NOTE: The equipment shall be installed in accordance with those installation regulations enforced in the area where the
installation is to be made. These regulations shall be carefully followed in all cases. Authorities having jurisdiction
shall be consulted before installations are made.
All wiring on boilers installed in the USA shall be made in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or local regulations.
All wiring on boilers installed in Canada shall be made in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code and/or local regulations.
The New York City Department of Buildings has approved the SCG™ Series boiler: Approval No. MEA 5-06-E.
The City of New York requires either a Licensed Master Plumber or a Fire Suppression Piping Contractor supervise the
installation of this product.
The Massachusetts Board of Plumbers and Gas Fitters has approved the SCG™ Series boiler. See the Massachusetts Board of
Plumbers and Gas Fitters website, for the latest Approval Code or ask
your local Sales Representative.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires this product to be installed by a Licensed Plumber or Gas Fitter.
The following terms are used throughout this manual to bring attention to the presence of hazards of various risk levels,
or to important information concerning product life.
I. Pre-Installation ............................... 6
II. Unpack Boiler ................................7
III. Venting/Air Intake Piping .............. 8
IV. Water Piping and Trim .................45
V. Gas Piping .................................... 50
VI. Electrical ....................................... 53
VII. Modular Installation .................... 62
VIII. System Start-up ............................64
IX. Service .......................................... 68
X. Repair Parts .................................. 74
Figure 1: Minimum Clearances to Combustibles
Figure 2: Dimensions
I. Pre-Installation
F. Provide combustion and ventilation air in accordance
with applicable provisions of local building codes,
or: USA - National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI
Z223.1, Air for Combustion and Ventilation;
Canada - Natural Gas Installation Code, CAN/
CGA-B149.1, or Propane Installation Code, CAN/
CGA-B149.2, Venting Systems and Air Supply for
A.Installation must conform to the requirements of the
authority having jurisdiction. In the absence of such
requirements, installation must conform to the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1, and/or CAN/
CGA B149 Installation Codes.
B.Appliance is design certifi ed for installation on
combustible fl ooring. Do not install boiler on
C. Provide clearance between boiler jacket and
combustible material in accordance with local fi re
ordinance. Refer to Figure 1 for minimum listed
clearance from combustible material. Recommended
service clearance is 24 inches from left side, right
side and front. Service clearances may be reduced to
minimum clearances to combustible materials.
D.Install on level fl oor. For basement installation provide
solid base such as concrete, if fl oor is not level or if
water may be encountered on fl oor around boiler. Floor
must be able to support weight of boiler, water and all
additional system components.
The following guideline is based on the National Fuel Gas
Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1.
1. Determine volume of space (boiler room). Rooms
communicating directly with space (through
openings not furnished with doors) are considered
part of space.
Volume [ft³] = Length [ft] x Width [ft] x Height [ft]
2. Determine Total Input of all appliances in space.
Round result to nearest 1,000 Btu per hour (Btuh).
3. Determine type of space. Divide Volume by Total
a. If result is greater than or equal to 50 ft³ per
1,000 Btuh, space is considered an unconfi ned space.
b. If result is less than 50 ft³ per 1,000 Btuh, space
is considered a confi ned space.
4. Determine building type. A building of unusually tight construction has the following characteristics:
a. Walls and ceiling exposed to outside atmosphere
have a continuous water vapor retarder with a
rating of 1 perm or less with openings gasketed
and sealed, and;
b. Weather-stripping has been added on openable
windows and doors, and;
c. Caulking or sealants applied in joints around
window and door frames, between sill plates and
fl oors, between wall-ceiling joints, between wall
panels, at plumbing and electrical penetrations,
and at other openings.
5. For boiler located in an unconfi ned space in a building ofother than unusually tight construction,
adequate combustion and ventilation air is normally
provided by fresh air infi ltration through cracks
around windows and doors.
E. Protect gas ignition system components from water
(dripping, spraying, rain, etc.) during boiler operation
and service (circulator replacement, condensate trap,
control replacement, etc.).
6. For boiler located within unconfi ned space in building
of unusually tight construction or within confi ned
space, provide outdoor air through two permanent
openings which communicate directly or by duct
with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or attic) freely
communicating with the outdoors. Locate one opening
within twelve (12) inches of top of space. Locate
remaining opening within twelve (12) inches of bottom
of space. Minimum dimension of air opening is three
(3) inches. Size each opening per following:
a. Direct communication with outdoors. Minimum
free area of one (1) square inch per 4,000 Btu per
hour input of all equipment in space.
b. Vertical ducts. Minimum free area of one (1)
square inch per 4,000 Btu per hour input of all
equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional area
shall be same as opening free area.
c. Horizontal ducts. Minimum free area of one (1)
square inch per 2,000 Btu per hour input of all
equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional area
shall be same as opening free area.
Alternate method for boiler located within
confi ned space. Use indoor air if two permanent
openings communicate directly with additional
space(s) of suffi cient volume such that combined
volume of all spaces meet criteria for unconfi ned
space. Size each opening for minimum free area
of one (1) square inch per 1,000 Btu per hour
input of all equipment in spaces, but not less than
100 square inches.
7. Combustion Air/Ventilation Duct Louvers and
Grilles. Equip outside openings with louvers to
prevent entrance of rain and snow, and screens to
prevent entrance of insects and rodents. Louvers and
grilles must be fi xed in open position or interlocked
with equipment to open automatically before burner
operation. Screens must not be smaller than ¼ inch
Consider the blocking effect of louvers, grilles and
screens when calculating the opening size to provide
the required free area. If free area of louver or grille
is not known, assume wood louvers have 20-25
percent free area and metal louvers and grilles have
60-75 percent free area.
II. Unpack Boiler
A. Move boiler to approximate installed position.
B. Remove all crate fasteners.
C. Lift and remove outside container. Save two of the
wooden slats from the container sleeve for use in Steps
E and F.
Table 2: Vent System Components Included with Boiler
Table 3: Burnham Vent System and Air Intake System Components
Table 4: Vent/Air Intake Length
A. Vent Guidelines Due to Removal of an Existing
For installations not involving the replacement of an
existing boiler, proceed to Step B.
When an existing boiler is removed from a common
venting system, the common venting system is likely
to be too large for proper venting of the remaining
appliances. At the time of removal of an existing
boiler, the following steps shall be followed with each
appliance remaining connected to the common venting
system placed in operation, while the other appliances
remaining connected to the common venting system are
not in operation:
1. Seal any unused openings in the common venting
2. Visually inspect the venting system for proper
size and horizontal pitch and determine there is no
blockage or restriction, leakage, corrosion, and other
defi ciencies which could cause an unsafe condition.
3. Insofar as is practical, close all building doors and
windows and all doors between the space in which
the appliances remaining connected to the common
venting system are located and other spaces of the
building. Turn on clothes dryers and any appliance
not connected to the common venting system.
Turn on any exhaust fans, such as range-hoods and
bathroom exhausts, so they will operate at maxi mum
speed. Do not operate a summer exhaust fan. Close
fi replace dampers.
4. Place in operation the appliance being inspected.
Follow the Lighting (or Operating) Instructions.
Adjust thermo stat so appliance will operate
5. Test for spillage at the draft hood relief opening
after fi ve (5) minutes of main burner operation. Use
the fl ame of a match or candle, or smoke from a
cigarette, cigar or pipe.
6. After it has been determined that each appliance
remain ing connected to the common venting system
properly vents when tested as outlined above, return
doors, win dows, exhaust fans, fi replace dampers and
any other gas burning appliance to their previous
conditions of use.
7. Any improper operation of the common venting
system should be corrected so the installation
conforms with the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA
54/ANSI Z223.1. When resizing any portion of the
common venting system, the common venting
system should be resized to approach the minimum
size as determined using the appropriate tables in
Part II in the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/
ANSI Z223.1.
B. General Guidelines
1. Vent system installation must be in accordance
with National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI
Z221.3 or applicable provisions of local building
codes. Contact local building or fi re offi cials about
restrictions and installation inspection in your area.
2. The SCG is designed to be installed as either
a Direct Vent boiler or Power Vent boiler. In
the Direct Vent confi guration all of the air for
combustion is supplied directly to the burner
enclosure from outdoors and fl ue gases are vented
directly outdoors (through wall or roof). In the
Power Vent confi guration, room air provides air
for combustion and ventilation. Flue gases are still
vented directly outdoors (through wall or roof).
Note: Venting requirements change if indoor air is
3. Refer to the appropriate drawings in this section of
this manual to determine the proper confi guration of
venting system. See Table 1.
4. This appliance requires a Special Gas Vent. The
product is designed to use Burnham supplied
AL 29-4C® Stainless Steel vent system components.
The following manufacturers offer similar
AL 29-4C® components and are approved for use
with this product. Heat-Fab Inc. - Saf-T-Vent, Flex-L
International Inc. - Star-34, Z-Flex U. S., Inc. -
Z-Vent, and Protech Systems , Inc.- FasNSeal™ or
equivalent. The use of these alternate manufacturer’s
venting systems will require adapters to connect
to the Burnham supplied vent connector and vent
terminal. These adapters are not supplied with this
unit and should be obtained from the supplier of
the alternate manufacturer’s venting system. See
Table 3 for complete list of Burnham Vent System
5. Horizontal vent pipe must maintain a minimum ¼
inch per foot slope down towards boiler.
6. Use noncombustible ¾ inch pipe strap to support
horizontal runs and maintain vent location and
slope while preventing sags in pipe. Do not restrict
thermal expansion or movement of vent system.
Maximum support spacing is fi ve (5) feet. Do not
penetrate any part of the vent system with fasteners.
7. Vent length restrictions are based on equivalent
length of vent/air pipe (total length of straight
pipe plus equivalent length of fi ttings). Maximum
vent/air lengths are listed in Table 4. Do not exceed
maximum vent/air intake lengths. Table 3 lists
equivalent lengths for fi ttings. Do not include vent/
air terminals in equivalent feet calculations.
8. Provide and maintain vent pipe minimum clearances
to combustible materials. Vent pipe minimum
clearance to combustible material is four (4) inches
when vent is installed in a fully enclosed (chase)
application or three (3) inches when vent is installed
with at least one side open, similar to a joist bay
application. Use double wall thimble [Burnham
Part No. 8116115 (3”), 100185-01 (4”)] when
penetrating a combustible wall.
9. Do not install venting system components on
the exterior of the building except as specifi cally
required by these instructions. The vent termination
location is restricted as follows:
a. Minimum twelve (12) inches above grade plus
normally expected snow accumulation level, or
seven (7) feet above grade if located adjacent
to public walkway. Do not install over public
walkway where local experience indicates
appliance fl ue gas vapor or condensate creates a
nuisance or hazard.
b. Minimum three (3) feet above any forced air
inlet located within ten (10) feet.
c. Direct Vent - Minimum one (1) foot below, one
(1) foot horizontally from, or one (1) foot above
any door, window, or gravity air inlet.
Power Vent - Minimum four (4) feet below, four
(4) feet horizontally from, or four (4) feet above
any door, window, or gravity air inlet.
d. Minimum four (4) feet horizontally from electric
meters, gas meters, regulators, and relief valves.
This distance may be reduced if equipment is
protected from damage due to condensation or
vapor by enclosure, overhangs, etc.
e. Minimum twelve (12) inches from overhang or
corner of building.
10. Enclose vent passing through occupied or
unoccupied spaces above the boiler with material
having a fi re resistance rating of at least equal to the
rating of the adjoining fl oor or ceiling. Maintain
minimum clearances to combustible materials. See
Figure 1.
Note: For one or two family dwellings, fi re
resistance rating requirement may not need to be
met, but is recommended.
11. Plan venting system to avoid possible contact with
plumbing or electrical wires. Start at vent connector
on top of boiler and work towards vent terminal.
12. Once a vent pipe manufacturer and system is chosen
never mix and match vent systems.
13. If a non-standard length pipe is required:
Gasketed Vent System: The use of the adjustable
length pipe (P/N 8116319U) is recommended to
complete a non-standard pipe length. This pipe
requires a minimum installed length of 12¾ inch
and can adjust across a 7 inch gap up to a maximum
of 19¾ inch long. (Note for the adjustable pipe
the installed length should be measured from the
centerline of the bead on the male end of the fi rst
pipe to the end of the female pipe excluding the
locking band of the second pipe with a single
gasket.) Only in the event the adjustable length pipe
is not suffi cient a standard length pipe may be cut
using the procedure outlined below for the GasketLess Vent System.
C. Install Vent Pipe, Burnham Gasketed Vent System.
1. Procedure for Joining Burnham Gasketed Vent Pipe
and Fittings. See Figure 3.
Figure 3: Burnham Gasketed Vent Joint Detail
a. Wipe the male end of each joint using an alcohol
pad to remove any dirt and grease.
b. Align weld seams in pipes and use a slight
twisting motion to FULLY insert male end into
female end of joint. Ensure bead in male end
of pipe is below locking band and rest against
the end of the female pipe. Verify the factoryinstalled gasket is not dislodged or cut.
c. Tighten locking band by HAND with a 5/16”
nut driver until snug plus ¼ turn. DO NOT
d. Once the installation is complete, operate
appliance and inspect all joints to ensure that fl ue
gases and/or liquid condensate will not escape.
D. Separate Horizontal Venting System. See Figures 4,
5A and 5B.
Vent Piping –
1. This boiler is supplied with components as standard
equipment for installation of the separate horizontal
venting system.
2. Do not exceed maximum vent/air intake lengths.
Refer to Table 4.
3. Recommended horizontal installation consists of
vent being sloped down ¼ inch per foot away from
boiler. See Figure 4.
4. Use appropriate designed thimbles when passing
through combustible walls (thimble use optional for
noncombustible walls). Insert thimble through wall
from outside. Secure outside fl ange to wall with
nails or screws, and seal ID, OD and vent holes with
sealant material. Install inside fl ange to inside wall,
secure with nails or screws, and seal with sealant
5. For noncombustible wall application when thimble
is not used, size opening such that bell with locking
band attached cannot pass through.
6. Join vent terminal to vent pipe. See Figures 5A and
7. Insert vent pipe through thimble/opening from
outside and join to vent system. Apply sealant
between vent pipe and opening/thimble to provide
weathertight seal.
Air Intake piping - See Figures 4, 5A and 5B.
8. Locate air intake termination on the same wall as
the vent termination if possible, to prevent nuisance
boiler shutdowns. However, boiler may be installed
with vertical venting and sidewall combustion air
inlet or visa versa, if installation conditions do not
allow alternate arrangement.
9. Do not exceed air intake length. See Table 4.
10. Use single wall metal or PVC pipe.
a. Air intake pipe diameter is based on boiler size.
SCG-3 & SCG-4 uses 3 inch diameter piping.
SCG-5 & SCG-6 uses 4 inch diameter piping.
SCG-7 thru SCG-9 uses 5 inch diameter piping.
11. Air intake termination must be located:
Horizontal - At least twelve (12) inches above
grade plus the expected snow accumulation.
12. Start at collar on burner enclosure (inside boiler
jacket) and work towards the air intake terminal.
13. Maintain minimum of ¼ inch per foot slope on
horizontal runs. Slope towards air inlet terminal
when possible. If not, slope towards boiler.
14. The air intake pipe must be adequately supported
with straps or supports no less than fi ve (5) feet
apart on horizontal runs. The complete air intake
piping system must be rigid and able to withstand
minor impacts without collapse.
15. Inlet air pipe penetration:
Horizontal - Size wall penetration to allow easy
insertion of air inlet piping. Seal around pipe with
sealant to form weathertight exterior joint.
16. Seal all joints airtight, using silicone caulk or selfadhesive aluminum tape.
17. Install Air Intake T erminal :
Horizontal - Remove four (4) screws from cover
plate and remove cover plate from terminal. Insert
intake piping into intake terminal collar. Secure
terminal to intake piping and seal joint with silicone
caulk or self-adhesive aluminum tape. Apply
continuous bead of silicone caulk around the back
of the intake terminal, approximately ¼ inch from
its edge. Push inlet terminal inward until terminal’s
back fl ange is against the wall surface. Secure the
terminal with noncorrosive fasteners (stainless steel,
brass or aluminum) to the wall. Reinstall the cover
plate with four (4) screws. Apply a bead of silicone
caulk to perimeter of intake terminal’s back fl ange
to provide a weathertight seal.
Figure 4: Recommended Separate Horizontal – Vent/Air Intake Installation
Figure 4B: Alternate Separate Horizontal – Vent/Air Intake Installation
Figure 5B: Separate Horizontal – Vent/Air Intake Terminal Confi guration (SCG-8 and 9)
E. Separate Vertical Venting System - See Figures 6, 7, 8A, 8B and 9.
Vertical Venting
1. Do not exceed maximum vent lengths. Refer to
Table 4.
2. Installation of a vertical vent tee 8116304U is
required on all vertical vent applications. See
Figures 6 and 7. Attach vertical vent drain tee
directly to elbow or horizontal pipe from an elbow
immediately after vent connector.
3. Slope horizontal runs minimum ¼ inch per foot.
Slope towards vertical vent drain tee. Position weld
seams in vent pipes, in all horizontal runs, at the top
to avoid condensate from lying on the seams.
4. Install fi re stops where vent passes through fl oors,
ceilings or framed walls. The fi re stop must close
the opening between the vent pipe and the structure.
5. Whenever possible, install vent straight through
the roof. Refer to Figure 7 if offset is necessary.
Maintain minimum clearance to combustible
6. Install V ent Terminal.
a. Size roof opening to maintain minimum
clearance from combustible materials.
b. Extend vent pipe to maintain minimum vertical
and horizontal distance of twelve (12) inches
from roof surface. Allow additional vertical
distance for expected snow accumulation.
Provide brace as required. Refer to Figures 8A
and 8B.
c. Install storm collar on vent pipe immediately
above fl ashing. Apply Dow Corning Silastic 732
RTV Sealant between vent pipe and storm collar
to provide weathertight seal.
d. Attach vent terminal.
Vertical Air Intake Piping –
7. Do not exceed maximum air intake length. Refer to
Table 4.
8. Locate air intake termination on the same roof
location as the vent termination if possible, to
prevent nuisance boiler shutdowns. However, boiler
may be installed with vertical venting and sidewall
combustion air inlet or visa versa, if installation
conditions do not allow alternate arrangement.
9. Use single wall metal pipe or PVC and fi ttings
available at most heating distributors.
a. Air intake pipe diameter is based on boiler size.
SCG-3 & SCG-4 uses 3 inch diameter piping.
SCG-5 & SCG-6 uses 4 inch diameter piping.
SCG-7 thru SCG-9 uses 5 inch diameter piping.
10. Air intake termination must be located:
Vertical - At least twelve (12) inches above the roof
surface plus the expected snow accumulation.
11. Start at collar on burner enclosure (inside boiler
jacket) and work towards the air intake terminal.
12. Maintain minimum of ¼ inch per foot slope on
horizontal runs. Slope down towards boiler.
13. The air intake pipe must be adequately supported
with straps or supports no less than fi ve (5) feet
apart on horizontal runs. The complete air intake
piping system must be rigid and able to withstand
minor impacts without collapse.
14. Inlet air pipe penetration:
Vertical - Size roof opening to allow easy insertion
of inlet piping and allow proper installation of
fl ashing and storm collar.
a. Use appropriately designed vent fl ashing
when passing through roofs. Follow fl ashing
manufacturers’ instructions for installation
procedures. Flashing manufacturers are AirJet, American Metal Products, Metal Fab, and
Simpson Dura-Vent.
b. Extend air intake pipe to maintain minimum
vertical and horizontal distance of twelve
(12) inches from roof surface. Allow
additional vertical distance for expected snow
accumulation. Provide brace as required. Refer
to Figures 8A and 8B.
c. Vertical air intake requires fl ashing and a storm
collar to prevent moisture from entering the
d. Install storm collar on air intake pipe
immediately above fl ashing. Apply Dow
Corning Silastic 732 RTV Sealant between
air intake pipe and storm collar to provide
weathertight seal.
e. All exposed air intake piping must be
constructed of corrosion resistant material such
as aluminum, stainless steel or PVC.
15. Seal all joints airtight, using silicone caulk or selfadhesive aluminum tape.
16. Install Air Intake Terminal:
Vertical - Insert intake piping into intake terminal
collar. Secure terminal to intake piping and seal
joint with silicone caulk.
Extend Vent/Air Intake Piping to maintain minimum vertical (“X”) and minimum horizontal (“Y”) distance of twelve (12) inches from roof surface. Allow ad-
ditional vertical (“X”) distance for expected snow accumulation.
Figure 9: Vertical Air Intake Piping
F. Combination Horizontal Venting System –SCG-3 Through SCG-6 ONLY – See Figures 10 and 11.
Install Combination Vent/Air Terminal. See Figure 11.
a. After determining the location with reference to Section B - General Venting Guidelines, cut a 6-1/8 inch square
opening in the wall for the air box sub-assembly which is 6 inch square.
b. Remove and save shipping screw from end panel with collar and vent pipe assembly. This will be reinstalled in a later
1. Do not exceed maximum vent/air intake lengths.
Refer to Table 4.
c. From exterior of building, insert air box sub-
assembly into square opening. Push air box
inward until wall fl ange is against wall, check
for level and mark the location of the four (4)
securing holes on the exterior wall. Remove air
box from wall.
d. Drill four (4) pilot holes, properly sized for the
non-corrosive fasteners (stainless steel, brass, or
aluminum) to be used to secure the wall fl ange to
the exterior wall. (Securing screws not supplied
with kit.)
e. Attach four (4) 1/2 inch long threaded aluminum
spacers to the outer fl anges of the exterior
wall fl ange with four (4) number 10 - 32 x 1/4
inch stainless steel machine screws provided.
(See Figure 11.)
f. Apply a 1/4 inch thick continuous bead of
silicone caulk to perimeter of exterior wall
fl ange’s back surface to provide a weathertight
g. Reinstall air box sub-assembly into opening in
exterior wall and secure to wall.
h. Apply a bead of silicone caulk to perimeter of
wall fl ange, where the wall and fl ange join. Use
a tool or your fi nger and apply pressure while
smoothing caulking to provide a weathertight
i. From interior of building, insert end panel with
collar and vent pipe assembly into open end of
air box sub-assembly. (See Figure 11.)
j. Secure end panel to air box sub-assembly with
shipping screw and thirteen (13) number 8 sheet
metal screws provided.
k. From exterior of building, position 10 inch
square exterior wall cover over exterior wall
fl ange. Insert 3 inch diameter vent pipe into
center opening in terminal cover. Align four
(4) holes on cover with 1/2 inch long threaded
spacers on wall fl ange. Secure terminal cover
with four (4) number 10 - 32 x 1/4 inch stainless
steel machine screws provided.
l. Apply a bead of silicone caulk to perimeter of
plate-seal and around pipe. Secure plate-seal to
exterior cover with six (6) #8 stainless steel sheet
metal screws provided. Smooth caulk around
plate-seal and pipe to provide weathertight seal.
m. Install Vent Terminal supplied with boiler to vent
pipe penetrating through terminal cover. Join
terminal and pipe with locking band and seal
with RTV (see Figure 3).
3. Install Vent Piping. See Figure 10 and 11.
a. Start at vent connector on boiler and work
towards combination vent/air terminal.
b. Installation of a vertical vent tee 8116304U is
required on all vertical vent applications. See
Figures 12 and 13. Attach vertical vent drain
tee directly to elbow or horizontal pipe from an
elbow immediately after vent connector.
c. Slope horizontal runs minimum ¼ inch per foot.
Slope towards vertical vent drain tee. Position
weld seams in vent pipes, in all horizontal runs,
at the top to avoid condensate from lying on the
d. Use 3/4 inch pipe strap to support horizontal runs
and maintain vent location and slope. Maximum
support spacing is fi ve (5) feet.
e. Install vent piping to connect vent connector
on boiler and combination vent/air terminal.
Reference Section B - General Venting
Guidelines for proper procedure for joining pipe
and fi ttings.
f. Connect vent piping to combination vent/air
terminal. See Figure 10.
4. Install Air Intake Piping. See Figures 10 and 11.
a. Do not exceed air intake length. See Table 4.
b. Use single wall metal pipe or PVC and fi ttings
available at most heating distributors.
c. Air intake pipe diameter is based on boiler size.
SCG-3 & SCG-4 uses 3 inch diameter piping.
SCG-5 & SCG-6 uses 4 inch diameter piping.
SCG-7 thru SCG-9 uses 5 inch diameter piping.
d. Start at collar on burner enclosure (inside boiler
jacket) and work towards the combination vent/
air terminal.
e. Maintain minimum of 1/4 inch per foot slope on
horizontal runs. Slope down towards boiler.
f. The air intake pipe must be adequately supported
with straps or supports no less than fi ve (5)
feet apart on horizontal runs. The complete air
intake piping system must be rigid and able to
withstand minor impacts without collapse.
g. Connect Air Intake Piping to Combination Vent/
Air Terminal. See Figure 10.
NOTE: When installing 3 inch diameter air intake
piping for a SCG-3 or SCG-4 application, the use of
a 4 inch x 3 inch reducer will be required to connect
air intake piping to combination vent/air terminal.
(Reducer included with combination horizontal
venting kit).
h. Seal all joints airtight, using silicone caulk or
G. Combination Vertical Venting System– SCG-3 Through SCG-6 ONLY – See Figures 12, 13 and 14.
1. Saf-T Vent SC is an advanced concentric vent
system designed for zero clearance installation
in residential applications. The inner wall is
constructed from superferritic AL29-4C® stainless
steel. The outer wall is also constructed from
stainless steel, providing durability and a lasting
fi nish.
2. As a Special Gas Vent system: Saf-T Vent is
approved for use on ANSI Category I, II, III, and
IV Gas-Burning Appliances and certain Direct Vent
Appliances. Saf-T Vent SC is appropriate for use on
appliances that specify an AL29-4C venting system.
3. As a Sealed Combustion system: The unique
concentric design of Saf-T Vent SC also allows it
to function as a pipe-in-a-pipe vent. Products of
combustion are exhausted out through the inner wall
while combustion air is drawn in through the outer
wall. An appliance can be direct-vented with only
a single penetration through the building structure.
This application must be approved by the
Appliance Manufacturer.
Note: Saf-T Vent SC includes an integral seal and
does not require RTV sealant. However, sealant
may be necessary when connecting Saf-T Vent SC
components directly to certain appliance fl ue collars
and to the gasket-less Saf-T Vent GC and Saf-T Vent
CI vent systems.
For applications up to 550°F/288°C, approved
sealants include GE RTV 106 and Dow Corning
For applications up to 300°F/149°C, approved
sealants include GE RTV 106 and Dow Corning
4. Pre-Installation Considerations:
• Proper planning prior to installation is essential
as to avoid possible contact with concealed
plumbing or electrical wiring inside walls,
fl oors or ceilings as well as maintaining proper
clearances. Be sure to plan a suffi cient number
of supports for the entire system that will
maintain the required straight-line pitch and hold
the system in place. A continuous straight-line
pitch of at least ¼” (2°) to the foot on horizontal
runs must be maintained in order to properly rid
the system of the corrosive condensate.
5. General Installation Requirements:
• Saf-T Vent SC vent sections, or other Saf-T
Vent products, must be used throughout the
entire length of the system. Alternatives such
as galvanized pipe, PVC, nonmetallic pipe,
prefabricated chimney, fi eld-fabricated vents
or Type B vent sections must not be used. Do
not mix pipes, fi ttings, or joining methods from
different manufacturers.
• More than one appliance may not be
interconnected to any part of the venting system.
• Any penetrations of ceilings, fl oors or walls must
be properly fi re-stopped.
• Whenever gas-burning equipment is installed in
the same space where halogenated substances
may exist (refrigerants, solvents, bleaches,
salts, etc.), clean outside air must be utilized for
• The vent system shall not be routed into,
through or within any other actively used vent or
• Seal weather exposed joints of the outer jacket
with foil tape or an exterior grade silicone
• Combustible Material is any material made of
or surfaced with wood, compressed paper, plant
fi bers, or other materials that are capable of
being ignited or burned. Such material shall be
considered combustible even though it is fl ame-
proofed, fi re-retardant, or plastered. (Source:
NPFPA54/ANSI Z223.1-1999.)
• Non-Combustible Material is any material that
is not capable of being ignited and burned, such
material consisting entirely of, or a combination
of, steel, iron, brick, tile, concrete, slate,
asbestos, glass and plaster. (Source: NPFPA54/
ANSI Z223.1-1999.)
Clearances to Combustibles:
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