Intuitive, compact A4 colour multifunctionals ideal for small businesses and individual users.
These smart desktop A4 laser multifunctionals make it refreshingly easy to print, scan and share documents from anywhere, whether you’re working from your PC, smartphone or tablet.
High-quality A4 multifunctionals oering print,
copy, scan and fax*
Productive full-colour printing at 14 ppm
Easy operation using the intuitive colour touch
Consistent reliability and quality via Canon All-in-
One replacement cartridges
Seamless support for mobile working from your
laptop, smartphone or tablet
Compatible with Apple® AirPrint
Google Cloud Print
*MF62 8Cw only
, Mopria and
Powerful scanning to capture, share and archive
paper documents
Cloud connectivity makes it easy to access and
share documents on the go
Low energy consumption
Ethernet and Wi-Fi* for a flexible choice of
connectivity and networking
Technical Specifications
Machine type Colour Laser All-In-One
Print sp eed Up to 14 ppm c olour an d mono (A4)
Printing method Colou r laser be am printin g
Print quality Up to 120 0 dpi x 1200 d pi
Print resolution 600 dpi x 6 00 dpi
First Pr int Out T ime Colou r aprox: 18 s econds o r less
Printer languages UFRII-LT
Print margins 5 mm-top, b ottom, le ft and ri ght
Toner saver m ode Yes
Advanced printing features Print fro m USB memory key (JP EG / TIFF)
Copy speed U p to 14 cpm colour an d mono (A4)
First Co py Outp ut Time (FCOT)
Copy resolution Up to 600 d pi x 600 dpi
Copy modes Text / Photo / Map ( Defaul t),Text / Photo / Map (qualit y), P rinted
Multiple copy Up to 99 copi es
Reduction / Enlargement 25-4 00% in 1% i ncreme nts
Other features Frame Era se, Coll ate, 2 on 1, 4 on 1 , ID card copy
Typ e Colour
Scan resolution Optica l: Up to 600 d pi x 600 dp i
Scan speed Mono: 14 ipm (30 0 dpi x60 0dpi),
Colour scanning depth 24 bit / 24 b it (input / o utput)
Greyscales 256 levels
Compatibility TWAIN , WIA
Max. sc an widt h 216 mm
Scan to E -mail TIF F / JPEG / PD F / Compac t PDF / Searchab le PDF
Scan to P C TIFF / JPEG / P DF / Compact PD F / Search able PDF
Scan to U SB memory key T IFF / JPEG / P DF / Compact PD F / Search able PDF
Scan to F TP TIFF / J PEG / PDF / Co mpact P DF / Searc hable PD F
Scan to Cl oud TIFF / JP EG / PDF / PN G
iFAX I TU -T.37
Mono ap rox: 18 sec onds or le ss
10 mm-to p, bottom , left an d right (Enve lope)
Googl e Cloud Pr int Ready iOS: AirPrint, Canon PRINT Business app Androi d; Mopri a certifie d, Canon Print S ervice Plug- in, Can on PRINT Business app
Colou r Approx. 1 9 second s or less Mono Ap prox. 19 se conds or l ess
Image, Text
Enhan ced: Up to 96 00 dpi x 9600 dp i
Colour: 14ipm (300x300dpi)
Modem speed 3 3.6 Kb ps (Up to 3 seco nds / page
Receive m ode Fa x only, Fax / Tel Auto Switch, Ans wer Mode, Man ual
Fax resolution Standa rd: 200 x 1 00 dpi
FAX m emor y Up to 512 pa ges
Speed dials Up to 281 di als
Group dials/destinations Max. 19 9 dials / Max. 19 9 destina tions
Sequential broadcast Max. 3 10 desti nations
Memory backup P ermane nt fax mem ory bac kup (Bac kup with fla sh memor y)
Double sided faxing Yes (Transmit and Receive)
Other features Fax Forwar ding, Du al Access, Remo te Receptio n, PC Fax (TX onl y)
Scanner type Fl atbed an d Automatic D ocumen t Feeder (S ADF)
Paper input (Standard) 150-sheet casset te
Paper output 125 -sheet
Media types Pl ain pape r, Recycled p aper, Heav y Paper, Transp arency, Co ated
Media s izes Casse tte :
Media weights Cass ette: 60 to 16 3 g/m
Interface type USB 2. 0 Hi-Spe ed, 10B ASE-T/100 BASE-TX , Wireles s 802.1 1b/g/n
Operating System compatibility
Fine: 20 0 x 200 dpi Photo: 20 0 x 200 dpi Super fi ne: 200 x 4 00 dpi Ultra fin e: 400 x 40 0 dpi
DRPD, EC M, Auto Redial , Fa x Activity Repo rts, Fax Activit y Result Repor ts, Fax Activity M anagement Re ports
1-she et manua l feed slot 50-s heet ADF
Paper, Label, Index card, Envelope
A4, A5 , B5, Lega l, Letter, Executive , Stateme nt, Postc ard, Foolsc ap, Envelo pe (COM10, M onarch, DL, I SO-C 5, ISO-B5 ), Custom si zes: Min. 8 3 x 127 mm to Max. 215 .9 x 355.6 mm
Manua l feed slot : A4, A5 , B5, Lega l, Letter, Executive , Stateme nt, Postc ard, Foolsc ap, Index Card, Env elope (COM 10, Mon arch, DL , ISO-C5, ISO- B5), Cus tom sizes: Mi n. 83 x 127 m m to Max. 21 5.9 x 355.6 m m
ADF: A4, A5 , B5, B6 , Legal, Le tter, Statem ent, Cus tom sizes (W x L): Min . 128 mm x 139 .7 mm Max. 2 15.9 mm x 355 .6 mm
Multi- purpos e tray: 60 to 22 0 g/m2 ADF: 50 to 1 05 g/m
(MF628Cw), Wireless Direct Connection (MF628Cw)
Windows ® 10 / Windows® 8 .1 / Windows ® 8 / Windows ® 7 / Server® 2012R2 20083 / Server® 20033 / Vista Mac OS X ver sion 10. 5.8 & up Linux
/ Server® 20123 / Server® 2008R23 / Server®
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