Keep every outdoor angle covered
Ideal for demanding outdoor applications these 1.3 MP continuous 360o PTZ cameras with 30x zoom oers fast and accurate monitoring and excellent tracking in both low light and harsh environmental conditions.
With ceiling mount kit
1.3 MP outdoor PTZ cameras with continuous 360°
panning and Auto-Flip for easy tracking of subjects
Excellent low light performance, near or far, with
f/1.4-4.6, 30x High-UD zoom lens and a wide 58.4° angle of view
Precision monitoring with a fast, accurate 450° per
second Pan / Tilt mechanism and intelligent detection functions
Fully outdoor-ready, with IK10 vandal resistance plus
extensive weatherproofing and added environmental protection
Reliable start up at -30° and operation in extremely
cold environments as low as -50
With wall mount kit
Product Range
(Scream Detection & Linked Events - VB -R11VE only)
Intrusion detection
Technical Specifications
Image Sensor 1/3 typ e CMOS (p rimar y color fil ter)
Numb er of Eective Pixels
Scanning Method Progressive
Lens 30x optic al zoom (20x digita l zoom) lens w ith auto foc us
Focal Length 4.4 (W ) – 132 mm (T)
F-number F1. 4 (W) – F4. 6 (T)
Viewing Angle For 16: 9 aspec t ratios :
Day/Night Switch Auto/Manual
Min. Subject Illumination
Focus Auto / One -shot AF / M anual / F ixed at infi nity
Shooting Distance (from fr ont of le ns)
Shutter Speed 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/100, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000,
Exposure Auto / Auto (Fli ckerle ss) / Auto (Shutt er-prior ity AE) / M anual
White Balance Auto / Light Sour ce / Manua l
Metering Mode Center-Weighted / Average / Spot
Exposure Compensation
Smart Shade Control
Haze Compensation
AGC Lim it 6 levels
Image Stabilizer 2 levels (digital)
Pan Angle Range 360°continuous panning
Tilt Angle Range 180° (cei ling-m ounted p osition : 0° – 180 °)
Moving Speed Pan: Max. 450°/sec.
Video Compression Method
Video Size JPEG , H.26 4: 1280 x 720, 64 0 x 360, 320 x 180
Video Quality JPEG , H.26 4: 10 levels
Frame Rate JPEG: 0 .1 – 30 fps
I-Frame Int erval 0.5/1/ 1.5/2/3/4/5 sec.
Simultaneous Client Access
Bit Rate Control Target Bit Rate : 64 / 128 / 2 56 / 384 / 5 12 / 768 / 10 24 / 2048 / 3 072 /
ADSR: A rea­speci fic Data S ize Reduction
Security Camera C ontrol: Adminis trator, Autho rized user, Guest us er
Approx. 1 .3 million pixe ls
Horizon tal: 58 .4° (W) – 2.1° ( T)
Vertica l: 34.1 ° (W) – 1.2° ( T)
For 4:3 as pect ratios
Horizon tal: 58 .4° (W) – 2.1° ( T)
Vertica l: 45.0 ° (W) – 1.6° (T )
(F1. 4, shu tter sp eed 1/30 s ec., w hen sma rt shade cont rol is o, 5 0IRE)
When us ing the Do me Unit (S moked) (sol d separa tely)
Day Mode : 0.3 m (1 2 in.) – infinity ( W), 2.0 m (6 .6 ft.) – infinit y (T)
Night Mo de: 1.0 m (3. 3 ft.) – infi nity (W), 2.0 m (6 .6 ft.) – infinit y (T)
Light So urce: Dayl ight Fluo rescen t / White Flu orescen t / Warm
– Values re present s treaming perf orman ce from the c amera.
– The fra me rate may be r educed d ue to Viewe r compute r’s spec s, the
numbe r of client s accessing at the s ame time , networ k loads , video
qualit y settin g, type o r movemen t of the sub ject or ot her reas ons.
Maximu m frame r ate when us ed in the fo llowing co mbinations:
When str eaming H .264(1 ) (128 0 x 720) and H .26 4(2) (12 80 x 720)
When str eaming H .264(1 ) (128 0 x 960) and H .264(2) ( 1280 x 9 60)
4096 / 6 144 / 8192 / 1024 0 / 1228 8 / 14336 / 1 6384 kbps
Access Co ntrol: Us er autho rity (user n ame and p assword ), Host Acc ess
Day Mode (colour):0.03 lux
Night Mo de (mono): 0.002 lux
Day Mode (col our): 0.0 6 lux
Night Mo de (mono): 0.004 lux
1/4000, 1/8000, 1/10000, 1/16000 sec.
(Shutter Speed, Aperture, Gain)
Fluore scent / Me rcury L amp / Sod ium Lam p /
Manua l: One- shot WB / R G ain / B Gain
– When the h orizontal direc tion of the c amera is 0°
Numbe r of Speci fied Areas: Max . 8 areas
(level of co ntrol vari es depe nding on u ser)
Encrypted Communications: SSL/TLS, IPsec
Halogen Lamp
9 levels
Auto / Manual / Disable
Auto: 3 levels
Manua l: 7 levels
– Brighte ns shaded area s of a video
Auto / Manual / Disable
Auto: 3 levels
Manua l: 7 levels
Tilt: Max. 450°/sec.
JPEG, H.264
1280 x 9 60, 64 0 x 480, 32 0 x 240
H.2 64: 1/2/3/5 /6/10/ 15/30 fps
simultaneously: 15 fps
simultaneously: 15 fps
Max. 30 C lients + 1 A dmin Cli ent
– H.2 64: Max . 10 Clie nts
Restric tions (IPv4, I Pv6)
Protocol IPv4: TCP/I P, UDP, HTTP, FT P, SNMP (MI B2), SMTP (Client), D HCP (Clie nt),
SSL/ TLS, IPsec , WV-HTTP (Can on proprietar y), ONVI F (Profile S, Profi le G)
(Client), mD NS, ICMPv 6, POP3 (Cl ient), NTP (Cl ient), SMT P authen ticatio n
Audio Compression Method
Audio Communication Method
Audio Fi le Playback
Privacy Mask Number of reg istratio n: Max. 8 p laces , Numbe r of mask co lors: 1
View Restriction Available
Preset Numbe r of regis ters: Ma x. 256 po sitions (+Ho me Positi on)
Intelligent Function (Video)
Intelligent Function (Audio)
Event Trigger Type External Device Input, Intelligent
Image Upload FTP/HTTP/SMTP (e-mail)
Event Notification HTTP/SMTP (e-mail)
On-Screen Display Available
Daylight Sav ing Time
Viewer Camera-side: Admin Viewer
Admin Tools Privac y Mask Set ting Tool
Included Software Camera Management Tool
Language Germa n / Englis h / Spanis h / French / It alian / Ru ssian / Turkish / Chin ese
Operating Environment
(PC specifications and OS (doe s not app ly to RM -Li te))
Detection Types: Moving Object Detection, Abandoned Object Detection,
Germa n / Englis h / Spanis h / French / It alian / Ru ssian / Turkish / Chin ese
DNS (Clie nt), mDNS , ARP, ICMP, POP3 (Clien t), NTP (Clie nt), SMTP
authen ticatio n (POP be fore SMT P, SMTP-AUT H), AutoIP, RTP/R TCP, RTSP,
IPv6 : TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, FT P, SMTP (Clien t), DHCP v6 (Client), D NS
HTTP (Ca non prop rietar y), ONVI F (Profile S, Profi le G)
G.71 1 μ-law (64 k bps)
Full-d uplex (tw o-way) – Echo
cancellation function compliant
RTP, Sound Transfer Protocol
by Canon
Availabl e (audio file s can be
played ba ck when an e vent
is trigge red by the intellige nt
funct ion or exte rnal dev ice input .)
– A third- part y amplifi er spea ker
is necessary
(select f rom 9 color s)
Items to Re g.: Pan / T ilt / Zoom , Exposu re, Sma rt Shad e Contro l, Focus ,
White Ba lance, V ideo Qu ality Ad justme nt, Day / Nig ht,
Removed Object Detection, Camera Tampering Detection, Passing
Detecti on, Int rusion D etectio n, and Au to Tracking
Volume Detection,
Scream Detection
Function (Video), Intelligent
Functio n (Audio), Timer,
Day / Night Sw itch
Numbe r of Linked Eve nts: 2
Linked Eve nt Condi tions: AN D,
OR (whethe r or not the re is a
sequence to events)
Proxy Auth entication Admi n Tools / Admin V iewer
Windows V ista Ultimate / Bu siness / Enterpr ise / Home P remium SP2
– Language switching environment using language-packs is
Intern et Explo rer 8/9 32- bit Inter net Expl orer 10/ 11
– Must be c onfigur ed to allow u se of JavaS cript, X AML brow ser
– For VB Vie wer only, coo kies mus t be enable
.NET Fr amewor k 3.5 SP 1 (When using I nternet E xplorer 8/9)
– Must be i nstall ed on Win dows Vist a and Win dows Ser ver 200 8 systems
.NET Fr amewor k 4.5 (W hen using Intern et Explorer 10/ 11)
– Must be i nstall ed on Win dows 7 and Wi ndows Se rver 20 08 R2 sy stems
Haze Compensation
Numbe r of Preset Tour R oute: Ma x. 5
Detecti on Setti ngs: Ma x. 15
Intelligent Function (Video),
VB Viewer
Client-si de: RM- Lite Viewer
Panorama Creation Tool
View Res trictio n Settin g Tool
Intelligent Function Setting Tool
Log Viewer
Record ed Video U tility
RM-Li te
(Simplified) / Japanese
32/64 -bit
Operating System Language:
(Simplified) / Japanese
not supported
Compatible Browser :
applic ations, and IF RAME ( html tag).
Software (Runtime Libraries)
CPU (Recommended)
Intel Co re i7-2600 or h igher
Graphics Board (Recommended)
Not spe cified
Memory (Recommended)
2 GB or hig her
Viewer Display (Recommended)
1920 x 10 80 or higher
Timer, Day / N ight Switch
Canon Inc.
Canon Europe
English edition © Canon Europa N.V.,2015
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