With the AF-10 Date, you can record the day
time on each picture.
The bold, wide-angle 26mm Canon lens,
Smart Autofocus (AF-10 only) and oversized viewfinder let you take stunning
shots of the good times you’ll treasure always … big familyoccasions,
exoticvacations or fun-filled get togethers. And it’sso easy. Once you’ve
goteverything picture-perfect, just push the button. It’sthat simple!
A Great Big Flash
A bright built-in Flash with Red-Eye Reduction helpsget rid of
those scary red dots. So everyone in your flash picturesappears
with brighter, more natural-looking eyes. A big plus!
Fully automatic 35mm lens shutter Smart Autofocus (AF-10) fixed focus (BF-10)
camera with built-in flash •
26mm f/6
•• SShhoooottiinngg DDiissttaannccee RRaannggee::
2.9 ft./0.9m to infinity (AF-10)
3.9 ft./1.2m to infinity (BF-10)
•• BBuuiilltt--iinn FFllaasshh::
Fires automatically in low-light conditions. Red-Eye Reduction
•• VViieewwffiinnddeerr::
0.55x magnification, LED status indicator
•• SShhuutttteerr::
Electromagnetically controlled
programmed shutter/aperture •
FFiillmm LLooaaddiinngg//AAddvvaannccee//RReewwiinndd::
Automatic. Also, button-activated midroll
•• SSeellff--TTiimmeerr::
Electronically controlled with 10-second delay •
Two AA-size alkaline (1.5V)
•• DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((WW xx HH xx DD))::
4.3” x 2.5” x 1.5”/109mm x 64mm x 38mm
•• WWeeiigghhtt::
5.1 oz/145g
without batteries. All data based on Canon’s Standard Test Method. Subject to change without notice.
For Your
Big Moments
For Your
Big Moments
The FullyAutomatic Canon Sure ShotAF-10 and BF-10 make
Great Pictures Fast, Fun and Easy.
• Auto Load • Auto Advance • Auto Rewind
The easy-to-read LCD counter tells
you everything you need to know.