Burnham Installation & Service Instructions Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
As an
Burnham Hydronics
has determined that the
MPO84, MPO147, MPO189
and MPO231 meet the
guidelines for Energy
effi ciency established by the
United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).
1. All equipment is carefully manufactured, inspected
and packed. Our responsibility ceases upon delivery
of crated boiler to the carrier in good condition.
2. Any claims for damage or shortage in shipment
must be fi led immediately against the carrier by the
consignee. No claims for variances from, or shortage
in orders, will be allowed by the manufacturer
unless presented within sixty (60) days after receipt
of goods.
B.LOCATE BOILER in front of fi nal position before
removing crate. See Figure 1.
1. LOCATE so that vent pipe connection to chimney
will be short and direct.
ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR. Boiler cannot be
installed on carpeting.
a solid elevated base, such as concrete, if fl oor is
not level, or if water may be encountered on fl oor
around boiler.
CLEARANCE, if applicable, as follows:
a. Clearance from Jacket Front Panel -
• 24" for servicing burner
• 24" for fl ueway cleaning (MPO84 & 147)
• 30" for fl ueway cleaning (MPO189)
• 36" for fl ueway cleaning (MPO231)
b. Clearance from Jacket Left Side Panel -
• 19" for burner swing door, if opened fully
with burner mounted, otherwise 1" with
burner removed
• 12" access clearance to service rear of
boiler if right side clearance is less
than 12"
• 1" minimum if right side clearance is 12" or
larger to access and service rear of boiler.
c. Clearance from Jacket Right Side Panel -
• 3" minimum if left side clearance is 12" or
larger to access and service rear of boiler.
d. Clearance from Jacket Rear Panel -
• 12" minimum for rear smokebox cleaning
(Note: This dimension will also be
controlled by horizontal to vertical to
horizontal smokepipe arrangement - See
Figures 2 and 16.)
5. For minimum clearances to combustible materials.
See Figure 2.
Figure 2: Minimum Installation Clearances To Combustible Materials (Inches)
1. Listed clearances comply with American National Standard
ANSI/NFPA 31, Installation of Oil Burning Equipment.
2. MPO boilers can be installed in rooms with clearances from
combustible material as listed above. Listed clearances cannot
be reduced for alcove or closet installations.
3. For reduced clearances to combustible material, protection
must be provided as described in the above ANSI/NFPA 31
AIR. Local and National Codes may apply and should
be referenced.
1. Determine volume of space (boiler room). Rooms
communicating directly with the space in which
the appliances are installed, through openings not
furnished with doors, are considered a part of the
Volume(ft3) = Length(ft) x Width(ft) x Height(ft)
2. Determine total input of all appliances in the space.
Add inputs of all appliances in the space and round
the result to the nearest 1000 BTU per hour.
3. Determine type of space. Divide Volume by total
input of all appliances in space. If the result is
greater than or equal to 50 ft3/1000 BTU per hour,
then it is considered an unconfi ned space. If the
result is less than 50 ft3/1000 BTU per hour then the
space is considered a confi ned space.
4. For boiler located in an unconfi ned space of a conventionally constructed building, the fresh
air infi ltration through cracks around windows
and doors normally provides adequate air for
combustion and ventilation.
5. For boiler located in a confi ned space or an
unconfi ned space in a building of unusually tight construction, provide outdoor air.
a. Outdoor air for combustion may be provided
with an optional Burnham MPO (V8) Inlet Air
Accessory Kit, Part Number 611280031 (only
available and suitable for use on Beckett AFG
with burner enclosure cover burner). See
Section V for installation details.
b. Outdoor air may be provided with the use of two
permanent openings which communicate directly
or by duct with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or
attic) freely communicating with the outdoors.
Locate one opening within 12 inches of top
of space. Locate remaining opening within 12
inches of bottom of space. Minimum dimension
of air opening is 3 inches. Size each opening per
i. Direct communication with outdoors.
Minimum free area of 1 square inch per
4,000 BTU per hour input of all equipment
in space.
ii. Vertical ducts. Minimum free area of 1
square inch per 4,000 BTU per hour input of
all equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional
area shall be same as opening free area.
iii. Horizontal ducts. Minimum free area of 1
square inch per 2,000 BTU per hour input of
all equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional
area shall be same as opening free area.
Alternate method for boiler located within
confi ned space. Use indoor air if two
permanent openings communicate directly
with additional space(s) of suffi cient volume
such that combined volume of all spaces
meet criteria for unconfi ned space. Size each
opening for minimum free area of 1 square
inch per 1,000 BTU per hour input of all
equipment in spaces, but not less than 100
square inches.
6. Louvers and Grilles of Ventilation Ducts
a. All outside openings should be screened and
louvered. Screens used should not be smaller
than 1/4 inch mesh. Louvers will prevent the
entrance of rain and snow.
b. Free area requirements need to consider the
blocking effect of louvers, grilles, or screens
protecting the openings. If the free area of the
louver or grille is not known, assume wood
louvers have 20-25 percent free area and metal
louvers and grilles have 60-75 percent free area.
c. Louvers and grilles must be fi xed in the open
position, or interlocked with the equipment to
open automatically during equipment operation.
1. Remove all fasteners at crate skid.
2. Lift outside container and remove all other inside
protective spacers and bracing. Remove burner and
miscellaneous parts cartons.
1. To reduce the risk of damage to boiler jacket, use
the following procedure to remove from skid, see
Figure 3:
Step 1. Boiler is secured to base with (4) 5/16" cap
screws, (2) in front and (2) in rear of shipping
skid, see Figure 3. Remove all securing
Step 2. Place wooden block(s) 12" from rear of
skid as shown (one piece 4" x 4" x 16" lg. or two
pieces of 2" x 4" x 16" lg.)
Step 3. Insert 1" Sch. 40 pipe handles through leg
hole in front and rear legs. Center end of pipe on
wooden blocks as shown in Figure 3.
NOTE: Pipe handles should extend a minimum
of 48" beyond jacket front panel for best
Step 4. Using the pipe handles, lift boiler until
adjustable legs are elevated above the deck
Step 5. Remove skid from underneath the boiler.
Step 6. Lower pipe handles until front adjustable
legs touch fl oor. If necessary, place wooden
blocks under front legs before lowering to
provide hand clearance.
Step 7. To lower rear of boiler, tilt unit slightly
forward by pushing on smokebox collar or lift
pipes protruding through rear legs until wooden
blocks can be removed (see Figure 3). Slowly
allow the weight of the boiler to tilt backward
until rear legs rest on fl oor.
Step 8. If wood block was placed under front legs,
lift pipe handles, remove wooden block and
lower front legs to fl oor. Remove pipe handles.
by sliding or walking.
Throughout this manual you will be instructed to open
and close the burner swing door for various reasons.
There is a proper and improper method to closing and
securing the burner swing door opened for inspection,
cleaning or fi eld service.
1. TO OPEN BURNER SWING DOOR (see Figures 4A and 4B).
Step 1. Loosen but do not remove left side latching
hardware (3/8" x 1-3/4" lg. tap bolt).
Figure 3: Packaged Boiler Removal from Skid
Figure 4A: Partial Front View - Burner Swing Door Mounted to Boiler - Fully Closed and Secured
Step 2. Loosen and remove right side latching
hardware (5/16" x 1-3/4" lg. tap bolt and
Step 3. Remove left side latching hardware (5/16" x
1-3/4" lg. tap bolt and washer).
Step 4. Disconnect burner power cord from
receptacle located in lower right corner of jacket
front panel.
Step 5. Door can be swung to the fully open
position, approximately 90° to 120°, with the
burner mounted providing that there is 19" of
clearance to the adjacent wall, see Figure 1.
NOTE: If reduced clearance prevents the door
from opening fully, one of the following can
provide full access:
a. Burner can be removed to allow full rotation
of door.
b. Door with burner mounted can be lifted
off mounting bracket and set aside during
c. The door mounting hardware is reversible
from left side hinge (as shipped) to right side
To reverse hinge arrangement (see Figure
• Lift door off mounting bracket and set
• Remove mounting bracket and hardware
from left side.
• Remove upper jacket front panel retaining
screw (5/16" x 1/2" lg. Phillip Pan head
machine screw) from right side of door
and re-install in vacated upper mounting
bracket tapping. Do not tighten.
• Move lower jacket panel retaining screw
from right side to left tapping. Do not
• Rotate door mounting bracket 180°.
Insert 5/16" cap screw through top hole in
bracket and install in upper vacated jacket
hole on right side of door.
• Install second 5/16" cap through bracket
hole into lower vacated tapping on right
• Tighten both sets of hardware to secure
jacket and mounting bracket.
• Lift door and place integral cast hinge
pins on door into slotted mounting bracket
2. Perform routine inspection, service or cleaning as
3. To close Burner Swing Door (see Figures 4A and
Step 1. From the fully open position, rotate Burner
Swing Door to the closed position.
Step 2. If necessary, place your right hand under
the burner air tube to lift upward. Lift the
door up unto the built-in cast ramp/door rest
Figure 4B: Top View - Burner Swing Door Mounted to Cast Iron Block Assembly (Jacket Removed for Clarity)
(protruding from the bottom of the front section
casting - see Figure 4A).
Step 3. Use one hand to help hold door in position
by lifting up on rear burner housing or applying
pressure directly to the door while re-installing
the securing hardware with your opposite hand.
Always install right side latching hardware
(5/16" x 1-3/4" lg. tap bolt and fl at washer) fi rst, then install left side hinge hardware (5/16"
x 1-3/4" lg. tap bolt and fl at washer) second.
Apply additional pressure while hand tightening
the hardware as far as possible, then release the
1. Open burner swing door using procedure previously
outlined in Paragraph D of this section.
2. Inspect fi berglass rope located on the swing door.
The rope must be evenly distributed around the
perimeter of the door groove and cannot bunch or
overhang. There must not be a gap where the two
ends of the rope meet. Repair or replace if the rope
is damaged or if there is a gap between the ends.
3. Inspect burner swing door insulation for damage and
proper type.
Step 4. Use a hand wrench to tighten door hardware
and always start with the right side cap screw fi rst. Use an alternating tightening
method from right side tap bolt to left side tap
bolt to tighten door equally until sealed without
applying excessive torque. Never tighten left
side fl ange bolt fi rst or tighten either piece of
hardware 100% without using the alternating
tightening method described above.
Failure to follow the prescribed procedure could
cause thread damage to casting or a leak in the
door seal. If left side tap bolt is tightened before
right side tap bolt, right side of door can not be
drawn-in to provide an air tight seal, as shown in
Figure 4C. Applying excessive torque will only
cause thread damage.
a. By design, cast bars on front section between
the combustion chamber and between the left
and right side 2nd and 3rd pass fl ueway should
make an impression in door insulation to seal the
b. By design, door insulation on model MPO231
will have two (2) by-pass pockets cast into
the insulation centered on the bar between the
combustion chamber and 3rd pass fl ueways.
On models MPO84 thru MPO189 these pockets
should not be present. If insulation is damaged
or not of proper type regarding pockets, it must
be replaced.
4. Do not close and secure door at this time, proceed to
Field Assembly Details, Paragraph F.
Open miscellaneous parts carton and remove contents.
Identify the components using the illustrations (Figures
Figure 4C: Top View - Burner Swing Door Fully Closed but Not Properly Secured or Sealed
5 thru 12) throughout the assembly sequence outlined
below as it applies to your installation.
1. Install supply manifold and aquastat control, refer to
Figure 5.
Step a. Remove two (2) #8 x 1/2" lg. sheet metal
screws securing jacket top rear panel to jacket
rear panel. Slightly lift and pull jacket top rear
panel away from jacket top panel to gain access
to internal J-box wiring harness.
Step b. Locate the cast iron supply manifold shown
in Figure 5. Apply thread sealant to 1-1/2" NPT
male threads. Thread male end into 1-1/2" NPT
top tapping on rear section. Using hex head on
top, tighten manifold until 1/2" NPT boss for
control well is facing forward and joint is water
Step c. Locate 1/2" NPT x 1-1/2" immersion well.
Apply thread sealant to 1/2" NPT male threads.
Thread well into 1/2" NPT boss on front of
supply manifold. Using hex head, tighten well
until water tight.
Step d. Locate L7248C Aquastat Control/Harness
Assembly. Loosen mounting screw on bottom of
case. Insert sensor into immersion well. Mount
control on immersion well and tighten screw to
secure control in horizontal position with harness
on right side as shown in Figure 5.
Step e. Insert two (2) brown thermostat wires and
three (3) aquastat wires with Molex socket
connector located on opposite end of aquastat
harness through 7/8" dia. blank knockout in
jacket top panel. Fish these wires to rear of
internal junction box. Insert snap-in conduit
connector in 7/8" blank knockout, squeeze tabs
on side of connector, push into knockout and
release tabs to lock connector in place.
Step f. Inside internal junction box, locate wires
with mating aquastat plug connector labeled
"Aquastat" (refer to Figure 6 for details of
harness located inside internal junction box).
Align mating halves of socket connector from
aquastat control with harness plug connector.
Push connectors together until snap on connector
is locked in place.
2. If required on this water boiler application, install
low water cut-off (LWCO) Kit, optional equipment
- Burnham P/N 100106-01, refer to Figure 7. Also
refer to instructions provided with LWCO Kit.
If not required, proceed to Paragraph 3.
Step a. Apply sealant to probe threads and install
in 3/4" NPT tapping on right side of manifold as
shown. Tighten so that the mounting screws are
horizontally aligned and joint is water tight.
Step b. Remove wing nut from the probe terminal.
Loosen screw and open cover on control box.
Figure 5: Supply Manifold and Aquastat Control Assembly Details
Figure 6: Internal Junction Box and Wiring Harness Details
Mount the control box on the probe by aligning
the keyhole slots with the probe mounting
screws. Replace the wing nut. Secure the
control box by tightening wing nut and two (2)
mounting screws.
Step c. Remove snap-in plug from 7/8" dia. center
knockout, adjacent to aquastat control harness.
Step d. Insert three (3) wires with Molex connector
located on opposite end of LWCO harness
through 7/8" dia. knockout. Fish wires with
Molex connector to rear of internal junction box.
Insert snap-in conduit connector into 7/8" dia.
knockout, squeeze tabs on side of connector,
push into knockout and release tabs to lock
connector in place.
Step e. Inside internal junction box, locate wires
with mating LWCO socket connector labeled
"LWCO" (refer to Figure 6 for details of harness
located inside internal junction box). Remove
the factory installed socket plug jumper from
LWCO harness socket connector and discard.
Align mating halves of plug connector from
LWCO control with harness socket connector.
Push connectors together until snap on side of
connector is locked in place.
3. If required on this water boiler application,
install Auxiliary Dual Limit Control Kit, optional
equipment - Burnham P/N 100107-01, refer to
Figure 8. Also refer to instructions provided with
Auxiliary Dual Limit Control Kit.
If not required, proceed to Paragraph 4.
Step a. Locate 1/2" NPT x 1-1/2 immersion well.
Apply thread sealant to 1/2" NPT male threads.
Thread well into 1/2" NPT boss on left side of
supply manifold. Using hex head, tighten well
until water tight.
Step b. Locate L4080B Auxiliary Limit Control/
Harness Assembly. Loosen mounting screw on
side of case. Insert sensing bulb into immersion
well. Mount control on immersion well and
tighten screw to secure control in vertical
position with harness extending toward rear as
shown in Figure 8.
Step c. Remove snap-in plug from 7/8" dia.
knockout closest to supply manifold. Remove
locking ring from 90° conduit connector on end
of control harness.
Step d. Insert two (2) wires with Molex connector
located on end of auxiliary limit control harness
through 7/8" dia. knockout. Fish wires with
Molex connector to rear of internal junction
box. Insert 90° conduit connector into 7/8" dia.
knockout, secure to top panel with locking ring.
Step e. Inside internal junction box, locate wires
with mating auxiliary limit socket connector
labeled "Aux. Limit" (refer to Figure 6 for
details of harness located inside internal junction
box). Remove the factory installed socket plug
jumper from harness socket connector and
discard. Align mating halves of plug connector
Figure 7: Optional Equipment - Low Water Cut-Off (LWCO) Control Assembly Details
Figure 8: Optional Equipment - Auxiliary Limit Control Assembly Details
from auxiliary limit control with harness socket
connector. Push connectors together until snap,
on side of connector, is locked in place.
4. Install return manifold and relief valve, refer to
Figure 9.
Step a. Locate the cast iron return manifold with
injector nipple (installed). Apply thread sealant
to 2" NPT male threads. Insert injector nipple
into 2" NPT upper rear tapping on rear section,
engage 2" NPT male threads on end of manifold
and hand tighten.
Note: Based on system return piping and access
to service boiler, see Figure 1 and Figures 13A
and 13B, predetermine if manifold orientation
is to be positioned for vertical, horizontal left or
horizontal right side return piping as shown in
Figure 9.
Place a wrench on the hex nut portion and
tighten manifold until the return pipe orientation
is correct for your installation and the joint is
water tight.
Step b. Install relief valve using 3/4" NPT tapping
on side of return manifold. Relief valve must
be installed in vertical position. If orientation of
return manifold is for:
• 1-1/2" NPT vertical return piping - Install
3/4" NPT x 90° street ell (not furnished)
into either the left or right side tapping on
return manifold. Install relief valve
vertically into street ell. Install 3/4" pipe
plug (not furnished) in tapping on
opposite side (see Figure 9).
• 1-1/2" NPT horizontal left or right side
return piping - Install relief valve vertically
in 3/4" NPT tapping located on top of
return manifold. Install 3/4" pipe plug (not
furnished) in bottom tapping as shown (see
Figure 9).
Step c. Pipe discharge of relief valve as shown in
Figures 13A and 13B. Installation of the relief
valve must be consistent with ANSI/ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV.
5. Install drain valve and indirect water heater return
piping, see Figure 10.
Step a. Apply pipe sealant to both ends of 1-1/4"
NPT x 5" lg. nipple. Thread nipple into 1-1/4"
NPT lower rear tapping on rear section.
Step b. Thread 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 3/4" NPT tee on
opposite end of 5" lg. nipple installed in Step a.
NOTE: Based on access for servicing and
location of sewer or fl oor drain, when tightening
Figure 9: Return Manifold and Relief Valve Assembly Details
these fi ttings, determine if drain valve is to be
located on the left or right side.
Tighten nipple and tee into 1-1/4" NPT lower
rear tapping on rear section until joints are water
tight for desired position.
Step c. Apply sealant to 3/4" NPT thread on drain
valve. Thread into 3/4" NPT tapping on side
outlet of tee. Use hex nut portion to tighten
valve until water tight.
Step d. If Alliance ™ Indirect Water Heater is
connected to system, do not install 1-1/4" NPT
pipe plug. Connect piping as shown in Figures
13A, 13B, 15A and 15B, as applicable. Also
refer to Alliance ™ manual for additional
6. Connecting fi eld wiring, refer to Figures 5, 6 and 19.
Step a. 120 volt power supply fi eld wiring will
enter internal junction box through 7/8" dia.
knockout in jacket rear panel, see Figure 5.
Step b. Locate the black and white harness wires
labeled "120V Power Supply" inside internal
junction box, see Figure 6. Using wire nuts,
connect the 120 volt power supply fi eld wires to
the harness wires. Connect the fi eld ground wire
to the green grounding screw located in bottom
of internal junction, refer to Figures 6 and 20.
Step c. 24V thermostat fi eld wiring will enter
internal junction box through 5/16" snap bushing
located on rear panel adjacent to 7/8" dia.
knockout for power supply.
Step d. Locate the two (2) brown wires labeled
"24V Thermostat" inside the internal junction
box, see Figure 6 (these wires originate from
"T-T" terminals in aquastat control and feed
into J-box through harness). Using wire nuts,
connect 24 volt fi eld thermostat wires to brown
wires in J-box.
Step e. Locate jacket top rear panel that was
removed earlier to gain access to internal
junction box. Position panel between side
panels, hold on a slight angle, engage tabs on
front fl ange of top rear panel with rectangle
slots on rear fl ange of top panel, refer to Figures
5 and 9.
NOTE: It may be necessary to lift up slightly
on top panel near slotted opening at supply
manifold to align tabs with rectangular slots on
fl anges.
Lower rear fl ange of jacket top rear panel down
over rear panel. Align holes and secure with
two (2) #8 x 1/2" lg. sheet metal screws.
7. Installing stainless steel fl ueway baffl es. Baffl e
requirements differ from model to model, see
Table 2.
NOTE: Read caution statement before proceeding.
Figure 10: Piping Arrangement for Drain Valve and Indirect Water Heating Return
8. Close the burner swing door and securely seal the
door to the boiler front section by reinstalling the
hardware and securing the door using procedure
previously outlined in Paragraph D of this section.
9. Install oil burner, refer to Figure 12.
Step a. Open burner carton and remove contents.
Step b. Check oil nozzle in burner for size, angle
and type, inspect electrode settings, check head
setting, check air band and air shutter settings,
refer to Table 6 at rear of this manual.
Step c. Place oil burner gasket on burner and align
Step a. Install stainless steel baffl es provided in
miscellaneous parts carton as follows, refer to
Table 2 and Figure 11:
• Model MPO84 - To install fl ueway baffl e
in 3rd pass on left side of boiler, hold baffl e
with word "Left" readable at the top. Slide
baffl e in fl ueway until position tab touches fi ns on left side of 3rd pass fl ueway. To
install fl ueway baffl e in 3rd pass fl ueway on
right side of boiler, hold baffl e with word
"Right" readable at the top. Slide baffl e in fl ueway until position tab touches fi ns on
right side of 3rd pass fl ueway.
• Models MPO147, MPO189 and MPO231
- T o install fl ueway baffl e in 2nd pass fl ueway
on left side of boiler, hold baffl e with word
"Left" readable at the top. Slide baffl e in fl ueway until position tab touches fi ns on
right side of 2nd pass fl ueway. To install fl ueway baffl e in 2nd pass fl ueway on right
side of boier, hold baffl e with word "Right"
readable at the top. Slide baffl e in fl ueway
until position tab touches fi ns on left side of
2nd pass fl ueway.
NOTE: 2nd and 3rd pass fl ueway baffl e are not
Figure 11: Baffl e Orientation in Flueways
Step d. Remove three (3) 5/16-18 x 3/4 lg. cap
screw from burner swing door used for mounting
Step e. Thread (1) 5/16-18 x 3/4 lg. cap screw,
approximately three (3) full turns, into tapping
located at 12:00 o'clock on burner swing door.
Step f. Insert oil burner into the opening of burner
swing door. Align and engage keyhole slot in
burner fl ange over head of protruding cap screw
installed in previous Step. Rotate burner to the
right to lock fl ange behind head of cap screw.
Step g. Align holes and install two (2) remaining
cap screws. Level burner and fully tighten all
three (3) screws.
Step h. Plug burner power cord into power outlet
receptacle located in lower right corner of front
Figure 12: Oil Burner Installation
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