CARNES COMPANY, 448 S.Main St., P.O.Box 930040, Verona, WI. 53593-0040 Phone:608/845-6411 Fax: 608/845-6470
FORM 1502
This manual describes the assembly of the Carnes Wallbox, Rainhood and Wall-Mounting Collar. Your specific application may not have required all of them, simply pick the applicable procedures.
FORM 1502, Page 1
y of these accessories can be hazardous. Any cut sheet metal or wire accessory can have very sharp
edges or burrs. Protective gloves must be worn when handling these panels and the assembled accessories.
Inlet/Outlet screening options are covered in a separate manual.
The (4) Panels are all the same size (see Fig.1).
1. Each Panel has (3) sides with 2” flanges and (1) side not flanged. The side without the flange goes inside the corresponding flanged side on the next Panel (see Fig. 2). Attach only two Panels together at this time.
2. Mount the fan inside these two assembled Panels. The Fan Mounting Holes are not centered along the length of the
Wallbox (see Fig. 1). Face the fan so that the motor is towards the longer direction in the Wallbox. Use the 1/4” diameter bolts, nuts and washers (put washers on the outside of the Wallbox).
3. Assemble the remaining (2) Panels to complete the Wallbox.
4. Finish mounting the fan and re-check the tightness of all fan mounting bolts.
5. This completes the basic Wallbox assembly.
Inlet/Outlet screening options are covered in a separate manual.
The Rainhood is made up of (4) formed sheet metal pieces - Left Side Panel, Right Side Panel, Top Cover Panel and
Bottom Cross Piece (see Fig. 3).
1. Assemble the (2) side Panels to the Top Cover Panel, the Side Panels go inside the flanges of the Top Cover Panel.
2. Attach the Bottom Cross Piece between the two Side Panels, it mounts inside the Side Panels. Use caution when
starting the first screw as the Cross Piece may attempt to spin during the tightening process.
When assembled correctly -
A. The Rainhood will have one square opening with flanges formed outward, this will attach to the Wallbox or Wall
B. The angled opening of the Rainhood will have its flanges formed inward, any screens or grilles will attach here.
3. This completes the basic Rainhood assembly.
Wall-Mounting Collar
Inlet/Outlet screening options are covered in a separate manual.
The Wall-Mounting Collar is made up of (4) identical Side Panels and (4) identical Mounting Flanges (see Fig. 4).
1. Assemble the Side Panels by joining the flat narrow ends to the flanged narrow ends, the flat ends go inside the
flanged ends (see corner details Fig. 3). Use the supplied Sheet Metal Screws.
2. Slide the open end of the assembled Wall-Mounting Collar over the Fan unit (Motor and Pipe Support will be outside
of the collar). Fasten it to the Fan using the supplied Bolts, Nuts and Washers (place Washers under the Boltheads
3. Determine the final mounting position of the Fan and locate the Mounting Flanges properly on the Mounting Collar.
4. The flat tab on each Mounting Flange extends beyond the side of the Mounting Collar and forms part of the seal
against the wall. Attach the Mounting Flanges using the supplied Self-Drilling Sheet Metal Screws.
5. This completes the basic Wall-Mounting Collar Assembly.