Uncompromising business performance
The ColorimageRUNNERC5185 Seriesis powered byCanon’s
evolutionaryimageCHIPsystem architecture. Thisnot only
enablessimultaneouscopying, printing, scanning, sending,
and faxing, butitwill change the wayyou thinkabout using
colorin your office.
Adding digital data to copiesand prints is easyand powerful.
Create ad hocwatermarks, selectpreset stamps, add page and
copyset numbering, and/or date stamping to anyoutput with
control oversize, position, colors, and density. You can also
embed secure watermarksthat appear when copiesare made
to help preventsecurity leaks of confidential information.
The ColorimageRUNNER C5185 Series offersprofessional
finishing optionsthatcollate, staple, hole-punch, orsaddlestitch to create impressive documentsefficiently. And with
AutomaticCreep Correction, each page in your large booklets
will be perfectlypositioned.
The ColorimageRUNNERC5185 Seriesmakes the production of
complicated documentsmanageable. Userscan combine different
setsofdocumentsinto one with Job BlockCombination atthe
device. Each setcan be configured to run with unique settings, such
aspapertype, finishing, color, and more, then reproduced orstored
asa new documentin a Mail Box. From the desktop, individual
orgroupsof pages in documents can be configured with the
Exceptional Set tin gstab* in the printdriver to control outputsettings,
such asmedia type, paper size, input tray, and finishing options.
Forgeneral office environments, the ColorimageRUNNERC5185
Series efficientlytacklesprint tasks for Microsoft
Office applications. ItsupportsCanon’sUFRII (Ultra FastRendering), PCL,
and XPS,** aswell asan option forPostScript3 emulation.
With Canon’snew Wireless LAN option,*** the Color
imageRUNNERC5185 Seriesdevicescan use the latest in
wirelesstechnology to connectto a Local Area Network.
Supported standardsinclude 802.11g and 802.11b forup to
54 Mbpsand 11 Mbpstransmission speeds, respectively, and
compliance with WPA, WEP, and WEP2 securityencryption.
High Quality and Productivity
Secure Watermark
Saddle Finisher-W2
WirelessLAN Kit
imageCHIPSystem Architectur e
Original documentwith hidden text
and background color
Hidden text appearson copies
that are made
* Requires PS Printer Kit-N2 option.
** Please check with your Authorized Canon Dealer for availability.
*** Not supported with imagePASS-H1 or ColorPASS-GX200.