Scanner Resolution ( Optical)
Scanning Depth (Input /
Model Numb ers PIXMA TS8250 (BLACK)
Functions Wireless, Print, Copy, Scan, Cloud Link
Print Resolution Up to 4800
Print Technology 6 Indiv idual I nk Tanks (PGBK, BK, C, M, Y , PB)
Mono Print Speed Approx. 15.0 ipm
ColourPrint Speed Approx. 10.0 ipm
Photo Print Speed Borderless 10x15cm : Approx. 17 seconds
Borderless Prin ting Yes (A4, Letter , 20x25cm, 13x18cm, 10x15cm,
Two Sided Printing Auto Duplex Pri nt (A4, A5, B5, Lette r - Plain Paper )
Direct Dis c Printing Yes
Standard Ink Cartridges 6 individual ink tanks
Optiona l XL Ink Cartr id ges High yield XL ink tanks
Optiona l XXL Ink Cartridges High yield XXL ink tanks
Ink Tanks Yield (Plain paper) A4 Colour Document
Ink Tanks Yield (Photo print) 10x15cm photo
x 1200 dpi
ChromaLif e100 inks
13x13cm, 8.9x8.9cm)
PGI-580PGBK (Pigment Black)
CLI-581BK (Black)
CLI-581C (Cyan)
CLI-581M (Magenta)
CLI-581Y (Yellow )
CLI-581PB (Photo Blue)
PGI-580PGBK XL (Pigment Black)
CLI-581BK XL (Black)
CLI-581C XL (Cyan)
CLI-581M XL (Magenta)
CLI-581Y XL (Yello w)
CLI-581PB XL (Photo Blue)
PGI-580PGBK XXL (Pigment Black)
CLI-581BK XXL (Black)
CLI-581C XXL (Cyan)
CLI-581M XXL (Magenta)
CLI-581Y XXL (Yellow)
CLI-581PB XXL (Phot o B lu e)
Pigment Black: 200 pages
Pigment Bl ac k XL: 400 pages
Pigment Black XXL: 600 pages
Black: 750* pages
Black XL: 2280* pages
Black XXL: 4590* pages
Cyan: 259 pages
Cyan XL: 519 pages
Cyan XX L: 830 pag es
Mage nt a: 223 page s
Mage nt a XL: 466 page s
Mage nt a XXL : 747 page s
Yellow : 259 page s
Yellow XL: 519 p age s
Yellow XXL: 830 page s
Photo Blue: 1660* pages
Photo B l ue XL: 4710* pag es
Photo B l ue XXL: 9140* p age s
* Est im ated supplemental yield
Pigment Black: 1444* photos
Pigment Black XL: 3883* photos
Pigment Black XXL: 7337* photos
Black: 213* photos
Black XL: 505* photos
Black XXL: 802* photos
Cyan: 80 photos
Cyan XL: 178 photos
Cyan XX L: 304 ph oto s
Mage nt a: 107 pho to s
Mage nt a XL: 247 phot os
Mage nt a XXL : 406 pho tos
Yellow: 80 photos
Yellow XL: 178 p hot os
Yellow XXL: 304 pho to s
Photo Blue: 240 photos
Photo Blue XL: 505 photos
Photo Blue XXL: 802 photos
* Est im ated supplemental yield
Plain Paper
Canon Hi gh Re sol utio n P aper (HR-101N)
Canon Pro Platinum (PT-101)
Canon Plus Glossy II (PP-201)
Canon Pro Luster (LU-101)
Canon Plus Semi-gloss (SG-201)
Canon "Everyday Use" (GP-501)
Canon Matte (MP-101)
Other Fine Art Papers
Printable Discs
Removable Photo Stickers (RP-101)
Magne tic Photo P aper (MG-101)
Rear Tray: Max. 20 sheets (photo paper) or Max. 100
sheets (plain pape r)
Front Casset te: Max. 100 sheets (plain paper )
Multi-purpos e Tray: Printable Nail Stick ers (NL-101)/1
printable CD, DV D or Blu-Ray Dis c
Rear Tray:
cm/8.9x8.9cm, Env elopes (DL,COM 10)
[Custom size] w idth 55mm - 215.9 mm, le ng th 89mm 676mm
Front Casset te: A4, A5, B5, LTR
[Custom size] width 148.0 mm - 215.9 mm, l en gth
210mm - 297mm
Rear Tray: Pl ain pape r 64 - 105 g/m², Canon photo
paper up to 300 g /m²
Front Casset te: Pl ain Paper : 64-105 g/ m²
CIS flatbed photo and document s canne r
2400 x 4800 dpi
Approx 14 s ec
Colour: RGB each 16bit/ 8bi t
Grey sc ale : 16 bi t / 8 bit
216 x 297 mm
sFCOT: A ppr ox . 19se c
sESAT: Appr ox. 6.5ipm
max. 99 pages
Document Copying, Photo Copying, Borderless
copy, 2-sided copy, 2-on-1 and 4-on-1 copy, Frame
erase copy, Disc Label Copy, ID copy
25 - 400% (in 1% i nc re ments )
Fit to page
A5 to A4, B 5 to A4, A4 to A5 and A4 t o B5
10.8cm LCD (TFT colour/Touch)
33 Languages Selectable: Japanese/English(mm &
d Chinese/Traditional
Chinese/Korean/I ndonesian/Slovakian/Estonian/Latv
ian/Lithuanian/Ukrainian/Romanian/Bulgarian/ Thai/
- PC / Mac Hi-Speed USB (B Port)
- Other Canon PRI NT Inkj et/SELP HY app
Wi-Fi: IE EE802. 11 b/ g/ n
Wi-Fi Security: WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WEP,
Administration password
Wire les s LAN Frequency B and: 2.4GHz
Message In Print app
Nail Sticker app
PIXMA Cloud Link
Canon Print Serv ice Plugin (Android)
Google Cloud Print
Apple AirPrint
Wireless Direct
Access Point Mode
WLAN PictBridge
Memory Card Slot
Mopria (Android)

Supported Operating Systems
Support ed Mobile Sys tem s
Minimum System
Recommended Operat in g
A4 document print speed on plain paper is measured based on av erage of ESAT in
SD Card, SDHC Card, SDXC Car d, miniSD Card*,
micro SD Card*
mini SDHC Card*, micro SDHC Card*, microSDXC
*Using recommended adapter - not supplie d
Windo ws 10,Window s 8.1, W indo ws 7 SP1
Operation c an only be guarante ed o n a PC wi th
pre-installed Windows 7 or later.
OS X 10.10.5~OS X 10.11 ,macOS 10.12~macOS
iOS, Android, Window s 10 Mobile
Windows: 3.1GB disk space, Inter net Explorer 8
Mac: Inte rne t connec tion, 1.5GB disk space, Safari 5
Display: 1024 x 768 XGA
MP Driv er including Scanning Utility
Easy-WebPrint EX (do wnl oa d)
approx. 6. 6k g
approx. 373 x 319 x 140 mm
appr ox . 4 9dB (A )
Temperature: 15-30°C
Humidity: 10-80%RH (no dew condensation)
AC 100-240V, 50/ 60Hz
Off: Approx. 0.3W
Standby (connected to PC via USB): Approx. 1.1W
(scanning lamp off)
Standby (all por ts c onne cte d): Appr ox. 2.0W
(scanning lamp is off)
Time to enter Standby mode: 10min 56sec
Copying: Appro x. 16W
Ink droplets can be placed w ith a minimum pitch of 1/4800 inch
Office Category Test of ISO/IEC 24734 standard.
Photo print speed is based on default driv er setting using ISO/JIS-SCID N2 standard
on Canon Photo Paper Plus Glossy II and does not take into account data
processing time on host computer.
Declar ed y iel d value in accor danc e w ith I SO/ I EC 24711 standard. V alue s o btaine d
by continuous printing.
Declared yield v alue in accordance with ISO/I EC 29102. Values obtained by
continuous pr inting.
Optical resolution is a measure of maximum hardw are sampling r esolution, based
on ISO 14473 standard
Colour document scan speed is measured with ISO/IEC 29183 Target A.
Scan speed indicates the time measured between pressing the scan button of the
scanner dr iv er and the on-screen status display turns off.
Scan speed may vary depending on sy ste m conf igur atio n, inter f ace , software,
scan mode settings and document size etc.
Colour document copy speed is measured based on average of sFCOT and sESAT
in Per f or mance Test o f I SO/ IEC 29183 standard.
Easy-WebPrint EX requires Internet Explorer 8 or later
When print ing ISO/JIS-SCID N2 pattern on 10x15cm Photo Paper Plus Glossy II using
default settings.
When co pying ISO/JIS-SCI D N2 (printed by i nk jet printer ) on A4 s ize pl ain paper
using default se ttings.
Some colours may not be available in your region.
Standard disclaimers
All specifications subject to change w ithout notice.
Print speed may v ar y de pending on system configur ation, inter face, softw are,
document complexity, print mode, page coverage, type of paper used etc.
Ink yield may vary depending on texts/photos printed, applications software used,
print mode and type of paper used. For yield information see
Scan speed may vary depending on sy ste m conf igur atio n, inter f ace , software,
scan mode settings and document size etc.
Copy speed may vary depending on document complexity, copy mode, page
cover age, type of paper used etc. and does not take into account warming up
All brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered
trademarks of Microsof t Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Canon Inc.
Canon Eur ope
Eng lish e ditio n
Canon Eur opa NV 2018