Bush URC3541 User Manual

Instruction Manual
BUSH_4-DEV_RDN-1150415_URC-3541 Manual_gedrukt 15-04-15 10:57 Pagina 1
URC3541 | Instruction manual
AV funtion
Electronic Program Guide
As a safety feature you need to press “REC” twice to start recording.
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URC3541 | Instruction manual
Your Bush universal remote requires 2 new AAA alkaline batteries (included).
TV : Television / LED / LCD / Plasma /
Projector. ..................................................................... 7
VCR: Video Cassette Recorder / TV/VCR Combi/
DVD/VCR Combi / PVR. ...................................... 14
DVD: DVD Player / DVD-R / DVD Home
Cinema / DVD Combi / DVD/HDD. ............... 21
SAT: Satellite Receiver / Set-Top-Box /
DVB-S / DVB-T / Freeview / SAT/HDD. ....... 15
CBL: Cable Converter / Set-Top-Box /
DVB-C........................................................................ 20
VAC: Video Accessory like Media Centres / AV
Accessories / AV Selectors. ............................... 20
Low Battery Indication (Red LED)
The Bush Universal Remote will indicate low battery level by lighting up 5 times after a key press.
includ ed
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URC3541 | Instruction manual
Direct Code Set
2 Press the TV key on the Bush Universal
Remote for the device you wish to Set­Up. (example TV).
3 Press and hold the red & blue keys for 3
seconds. The red LED will light up twice.
4 Enter your (four-digit device code) using
the number keys. The red LED will blink twice.
4 Now, aim the Bush Universal Remote at your device and
press POWER. If your device switches off, the Bush Universal Remote is ready to operate your device.
- Some codes are quite similar. If your device does not respond or is not functioning properly with one of the codes, try another code listed under your brand.
- Some TV’s do not switch on pressing the POWER key. Please try press­ing a “number” key or the “TV-text off” key to switch your TV back on.
- If your device does NOT switch off? Please repeat steps 1 - 5 trying the next code listed for your brand.
1 Example: To set up the Bush Universal Remote for your
Find the code for your device in the Code list (page 7 - 23). Codes are listed by device type and brand name. The most popular code is listed first.
Make sure your device is switched on (not on standby).
lcyon 0076 Allorgan 0206 0294 0217 A
llstar 0037 A
mplivision 0217 0400 0320 0370
BTC 0218 B
ush 0218 0235 0163 0349
0009 0036 0282 0037
Page 7 - 23
Bush TV
3 sec.)
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URC3541 | Instruction manual
If your device does NOT respond to the Bush Universal Remote after you have tried all the codes listed for your brand, try searching for your code. The Search Method allows you to find the code for your device by scanning through all the codes contained in the memory of the Bush Universal Remote. The Search Method may also work if your brand is not listed at all.
Example: To search for your TV code:
1 Switch your television on (not on standby) and
aim your Bush Universal Remote at your TV.
2 Press the TV key on your Bush Universal
3 Press and hold the red & blue keys for 3
seconds. The red LED will light up twice.
4 Aim the IRC Bush Universal Remote at your
device. Press and hold the “POWER KEY until
your device switches OFF (this may take up to 8 minutes). Release the “POWER key” as soon as your device switches OFF.
- To search for the code for another device follow the instructions above only press the appropriate device key instead of TV during step 2.
- Some TV’s do not switch on pressing the POWER key. Please try press­ing a “number” key or the “TV-text off” key to switch your TV back on.
Search Method
3 sec.)
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URC3541 | Instruction manual
This feature allows you to lock the volume from a certain device (e.g. TV Volume) for any other mode. So, for example you may want to lock the volume (VOL+/- and MUTE) to TV mode so it can be controlled from all other device modes.
Example: TV volume control in every mode;
1 Press TV.
2 Press and hold the red & blue keys for 3
seconds. The red LED will light up twice.
3 Press 9 9 3.
4 Press the Volume (+) key and the red
LED will blink twice.
Result: within every mode, whenever you press the VOL+/- or MUTE keys, this will be send out from TV mode.
To cancel the „Volume Lock“ for per mode (e.g. DVD mode):
1 Press and hold the red & blue keys for 3
seconds. The red LED will light up twice.
2 Press 9 9 3.
3 Press DVD.
4 Press the Volume (-) key and the red
LED will blink four times.
Result: DVD mode will control its own VOL+/- and MUTE again.
Volume Lock
3 sec.)
(3 sec.)
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URC3541 | Instruction manual
A.R. Systems 0037 0556 Accent 0009 0037 0556 A
centic 0556 Acer 1339 Acoustic
olutions 1667 1727 1149 1523
1585 1865 1037 2676 1163
dcom 0625 Admiral 0093 0264 Advent 1613 A
EA 0037 0556 AEG 0606 1556 1372 1037
1149 1163 1667 1585 2
239 2197 2241 Agashi 0264 Agfaphoto 2239 A
gora 1585 2676 0037
Aiko 0009 0037 0556 0371
0035 1681 0880 0361 0
191 0264 Aim 0037 0556 0753 0208
0706 0698 0634 0606 0
499 Airis 0556 A
iwa 1916 1505
Akai 0361 0208 2197 0371
0037 0191 0035 0009 0
753 0714 0706 0698
0715 0556 0548 0480 0264 0178 0606 1037 0
473 0648 0812 1248
1727 1308 1865 2676
1163 1523 1652 3981 Akashi 0009 Akiba 0037 0556 Akira 2241 0753 0037 Akito 0037 0556 Akura 1770 0714 1709 1667
1037 0037 0556 1645
0668 1585 0009 0264
1983 1363 2239 2059 Alba 1037 1585 0714 0037
2676 0668 0556 0009
0371 0587 0443 2007
1865 1163 3587 3005
3790 2214 1667 3810 Alios 2168 Alkos 0035 Allstar 0037 0556 All-Tel 0865 Amitech 1849 Amstrad 0009 1149 1667 1163
0264 0371 0037 0556
1037 0648 1372 Anam 0037 0556 0009 0650 Anam National 0037 0556 0650 Andersson 2676 1163 1149 1585
0037 Anglo 0009 0264 Anitech 0009 0264 0037 0556 Ansonic 1582 0037 0556 0009
0668 0292 AOC 3790 0625 1588 2111
2214 Apollo 0473 AquaVision 1606 Arc en Ciel 0109 Arçelik 0714 2125 0037 1308 arctic 1652 Ardem 0486 0714 0633 0037
0556 0715 Arena 0037 Aristona 0556 0037 ART 1037 Art Mito 1585 1667 Asberg 0037 0556 Asora 0009 Astra 0037 0556 Asuka 0264 ATD 0698 0706 Atec 1606 Atlantic 0037 3981 0556
Atori 0009 A
uchan 3981
Audiosonic 0009 0037 0556 0109
1308 1681 0714 0715 2
059 0264 0486 1983 Audioton 0486 0264 Audioworld 0698 0706 A
utovox 1163 1585 2676 1667
AWA 2241 0037 0698 0178
0009 0011 0556 0606 0
108 0264 1681 Axxent 0009 Azuki 2239 B
aier 1372 2239
Baird 0109 0343 0208 0606
ang & Olufsen 0620 Base 0780 0698 Basic Line 1149 1163 0037 0668
556 0009 1037
Bauer 0009 2197 0698 0706
auhn 2461 Baur 0009 0535 0195 0512
0037 0556 0191 0361 1
505 BBK 1523 1645 Beaumark 0178 B
eko 0714 0035 0486 0715
0037 0556 1308 0606 0
808 1652 2125 Belson 0698 0706 2241 2032
elstar 1037 Bennett 0556 0037 BenQ 1562 1523 2214 Bensten 1413 Beon 0037 0556 Berthen 0668 0556 Bestar 0037 0556 Bexa 2493 Black Diamond 1037 0556 1163 0753
0587 Black Strip 0035 Blaupunkt 1709 2106 0195 0191
0535 0170 3810 Blu:sens 1849 2241 Blue Media 1606 Blue Sky 0037 1372 1037 0714
1709 1149 0668 0715
0625 1652 0624 0556
0808 1363 1916 BlueDiamond 2106 Blush 1775 1709 Boca 1652 Boman 1372 Boots 0009 Bork 1363 BPL 0037 0556 Brandt 0625 0109 0287 0335
0343 0560 1882 2676
1585 1667 Brandt
Electronique 0287 0335 Brimax 1709 Brinkmann 0037 0556 0668 0486 Brionvega 0037 0556 Brother 0264 Bruns 0486 BSR 0361 Bush 1037 2032 3589 2676
3005 2127 2214 1585 2125 3964 1149 0371 0714 1556 0037 0668 1916 1652 1667 0009 0264 0361 0208 0698 0706 0556 1248 1682 0587 1308 2053 1983 2241 2239 1865 1720 2673 3573 0443 2007 2059 3763 3790 3587 3719 3810 3981 3175
3340 Cameron 1523 0556 Camper 0037 0556 0486 Capsonic 0264 Carad 0610 0037 0556 0668
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URC3541 | Instruction manual
Carena 0037 0556 C
arrefour 0037 0556 Carver 0170 Cascade 0009 0037 0556 C
asio 0037 0556 CAT 1682 Cathay 0037 1727 0556 C
CE 0037 0556 Celcus 1163 1149 1667 1585
0037 1037 2676 3981
ello 1770 2673 Centrex 0780 0891 0698 Centrum 1037 C
enturion 0037 0556 CGE 0074 Chimei 1666 C
imline 0009 Cinex 0648 1556 City 0009 C
larity 1720 Clarivox 0037 0556 Clatronic 0037 0371 0714 0264
556 0009 0648 0606
1372 1163 Clayton 1037 C
obolt 0891 Concorde 0009 Condor 0037 0556 0009 0264 C
onia 0754 1645 2032 1523 Conrac 0808 C
onrad 0037 0556 Contec 0009 0011 0264 0037
Edison 0109 2241 0287 Cosmel 0009 0037 0556 CPTEC 0625 1363 Crosley 0074 Crown 0009 0712 0486 0037
0556 0714 0606 0715 0208 0653 1037 1652
0668 Curtis Mathes 0093 CWR-Tech 1372 Cyberpix 1667 Cytronix 1298 D.Boss 0037 Daewoo 0634 1849 2125 0661
0499 0624 0037 0556
0009 1137 0880 0865
0698 0714 0706 2037 Dansai 0037 0556 0264 0035
0009 0208 Dantax 1652 0486 0714 1916
0606 1037 0715 Datron 0625 Datsura 0208 Dawa 0009 0037 0556 Daytek 0698 0706 0264 Daytron 0009 0037 0556 de Graaf 0208 0548 DEC 0891 Decca 0037 0556 1137 Deitron 0037 0556 Denko 0264 Denver 0037 1372 0556 0606
1849 0587 2239 1709
2197 1770 Desmet 0037 0556 0009 Dew 1770 DGM 2239 2059 Diamant 0037 0556 Diamond 0264 0698 0009 0371
1681 0706 DiBoss 0037 0556 Dick Smith
Electronics 2241 Digatron 0037 0556 Digihome 1149 3175 1667 3340
1163 2676 Digiline 0037 0556 0668 DigiLogic 0037 0556 Digimate 2239 DigiMax 0891 Digital Device 1606 Digitek 1709 Digitor 0037 0556 0888 0698
Digivision 0361 D
igiX 0880 DiK 0037 0556 Dikom 2676 d
iVision 2197 Dixi 0009 0037 0556 DL 0891 0780 0037 0587
865 1363 DMTECH 1163 1849 2001 Domeos 0668 0037 1037 D
SE 0698 0888 1556 0706
1682 2241 2032 DTS 0009 D
ual 3719 0343 0037 0556
1137 1149 1037 2032
2241 1372 1163 1667
585 2676 0714 2197
Durabrand 0037 0556 1652 1037
0714 D
ux 0037 0556 D-Vision 0037 2197 2239 0556 DVX 0891 D
ynatron 0037 0556 Dyon 2241 E.S.C. 0037 0556 e
:max 1372 0606
Easy Living 1248 1709 1613 1308
2005 2007 1556 1666
asy Touch 2059 Ecco 0706 0698 E
CG 2197 2239 2125 0037
Elbe 0610 0292 0037 0556
191 0361 Electrion 1585 Elekta 0009 0037 0556 0264 Elfunk 1208 1037 ELG 0037 0556 Elin 0037 0556 0548 0361
0009 Elite 0037 0556 Elta 0009 0264 Emerson 0714 0178 0037 0556
0371 0361 0624 0486
0668 e-motion 0865 1709 2106 Enox. 2673 Enzer 0753 Erisson 1682 Erres 0037 0556 Essentials 2486 Etron 0037 0556 0009 Eurofeel 0264 EuroLine 0037 Euroman 0264 0037 0556 Europa 0037 0556 Europhon 0037 0556 Eurovision 1163 1149 Evesham 1248 1667 1606 Evotel 3589 Excel 0037 0556 Excello 1037 Exquisit 0037 0556 F&U 2676 Fenner 0009 1667 1163 Ferguson 0625 1882 0335 1037
0287 0109 0560 0343
2393 0037 0556 0035
0653 0108 0361 0548
0443 2007 1916 2053
1865 3005 2106 2676 Fidelity 0512 0037 0556 0371
0264 0361 Finlandia 0208 0548 0361 0287
0343 Finlux 3719 0037 0556 0714
1585 1667 0715 0480
1556 0473 0606 0808
1248 2676 1163 3175
3340 Firstline 0037 0556 0668 0714
0624 0009 0208 0361
1037 0808 1363 1163
1308 Fisher 0208 0361 Flint 0037 0556 0610 0264 Foehn & Hirsch 0178 1840 Force 1149
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