Imprimer au moyen d’une connexion directe appareil photo/imprimante
Guía del usuario de impresión directa
Impresión mediante una conexión directa entre una cámaray una impresora
zDepending on your camera model, some printing instructions may also be
included intheCamera User Guide.However, you must read this guide as wellfor complete printing instructions.
zSelon le modèled’appareil photo, certaines instructions d’impression peuvent
aussi se trouver dans leGuided’utilisation de l’appareil photo. Vous devez cependant lire également le présent guide pour disposer de l’ensemble des instructions d’impression.
Dependiendo de su modelo de cámara, algunas instrucciones de impresión también puedenaparecer en la Guíade usuario de la cámara. Sin embargo, deberá leer también esta guía para tener unas instrucciones de impresión completas.
Direct Print User Guide
Printing Using a Direct Camera/Printer Connection
Confirm Your PrinterModel
The following printers can be connected to your camera.Printingoperations may vary dependingon your printermodel. After you have connected the camera to the printer, check the icon thatappearsin the upper leftcorner of the camera’s LCD monitor and refer to the relevantpagesaccordingly.
Canon Printers
CP Printers
Canon Direct Print
PictBridge Compliant*
LCD Monitor Display
*1When connecting a Non-Canon PictBridge Compliantcamera, please refer
to the camera’s user guide.
CP-100/CP-10: Direct Interface Cable DIF-100 (Supplied with the printer)
Please also refer to the user guide that came with your printer.
USB Interface Cable*
(Supplied with the camera)
Canon Direct Printing with CP Printers
p.8 – 15
PictBridge Compliance
Thiscamera complies with the industry standard “PictBridge”*. This allows you to also connectyour camera tonon-Canon PictBridgecompliant printers and printimages with simple operations using the camera buttons.
*PictBridge: PictBridge is a new industry standard for direct printing that
allows you to print images without using a computer by directly connectingdigital cameras and digital camcorders (hereafter “camera”) to a printer, regardless of the devices’ brand and model.
zForcamera and printer connection instructions, please refer to
Canon Printers
Bubble JetPrinters
PictBridge Compliant
USB Interface Cable
(Supplied with the
PictBridge Printing with BubbleJet Printers
p.16 – 26
Bubble Jet Direct
See your Bubble Jet
printer’s user guide.
Bubble Jet Direct
Printing withBubble Jet Printers
Non-Canon PictBridge
Compliant Printers*
USB Interface Cable
(Supplied with the
PictBridge Printingwith Non-Canon Printers
PrintingSelected Images with DPOFSettings
This option allows you toselect imagesfor printing and printsettings,such as the number ofcopies, with the camera (DPOF* print settings). This is very convenient when you wantto print several images atonce or have them printed at a photolab.
*Digital Print Order Format
Please see the Camera User Guide fordetailson how to selectDPOFprintsettings.This guide explains how to print imagesthathave already been selected.
PictBridge Printing with Non-Canon Printers . . 30
Settings that Can Be Setwith the Camera. . . . . . . . 31
zNo part of this guide may be reproduced, transmitted,
transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into anylanguage in any form, by any means, withoutthe prior written permission of Canon.
zCanon reserves the right to change the specifications of the
hardware described herein at any time without prior notice.
zWhile everyeffort has been made to ensure thatthe information
contained in this guide is accurate and complete, no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions.
zCanon makesno warranties for damages resulting from
corrupted or lost data due toa mistaken operation or malfunction ofthe camera, the software, the memory cards, personal computers,peripheral devices, or use of non-Canon memory cards.
Trademark Acknowledgements
zCanon and PowerShot are trademarks of Canon, Inc.zOther names and products notmentioned above may be
registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
CameraWhen printing,the use of the compactpoweradapter
PrinterPlease refer to the user guide thatcame with your
Connecting the Camera to the Printer
Please refer topage6 to correctly connect your camera.zFor details regarding the printerconnection settings, refertothe
userguide thatcame with it.
Use the camera controls toselect settings and start printing.Some printers may be equipped with an operation panel, but printing cannotbe performed from the panel.Printing operations may vary depending on your printer model.Please refer to the reference pages in the Confirm Your Printer Model section (p.2).
(separately sold and/or included with the camera) is recommended.If a battery pack or batteries are used,be sure to use a fully charged battery pack or new batteries.For details, see the Camera User Guide.
printer and make the necessary preparations (paper, inkcassette, cartridge, etc.).
For the latestinformation regarding connections between Canon printers and cameras,please refer to the following URL:
Connect the camera to the printerusing the following procedures.(Please refer to yourprinter user guide for details about the printer connection.)zOnce the camera and printer are ready for printing,the ,or
icon appears on the camera’s LCD monitor.
zPrinting procedures differ according to the icon thatappears on
the LCD monitor (p.2).
BeforeYou Connect the Camera
zPrepare the printer. (Refertothe printer’s userguide.)zConfirm which connection cable should be used (see page2).
Connect the camera to the printer.
To Printer
This illustration shows the PowerShot S400 DIGITAL ELPH/DIGITALIXUS 400 as an example.
Turn the printer’s power on.
DIGITAL terminal
Set the camera to Playback mode and turn the power on.
Some camera models power up when the printer’s power is turned on.
, or appears on the upper left corner of the
LCD monitor. You can now print.
Camera:Connect the cable to
the DIGITAL terminal.
Printer:Refer to the
printer’s user guide.
zThe following operations are not available during a camera/
printer connection.
•Movie playback.
•Language settings that use the SET button and the MENU
Disconnectingthe Camera and the Printer
1.Detach thecable from the printer.
2.Turn the camera’s power off.
3.Detach thecable from the camera.
•When you detach the cable,hold the plug and do not pull by the cable.
Canon Direct
Printing with CP Printers
Make sure that displays in the upper left corner of the LCD
Print Order Screen
Select print settings as required.
Select [Print] and press the SET button.
You cannotprint movies or images recorded in the RAWformat.
Cancel Printing
zTo cancel printing between images printed,press the SET
button. Once the currentprint isfinished, a confirmation dialog appears. Select [OK] and press the SET button.
Printing Errors
zAn error message appears ifan error occurs for some
reason during the printing process.Select [Stop] or [Resume] and press the SET button.The [Resume]option may not appear with some typesoferrors.In thatcase, select [Stop].
Display the images you wishtoprint and press the SET button.
The print order screen appears.
Setting the Print Style (p.9)Selecting the Number of Copies(p.9)
Setting thePrinting Area (Trimming) (p.10)
Selecting PrintSettings
Selecting the Number of Copies
Inthe print order screen, select [Copies] andspecify the numberof copies.
You can specify from1 to99 prints.
Setting the Print Style
Youcan select fromamong the following print styles.
*This option can be selected when printing on card size paper.
In the print order screen, select [Style] and pressthe
SET button.
StandardPrints one image per page.
BorderlessPrints right to the edges of the page.
BorderedPrints with a border.OnAdds the date to the print.OffPrints without the date.
Prints eight copies of the sameimage on one page.
Select [Image], [Borders], or [Date].
Select settings as needed.
Canon Direct Printing with CP Printers(continued)
Press the MENU button to end the setting selection process.
With borderlessor multiple prints, the top, bottom and sides of the image may
Print AreaFrame
zWhen printing multipleprints, the borders and the date
cannot be set. (Images are printed withoutanydate orborders.)
zPractically all of the image area displayed on the LCD
monitoris printed on bordered prints.
be cropped slightly.If you have notspecified a trimming setting,aframe will appear around the area of the image that will be printed,allowing you tocheck the portion that will be cropped.
Setting the Printing Area (Trimming)
Youcan specify which portion of an image getsprinted.Please set the PrintStyle (Image,Paper,Borders and Date)firstbefore setting the trimming settings. If the print style is changed after having made trimming settings, you mustselect the settingsagain.
Withthe PowerShot A60, the printing area settings differ. Please refer to theSpecifying the Printing Area (PowerShot A60) section in the Camera User Guide.
In the print order screen, select [Trimming] and press the SETbutton.
The trimmingframe will appear at the center of the image. If a trimming setting has already been selected for the image, the frame will appear aroundthe previously selected portion.
Thetrimming setting screen differsdepending on the camera model. Check which ofthe following screens appear before selecting settings.
Trimming Frame
Steps 2a and3a
Steps 2b and 3b
Trim the image.
Changing the Size ofthe Trimming Frame
zPress the zoom lever or the zoom button toadjustthe size of
the trimming frame.
zThe trimmingframe can be changed to a minimum selection
ofapproximately half the displayed image or a maximum selection thatis virtually the same size as the image.
zExpanding the trimming frame beyond its maximumsize
cancels the trimming setting.
zWhen printing an image that has been magnified using the
trimming option, the image quality may become coarser and grainier depending on the level ofmagnification. Ifthis happens, the trimming frame displaysinred.
Moving theTrimming Frame
zMove the trimming frame using the multicontroller or the up,
down, right and left buttons.
Rotating the Trimming Frame
zYou can rotate the trimming frame by pressing the DISP.
button or the DISPLAY button.
Press the SET button to close the setting menu.
Pressing the MENU button cancels the settings.
Canon Direct Printing with CP Printers(continued)
Trim the image.
Changing the Size ofthe Trimming Frame
zPress the up anddown buttons to adjustthe size of the
trimming frame.
zThe trimmingframe can be changed to a minimum selection
ofapproximately half the displayed image or a maximum selection thatis virtually the same size as the image.
zExpanding the trimming frame beyond its maximumsize
cancels the trimming setting.
zWhen printing an image that has been magnified using the
trimming option, the image quality may become coarser and
grainier depending on the level ofmagnification. Ifthis happens, the trimming frame displaysinred.
Rotating the Trimming Frame
zYou can rotate the trimming frame using the left and right
Moving theTrimming Frame
zPress the SET button and use the up, down, right and left
buttons tomove the trimming frame. Pressing the SET button again allows you to change the size of the frame and to rotate it.
Press the MENU button, select [OK] and press the SET button.
Selecting [Cancel setting] cancels the selected trimming setting.If [Edit]isselected, the display returns to the previous screen.
zThe trimming setting onlyapplies to one image.zThe trimming setting is canceled with the following
•When you set the trimming settings foranother image.
•When you close the Print mode (when you turn the camera power off, change the camera mode,ordetach the connection cable).
zThe selected image, paper and border settings determine
the shape of the trimming frame.
zPlease use the LCD monitor to setthe trimming settings.The
trimming frame may not display correctly on aTV screen.
Printing with DPOF Print Settings
For instructions on how tosetDPOF print settings,please refer to the DPOF print settings section of the Camera User Guide. In
thissection,we will explain how toprint several imagesalreadyspecified with DPOF print settings.
In the [ (Play)] menu, select [Print Order] and press the SET
Select [Print] and press the SET button.
Set the print style settings asrequired.
zSeeSetting the Print Style (p.9).zA print style cannot be setif theprint
type is set to[Index] in the DPOF printsetting.
Select [OK] and press theSETbutton.
The image will start to print and, when itis completely finished, the display will revert to the standard playbackmode.
Canon Direct Printing with CP Printers(continued)
zTo print the date, setthe [Date] setting in the print order
menu in Step 2 to [On]. You cannotset the date to print withthe [Style] menu in Step 3.
zWhen the print type is set to Index, the date cannot be printed.zWhen the print type is settoStandard, the file number
cannot be printed.
zThe maximum number of images printed on one page in the
Index print type depends on the selected paper size.
•Card Size:20 images
•L Size:42 images
•Postcard Size:63 images
Cancel Printing
To cancel printing between images printed,press the
Once thecurrent print is completed, a confirmation dialogappears. Select[OK] and press the
Restarting Printing
zInthe print order menu, select[Resume] and press the SET
button.The remaining images can be printed.
zPrinting cannot be restarted under the following
•If the print settings have been changed before restarting.
•If the image for which the printsettings were set has been deleted before restarting.
•If there was very little free space on the memory card when the printing was canceled.
If these circumstancesapply, you can select [OK] in the printorder menu and reprint starting fromthe firstimage.Ifprinting iscanceled because the camera battery is depleted,
you are recommended to power the camera with a compactpower adapter (sold separately and/or included).Ifyou are using a battery pack or batteries, please use either a fullycharged battery pack or newbatteries. After replacing the spent battery packor batteries,turn the camera power on again.
Printing Errors
zAn error message appears ifan error occurs for some
reason during the printing process.Select [Stop] or [Resume] and press the SET button.
zThe [Resume]option may not appear with some typesof
errors.In thatcase, select [Stop].
List of Messages
The following messages may appear on the camera’s LCD monitor when an error occursduring a camera and CP printer connection.(Depending on the CP printermodel, somemessagesmay notdisplay.)zPlease refer to the CPprinter’s user guide for solutions.
No Paper
No Ink
Incompatible papersize
Incompatible ink size
Ink Cassette ErrorThe ink cassette is experiencing a problem.Paper andink donot
matchPaper JamThe paper jammed during printing.Paper has been
changedRecharge the printer
Readjust trimming
Cannot Print!
Could not print xximages
Paper cassette is incorrectly inserted or out of paper.Orthe paper feed isnot operating correctly.
The ink cartridge has not been inserted or has runout of ink.
Wrong paper size is loaded in the printer.
Wrong ink cassette size is loaded in the printer.
The paper and ink are from different sets.
Paper was changed after the print menu was displayed.
The printer’s battery pack is depleted.
The printer is experiencing a data transmission error.
You attempted to print the image with a different style than the one used when the trimming settingswere set.
You attempted to print an image from anothercamera, one recorded in a different format, or onethat has been edited on a computer.
You attempted to use the DPOF print settings to print xx images that are from another camera, that have been recorded in a different format, or that have been edited in a computer.
PictBridge Printing with Bubble
Jet Printers
PictBridge Printing
Make sure that displays in the upper left corner of the LCD
Sets the print effect (p.18)
Sets the date On or Off (p.18)
Starts the printing process
Select print settings as needed.
Select [Print] and press the SET button.
The image will start to print and,when it is completely finished,
the display will revert to the standard playbackmode.
If appears on the LCDmonitor,please refertoBubble JetDirectPrinting with Bubble Jet Printers(p.28).
Display the images you wishtoprint and press the SET button.
The print order screen appears.
Depending on the BubbleJetprintermodel, some setting options may notdisplay.
Sets the number of copies(p.19)Sets the trimming portion (p.19)
Sets the paper size, type and layout (p.22)
You cannotprint movies or images recorded in the RAWformat.
Cancel Printing
zTo cancel printing between images,press the SET button.A
confirmation dialog will display.Select [OK] and press the SET button.The printerwill stop printing the current image and ejectthe paper.
Printing Errors
zAn error message appears ifan error occurs for some
reason during the printing process.Select [Stop] or [Continue] and press the SET button.Depending on the type of error, printing may resume once the problem is solved.See List of Messages (p.26) for details.
zOn Bubble Jetprintersequipped with an operationpanel,an
error number displayson the panel. Please refer to the Bubble Jet printer userguide for the remediescorresponding tothe error numbers.
Selecting PrintSettings
Available settings differ depending on the Bubble Jetprintermodel. Some settings are notavailable (they will notappear in the menu). For details, refer to the user guide thatcame with your Bubble Jetprinter.
Default Setting
zThe Defaultoption is a fixed setting of the Bubble Jet
zThe [Date], [Print Effect], paper setting [Paper Type]and
[Layout] options are available.
zThe setting contents of the Defaultoption differdepending
on the Bubble Jetprinter model.For details,please refer tothe Bubble Jetprinter user guide.
This function uses the camera’s shooting information to optimize the image data, yielding high quality prints. You can selectthe following print effects.
OnUsesthe camera’s shooting information to deliver beautifulprints.OffPrints without any effects.
NRPrints with a noise reduction effect.VIVID+NRPrints using both the [VIVID] and [NR] options.DefaultPrint settings differ according to your Bubble Jet printer model.
Prints more vibrant colors, such as the green of trees or the blue of the sea or sky, than the [On] option.
Select [] and choose a print effect option.
Setting the Number of Copies
Select [] and set the number of prints.
1 to 99 copies can be set.
Setting the Printing Area (Trimming)
Please set[Paper Settings] first (p.22) before setting the trimming settings. Ifthe printstyle is changed after having made trimming settings,you must select the settings again.
Select [Trimming] and press theSET button.
The trimmingframe will appear at the center of the image. If a trimming setting has already been selected for the image, the frame will appear aroundthe previously selected portion.
Thetrimming setting screen differsdepending on the camera model. Check which ofthe following screens appear before
zPress the zoom lever or the zoom button toadjustthe size of
the trimming frame.
zThe trimmingframe can be changed to a minimum selection
ofapproximately half the displayed image or a maximum selection thatis virtually the same size as the image.
zExpanding the trimming frame beyond its maximumsize
cancels the trimming setting.
zWhen printing an image that has been magnified using the
trimming option, the image quality may become coarser and grainier depending on the level ofmagnification. Ifthis happens, the trimming frame displaysinred.
Moving theTrimming Frame
zMove the trimming frame using the multicontroller or the up,
down, right and left buttons.
Rotating the Trimming Frame
zYou can rotate the trimming frame by pressing the DISP.
button or the DISPLAY button.
Press the SET button to close the setting menu.
Pressing the MENU button cancels the settings.
Trim the image.
Changing the Size ofthe Trimming Frame
zPress the up anddown buttons to adjustthe size of the
trimming frame.
zThe trimmingframe can be changed to a minimum selection
ofapproximately half the displayed image or a maximum selection thatis virtually the same size as the image.
zExpanding the trimming frame beyond its maximumsize
cancels the trimming setting.
zWhen printing an image that has been magnified using the
trimming option, the image quality may become coarser and
grainier depending on the level ofmagnification. Ifthis happens, the trimming frame displaysinred.
Rotating the Trimming Frame
zYou can rotate the trimming frame using the left and right
Moving theTrimming Frame
zPress the SET button and use the up, down, right and left
buttons tomove the trimming frame. Pressing the SET button again allows you to change the size of the frame and to rotate it.
Press the MENU button, select [OK] and press the SET button.
zThe trimming setting onlyapplies to one image.zThe trimming setting is canceled with the following
•When you set the trimming settings foranother image.
•When you close the Print mode (when you turn the camera power off, change the camera mode,ordetach the connection cable).
Selecting [Cancel setting] cancels the selected trimming setting.If [Edit]isselected, the display returns to the previous screen.
zThe selected image, paper size and border settings
determine the shape of the trimming frame.
zPlease use the LCD monitor to setthe trimming settings.The
trimming frame may not display correctly on aTV screen.
Selecting the Paper Settings
Select [Paper Settings] and press the SET button.
The paper size setting screen appears.
Select a papersize and press the SET button.
The following paper sizes* are available: A3,13"×19" or A3+,
8.5"×11" or A4,5"×7" or 13×18cm,4"×6" and Default.
•Some sizes are not available with certain Bubble Jet printer models.
•The paper type setting screen appears.
*Paper sizes vary according to region.
Select a paper type and press theSET button.
The following paper types can beselected.
PhotoPrints on Photo Paper Plus
Fast PhotoPrints on Photo Paper Pro
*Canon brandpaper
The Page Layoutscreen appears.
Glossy paper*.
paper*.Print settings differaccording to
yourBubble Jet printermodel.
Select a layout.
The following print effects can be selected.
BorderlessPrints right to the edges of the
BorderedPrints with a border.DefaultPrint settings differ according
to your Bubble Jet printer model.
Select a layout and press the SET button. This ends the paper settings operations.
The display returns tothe print order screen.
With Bubble Jet printers,when [Plain Paper] is selected with the printer and [Default]is selected in the camera’s [Paper Type], images will print with borders, even if [Borderless] wasselected with the camera.
For instructions on how tosetDPOF print settings,please refer to the DPOF print settings section of the Camera User Guide. In
thissection,we will explain how toprint several imagesalreadyspecified with DPOF print settings.
In the [ (Play)] menu, select [Print Order] and press the SET
Select [Print] and press the SET button.
Set the print effect and paper settings as required.
Setting the Print Effect(p.18)
Selecting the Paper Settings* (p.22)
*The [Layout] option isnot available with the
index printing type.
Select [Print] and press the SET button.
The image will start to print and, when itis completely finished, the display will revert to the standard playbackmode.
zTo print the date, setthe [Date] setting in the print order
menu in Step 2 to [On]. You cannotset the date to print withthe [Style] menu in Step 3.
zWhen the print type is setto Index,both the date and file
number cannotbe printed.
zWhen the print type is settoStandard, the file number
cannot be printed.
Cancel Printing
zTo cancel printing between images printed,press the SET
button.A confirmation dialog appears.Select[OK] and press the SET button. The printer will stop printing the current image and eject the paper.
Restarting Printing
zSelect [Resume]and press the SET button. The remaining
images can be printed.
zPrinting cannot berestarted under thefollowing circumstances.
•If the print settings have been changed before restarting.
•If the image for which the printsettings were set has been deleted before restarting.
•If there was very little free space on the memory card when the printing was canceled.
If these circumstancesapply, you can select [OK] in the printorder menu and reprint starting fromthe firstimage.Ifprinting iscanceled because the camera battery is depleted,
you are recommended to power the camera with a compactpower adapter (sold separately and/or included).Ifyou are using a battery pack or batteries, please use either a fullycharged battery pack or newbatteries. After replacing the spent battery packor batteries,turn the camera power on again.
Printing Errors
zAn error message appears ifan error occurs for some
reason during the printing process.Select [Stop] or [Continue] and press the SET button.Depending on the type of error, printing may resume once the problem is solved.See List of Messages (p.26) for details.
zOn Bubble Jetprintersequipped with an operationpanel,an
error number displayson the panel. Please refer to the Bubble Jet printer userguide for the remediescorresponding tothe error numbers.
The following messages may appear on the camera LCD monitor ifan error occurs during a camera and Bubble Jet printer connection.(Depending on the Bubble Jetprinter, some messages may notappear.)zPlease refer to the Bubble Jetprinter’s user guide for the
appropriate remedies.
: Printing restarts if you select[Continue]and press the SET
button.For the remedies to other messagesthat mightappear,refer to your Bubble Jetprinter’s user guide.
There is no paper in the auto sheet feeder. In the
No Paper
Paper JamThe paper jammed during printing.Paper ErrorThe paper is not correctly set in the printer.No InkThe ink tank has run out of ink.
Low ink level
Waste tank full
Ink Error
Printer error
Printer in use
case of a Bubble Jet printer equipped with a photopaper cassette, the cassette may be incorrectly inserted or out of paper.
The ink tank needs to be replaced soon. Prepare anew ink tank. If you select [Continue] in the error screen, you can restart printing.
You can restart printing by pressing the RESUME/CANCELbutton on Bubble Jet Printer. Please request replacement of the waste tank to the shopwhere you purchased the printer or your nearest Canon Customer Support center listedinthe Contact Listprovided with the BubbleJet Printer or inthe Bubble Jet user guide.
Check the level of the printer’s ink and the conditionofthe waste tank.
Turn off the printer, then turn it on again. If the error persists, please consult the dealer where you purchased your printer or your nearest Canon Customer Support center (listed in theContact List provided with the Bubble Jet Printer).
The printer is printing the data from the memory card inserted in the computer or printer. The printerautomatically starts printing the images from the camera after completing the current printing.
Paper lever error
Printer coveropenClose the printer cover securely.No print headNo print head is installed in the printer.
Hardware Error
File Error
Adjust the paper thickness lever to the properposition.
Check whether ornot an error other than a paperorink error has occurred. Alsocheck the printer’s battery charge.
You tried to print an image that isnot compatible withPictBridge.Some images that have been recorded with anothercamera or modified using a computer cannot beprinted.
Bubble Jet Direct Printing with
Bubble Jet Printers
Make sure that displays in the upper left corner of the LCD
After this step, follow the procedures in the section Canon DirectPrinting with CP Printers (p.8) to print your images.
However, please note that somemenusandprecautions differ,as listedbelow.
p.8, 14
Cancel Printing
zTo cancel printing between images printed,press the SET
button. Once the currentprint isfinished, a confirmation dialog appears. Select [OK] and press the SET button.The printerwill stop printing the current image and ejectthe paper.
Printing Errors
zAn error message appears ifan error occurs for some
reason during the printing process.Select [Stop] or [Continue] and press the SET button.The print will automatically restart ifthe error is resolved.
zThe error number is displayed on the operation panel of
Bubble Jet printer. Please refer to the Bubble Jet printer user guide forthe remedies corresponding to the error numbers.
If appears, refertoPictBridgePrinting with Bubble JetPrinters(p.16).
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