Burnham RSA170, RSA195, RSA240, RSA285 Operating/service Instructions Manual

Price - $3.00
All boilers mu st be ins ta lled in accordance with Nationa l, State and Local Plum bing, Heating and Electrical Co des and the r egulations of the serving utilities. These Co des and Regulations may differ from this instruction manual. Authorities hav ing jurisdiction should be consulted before installations are made. In a ll cases , reference should be made to the following Standards: A ll wiring on bo ilers in stal led in th e US A s hall b e ma de in ac corda n ce wit h th e N ation al Electrical Code and/or Loc al Regulations. All wiring on boilers installed in Canada shall be made in ac cordance with the Canadian Electrical Code and/or Local Regulations.
Current Edition of America n Nation a l Standar d ANSI/NFPA 31, “Installation of O il Burning
Equipment”, for recom mended installation practices. Current Edition of American N ational Standard ANSI/NFPA 211, “Chimneys, Fireplaces,
Vents, and Solid Fuel Burning Ap pliances”, For Venting requirements. Current Edition of American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME CS D-1, "Controls and
Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers", for assembly and operations of controls and safety devices.
A. Current Edition of Canadian Standards Association CSA B139, "Installation C ode for Oil
Burning Equipment", for recommen ded Installation Practices.
The following terms are used throughout this manual to bring attention to the presence of hazards of various risk levels, or to important information concerning product life.
Indicates an imminently ha zard o u s situation w hic h, if n ot av oid ed, w ill re su lt in d eath , serious injury or substantial property damage.
Indic ates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could re sult in death, serious injury or substantial property damage.
Indic ates a potentially hazardous situation which, if no t avo ided, may result in modera te or minor injury or property damage.
Indicates special instructions on installation, operation, or m aintenance which are importa nt but not related to personal injury hazards.
Th is boiler has a limited warranty, a copy of which is p rint e d on th e back of this manual. It is the respons ibility of the in stalling cont ractor to see th at all controls are correctly in stalled and are operat ing prop e rly when the installatio n is c omplete. The warran t y for th is boiler is valid only if the boiler has been installed, maintained and operated in accordance with these instructions.
DO NOT store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Impro per installation, ad justment, alteration, servic e or mainte na nce can cause p roperty damage, personal injury or loss of life. Failure to follow all instructions in the proper order can cause personal injury or death. Read and understand all instructions, inc luding all those con tained in compone nt manufac turers manuals w hich are p rovided with th e appliance before installing, starting-up, opera ting, maintaining or servicing this appliance. Keep this manual and lite rature in legible conditio n and posted near appliance for reference by owner an d service technic ian.
This boiler requires regular maintenance and service to operate safely. Follow the instruction s contained in this manual. Installation, maintenance, and service must be performed only by an experienced, skilled and knowledgeable installer or service agency. All heating systems should be designed by competent contractors and only persons knowledgeable in the layout and installation of hydronic heating systems should attempt installation of any boiler. It is the responsibility of the installing contractor to see that all controls are correctly installed and are operating properly when the installation is completed. Installation is not complete unless a pressure relief valve is installed into the tapping located on top of app liance - See Section III of this ma nual for details.
This boiler is not su itable for installation o n c ombusti ble flooring, unless install ed with a comb ustible floor shield (avai lable at extra cost). Do n ot install boiler on carpeting .
Do not tam per with or alter the boiler or controls. Re tain your contractor or a compet ent se rv icem an to assure that the un it is p rop erly ad justed an d main taine d. Have Firetu be s cleane d at l eas t once a ye ar - prefe rab ly at th e star t o f the he ating sea son to remove soot and scale. The inside of combustion cha mber should also be cle aned and ins pecte d at the same time . Have Oil B urn er and Contro ls ch ecke d at l eas t once a ye ar or as may be n ecess itate d. Do not operate unit with jumpered or abs ent controls or safety devices. Do no t operate unit if any control, switch, c omponent, or device has been subject to water.
Appliance materials of construction, products of combustion and the fuel contain alumina, silica, heavy metals, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, aldehydes and/or other toxic or harmful substances which can cause death or serious injury and which are known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm. Always use proper safety clothing, respirato r s and equipment when servicing or working nearby the appliance.
This boiler co ntains very hot water u nder high pressures. Do not unscrew any pipe fitting s nor attempt to disconnect any comp onents of this boil er without positively assuring the water is cool and has no pressure. A lways w ear protective clothing and equipment when installing, starting up or servicing this boiler to prevent scald injuries. Do not rely on the pressure and temperature gauges to determine the temperature and pressure o f the boiler. This boiler contains components w hich become very hot w hen the boiler is operating. Do not touch any components unless they are cool. This appliance must be properly vented and connected to an approved vent system in good condition. Do not ope rate boiler with the absence of an unapproved vent system. This boiler needs fresh air for safe operation and must be installed so there are provisions for adeq uate combustion and ventilation air. The interior of the venting and air intake systems m u st b e inspected and cleaned before the start of the heating season and should be inspected periodically throughout the heating season for any obstructions. Clean and unobstructed venting and air intake systems are necessary to allow noxious fum es that could cause injury or loss of life to vent safely and will con tribute toward maintaining th e boiler's efficiency. This boiler is supplied with controls which may cause the boiler to shut down and not re-start withou t service. If dam age du e to frozen pipe s is a pos sibility, the hea ting system s hould not be left u n atttended in cold weather; or appropriate safeguards and alarms should be installed on the heating system to prevent dam age if the boiler is inoperative. This boiler is designed to bu rn No. 2 fuel oil only. D o not use gasoline, crankcase drainings, or any oil containing gasoline. Never burn garbage o r paper in this boiler. Do not convert to any solid fuel (i. e. wo o d, co al) or gaseous fuel (i. e. natural g as, LP/propane). All flammable d ebris, rags, paper, wood scraps, etc., should be kept clear of the boiler at all times. Keep the boiler area clean and free of fire hazards.
Do not operate boiler on combustible floor without a factory supplied floor shield. Concrete over wood joi sts is considered com bustible flooring. Do not operate on masonry floors, which may contain moisture.
T ables of Contents
I. Pre-Installation ..................................... 7
II. Knockdown Boiler Assembly ............... 9
III. Water Piping and Trim ...................... 12
IV. Venting............................................... 1 8
V. Electrical and Sequence of Operation 20
VI. Oil Piping ........................................... 28
VII. System Start-Up.................................. 30
VIII. Service and Cleaning .......................... 36
IX. Repair Parts ........................................ 38
Figure 1: RSA Packaged Boiler (RSA85 / RSA135)
Figure 1A: RSA Packaged Boiler (RSA170 / RSA285)
Mode l
RSA170 WV-29-10 RSA195 WV-29-13A RSA240 WV-29-16A 8 x 12 x 20 8" x 20' 37.3 660 lb. RSA285 WV-29-19A
B are B oile r
Minimum Chimney Sizes
In. x In . x Ft.
8 x 8 x 20 7" x 20' 42.6 600 lb. 8 x 8 x 20 8" x 20' 39.9 630 lb.
8 x 12 x 20 9" x 20' 34.6 690 lb.
In. (dia.) x Ft.
We igh t
I. Pre-Installation
A. INSPECT SHIPMENT carefully for any signs of
1. ALL EQUIPMENT is carefully manufactured, inspected and packed. Our responsibility ceases upon delivery of the crated boiler to the carrier in good condition.
2. ANY CLAIMS for damage or shortage of shipment must filed immediately against the carrier by the consignee. No claims for variances from, or shortage in orders, will be allowed by the manufac­turer unless presented within sixty (60) days after receipt of goods.
B. LOCATE BOILER in front of final position before
removing crate.
1. LOCATE so that smoke pipe connection to chim­ney will be short and direct. BOILER IS NOT SUITABLE FOR INSTALLATION ON COMBUS­TIBLE FLOOR unless combustible floor shield,
supplied by Burnham, is used. DO NOT install on carpeting.
2. FOR BASEMENT INSTALLATION, provide a solid base, such as concrete, if floor is not level, or if water may be encountered on floor around boiler.
3. PROVIDE SERVICE CLEARANCE of at least 48” from the front of the jacket for servicing of burner and removal of tankless heater.
For minimum clearances to combustible materials. See Figure 2.
Figure 2: Minimum Clearances to Combustible Materials
1. Listed clearances comply with American National Standard ANSI/NFPA 31, Installation of Oil Burning Equipment.
2. RSA boilers can be installed in rooms with clearances from combustible material as listed above. Listed clearances can not be reduced for alcove or closet installations.
3. For reduced clearances to combustible material, protection must be provided as described in the above ANSI/NFPA 31 standard.
accommodate proper combustion. If natural ventila­tion is inadequate, provide a screened opening or duct from the boiler room to the outside. The opening or duct must be sized so the boiler input will not exceed 4,000 BTUH/Sq. In. of free area. If other air consum­ing appliances are near the boiler, the air inlet should be larger. Consult respective manufacturers.
D. VENTILATION AIR must be provided to maintain
the ambient temperature at safe limits. Local and national codes may apply and should be referenced.
1. In unconfined spaces (basement) in buildings of
conventional frame, brick, or stone construction, infiltration normally is adequate to provide air for ventilation.
2. In confined spaces, two permanent openings, one
near the top of the enclosure and one near the bottom, shall be provided. Each opening shall have a free area of not less than 1 sq. inch per 1000 BTUH of the total input of all appliances in the space.
AIR. Local code provisions may apply and should be referenced.
than 50 ft3/1000 BTU per hour then the space is considered a confined space.
D. For boiler located in an unconfined space of a conven-
tionally constructed building, the fresh air infiltration
through cracks around windows and doors normally provides adequate air for combustion and ventilation.
E. For boiler located in a confined space or an unconfined
space in a building of unusually tight construction, provide outdoor air with the use of two permanent openings which communicate directly or by duct with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or attic) freely communi­cating with the outdoors. Locate one opening within 12 inches of top of space. Locate remaining opening within 12 inches of bottom of space. Minimum dimension of air opening is 3 inches. Size each opening per following:
1. Direct communication with outdoors. Minimum
free area of 1 square inch per 4,000 BTU per hour input of all equipment in space.
2. Vertical ducts. Minimum free area of 1 square
inch per 4,000 BTU per hour input of all equip­ment in space. Duct cross-sectional area shall be same as opening free area.
3. Horizontal ducts. Minimum free area of 1 square
inch per 2,000 BTU per hour input of all equip­ment in space. Duct cross-sectional area shall be same as opening free area.
Alternate method for boiler located within confined space. Use indoor air if two permanent openings
communicate directly with additional space(s) of sufficient volume such that combined volume of all spaces meet criteria for unconfined space. Size each opening for minimum free area of 1 square inch per 1,000 BTU per hour input of all equipment in spaces, but not less than 100 square inches.
A. Determine volume of space (boiler room). Rooms
communicating directly with the space in which the appliances are installed, through openings not fur­nished with doors, are considered a part of the space.
Volume(ft3) = Length(ft) x Width(ft) x Height(ft)
B. Determine total input of all appliances in the space.
Add inputs of all appliances in the space and round the result to the nearest 1000 BTU per hour.
C. Determine type of space. Divide Volume by total input
of all appliances in space. If the result is greater than or equal to 50 ft3/1000 BTU per hour, then it is considered an unconfined space. If the result is less
F. Louvers and Grilles of Ventilation Ducts
1. All outside openings should be screened and louvered. Screens used should not be smaller than 1/4 inch mesh. Louvers will prevent the entrance of rain and snow.
2. Free area requirements need to consider the blocking effect of louvers, grilles, or screens protecting the openings. If the free area of the louver or grille is not known, assume wood louvers have 20-25 percent free area and metal louvers and grilles have 60-75 percent free area.
3. Louvers and grilles must be fixed in the open position, or interlocked with the equipment to open automatically during equipment operation.
II. Knock-Down Boiler Assembly
1. Remove, all boiler to skid, hold down fasteners. Refer to Figure 3.
2. Carefully walk boiler to the edge of skid. Tilt the boiler back, allowing an edge to rest on the floor, and remove the skid.
Figure 3: Base on Skid
proceeding with jacket assembly. Heat exchanger, canopy, and base are preassembled.
1. Install pressure gauge supplied, a hose to the city water and a valve in the supply tapping. Plug remainder of tappings.
2. Fill boiler with water and apply a pressure of at least 10 psig but no more than 30 psig.
1. Before jacket can be secured to boiler assembly tankless heater coil or blank plate must be attached. Using rubber gasket and bolts provided secure heater coil or blank plate to boiler extension by inserting the bolts from the backside of the exten­sion. Refer to Figure 4.
Figure 5: Burner Mounting
Figure 6: RSA Jacket Assembly
III. Water Piping and Trim
Failure to properly pipe boiler may result in improper ope ration and dam age to boiler or structur e .
Oxyg en contam ination of boi le r wa t e r will c a use c orrosion of iron a nd steel bo iler c ompone nts, and can lead to boiler failure. Burnh am's Standard Warranty does no t cover problems caused by oxygen contamination of boiler water or scale (lime) build-up c aused by freque nt a ddition of water.
A. Design a piping system and install boiler which will
prevent oxygen contamination of boiler water and frequent water additions.
1. There are many possible causes of oxygen contami­nation such as:
a. Addition of excessive make-up water as a result
of system leaks. b. Absorption through open tanks and fittings. c. Oxygen permeable materials in the distribution
2. In order to insure long product life, oxygen sources should be eliminated. This can be accomplished by taking the following measures:
a. Repairing system leaks to eliminate the need for
addition of make-up water. b. Eliminating open tanks from the system. c. Eliminating and/or repairing fittings which
allow oxygen absorption. d. Use of non-permeable materials in the distribu-
tion system. e. Isolating the boiler from the system water by
installing a heat exchanger.
System supply and return piping must be conn ected to corr ect boiler pipe.
Burnham recommends sizing the s ystem circulator to su pply sufficient flow (GPM) to allow a 20°F temper ature diff eren tial i n the s ys tem . When s izing the system circu lator, the pressur e drop of all radiators, baseboard and radiant tubing and a ll connecting piping must be considered.
3. Connect System supply and return piping to boiler. See Figures 8 and 9. Also, consult I=B=R Installa­tion and Piping Guides. Maintain minimum ½
inch clearance from hot water piping to combus­tible materials.
a. If this boiler is used in connection with refrig-
eration systems, the boiler must be installed so that the chilled medium is piped in parallel with the heating boiler using appropriate valves to prevent the chilled medium from entering the boiler. See Figure 7. Also, consult I=B=R Installation and Piping Guides.
b. If this boiler is connected to heating coils
located in air handling units where they may be exposed to refrigerated air, the boiler piping must be equipped with flow control valves to prevent gravity circulation of boiler water during the operation of the cooling system.
c. If boiler is used with an Alliance™ Indirect-
Fired Domestic Water Heater, install the Alliance™ as a separate heating zone. Refer to the Alliance™ Installation, Operating, and Service Instructions for additional information.
d. Use a system bypass if the boiler is to be
operated in a system which has a large volume or excessive radiation where low boiler water temperatures may be encountered (i.e. converted gravity circulation system, etc.) The bypass should be the same size as the supply and return lines with valves located in the bypass and return line as illustrated in Figure 10 in order to regulate water flow for maintenance of higher boiler water temperature. Set the bypass and return valves to a half throttle position to start. Operate boiler until the system water temperature reaches its normal operating range. Adjust the valves to maintain 180°F to 200°F boiler water temperature and greater the 120°F return temperature. Adjust both valves simulta­neously. Closing the boiler return valve while opening the bypass valve will raise the boiler return temperature. Opening the boiler return valve while closing the by-pass valve will lower the boiler return temperature.
e. A water boiler installed above radiation level
must be provided with a low water cutoff device as part of the installation.
Figure 7: Recommended Piping for Combination Heating and Cooling (Refrigeration) System
B. Install Pressure Relief Valve. See Figures 8 and 9.
Pressure Relief Valve must be installed with spindle in the vertical position. Installation of the relief valve must be consistent with ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV.
C. Install Drain Valve in return piping. See Figures 8
and 9.
D. Oil, grease, and other foreign materials which accumu-
late in new hot water and a new or reworked system should be boiled out, and then thoroughly flushed. A qualified water treatment chemical specialist should be consulted for recommendations regarding appropriate chemical compounds and concentrations which are compatible with local environmental regulations.
E. After the boiler and system have been cleaned and
flushed, and before refilling the entire system add appropriate water treatment chemicals, if necessary, to bring the pH between 7 and 11.
Figure 8: Recommended Boiler Piping for Circulator Zoned Heating Systems
Figure 9: Boiler Piping for Zone Valve Zoned Heating Systems
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