with Moduline cooling systems:
• Separate duct heating
• Changeover Moduline heating/cooling
Separate Duct Heating — A simple type of overhead air heating system for use with a Moduline cooling system consists
of a series of ceiling outlets, placed around the perimeter of
the building close to the outside wall, which blow warm air
outward and/or downward to floor level. The outlets are connected by a simple duct system to an electric (or hot water)
heating-only fan coil unit located above the ceiling. (See
Fig. 5.) Aminimum of one fan coil unit per exposure is used
for each story of the building. The fan coil unit draws air
from the ceiling plenum and distributes it to the building perimeter by means of a separate duct system. This type of
heating system operates at constant volume.
The separate duct heating approach allows heat to blanket
the outside wall, eliminating the transmission of heat through
the outside wall and permits the Moduline cooling units to
be located in the best arrangement for cooling distribution.
Control interlock between separate system heating and Moduline cooling is outlined in the Control Applications section,
on page 44.
The 35BD heating slot boot diffuser (Fig. 6) is specifically designed for this heating approach and will provide excellent distribution of the hot air necessary to offset the load.
Fig. 5 — Separate Duct Heating System
Performance Heating — Downblow Slot
Heating Slot
Boot Diffuser
1. Minimum and maximum show distance diffuser should be located from perimeter wall in inches.
2. For optimumperformance ofthediffuser,the airtemperature should
be held between 90 and 115 F.
Fig. 6 — 35BD Heating Slot Boot Diffuser
Changeover Modulinet Heating/Cooling — Both hot air and
cold air distribution are possible with a Moduline system.
The Moduline unit uses a director diffuser which, sensing
the duct temperature of the supply air, directs the air towards
or away from the perimeter wall. (Fig. 7.)
The Moduline location for heating and cooling requires
the unit to be a specific distance from the outside wall in
order to produce satisfactory distribution of the hot air. The
recommended location is shown in Fig. 8.
With hot air in the duct, all discharge air is directed towards the
perimeter wall to offset the transmission.
Fig. 7 — Director Diffuser
With cold air in the duct, the discharge is two-way blow — both into
the room and towards the wall.
2.5 Ft
M = Max Throw
for Heating
One-Way Blow
H = Ceiling Height
Fig. 8 — Recommended Location for Changeover ModulineT Heating/Cooling
Additional Guidelines for Heating — In addition to downblow slot boot diffusersand Moduline director diffusers, round
nozzles spaced along the perimeter wall will also provide
satisfactory overhead heating distribution. Some guidance for
outlet use are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
Moduline heating and cooling is less flexible than sepa-
rate duct system heating with Moduline cooling because:
• Moduline heating/cooling is a changeover system requiring complete replacement of the cooling duct supply air
with heated air, making zone control difficult.
• Moduline location is a compromise between obtaining outside wall coverage with hot air and good cooling
Thus, separate duct heating can provide heat for a given
exposure without materially affecting the building cooling
system. The heating outlets and Moduline terminals can be
located in the most efficientair distribution places of the conditioned space.
Table 1 — Optimum Outlet Discharge
Downblow slots500 to 125090 to 115
Round nozzles900 to 180090 to 125
One-way blow slots600 to 220080 to 105
Director Diffusers800 to 220090 to 105
Table 2 — Location Guidelines
Round Nozzles and
Downblow Slots
One-Way Blow Slots0.5L†
Director Diffusers2.5L†
*Feet away from outside wall.
†See Fig. 8.
Introduction —
layout is one of the most important steps in the design process. This is where you use your knowledge to lay out the
job at a low cost and still give your client a satisfactory job.
There are 4 items which must be considered when select-
ing an air terminal:
• air volume (Cfm) per terminal — a function of 1) the desired sound level in the space, and 2) cost
• layout — a function of 1) the proper room air motion and
2) physical spacing
• unit combinations and run-out duct
• controller location
Selecting the terminals and making a
Definitions — Following are definitions of terms used
when discussing the layout of a Moduline system.
Moduline units are arranged as single units or as units in
an air series.
SINGLE UNIT — A single unit is connected to the supply
duct and supplies conditioned air to a space or part of a space.
Fig. 9.
AIR SERIES — Units in air series are connected unit-tounit or with interconnecting ductwork and the supply air for
all units enters the first unit in the series. Fig. 10.
MASTER UNIT — A Moduline unit with controller, alone
or in air series, is a master unit. Fig. 11.
SLAVE UNIT — A unit in air series, controlled by another
unit (master unit) is a slave unit. Fig. 11.
CONTROLS — System-powered controls are installed at the
jobsite and consist of the components shown below:
CONTROL END — The control end of a Modulinet unit is
the end containing a control block at the end plate of the
valve section of the unit. (Fig. 12.) The end of the unit opposite the control end contains a blank block. The control
end of the Moduline unit is at the longer of the diffuser projections from the plenum. In Fig. 13, the longer projection,
B, is the control end.
The filter, volume controller, and diffuser-mounted ther-
mostat are applied to the control end of a master unit.
Fig. 12 — Control Block
Fig. 13 — Control End of Unit
Step 1 — Determine Air Volume (Cfm) Per Terminal —
know the required air volumes (cfm).
Use the cfm per zone you obtained from the cooling load
calculation and, using Table 3, Recommended Maximum Cfm
Per Terminal, decide on the number of terminals you will
need in each zone.
Cost dictates that the fewest number of Moduline units be
used consistent with good design. The maximum cfm per
unit that can be used (to keep the total number of units down)
is mainly a function of maximum acceptable sound level.
Perimeter zones with glass in the east, west, and south
building zones have peaks of rather short duration (i.e. loads
vary widely during the course of the day and year). Therefore, a higher sound level can be tolerated for these short
Before you can start making a layout, you must
As a result, slightly higher maximum cfm per unit is allowed as compared to interior zones or the north perimeter,
which have relatively constant loads.
The maximum cfm per unit also is affected by the desired
sound level in the room and the type of use of the space.
For example, an executive office uses low sound levels
but the furnishings generally absorb more sound so the allowable cfm/unit is only slightly lower than other types of
Table 3 — Recommended Maximum Cfm
Per Terminal
Step 2 — Lay Out Terminals
LOCATE UNITS IN T-BAR GRID — In making a layout,
begin with a plan view of the ceiling. Normally, the ceiling
grid and the lighting is done first and the diffuser plan must
fit the layout.
The center of the room is the ideal location, but where
that space has been reserved for lighting, the Moduline diffuser has enough flexibility to provide good distribution when
not centered in the room.
For a two-way blow diffuser, anywhere from the
to the1⁄4point (wall to wall) is usually suitable. Outside of
the1⁄4points, a one-way blow diffuser may be needed. Use
two-way blow diffuserwherever possible and one-way blow
only when really necessary. (See Fig. 14.)
Most jobs use a 2- x 4-ft grid T-Bar ceiling with 2- x 4-ft
The first consideration in making a layout is to place the
terminals as economically as possible in the grid, which means
locating the terminals perpendicular to the main tees.
Main tees (the ones with hangers) are 4 ft on center (normally) and the cross tees are spaced 2 ft apart between the
mains to make up a 2- x 4-ft T-bar grid. Additional trim tees
may be used to divide the ceiling into a 2- x 2-ft grid.
The Moduline units use mounting brackets and hang from
(run perpendicular to) the main tees. While the units can be
installed anywhere between mains, the most common location is on the center line of the cross tee (replaces the cross
tee). The next most common location is half way between
cross tees. See Fig. 15.
While less desirable, the units can be run parallel to the
main tees. Unless absolutely necessary the units should not
replace the main tee because this means the main tee must
be cut. A location halfway between the mains is common
and in this case additional hangers are required to the upper
plenum of the unit or to the cross tee near the unit.
Special units are available for many other types of
Fig. 14 — Diffuser Locations for
Preferred 2-Way or One-Way Blow
Fig. 15 — Terminal Location
POSSIBLE LOCATIONS — Check minimum throw for
2-way blow diffuser near walls and all one-way blow
Exceeding maximum throw is almost never a problem. A
2-way blow unit covers 50 ft at nominal cfm.
In perimeter rooms, if 2-way blow units are off center,
favor the exterior wall if possible.
Generally,one-wayblow diffusers should blow away from
the nearest wall.
Air throw data in Tables 4 and 5 for the Modulinet air
terminals provides the suggested minimum and maximum
coverages the units can handle in a typical installation while
maintaining the desired room conditions.
The optimum air throw values given in the table are distances from the unit centerline to the outside wall or nearest
obstruction (wall, light fixture, or opposing air stream).
When given a choice, always put diffusersin line with eachother, not blowing at each other. If diffusers must be placed
so they are blowing at each other, the minimum throw must
be checked. Do not put units closer together than minimumallows. Down-drafts caused by going below minimum will
bother room occupants. (Fig. 16)
Modulinet units can be placed fairly close to a wall or
partition. This is because the down-draft follows the wall
(stays close to the wall) and doesn’t bother the room occupant. If furniture is placed against the wall near a Moduline
unit, it causes the air to be deflected causing drafts. The problem can often be solved by moving the furniture 6 in. or so
away from the wall.
1. Minimum air throw refers to the distance from the diffuser where the air velocity is 150fpm. In maximum air throw,this velocity has dropped to 50 rpm.
2. Data is based on an area with a 9-ft ceiling. For higher ceilings, values may
be reduced by one foot for each foot of height increase. For specific installations, minimum values can be reduced if properly qualified. Values are
dependent on cfm only and are not affected by duct pressure.
1-Way Blow2-Way Blow
1-Way Blow2-Way Blow
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