Canon imagePRESS C6000 Brochure

imagePRESS® SERvER A1100 v2
This powerful, user-friendly prinT server provides
producTion environmenTs wiTh whaT They need
mosT–a compleTe soluTion.
The value of Technology
Throughout the world, Canon is known for its high-
its technology into an entry-level production solution:
the new imagePRESS Server A1100 V2.
The imagePRESS Server A1100 V2 is more than just
reasonably priced; it also connects easily to the Canon
imagePRESS C6000 digital press to bring you the best
value in the market. This versatile print server runs on a
Windows® XPe platform and comes equipped with an
Intel® Core™2 Duo E6400 2.13GHz processor, a 160GB
hard drive, and 1GB of memory. Plus, it’s built on the
Fiery® System 8, Release 2 architecture, so it offers a
host of new features.
Take conTrol
The imagePRESS Server A1100 V2 comes loaded with Command WorkStation®, the centralized job manage­ment software that features an updated graphical user-interface. With Command WorkStation, you’ll view properties and manage jobs more efficiently than ever before. You’ll preview PDF files, scale images to fit varied paper sizes, and quickly track, edit, and merge any number of jobs from one location. Plus, you’ll have Schedule
Printing to run each job at its most opportune time. Macintosh® OS X users also have access to many features, including Command WorkStation and Hot Folders.
The imagePRESS Server A1100 V2 has a redesigned user interface that provides a real-time view of print pro­duction status in an easy-to-use format. It helps reduce errors and shorten preparation time by making it easier to correctly set up and manage multiple runs.
The imagePRESS Server A1100 V2 also comes with Mixed Media, which allows a user to set up simplex and duplex sheets in the same document, pull stocks from different sources, and output variable data projects. As an option, Impose is a powerful imposition tool that sets up booklets, allows for “multiple ups,” and supports variable data jobs.
Connect the imagePRESS Server A1100 V2 to the Canon imagePRESS C6000 digital press for a complete solution that’s ready to produce any number of proj­ects, including direct mail, brochures, and even book­lets. Using the new booklet-maker feature, you can create professional saddle-stitched booklets on demand with only a few clicks of the mouse.
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