CaptiveAire DW, DW-2R, DW-2R Type HT, DW-3Z, DW-3R Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual

Non-Welded Double Wall Grease Duct/Type HT Chimney Systems
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
Save these instructions. This document is the property of the owner of this equipment and is required for future maintenance. Leave this document with the owner when installation or service is complete.
August 2019 Rev. 32
Table of Contents
WARRANTY ................................................................................................................................................ 4
LISTINGS .................................................................................................................................................... 5
CLASSIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 5
APPLICATION ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Grease Ducts ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Chimneys .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Clearances ............................................................................................................................................8
MECHANICAL ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Joint Sealant ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Grease Duct and Chimney Joint Assembly .........................................................................................11
Double Wall Adjustable Duct, Chimney and Transition Plate ............................................................. 12
Double Wall Adjustable Duct, Chimney Standard Installation ............................................................. 14
Double Wall Offset Distance ...............................................................................................................16
Factory and Field (Bolted and Welded) Risers ...................................................................................17
Duct Drains ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Manifold Tee ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Access Door (Tee Cap) Assembly ...................................................................................................... 20
Transition Plate ................................................................................................................................... 21
Chimney Adapter Plate .......................................................................................................................22
Prevention of Grease Accumulation in Horizontal Grease Duct ......................................................... 23
Alignment & Bracing of Grease Duct .................................................................................................. 23
Double Wall Horizontal Support and Support Spacing ....................................................................... 23
Vertical Support & Vertical Support Spacing ....................................................................................... 25
Double Wall Vertical Support (Wood, Steel, Concrete) ....................................................................... 29
Double Wall Vertical Ceiling Support .................................................................................................. 32
Double Wall Vertical Floor Support (Wood, Concrete, Steel) .............................................................33
Vertical Support Floor and Curb .......................................................................................................... 37
Through Penetration and Fire Stops ................................................................................................... 38
Annular Distance – Fire Stop .............................................................................................................. 39
Annular Distance – 2R Type HT Clearance ......................................................................................
Floor and Ceiling Fire Stop Installation ............................................................................................... 41
Wall Fire Stop Installation ...................................................................................................................42
Grease Duct Assembly ....................................................................................................................... 43
Chimney Assembly ............................................................................................................................. 46
Methods Used to Test Duct After Assembly .......................................................................................49
Method 1 – Light Test per IMC 506.3.2.5 ............................................................................... 49
Method 2 – Smoke Test .........................................................................................................49
Method 3 – Pressure Testing per SMACNA’s HVAC Air Duct Leakage ................................ 49
GENERAL DUCT WEIGHTS ..................................................................................................................... 50
CLEANING & MAINTENANCE RECORD .................................................................................................52


This ductwork and chimney system is warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and service, for a period of 20-years from the date of shipment. This warranty shall not apply if:
1. The equipment is not installed by a qualified installer per this installation guide; this guide should be
kept with the equipment once installation is complete.

2. The equipment is not installed in accordance with federal, state, and local codes and regulations.

3. The equipment design or sizing is not approved per MANUFACTURER’S specifications.

4. The equipment is misused, neglected, or not maintained per the MANUFACTURER’S maintenance
5. The equipment is exposed to elevated temperatures due to a fire originating in the building, hood, fan,
duct, chimney or kitchen appliances.

6. The equipment is not operated within its published capacity.

7. The equipment is operated, tested or stored in the presence of chlorines, solvents, refrigerant vapors,
caustic substances, halogenated compounds or other conditions which could cause condensation of corrosive materials within or on the system.
8. The equipment is substituted or connected with parts not manufactured per Original Equipment

9. The invoice is not paid within the terms of the sales agreement.

The MANUFACTURER shall not be liable for incidental and consequential losses and damages potentially attributable to malfunctioning equipment. Should any part of the equipment prove to be defective in material or workmanship within the 20-year warranty period, upon examination by the MANUFACTURER, such parts will be repaired or replaced by the MANUFACTURER at no charge. The BUYER shall pay all labor costs incurred in connection with such repair or replacement. Equipment shall not be returned without MANUFACTURER’S prior authorization and all returned equipment shall be shipped by the BUYER, freight prepaid to a destination determined by the MANUFACTURER.


This Grease Duct has been tested and is listed to UL1978, UL2221, CAN/ULC-S144 and testing has been extended to recognize ASTM E2336 and AC101 due to similar testing criteria. Models 2R, 3R and 3Z are used for grease duct applications when installed in accordance with these instructions and National Fire Protection Association “NFPA 96”; Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations.
This Factory Built Chimney has been tested and is listed to UL103 and UL103HT. Testing has been extended to recognize ULC/ORD-C959-1993, unenclosed installation and is for commercial use only. Model 2R Type HT chimney system was subjected to a 30 minute exposure at a flue gas temperature test at 1125° C above room temperature in accordance with Canadian Standards with acceptable results attained.
Model 2R Type HT chimney system has been tested and is listed for installations in positive pressure applications where the chimney is subject to positive pressure rather than negative or neutral pressures. The chimney system is rated for use at maximum 60 inch water column internal pressure when used in Positive Pressure Applications.
This chimney system is intended for installation within commercial/industrial applications and is not intended for use in family dwellings. When installed in accordance with these instructions and National Fire Protection Association “NFPA 211”; Standard for Chimneys.


UL 2221: Standard for Fire Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure Assemblies. Chapter 7 of this standard
references a test labeled Internal Fire Test. Section 7.1.1 references two installation conditions, Condition A and Condition B. Condition A represents all installation conditions except for installation within non­ventilated combustible enclosures. Condition B represents installation within a non-ventilated combustible enclosure.
UL 103: Standard for Factory Built Chimneys for Residential Type and Building Heating Appliances.
Model 3Z is classified under UL2221 (Test of Fire Resistive Duct Enclosure Assemblies) as an alternate to
2-Hr. fire resistive shaft enclosures with a minimum zero clearance to combustibles (sizes 8” to 36” diameter). Model 3Z is listed in accordance with the requirements for duct enclosure Condition A and B.
Model 3R is classified under UL2221 (Test of Fire Resistive Duct Enclosure Assemblies) as an alternate to 2-Hr. fire resistive shaft enclosures with a reduced clearance to combustibles (sizes 8” to 24” diameter). Model 3R is listed in accordance with the requirements for duct enclosure Condition B.
Model 2R is classified under UL2221 (Test of Fire Resistive Duct Enclosure Assemblies) as an alternate to 2-Hr. fire resistive shaft enclosures with a reduced clearance to combustibles (sizes 8” to 18” diameter). Model 2R is listed in accordance with the requirements for duct enclosure Condition B.
Model 2R Type HT is listed under UL103 (Building Heating Appliance Chimney). Insulated double wall building heating appliance Chimney / Type HT Factory Built Chimney intended for commercial and industrial applications in sizes 8” through 16” ID.


Grease Ducts

Double wall grease ducts are listed for a continuous internal temperature of 500°F and intermittent temperatures of 2000°F. Double wall grease duct is ideally suited for use in commercial cooking installations for the removal of smoke and grease laden vapors. Grease duct system size and capacity information may be obtained from the ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamentals or from the Air Pollution Engineering Manual of the US Environmental Protection Agency. Grease duct installations require provisions for cleaning the interior of the duct. NFPA 96 clean-out requirements are as follows:
1. A clean-out must be provided at each change of direction, except where the entire length of duct can
be inspected and cleaned from either the hood or the discharge end.
2. On horizontal duct runs, at least one 20” diameter opening must be provided. Where the opening is
smaller than 20” diameter, openings large enough to permit cleaning must be provided at intervals of no more than 12’.
3. Openings must be at the side or the top, whichever is more accessible. When the opening is on the
side of the duct, the lower edge of the opening must be at least 1-1/2” above the bottom of the duct. For the listed grease duct, this is accomplished by the use of the grease manifold tee and clean-out cap.
4. On vertical duct runs where personnel entry is possible, access must be from the top of the riser.
Where entry is not possible, access must be provided at each floor.
NOTE: Access requirements are subject to change in accordance with local code. Local authorities should be consulted for exact requirements. Grease duct may be connected only to hoods in a single fire zone on one floor. Do not connect grease ducts to any other part of the building ventilation or exhaust system.
When the grease duct is installed in accordance with these installation instructions and the joints are sealed properly with the recommended sealant, the system will contain a fire within the duct. A fire can burn at extremely high temperatures. The system should be dismantled and inspected after any exposure to a fire. Any section that is distorted or discolored should be replaced. All joints in the system should be examined.
The sealant expands to ensure a positive seal in the case of a fire, and any sealant that has been exposed to high temperature must be replaced. This will ensure that the system maintains its integrity against fire conditions in the future. The manufacturer of this grease duct cannot be responsible for grease duct systems that are not properly maintained or have been subjected to one or more fire conditions.


Factory Built Chimney Model 2R Type HT is listed for continuous internal temperatures of 1000°F US & 600°F Canada, intermittent temperatures of 2100°F. This system is ideally suited for commercial and industrial application for the removal of smoke and heat, and is rated for use at a maximum 60 inch water column internal pressure when used in positive pressure applications. Chimney system size and capacity information may be obtained from the ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamentals or from the Air Pollution Engineering Manual of the US Environmental Protection Agency.
NOTE: Model 2R Type HT Chimney Systems used for positive pressure applications must be sealed with the recommended sealant listed in this manual. NO SEALANT SUBSTITUTES MAY BE USED. Model 2R Type HT Chimney Systems used for neutral or negative pressure applications do not require joints to be sealed.
When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and other organic vapors which combine with expelled moisture to form creosote. The creosote vapors condense in a relatively cool chimney flue of a slow burning fire. As a result, creosote residue accumulates on the flu lining. When ignited this creosote makes an extremely hot fire.
Chimney installations require provisions for cleaning the interior of the chimney. Creosote and soot formations need to be removed. The chimney should be inspected once every two months during the heating season to determine if creosote or soot buildup has occurred. If creosote or soot has accumulated, it should be removed to reduce the risk of fire. Clean-out requirements are as follows:
1. A clean-out must be provided at each change of direction, except where the entire length of chimney
can be inspected and cleaned from either the equipment or the chimney cap.
2. Openings must be at the side or the top, whichever is more accessible.
3. The chimney inspection should be done every two months during the heating season.
4. If creosote or soot has accumulated it should be removed to reduce the risk of fire.
5. Insert the chimney cleaning brush and brush in a downward motion, be sure to scrub all sides of the
chimney thoroughly and remove all debris.
6. Contact local building or fire officials about restrictions and inspections in your area.
NOTE: Model 2R Type HT Factory Built Chimney Systems are intended for commercial and industrial applications. This system is not intended for family dwellings. Chimney Systems should be sized in accordance with the appliance manufacturer’s instructions.
When the chimney system is installed in accordance with these installation instructions and the joints are sealed properly with the recommended sealant, the system will contain a fire within the chimney. A fire can burn at extremely high temperatures. The system should be dismantled and inspected after any exposure to a fire. Any section that is distorted or discolored should be replaced. All joints in the system should be examined.
The sealant expands to ensure a positive seal in the case of a fire, and any sealant that has been exposed to high temperature must be replaced. This will ensure that the system maintains its integrity against fire conditions in the future. The manufacturer of this chimney system cannot be responsible for chimney systems that are not properly maintained or have been subjected to one or more fire conditions.


In all buildings more than one story in height and in buildings where the roof/ceiling assembly is required to have a fire resistance rating, the duct must be enclosed in a continuous enclosure from the lowest fire­rated ceiling or floor above the hood, through any concealed spaces, to or through the roof to maintain the integrity of the fire separations required by the applicable building code provisions. If the building is less than 4 stories in height, the enclosure shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour. If the building is 4 stories or more in height, the enclosure shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hours. Single wall grease duct is primarily intended for use in non-combustible surroundings. When installed in an open room where an enclosure is not required, double wall grease duct or chimney systems may be located near combustible material to reduce clearance in accordance with Table 1. When combining double wall and single wall grease duct for the purpose of clearance reduction, a Double Wall End Cap Assembly is required.

Table 1 - Grease Duct and Building Heating Appliance Chimney Clearances

Duct Model
Inner Diameter
Clearance to
Clearance to
DW 8”-36” = ID 18” 0”
8”-16” ID + 4
DW - 2R
18” ID + 4
DW - 2R TYPE HT 8”-16” ID + 4
DW - 3R 8”-24” ID + 6
DW - 3Z 8”-36” ID + 6 0” 0”
The information in Table 1 represents air space, in inches, to surroundings.
Refer to the latest edition of NFPA 96, Chapter 3 Definitions. This chapter explains the definitions on combustible, non-combustible and limited combustible material.
DW - 2R: 3/4” clearance to combustibles from the surface of the duct outer shell; zero inch clearance
from combustibles from the tip of the outer V-band.
DW - 2R: 1” clearance to combustibles from the surface of the duct outer shell; zero inch clearance from
combustibles from the tip of the outer V-band.
DW - 2R TYPE HT: unenclosed, 2” clearance to combustibles from the surface of the chimney outer
DW - 3R: 3/4” clearance to combustibles from the surface of the duct outer shell; zero inch clearance
from combustibles from the tip of the outer V-band.
NOTE: Double wall duct systems with reduced clearance “R” have been tested using condition B – installed within non-ventilated unenclosed combustible enclosure. See Figure 1 for representation of reduced clearance note, the V-band may be in contact with a combustible surface.
Figure 1 - Grease Duct Reduced Clearance
1. Combustible Surface
2. Duct
3. Double V-band A. Reduced Clearance
• 2R 8”-16” = 3/4”
• 2R 18” = 1”
• 3R = 3/4”
1. Hardware
2. Combustible Surface
3. Clearance Plates A. 2” Reduced Clearance B. 2R Type HT Shell + 4-1/2” C. 2R Type HT Shell Outer Diameter
Figure 2 - 2R Type HT Chimney Reduced Clearance


Joint Sealant

Proper joint assemble is essential for a safe installation. Follow these instructions exactly as written Check severeness of joints upon completion of assembly.
The joint sealant used to seal all joint assemblies is 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone Sealant. This sealant is a ready-to-use, gun-grade, one-component silicone elastomer that cures upon exposure to atmospheric humidity to form a flexible seal. 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone Sealant, when installed properly, will control the spread of a fire before, during and after exposure to open flames. It will stop the spread of noxious gas, smoke and water, and maintain the integrity of fire rated assemblies and construction. All grease ducts must be liquid tight per NFPA 96. Model 2R Type HT chimney used in positive pressure applications must be liquid tight per UL103 and UL103HT listing. Model 2R Type HT chimney used in neutral or negative pressure applications does not require joints to be sealed with the 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone Sealant per the listing report. When Model 2R Type HT chimney is used in neutral or negative pressure applications, the system does not require the joints to be sealed; it is recommended for commercial cooking appliances where grease is present.
Sealant Features

1. Superior adhesion.

2. Capable of withstanding 2000°F + temperatures.
3. Class 25 sealant, per ASTM C920.
4. Re-enterable/repairable.
5. Provides up to 4-hours fire-rating.
6. Cures upon exposure to atmospheric humidity.
7. Working time 30 minutes.
8. Full cure time: 14 to 21 days.
9. The duct/chimney system can be placed in operation 7 days after installation, prior to full cure.
10. Applied with a standard caulk gun.

Table 2 - Sealant Usage Chart

3M Fire Barrier 2000 Plus Usage
Diameter Duct Perimeter Feet Average Feet Per Tube Number of Joints Per Tube
8” 2.16 30 7 10” 2.68 30 6 12” 3.21 30 5 14” 3.73 30 4 16” 4.25 30 3.5 18” 4.78 30 3 20” 5.30 30 3 22” 5.83 30 2.5 24” 6.35 30 2.5 30” 7.98 30 1.5 36” 9.55 30 1

Grease Duct and Chimney Joint Assembly


1. 3M Fire Barrier Silicone

2. V-band
3. Internal Joint Collar (Positive Pressure Chimney)
4. First Duct Section
5. Second Duct Section
6. Double V-band
All grease ducts are to be liquid tight per NFPA 96. Model 2R Type HT chimney used in positive pressure applications must be liquid tight per UL103 and UL103HT listing. When a chimney system is used in a positive pressure application, it must be fitted with an internal joint collar and sealed as shown in Figure 3 (positive pressure only). When a chimney system is used in a negative or neutral pressure application, it does not need to be sealed per the listing report; although, sealing the system is recommended for commercial cooking appliances where grease is present.

1. Fill the V-band with 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone. The bead should be continuous. See Table 2 for the number of tubes per joint. For neutral and negative chimney or grease duct applications, proceed to step 4.

2. For positive pressure chimney applications: Apply a 1/4” wide continuous bead of 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone around the formed bead on the internal joint collar. Push down into the chimney section being assembled.
3. For positive pressure chimney applications: The internal joint collar should be pushed down into the chimney section until the bead sits on the chimney flange.
4. Place the loose V-band over the duct flange. Apply a continuous bead of 2000+ Silicone 1/4” wide to the flange that will be joined.
5. Join the two flanged ends of the inner duct sections together and rotate slightly to ensure complete coverage of sealant on flanges.
6. For horizontal duct runs, the V-band hardware should be located on the top side of the duct and orientated between the 3 and 9 o’clock position on the duct.
7. NEVER install the V-band with hardware orientated on the bottom side of the duct on horizontal runs.
8. Install the V-band around the duct flanges making sure the flanges are located within the V-band. Tap the outside of the V-band while tightening V-band hardware to make sure the flanges are aligned and have been pulled together. Secure the 1/4”-20 hardware between 40-60 in-lbs. Smooth out any excess sealant from inside of the duct surface.
9. Insulation must be minimum of 4-1/2” wide, and the same type and number of layers as the base duct. Tightly pack and completely fill all voids between the inner duct and the outer shell.
10. Install the double V-band ensuring the outer shell flanges are positively engaged in the V-bands before tightening the 1/4”-20 hardware between 40-60 in-lbs. The double V-band can be sealed using 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone when being installed outside.
Figure 3 - Duct and Chimney Joint Assembly

Double Wall Adjustable Duct, Chimney and Transition Plate

Adjustable duct sections may be used in conjunction with transition plates when they terminate at the fan. The adjustable duct section is fully welded to the transition plate, and then connected to the standard duct length using non-welded connections. Double wall adjustable duct sections are assembled in the field, as the exact length needed for the application is not known. Components for outer shell and insulation ship loose. Once fully assembled, the transition plate is secured to the curb using the method referenced in Figure 13. When a Model 2R Type HT chimney system is used in positive pressure applications, it must be fitted with an internal joint collar and sealed as shown in Figure 3. When a chimney system is used in a negative or neutral pressure application, it does not need to be sealed per the listing report; although, sealing the system is recommended for commercial cooking appliances where grease is present. Refer to Figure 4 for assembly details.

1. The 7” standard duct section in the adjustable assembly is installed the same as the “Grease Duct and Chimney Joint Assembly” on page 11.

2. When adjustable duct assemblies are used with transition plates, the 7” standard section is connected to the mating duct section. The adjustable duct with single flange is welded to the transition plate.
3. The adjustable collar is slipped onto the adjustable section. Make sure the adjustable collar flanges are opposite the adjustable duct section flange.
4. The adjustable section is pushed inside the 7” standard section. Verify the minimum overlap is set correctly, refer to Table 3.
5. If the protruding section interferes with mating parts in the duct run, you will need to cut the adjustable section that is interfering with mating parts, refer to Figure 5.
NOTE: For Positive Pressure Applications - If the adjustable section is used in a positive pressure chimney application, the adjustable section may need to be cut to length. This will prevent interference with the internal joint collar. Refer to Figure 4 for adjustable section installation.
6. Once the overlap is set correctly, apply 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone to the flanges of the duct section and the adjustable collar.
7. Apply 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone to the single V-band groove. Install single V-band around adjustable collar flange and standard duct flange. Tighten the single V-band hardware to 40-60 in-lbs.
8. Once the single V-band has been installed, tighten the adjustable collar hardware to 40-60 in-lbs.
9. Measure the distance between mating duct flange and transition plate prior to installing insulation and outer shell cover.
10. Subtract 1” from the measured distance and cut the pre-rolled shell to this dimension.
11. After the single wall adjustable section has been installed, wrap the assembly using blanket insulation provided. Make sure all voids are adequately filled.
12. Wrap the pre-rolled outer shell cover around the insulation. Ratchet strap(s) may be used around outer shell to aid in compressing insulation.
13. Install the double wall V-band on either end of the assembly. Make sure the double wall V-band is secured onto the mating duct flange and overlapping onto the shell before tightening hardware.
14. The double wall V-band will close the pre-rolled shell as they are tightened. Once closed, secure the outer shell cover along the seam using the 1” sheet metal screws that have been provided.
15. Use 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone to seal the outer shell, if required or installed outside.
NOTE: Outer Shell Must Extend Behind the Double Wall V-band.
Figure 4 - Adjustable Duct, Chimney and Transition Plate

1. Transition Plate

2. Adjustable Collar
3. 3M Fire Barrier 2000 Plus
4. 7” Standard Duct Section
5. Mating Duct Section
6. Adjustable Duct Section
7. Single V-band
8. Outer Shell Cover
9. Insulation
10. Curb
11. Sheet Metal Screws
12. Double Wall V-band
13. Shell Overlap
14. Mating Duct Flange X. Measured Distance

1. Duct Section

2. Double Wall V-band
3. Outer Shell Cover - Cut to size
4. Adjustable Collar
5. Single V-band
6. Adjustable Duct Section A. Adjustable Section Protrusion -
May need to be cut B. Minimum Length C. Diameter D. Maximum Length E. Minimum Overlap
NOTE: Protruding section may need to be cut in the field if there is interference with mating parts in the duct run.
NOTE: When installing duct, verify directional label is in the correct direction of airflow. (Exception: When grease is draining in a downward slope, the arrow should be opposite of airflow).
Figure 5 - Adjustable Duct and Chimney Overlap

Double Wall Adjustable Duct, Chimney Standard Installation

Adjustable duct lengths are used to make up variable lengths in the duct system(s). Adjustable sections should always be installed with the overlap to the inside of the standard duct section. Overlap should always be opposite the direction of airflow. This will allow grease/water to run back to the hood/appliance when the system is shut down. If the inner adjustable section is too long to fit into the adjacent section of duct without interfering with the flow path, it should be trimmed to the desired flange to flange length. Flange to flange length of adjustment can range from 4” to 26”. When a Model 2R Type HT chimney system is used in positive pressure applications, it must be fitted with an internal joint collar and sealed as shown in Figure 3. When a chimney system is used in a negative or neutral pressure application, it does not need to be sealed per the listing report; although, sealing the system is recommended for commercial cooking appliances where grease is present.

1. The 7” standard duct section in the adjustable assembly is installed the same as the “Grease Duct and Chimney Joint Assembly” on page 11.

2. The adjustable collar is slipped onto the adjustable duct section. Make sure the adjustable collar flanges are opposite the adjustable duct section flange.
3. The adjustable section is pushed inside the 7” standard duct section. Verify the minimum overlap is set correctly, refer to Table 3.
4. If the protruding section interferes with mating parts in the duct run, you will need to cut the adjustable section that is interfering with mating parts, refer to Figure 5.
5. Once the overlap is set correctly, apply 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone to the flanges of the duct section and the adjustable collar.
NOTE: For Positive Pressure Applications - If the adjustable section is used in a positive pressure chimney application, the adjustable section may need to be cut to length. This will prevent interference with the internal joint collar. Refer to Figure 6 for adjustable section installation.
6. Apply 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone to the single V-band groove. Install single V-band around adjustable collar flange and standard duct flange. Tighten the single V-band hardware to 40-60 in-lbs.
7. Once the single V-band has been installed, tighten the adjustable collar hardware to 40-60 in-lbs.
8. Measure the distance between mating duct flanges prior to installing insulation and outer shell cover.
9. Subtract 1” from the measured distance and cut the pre-rolled shell to this dimension.
10. After the single wall adjustable section has been installed, wrap the assembly using blanket insulation provided. Make sure all voids are adequately filled.
11. Wrap the pre-rolled outer shell cover around the insulation. Ratchet strap(s) may be used around outer shell to aid in compressing insulation.
12. Install the double wall V-band on either end of the assembly. Make sure the double wall V-band is secured onto the mating duct flange and overlapping onto the shell before tightening hardware.
13. The double wall V-band will close the pre-rolled shell as they are tightened. Once closed, secure the outer shell cover along the seam using the 1” sheet metal screws that have been provided.
14. Use 3M Fire Barrier 2000+ Silicone to seal the outer shell, if required or installed outside.
NOTE: Outer Shell Must Extend Behind the Double Wall V-band.
Figure 6 - Collar and Adjustable Duct, Chimney Installation

1. Duct Section 1

2. Adjustable Collar
3. 3M Fire Barrier 2000 Plus
4. 7” Standard Duct Section
5. Duct Section 2
6. Adjustable Duct
7. Single V-band
8. Outer Shell Cover
9. Insulation
10. Double Wall V-band
11. Sheet Metal Screws
12. Mating Duct Flange
13. Shell Overlap X. Measured Distance
12”, 14”, 16”, 18”, 20”, 22”, 24”, 30”, 36” 6”

Table 3 - Minimum Overlap

Diameter Minimum Overlap for Adjustable Sections
8” 4”
10” 5”

Double Wall Offset Distance

CL 1.
HT 1.
CL 1.
HT 1.
CL 1.
HT 1.

Table 4 - Offset Distance

Offset Center Line Distance 15 Degree Elbows Offset Center Line Distance 30 Degree Elbows
8" 9" DW0815DWASY 19-3/4" 2-1/2" 8" 9" DW0830DWASY 20-7/8" 5-1/2"
10" 11" DW1015DWASY 20-3/8" 2-5/8" 10" 11" DW1030DWASY 21-7/8" 5-7/8"
12" 13" DW1215DWASY 20-7/8" 2-3/4" 12" 13" DW1230DWASY 22-7/8" 6-1/8"
14" 15" DW1415DWASY 21-3/8" 2-7/8" 14" 15" DW1430DWASY 23-7/8" 6-3/8"
16" 17" DW1615DWASY 21-7/8" 2-7/8" 16" 17" DW1630DWASY 24-7/8" 6-5/8"
18" 19" DW1815DWASY 22-3/8" 3" 18" 19" DW1830DWASY 25-7/8" 7"
20" 21" DW2015DWASY 22-7/8" 3" 20" 21" DW2030DWASY 26-7/8" 7-1/8"
22" 23" DW2215DWASY 23-3/8" 3-1/8" 22" 23" DW2230DWASY 27-3/8" 7-3/8"
24" 25" DW2415DWASY 23-7/8" 3-1/8" 24" 25" DW2430DWASY 28-7/8" 7-3/4"
30” 31” DW3015DWASY 25-1/2” 3-3/8” 30” 31” DW3030DWASY 31-7/8” 8-1/2”
36” 37” DW3615DWASY 27-1/8” 3-1/2” 36” 37” DW3630DWASY 34-7/8” 9-3/8”
Diameter Flange Diameter Part Number HT 1 CL 1
Part Number HT 1 CL 1
Offset Center Line Distance 45 Degree Elbows
8" 9" DW0845DWASY 21" 8 3/4"
10" 11" DW1045DWASY 22-1/2" 9-3/8"
12" 13" DW1245DWASY 23-7/8" 9-7/8"
14" 15" DW1445DWASY 25-3/8" 10-1/2"
16" 17" DW1645DWASY 26-3/4" 11"
18" 19" DW1845DWASY 28-1/8" 11-5/8"
20" 21" DW2045DWASY 29-1/2" 12-1/4"
22" 23" DW2245DWASY 30" 12-7/8"
24" 25" DW2445DWASY 32-3/8" 13-3/8"
30” 31” DW3045DWASY 36-5/8” 15-1/4”
36” 37” DW3645DWASY 40-7/8” 17”
Part Number HT 1 CL 1
Figure 7 - Offset Details
+ 36 hidden pages