Canon imagePRESS C800 Series Operation Manual

Operation guide
imagePRESS C800 Series
Copyright CANON INC. 2014
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
Canon Inc.
Edition 2014-10
Chapter 1
Preface................................................................................................................................. 7
Trademarks....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Notes for the reader....................................................................................................................................... 11
Installation precautions
Handling precautions..................................................................................................................................... 16
Information in this operation guide.............................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 2
Explore the print system..................................................................................................19
What can this print system do for you?........................................................................................................20
What output can you create.......................................................................................................................... 21
Media for your output..............................................................................................................................21
Finishing for your output.........................................................................................................................23
Color reproduction for your output........................................................................................................ 26
PRISMAsync operating concept....................................................................................................................28
Main hardware parts...................................................................................................................................... 32
Overview of licenses...................................................................................................................................... 35
Control panel.................................................................................................................................................. 36
Paper Input......................................................................................................................................................38
Paper module .......................................................................................................................................... 38
Bulk paper module...................................................................................................................................39
Inserter...................................................................................................................................................... 40
Automatic document feeder................................................................................................................... 41
Special feeder...........................................................................................................................................42
Finishing and delivery....................................................................................................................................43
Professional stacker / stapler.................................................................................................................. 43
Standard stacker / stapler........................................................................................................................45
Professional puncher............................................................................................................................... 46
Folder........................................................................................................................................................ 47
Output tray................................................................................................................................................48
Chapter 3
Prepare the jobs................................................................................................................ 49
Prepare print jobs........................................................................................................................................... 50
Prepare print jobs with the printer driver.............................................................................................. 50
Prepare print jobs with PRISMAprepare................................................................................................ 52
Print a file from a USB drive................................................................................................................... 54
Prepare copy and scan jobs...........................................................................................................................55
Copy jobs.................................................................................................................................................. 55
Scan jobs.................................................................................................................................................. 57
Use the automatic document feeder to copy or scan........................................................................... 59
Use the glass plate to copy or scan........................................................................................................61
Make a copy..............................................................................................................................................63
Make a scan.............................................................................................................................................. 64
Use templates for recurring jobs............................................................................................................ 66
Copy subsets (combined copying)......................................................................................................... 67
Scan subsets (combined scanning)........................................................................................................68
imagePRESS C800 Series
Chapter 4
Plan the jobs......................................................................................................................69
Set up your print production preferences.................................................................................................... 70
Automated workflows............................................................................................................................. 70
Workflow profiles ....................................................................................................................................73
Select a workflow profile.........................................................................................................................79
Select an accounting mode.....................................................................................................................80
Change or disable the warning time...................................................................................................... 82
Change the system language..................................................................................................................83
Use of shorter job names........................................................................................................................ 84
Adjust the readability of the control panel ........................................................................................... 85
Use the remote monitor.......................................................................................................................... 86
Transaction printing.................................................................................................................................87
Print in transaction printing mode..........................................................................................................90
Use the DocBox.............................................................................................................................................. 91
Change a DocBox job.............................................................................................................................. 92
Combine DocBox jobs............................................................................................................................. 93
Lock DocBox job settings........................................................................................................................ 94
Print DocBox jobs.....................................................................................................................................95
Load and assign media.................................................................................................................................. 96
Add temporary media to the media catalog..........................................................................................96
Assign media to a paper tray.................................................................................................................. 97
Manage the jobs in the queue.......................................................................................................................99
Job management in the queues............................................................................................................. 99
View the jobs in the queues.................................................................................................................. 102
Bundle jobs.............................................................................................................................................103
Add extra sheets to a job.......................................................................................................................105
Change job settings............................................................................................................................... 106
Use page programming........................................................................................................................ 107
Print a waiting job ................................................................................................................................. 109
Print a scheduled job immediately....................................................................................................... 110
Move a scheduled job to the list of waiting jobs.................................................................................111
Reprint a job........................................................................................................................................... 112
Send a job to another printer................................................................................................................113
Remove print jobs..................................................................................................................................114
Chapter 5
Print the jobs................................................................................................................... 115
Proof and test prints.............................................................................................................................. 116
Make a proof...........................................................................................................................................118
Print a job ticket......................................................................................................................................119
Keep the system printing.............................................................................................................................120
System monitoring................................................................................................................................ 120
Schedule................................................................................................................................................. 122
Load media for the scheduled jobs...................................................................................................... 125
Check the filling level of the toner cartridge........................................................................................127
Check the filling level of the staple cartridge.......................................................................................128
Check the filling level of the waste toner container............................................................................ 129
Handle media................................................................................................................................................130
Check and prepare media before loading............................................................................................130
Check and prepare envelopes before loading..................................................................................... 132
Check and prepare transparencies before loading............................................................................. 134
Load media into the internal paper trays.............................................................................................135
Load media into the paper module...................................................................................................... 137
Load media into the bulk paper module.............................................................................................. 141
Load media into the special feeder...................................................................................................... 145
imagePRESS C800 Series
Load media into the inserter................................................................................................................. 147
Load envelopes into the internal paper trays...................................................................................... 149
Load tab paper into the internal paper trays
Stop printing................................................................................................................................................. 154
Remove printed output from the stacker/stapler.......................................................................................155
Store the printed output.............................................................................................................................. 158
....................................................................................... 152
Chapter 6
Keep the image quality high..........................................................................................159
About calibration....................................................................................................................................160
Calibrate the printer............................................................................................................................... 162
Calibrate the media family.................................................................................................................... 163
Calibrate for maximum print quality.................................................................................................... 165
Adjust the color quality................................................................................................................................166
About image and color adjustments.................................................................................................... 166
Adjust CMYK curves for a single job....................................................................................................167
Adjust CMYK curves for all jobs........................................................................................................... 169
Automatic color mismatch correction..................................................................................................171
Register the color tones for the ACCT function...................................................................................172
Correct the color tones with the ACCT function..................................................................................173
Create a trapping preset........................................................................................................................ 174
Adjust the print quality for media............................................................................................................... 175
About print quality for media................................................................................................................175
Correct curled output media................................................................................................................. 176
Perform a media registration................................................................................................................ 177
Correct skewed and rotated images.....................................................................................................179
Chapter 7
Maintain the print system..............................................................................................181
System configuration and maintenance.................................................................................................... 182
Consumables................................................................................................................................................ 185
Use the power modes.................................................................................................................................. 189
Turn on the print system....................................................................................................................... 189
Turn off the print system.......................................................................................................................190
Restart the print system........................................................................................................................ 191
Use the energy save modes..................................................................................................................192
Refill toner and staples................................................................................................................................ 193
Replace a toner cartridge...................................................................................................................... 193
Replace the waste toner container....................................................................................................... 196
Replace in the professional stacker / stapler the staple cartridge in the staple unit........................ 199
Replace in the professional stacker / stapler the staple cartridge in the saddle-stitch unit.............201
Replace in the standard stacker / stapler the staple cartridge in the staple unit.............................. 204
Replace in the standard stacker /stapler the staple cartridge in the saddle-stitch unit....................207
Remove the staple waste...................................................................................................................... 209
Remove in the professional stacker /stapler the punch waste ..........................................................211
Remove in the standard stacker / stapler the punch waste................................................................213
Keep the print system clean........................................................................................................................ 214
Cleaning tasks and procedures.............................................................................................................214
Clean the control panel..........................................................................................................................215
Clean the glass plate area..................................................................................................................... 216
Clean the automatic document feeder scanning area........................................................................ 217
Clean the scanning sensors.................................................................................................................. 219
Clean the automatic document feeder rollers..................................................................................... 220
Clean the inside of the print module.................................................................................................... 221
Clean the corona assembly wires.........................................................................................................222
Clean the main unit rollers.................................................................................................................... 223
Refresh the fixing belt............................................................................................................................224
Enable Remote Service................................................................................................................................ 225
imagePRESS C800 Series
Read the counters.........................................................................................................................................226
Chapter 8
Help.................................................................................................................................. 227
Access the print module parts.....................................................................................................................228
Problem Solving
Optimize the scan quality of the print system........................................................................................... 232
Fix "density not within required range" error............................................................................................ 233
........................................................................................................................................... 230
Chapter 9
References....................................................................................................................... 235
Job settings...................................................................................................................................................236
Copy job settings................................................................................................................................... 236
Scan job settings....................................................................................................................................240
Print job settings.................................................................................................................................... 242
Output settings, values and icons........................................................................................................ 246
Zoom function.............................................................................................................................................. 250
Feed direction............................................................................................................................................... 251
Feed direction for stapling.................................................................................................................... 251
Feed direction for punching.................................................................................................................. 256
Feed direction for folding...................................................................................................................... 257
Feed direction for the inserter...............................................................................................................259
Feed instruction for envelopes............................................................................................................. 261
Feed instruction for tab paper...............................................................................................................263
Status indicators...........................................................................................................................................264
Job status indicators..............................................................................................................................264
Paper tray indicators..............................................................................................................................265
More PRISMAsync color information......................................................................................................... 266
System specifications.................................................................................................................................. 268
Print system specifications....................................................................................................................268
Paper input specifications..................................................................................................................... 270
Finishing and delivery specifications .................................................................................................. 274
Remote monitor specifications............................................................................................................. 288
Media specifications.....................................................................................................................................289
Supported media types for paper input optionals.............................................................................. 289
Supported media sizes by paper input optional................................................................................. 291
Supported envelope types by paper input optional........................................................................... 292
Settings Editor.............................................................................................................................................. 293
Settings Editor specifications................................................................................................................293
Settings Editor media attributes........................................................................................................... 294
Settings Editor settings and information............................................................................................. 295
imagePRESS C800 Series
Chapter 1 Preface
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
To view the manual in PDF format, Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader is required. If Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed on your system, please download it from the Adobe Systems Incorporated website.
8 Chapter 1 - Preface
imagePRESS C800 Series
Océ, Océ PRISMA, Océ PRISMAsync, trademarks of Océ.
PANTONE® Colors displayed in the software application or in the user documentation may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PANTONE® and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc. © Pantone, Inc., 2007
Pantone, Inc. is the copyright owner of color data and/or software which are licensed to (insert name of your company) to distribute for use only in combination with (insert appropriate name of Licensed Materials). PANTONE Color Data and/or Software shall not be copied onto another disk or into memory unless as part of the execution of (insert appropriate name of Licensed Materials).
Xerox is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
This product contains the Universal Font Scaling Technology or UFST® under license from Monotype Imaging, Inc. UFST® is a trademark of Monotype Imaging, Inc. registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
UFST: Copyright © 1989 - 1996, 1997, 2003, 2004, 2008, all rights reserved, by Monotype Imaging Inc.
Apple, AppleTalk, EtherTalk, LocalTalk, Mac, Macintosh, Mac OS, and Safari are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Server, Internet Explorer, Excel and PowerPoint are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Océ PRISMAprepare and Océ PRISMAaccess are registered
Portions of this software are copyright © 2007 The FreeType Project ( All rights reserved.
Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2002 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
Java and all Java based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Adobe, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Copyright © 2007 -08 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Protected by U.S. Patents 5,737,599; 5,781,785; 5,819,301; 5,929,866; 5,943,063; 6,073,148; 6,515,763; 6,639,593; 6,754,382; 7,046,403; 7,213,269; 7,242,415; Patents pending in the U.S. and other countries.
imagePRESS C800 Series
Chapter 1 - Preface 9
All instances of the name PostScript in the text are references to the PostScript language as defined by Adobe Systems Incorporated unless otherwise stated. The name PostScript also is used as a product trademark for Adobe Systems' implementation of the PostScript language interpreter.
Except as otherwise stated, any reference to a "PostScript printing device," "PostScript display device," or similar item refers to a printing device, display device or item (respectively) that contains PostScript technology created or licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated and not to devices or items that purport to be merely compatible with the PostScript language.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, the PostScript logo, and PostScript 3 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The PDF logo is a trademark or registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other countries.
Copyright © 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Protected by U.S. Patents 6,185,684; 6,205,549; 7,213,269; 7,272,628; 7,278,168; Patents pending in the U.S. and other countries.
All instances of the name PostScript in the text are references to the PostScript language as defined by Adobe Systems Incorporated unless otherwise stated. The name PostScript also is used as a product trademark for Adobe Systems' implementation of the PostScript language interpreter.
Except as otherwise stated, any reference to a "PostScript printing device," "PostScript display device," or similar item refers to a printing device, display device or item (respectively) that contains PostScript technology created or licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated and not to devices or items that purport to be merely compatible with the PostScript language.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, the PostScript Logo, and PostScript 3 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Other product and company names herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
10 Chapter 1 - Preface
imagePRESS C800 Series
Notes for the reader
Notes for the reader
This manual helps you to use the the product and guidelines to use and operate the
Parts of this manual require your special attention. These parts can provide the following:
• Additional general information, for example, information that is useful when you perform a task.
• Information to prevent personal injuries or property damage.
Symbols used in this manual
The following symbols are used in this manual to explain procedures, restrictions, handling precautions, and instructions that should be observed for safety.
Overview of the attention-getters
Word Icon Indicates
imagePRESS C800 Series. The manual contains a description of
imagePRESS C800 Series.
Indicates a warning concerning operations that may lead to death or injury to persons if not performed correctly. To use the machine safely, always pay at­tention to these warnings.
Indicates a caution concerning operations that may lead to injury to persons if not performed correctly. To use the machine safely, always pay attention to these cautions.
- Indicates an operation that must not be performed.
Indicates operational requirements and restrictions. Be sure to read these items carefully to operate the machine correctly and to avoid damaging the ma­chine or property.
Indicates a clarification of an operation or contains additional explanations for a procedure. Reading these notes is highly recommended.
Read these items carefully and make sure not to perform the described operations.
imagePRESS C800 Series
Chapter 1 - Preface 11
Installation precautions
Installation precautions
Avoid installing the machine in the following locations
Avoid locations subject to temperature and humidity extremes, whether low or high.
For example, avoid installing the machine near water faucets, hot water heaters, humidifiers, air conditioners, heaters, or stoves.
Avoid installing the machine in direct sunlight.
If this is unavoidable, use curtains to shade the machine. Be sure that the curtains do not block the machine's ventilation slots or louvers, or interfere with the electrical cord or power supply.
Avoid poorly ventilated locations.
This machine generates a slight amount of ozone etc. during normal use. Although sensitivity to ozone etc. may vary, this amount is not harmful. Ozone etc. may be more noticeable during extended use or long production runs, especially in poorly ventilated rooms. It is recommended that the room be appropriately ventilated, sufficient to maintain a comfortable working environment, in areas of machine operation. In addition, do not install this machine where it exhausts directly onto a person.
Avoid locations where a considerable amount of dust accumulates.
Avoid locations where ammonia gas is emitted.
12 Chapter 1 - Preface
imagePRESS C800 Series
Installation precautions
Avoid locations near volatile or flammable materials, such as alcohol or paint thinner.
Avoid locations that are subject to vibration.
For example, avoid installing the machine on unstable floors or stands.
Avoid exposing the machine to rapid changes in temperature.
If the room in which the machine is installed is cold but rapidly heated, water droplets (condensation) may form inside the machine. This may result in a noticeable degradation in the quality of the copied image, the inability to properly scan an original, or the copies having no printed image at all.
Avoid installing the machine near computers or other precision electronic equipment.
Electrical interference and vibrations generated by the machine during printing can adversely affect the operation of such equipment.
Avoid installing the machine near televisions, radios, or similar electronic equipment.
The machine might interfere with sound and picture signal reception. Insert the power plug into a dedicated power outlet, and maintain as much space as possible between the machine and other electronic equipment.
Contact an authorized Canon dealer if communication is unavailable.
Depending on your locale or your telephone connection, you may be unable to perform data communication. In this case, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
Do not remove the machine's leveling feet.
imagePRESS C800 Series
Chapter 1 - Preface 13
Installation precautions
Do not remove the machine's leveling feet after the machine has been installed. If you put weight on the front of the machine while the drawers are pulled out, the machine may fall forward. To prevent this from happening, make sure that the machine's leveling feet are in place.
Avoid installing the machine at high altitudes of about 3,000 meters above sea level, or higher.
Machines with a hard disk may not operate properly when used at high altitudes of about 3,000 meters above sea level, or higher.
Select a safe power supply
Plug the machine into an outlet that is 208 V AC 20 A or greater.
Make sure that the power supply for the machine is safe, and has a steady voltage.
Do not connect other electrical equipment to the same power outlet to which the machine is connected.
Do not connect the power cord to a multiplug power strip, as this may cause a fire or electrical shock.
The power cord may become damaged if it is stepped on, affixed with staples, or if heavy objects are placed on it. Continued use of a damaged power cord can lead to an accident, such as a fire or electrical shock.
The power cord should not be taut, as this may lead to a loose connection and cause overheating, which could result in a fire.
If excessive stress is applied to the connection part of the power cord, it may damage the power cord or the wires inside the machine may disconnect. This could result in a fire. Avoid the following situations:
Connecting and disconnecting the power cord frequently.
• Tripping over the power cord.
• The power cord is bent near the connection part, and continuous stress is being applied to the power outlet or the connection part.
• Applying excessive force on the power plug.
Moving the machine
If you intend to move the machine, even to a location on the same floor of your building, contact your local authorized Canon dealer beforehand. Do not attempt to move the machine yourself.
Provide Adequate Installation Space
Provide enough space on each side of the machine for unrestricted operation.
When the Output Tray-A1, Duplex Color Image Reader Unit-H1, and control panel are attached:
14 Chapter 1 - Preface
imagePRESS C800 Series
100 mm /4” *1
1,952 mm / 76 7/8”
1,524 mm / 60”
800 mm / 31 1/2” *2
6,445 mm / 253 3/4”
1,765 mm / 69 1/2”
Installation precautions
*1 Make sure to provide at least 800 mm / 31 1/2" of space if you attach one or more of the following: Paper Folding Unit-F1
, Professional Puncher-C1, Document Insertion Unit-M1 or Multi-
Drawer Paper Deck-A1..
When the Two-Knife Booklet Trimmer-A1, Booklet Trimmer-D1, Saddle Finisher-AM2, Paper Folding Unit-F1, Perfect Binder-D1, Professional Puncher Integration Unit-A1, Professional Puncher-C1, Document Insertion Unit-M1, Duplex Color Image Reader Unit-H1, control panel, and Multi-Drawer Paper Deck-A1. are attached:
*2 Make sure you provide at least 100 mm / 4" of space if none of the Paper Folding Unit-F1, Professional Puncher-C1, Document Insertion Unit-M1 attached.
imagePRESS C800 Series
, or Multi-Drawer Paper Deck-A1. are
Chapter 1 - Preface 15
Handling precautions
Handling precautions
Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the machine.
Some parts inside the machine are subject to high voltages and temperatures. Take adequate precautions when inspecting the inside of the machine. Do not carry out any inspections that are not described in the manuals for this machine.
Be careful not to spill liquid or drop any foreign objects, such as paper clips or staples inside the machine. If a foreign object comes into contact with electrical parts inside the machine, it might cause a short circuit and result in a fire or electrical shock.
If there is smoke, or unusual noise, immediately turn the main power switch OFF, disconnect the power cord from the power outlet, and then call your local authorized Canon dealer. Using the machine in this state may cause a fire or electrical shock. Also, avoid placing objects around the power plug so that the machine can be disconnected whenever necessary.
Do not turn the main power switch OFF or open the front covers while the machine is in operation. This may result in paper jams.
Do not use flammable sprays, such as spray glue, near the machine. There is a danger of ignition.
16 Chapter 1 - Preface
imagePRESS C800 Series
Handling precautions
This machine generates a slight amount of ozone etc. during normal use. Although sensitivity to ozone etc. may vary, this amount is not harmful. Ozone etc. may be more noticeable during extended use or long production runs, especially in poorly ventilated rooms. It is recommended that the room be appropriately ventilated, sufficient to maintain a comfortable working environment, in areas of machine operation.
For safety reasons, press the sleep button when it will not be used for a long period of time, such as overnight. As an added safety measure, turn OFF the main power switch, and disconnect the power cord when the machine will not be used for an extended period of time, such as during consecutive holidays.
Use a USB cable that is shorter than 3 meters / 9' 10" inch.
Paper that has just been output from the machine may be hot. Be careful when removing or aligning paper from the output tray. Touching paper right after it is output may result in low­temperature burns.
imagePRESS C800 Series
Chapter 1 - Preface 17
Information in this operation guide
Information in this operation guide
Read this operation guide to learn what this product can do for you, how to operate and maintain the print system and how to use it in a safe way.
The guide begins with basic information on the print system parts, the concept workflow and an overview of useful functions (Chapter 2).
In the next chapters you can find instructions that detail how to prepare, submit, plan and print jobs in (Chapter 3, 4 and 5). Please read the media handling instructions carefully.
To keep the image quality high, it is important to read the calibration information and the instructions detailing how to adjust the color and media quality (Chapter 6).
Maintenance instructions teach you how to keep the print system clean and the performance high (Chapter 7).
When you encounter problems, you can find some useful solutions for common problems (Chapter 8).
The reference chapter provides you with topics and detailed information and specifications about your product and the product supplies (Chapter 9).
Other product information
On the downloads site you can find the following product information:
Separate operation guides for the print system and system accessories
• Separate reference guides for the product
• Separate safety guides for the print system and system accessories
• Third party software overview
Guides on the use of optionals
This operation guide includes the functions and descriptions of the following finishing optionals:
• Document Insertion Unit-M1
Professional Puncher-C1 and Professional Puncher Integration Unit-A1
• Paper Folding Unit-F1
• Finisher-AM1 / Saddle Finisher-AM2
• Puncher Unit-BS1
• Staple Finisher-T1 / Booklet Finisher-T1
• External 2/3 Hole Puncher-C1
The following optionals have their own operation guides:
• Perfect Binder-D1
• High Capacity Stacker-G1
• Booklet Trimmer-D1
• Two-Knife Booklet Trimmer-A1
18 Chapter 1 - Preface
imagePRESS C800 Series
Chapter 2 Explore the print system
What can this print system do for you?
What can this print system do for you?
The imagePRESS C800 Series is an easy-to-use multitasking print system that offers many useful functions.
There is one central control panel, the single point of control, which simplifies the print process.
The workflow concept places the operator at the control panel in a central position. The print operator can manage colors, jobs and schedules, and last-minute job changes from the control panel.
The workflow concept supports efficient task splitting to make the best use of staff resources and expertise.
The central media catalog is available across the whole print workflow. This ensures first-time­right output.
The intelligent color management helps you: without an expert color knowledge, you can reproduce a high and consistent color quality.
The input and finishing optionals support many different media types and finishing options. The print system can staple, fold, trim or punch the printed output in various ways. You can print professional looking, high quality output, such as stapled booklets and books with glued, preprinted covers.
You can use the print system in two modes: document printing and transaction printing.
This operation guide helps you to meet business demands when you prepare, plan and print your jobs with the print system.
20 Chapter 2 - Explore the print system
imagePRESS C800 Series
What output can you create
Media for your output
Media catalog for media selection
PRISMAsync controls the media definition centrally with the media catalogue. The controller's media-based workflow PRISMAsync
page 28 (See )
When you prepare a job, you can select media from the media catalog. The media catalog stores attributes for all media that are key to the print quality, such as size, weight, media type, color, media family and surface. (See
A media family is a group of media that has the same specifications and uses the same color output profile. (See
After the job submission, use the schedule to see which media the job requires and when to assign these media to paper trays.
Temporary media
Color reproduction for your output
results in less mistakes.
Settings Editor media attributes
What output can you create
PRISMAsync operating concept
on page 294)
on page 26)
During the job preparation you can also temporarily specify media for a job. Temporary media are not part of the media catalog. When the job is printed on temporary media, you can find these temporary media in the media section of the System view on the control panel. When you want to use these media more often, you can add the temporary media to the media catalog. In the Settings Editor you can define the attributes for these new media.
The temporary media remains available in the System view as long as there are jobs in the queue that use these temporary media, or these temporary media are assigned to a paper tray.
Media and image quality
Media has a big influence on the image quality and the productivity of a print system. The performance of a print system, the print quality and the consumption of consumables depend on media factors, such as:
• Media type
Media weight
• Surface
• Moisture content
• Smoothness
To ensure optimal output quality and performance, media must comply with the paper specifications of your print system. Store the media in a dry environment away from direct sunlight. Before you load the media into the paper trays, it is important to check the media sheets.
For information detailing how to check and prepare media, see:
Check and prepare media before loading
Check and prepare envelopes before loading
Check and prepare transparencies before loading
imagePRESS C800 Series
on page 130
on page 132
on page 134
Chapter 2 - Explore the print system 21
Media for your output
Types of media for the paper trays
The paper trays of your print system can handle a variety of media types and sizes, including uncoated, offset coated, plain, recycled, thin, satinated, tabs, textured paper, digital coated media, preprinted media and offset coated media. You can use envelopes, tab paper and transparencies in most paper trays. For covers, insert sheets and separator sheets between sets, you can use the inserter.
The following table shows the types of media that paper trays support.
Thin Plain Heavy Coated
Labels *1 *2
Envelope type a *1
Envelope type b *1
Transparencies *1 Recycled
Forward-order tab pa­per
Reverse-order tab pa­per
Letterhead Carbonless
Preprinted covers *3 Insert sheets *3
*1 Not supported by the inserter
*2 Not supported by the internal paper trays
*3 The inserter supports insert sheets. Make sure that the media you use for the inserter have the insert sheet definition in the media catalog. (See
Settings Editor media attributes
on page 294)
For more information on media specifications, see:
on page 185
Paper input specifications
Supported media types for paper input optionals
22 Chapter 2 - Explore the print system
on page 270
on page 289
imagePRESS C800 Series
Finishing for your output
If your print system has finishing options, you can select staple, punch, trim, booklet and book options in the printer driver, the
The control panel shows the finishing options that are available on your print system.
Below you find an overview of the finishing options the print system supports.
Stapling options Finishing optional
Finishing for your output
software, and the control panel.
Corner stapling
The feed direction of originals is important for stapled copies.
page 251 (See )
Booklet making
Booklet options Finishing optionals
Saddle-stitched booklet
Saddle-stitched booklet, leading-edge trimmed
Saddle-stitched booklet, trimmed at three sides
2-side stapling
Feed direction for stapling
Stacker/stapler Saddle-stitch unit
Stacker/stapler Saddle-stitch unit Booklet trimmer
Stacker/stapler Saddle-stitch unit Booklet trimmer Two-knife booklet trimmer
imagePRESS C800 Series
Chapter 2 - Explore the print system 23
Finishing for your output
[2] Print and page order of booklets
Perfect binding
Perfect binding options Finishing optional
Perfect binder
Perfect bound book Perfect bound book,
trimmed at three sides
Punch options Finishing optionals
Stacker/stapler Punch unit
4-holes punching 3-holes punching
2-holes punching
Professional punching options Finishing optionals
Professional puncher Die sets
Punching with various
4-holes punching
punch patterns
3-holes punching
24 Chapter 2 - Explore the print system
2-holes punching
imagePRESS C800 Series
Finishing for your output
Folding options Finishing optional
Z-fold Half-fold
Tri-fold in
Parallel fold
Stacking and sorting
Stacking and sorting Finishing optionals
Sort by set
Offset stacked Stacked
Tri-fold out
Stacker/stapler High capacity stacker
Sort by page
Stacker/stapler High capacity stacker
For more information on finishing specifications and options, see:
Main hardware parts
Print job settings
Finishing and delivery
Finishing and delivery specifications
Output settings values and icons
imagePRESS C800 Series
on page 32
on page 242
on page 43
on page 274
on page 246
Chapter 2 - Explore the print system 25
Color reproduction for your output
Color reproduction for your output
PRISMAsync color reproduction
The color management of PRISMAsync controls the reproduction of colors and handles the conversion of input colors (RGB, CMYK, spot colors) to printed colors on paper. two instruments for easy color management across the entire workflow, color presets and media families, so that the operator does not need to perform color management tasks on a job-by-job basis.
Color experts can use more color management functions with the advanced color management license.
Color Presets
The PRISMAsync color presets simplify the complexity of color management. You can select an appropriate color preset when you prepare a print job with a printer driver or An automated workflow or a hotfolder can also link a color preset to a job. The use of color presets saves time and does not require an in-depth knowledge on color.
[3] The color settings in the printer driver
PRISMAsync includes the following default color presets:
Office documents
This color preset is optimal for color reproduction of text and graphic lines in office documents. PRISMAsync converts the colors to more saturated colors for the printed output.
Photographic content
This color preset is optimal for the reproduction of photographs, pictures, and images.
Create new color presets in the Settings Editor. (See
26 Chapter 2 - Explore the print system
System configuration
on page 182)
imagePRESS C800 Series
Media Families
A media family is a set of media that has comparable specifications, such as surface, color and substrate type. A media family defines the color output profiles for the media. Each media family has three different output profiles, for the halftone screens Normal, Fine, and Error-diffusion. When you have more than one halftone screen in a single job or page, PRISMAsync applies the related output profiles for optimal color management in the job.
When you add new media to the media catalog, you specify the media family.
Advanced color management
The Advanced color management license offers the following color features:
Device simulation, to simulate or proof other print engines or offset presses with your print system.
Device Link support, to import Device Link profiles for special CMYK conversions.
Named color profile import and export, to extend the functionality of spot color libraries.
Information bars, to print extra metadata on printed output. There is one default information bar, but you can compose other information bars. Information bar selection is possible in the printer driver, PRISMAprepare, and via automated workflows or hotfolders.
Color control bars, to print extra color patches for control of color output via verification. Using a color bar you can check the ink density, dot grain and contrast. Use default or compose custom color bars. The color bar selection is available in the printer driver, PRISMAprepare, and via automated workflows or hotfolders.
Color mappings, to convert RGB, CMYK to a specific color, for example, your corporate color. Color mappings are useful to map colors in the input file to a fixed color of a spot color library.
Leave out separations, to exclude specific spot colors from printing. You can exclude layers for printing when you map the colors of these layers to a spot color with the value “None”.
Color reproduction for your output
For more PRISMAsync color information, see
Daily printer calibration is very important to maintain high quality color reproduction. Media family calibration is important to maintain consistent color reproduction levels for all the media you use. The control panel indicates when printer calibration is needed. (See
page 160)
More PRISMAsync color information
About calibration
on page 266.
imagePRESS C800 Series
Chapter 2 - Explore the print system 27
PRISMAsync operating concept
PRISMAsync operating concept
PRISMAsync makes print, copy and scan jobs intuitive and productive. This fully integrated controller supports the setup of the workflow, prepress and job routing. The following concepts support your way of working.
Task-based workflow
The task-based workflow structures the tasks for the staff involved with the print system.
Print operator is in the central position of the workflow
The control panel is the central information point for the print operator. The print operator is responsible for the job planning and the print production, but can also perform last-minute job changes and color management from the control panel.
Media-based workflow
The media catalog is an integrated, central catalog with predefined media that meet the print system specifications.
Two print modes
There are two printing modes: the document printing mode and the optional transaction printing mode (via IPDS or PCL6). A system reboot is not necessary to switch between the printing modes.
Document printing workflow
The document printing workflow describes the route from the job preparation to the finishing and delivery of the printed output. The document printing workflow has three phases:
Job preparation Prepress staff
PRISMAsync controller. The prepress staff uses workflows or hotfolders to prepare and submit the jobs.
Job planning
Print jobs arrive in one of the following PRISMAsync job locations: a DocBox , the list of waiting jobs or the list of scheduled jobs. The active workflow profile determines how toPRISMAsync route the jobs. The print operator is responsible for the job planning.
Print job production
The print system prints and finishes jobs according to the job sequence in the list of scheduled jobs. The print operator enables the system to keep running.
defines the print document and job settings, and submits the print job to the
PRISMA software, a printer driver, automated
28 Chapter 2 - Explore the print system
imagePRESS C800 Series
Finishing and delivery Printing Media loading
Job preparation
Print production
Job planning
Finishing and delivery Refilling toner and
Media loading
Print operator
Job planning
Media and color expert
PRISMAsync operating concept
Staff roles and tasks
[4] Job workflow for document printing mode
Transaction printing
on page 87 for the workflow in the transaction printing mode.
The task-based workflow structures the tasks in the print environment. There are task splits between job preparation, job planning, and print production.
imagePRESS C800 Series
[5] Task-based workflow
The prepress staff know the quality requirements of the jobs and the way to submit the jobs.
Chapter 2 - Explore the print system 29
Print operator loads and assigns the media in the paper tray
Prepress staff select the required media from the media catalog.
The media and color expert defines the media and color settings once in the media catalog.
PRISMAsync operating concept
The print operators can concentrate on the job planning and the print production. Therefore, the print operator does the following tasks:
• Starts up the print system. Prints the jobs and prepares copy and scan jobs.
• Makes proof prints.
• Performs last-minute job changes.
• Makes sure that all consumables needed for the jobs are available during the day.
• Carries out maintenance routines, such as a daily calibration procedure or a media registration.
Trained operators are allowed to carry out specific maintenance tasks for operators. For example, correction procedures to clean machine parts or to improve the image quality.
Expert tasks, such as media catalog management and advanced color management, belong to the role of the system administrator and the key operator.
The key operator is also responsible for mechanical maintenance tasks and maintenance procedures via the control panel (local key operator settings). (See
on page 182 )
This guide is based on the roles and tasks as described above. However, you may work in a print environment that has different needs. For example, in small organizations operators can do prepress tasks as well as print operator tasks.
System configuration and
Media-based workflow
The media catalog is the backbone of the media-based workflow. The media catalog contains the media that the print system supports.
The prepress staff select the media for the job from the media catalog. The control panel shows the print operator the media the job needs.
[6] Media-based workflow
During the initial configuration of the print system, the media catalog is filled with media and media attributes. Media belong to a media family, which ensures optimal color output settings.
Color reproduction for your output
page 294)
When you work with the media catalog, you can take advantage of the following benefits:
30 Chapter 2 - Explore the print system
on page 26 and
Settings Editor media attributes
imagePRESS C800 Series
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