Canon IMAGEPROGRAF IPF5000 User Manual

LFP Technical Information Sheet
Title: Official Canon Report on LUCIA Ink Longevity Canon Internal and Wilhelm Imaging Research Testing Results
Model: iPF5000, iPF8000, iPF9000 Note: This information sheet is intended for end users.

Canon Internal Test Result

Colorfastness (years) Media Name
Plain Paper 110 100
Canon Heavyweight Coated Paper >100 80
Canon Premium Matte Paper >90 80
Canon Glossy Photo Paper >90 70
Canon Semi-glossy Photo Paper >90 70
Canon Fine Art Photo Rag by Hahnemühle (Color) 90 80
Canon Fine Art Photo Rag by Hahnemühle (B/W) >150 n/a
Hahnemühle Canvas Artist 340gsm 90 50

Canon Internal Print Longevity Test Conditions

Light fastness

White fluorescent light (70,000 Lux), Temperature 24ºC, 60%RH
Assuming 500 Lux × 10 hours is the light amount for one day
Gas fastness
Temperature (24ºC) and humidity (60%RH) are controlled in an environment of mixed gasses of O3, NOx and SOx. The ratio of the gases is typical to indoor air composition (O concentration in order to accelerate color fading, assuming 72 hours are exposed amount for one year.
: NOx : SOx = 3:19:1) with 100 times
Print conditions
Printer driver setting: default mode for each media No color adjustment Colors: Bk, C, M, Y; Optical density: 1.0 and 0.6
LFP Technical Information Sheet
Endpoint criteria
There are the following pre-determined optical density loss criteria. Color fastness is expressed in years, which is derived from the actual exposed time when either of the following criteria is reached.
Endpoints of optical density loss for C, M, Y
Cyan: 35 % Magenta: 25 % Yellow: 30 %
Endpoint of optical density loss for BK
Optical density loss for each composite color Cyan: 25 % Magenta: 20 % Yellow: 35 %
Endpoint of color composition imbalance due to difference in color loss among C, M and Y
C - M: 12 %, M - C: 15 %, C - Y: 18 %, Y - C: 18 %, Y - M: 18 %, M - Y: 18 %
Wilhelm Imaging Research Light Resistance Testing Result (Ongoing*)
Media Name Test Result (years)
Canon Heavyweight Coated Paper >100 (ongoing)
Canon Premium Matte Paper 96.9 (final)
Canon Glossy Photo Paper 95.8 (final)
Canon Semi-glossy Photo Paper 97.7 (final)
Canon Fine Art Photo Rag by Hahnemuhle 95.4 (final)
*The Wilhelm Imaging Research Light Resistance Testing is ongoing. Canon Heavyweight Coated Paper has not reached its endpoint yet (as of March 2007).

Wilhelm Imaging Research Light Resistance Testing Conditions

WIR Display Permanence Ratings are based on accelerated testing for framed prints, under glass with a 5mm air gap. Testing is conducted at 24°C, 60% relative humidity and with a 35,000 lux light source. Display Permanence Ratings assume an average daily exposure of 450 lux for 12 hours per day and are calculated using WIR Version 3.0 endpoint criteria. Canon cannot guarantee the longevity of prints. Results may vary depending on the printed image, drying time, display/storage conditions, temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors.
© 2007 Canon USA, Inc. This technical information document has been issued by Canon USA, Inc. and is intended to inform users of the latest technical information for reference purposes. The information in this document and specifications are subject to change without notice. Canon USA, Inc. is not responsible for any editorial typos or omissions in this document.
Official Canon Report on LUCIA Ink Longevity Canon Internal and Wilhelm Research Institute Testing Results
Canon USA, Inc., Large Format Printer Division, Sales Support