Burkert 2730 Series, 2731 Series Operating Instructions Manual

Type 2730 / 2731
DN 65 - 100
Piston controlled diaphragm control valve Kolbengesteuertes Membranregelventil Vanne de réglage à membrane commandée par piston
Operating Instructions
Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d‘utilisation
© Bürker t Werke GmbH & Co. KG, 200- 2017
Operating Instructions 1706/_EU-EN_008 / Original DE
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................4
1.1 Symbols .......................................................................................4
1.2 Definition of term “device” .......................................................4
2 AUTHORIZED USE ......................................................................................5
2.1 Restrictions .................................................................................5
3 BASIC SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ..........................................................5
4 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................6
4.1 Contact address ........................................................................6
4.2 Warranty ......................................................................................6
4.3 Information on the internet ......................................................6
5 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................7
5.1 General description ..................................................................7
5.2 Properties .................................................................................... 7
5.3 Device versions .......................................................................... 7
5.4 Structure and function..............................................................7
6 TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................................8
6.1 Conformity ................................................................................... 8
6.2 Standards .................................................................................... 8
6.3 Type label ....................................................................................9
6.4 Labeling of the forged bodies ................................................9
6.5 Operating conditions ................................................................ 9
6.6 Flow values and characteristics ...........................................13
6.7 General technical data ...........................................................13
7 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................ 14
7.1 Safety instructions ...................................................................14
7.2 Before installation ....................................................................14
7.3 Installation .................................................................................15
7.4 Insert ...........................................................................................17
7.5 Pneumatic connection ............................................................17
8 REMOVAL ...................................................................................................... 18
9 ELECTRICAL CONTROL UNIT ............................................................ 19
10 MALFUNCTIONS ........................................................................................19
11 MAINTENANCE, CLEANING ................................................................20
11.1 Safety instructions ...................................................................20
11.2 Maintenance work ...................................................................20
12 REPAIRS.........................................................................................................21
12.1 Safety instructions ...................................................................21
12.2 Replacing the diaphragm ......................................................22
13 REPLACEMENT PARTS .......................................................................... 24
13.1 Order table ................................................................................24
14 PACKAGING, TRANSPORT, STORAGE ..........................................25


Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Operating Instructions
The operating instructions describe the entire life cycle of the device. Keep these instructions in a location which is easily accessible to every user and make these instructions available to every new owner of the device.
The operating instructions contain important safety information!
Failure to observe these instructions may result in hazardous situations.
▶ The operating instructions must be read and understood.
1.1 Symbols
Warns of an immediate danger!
▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in a fatal or serious
Warns of a potentially dangerous situation!
▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in serious injuries or
Warns of a possible danger!
▶ Failure to observe this warning may result in a moderately
severe or minor injury.
Warns of damage to property!
▶ Failure to observe the warning may result in damage to the
device or the equipment.
Indicates important additional information, tips and recommendations.
Refers to information in these operating instructions or in other documentation.
▶ designates instructions for risk prevention.
→ Designates a procedure which you must carry out.
1.2 Definition of term “device”
The term “device” used in these instructions always stands for the diaphragm control valve Type 2730 / 2731.
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Authorized Use
Non-authorized use of the diaphragm control valve Type 2730 / 2731 may be a hazard to people, nearby equipment and the environment.
▶ The device is designed for the controlled flow of liquid media. ▶ In the potentially explosion-risk area the device may be used only
according to the specification on the separate Ex type label. For use observe the additional information enclosed with the device together with safety instructions for the explosion-risk area.
▶ Devices without a separate Ex type label may not be used in a
potentially explosive area.
▶ The admissible data, the operating conditions and conditions of
use specified in the contract documents, operating instructions and on the label are to be observed during use. The designated application cases are specified in the chapter entitled “5 Product Description”.
▶ The device may be used only in conjunction with third-party devices
and components recommended and authorised by Bürkert.
▶ Correct transportation, correct storage and installation and care-
ful use and maintenance are essential for reliable and faultless operation.
▶ Use the device only as intended.
2.1 Restrictions
If exporting the system/device, observe any existing restrictions.
These safety instructions do not make allowance for any
• contingencies and events which may arise during the installation, operation and maintenance of the devices.
• local safety regulations, whereby the operator is responsible for their compliance, by the installation personnel too.
Danger – high pressure!
▶ Before dismounting the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
Risk of electric shock!
▶ Before reaching into the device, switch off the power supply and
secure to prevent reactivation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment!
Risk of injury when opening the actuator!
The actuator contains a tensioned spring. If the actuator is opened, there is a risk of injury from the spring jumping out!
▶ The actuator must not be opened.
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
General Information
Risk of burns!
The surface of the device may become hot during long-term operation.
▶ Do not touch the device with bare hands.
General hazardous situations.
To prevent injury, ensure that:
▶ The system cannot be activated unintentionally. ▶ Installation and repair work may be carried out by authorized
technicians only and with the appropriate tools.
▶ After an interruption in the power supply or pneumatic supply,
ensure that the process is restarted in a defined or controlled manner.
▶ The device may be operated only when in perfect condition and
in consideration of the operating instructions.
▶ The general rules of technology apply to application planning and
operation of the device.
To prevent damage to property on the device, ensure:
▶ Supply the media connections only with those media which are
specified as flow media in the chapter entitled “6 Technical Data”.
▶ Do not put any loads on the valve (e.g. by placing objects on it
or standing on it).
▶ Do not make any external modifications to the valves. Do not paint
the body parts or screws.
4.1 Contact address
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems Sales Center Chr.-Bürkert-Str. 13-17 D-74653 Ingelfingen Tel. : 07940 - 10 91 111 Fax: 07940 - 10 91 448 E-mail: info@de.burkert.com
Contact addresses are found on the final pages of the printed oper­ating manual.
You can also find information on the Internet under:
4.2 Warranty
The warranty is only valid if the device is used as authorized in accor­dance with the specified application conditions.
4.3 Information on the internet
The operating instructions and data sheets for Type 2730 / 2731 can be found on the Internet at: www.burkert.com
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Product Description
5.1 General description
The piston-controlled diaphragm control valve Type 2730 / 2731 is suitable for liquid media.
Using neutral gases or air (control media), it controls the flow of dirty, aggressive, ultrapure or sterile media, even highly viscous media can be used (flow media).
The operation of the diaphragm control valve Type 2730 / 2731 is pos­sible only in combination with an control unit. Possible control units are:
Positioner Type 8630, 8635, 8692, 8694, 8792 Process controller Type 8693, 8793
5.2 Properties
• Any flow direction.
• Self-draining for appropriate installation. The ends of the utilized connections must be cylindrical.
• Free of empty space.
• Low-turbulence flow.
• High flow values by the streamlined valve body.
• Maintenance-free under normal conditions.
5.3 Device versions
Actuator sizes
The piston-controlled diaphragm control valve is available for the following actuator sizes:
ø 125 mm, ø 175 mm, ø 225 mm.
Pilot pressure
Designs with lower pilot pressure (reduced spring force) are available on request.
Contact your Bürkert sales office or our Sales Center, e-mail: info@de.buerkert.com
5.4 Structure and function
The operation of the diaphragm control valve Type 2730 / 2731 is possible only in combination with an control unit.
Possible control units are: Positioner Type 8630, 8635, 8692, 8694, 8792 Process controller Type 8693, 8793
5.4.1 Structure
The piston-controlled diaphragm control valve consists of a pneu­matically operated piston actuator and a 2/2-way valve body.
Actuator cover
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Technical Data
Actuator body
Upper pilot air port
Lower pilot air port
Diaphragm socket Diaphragm Line connection Diaphragm body
Fig. 1: Structure and description
5.4.2 Function / control functions (CF)
Spring force (CFA) or pneumatic pilot pressure (CFB) generates the closing force on the diaphragm pressure piece. The force is transferred via a spindle which is connected to the actuator piston.
Control function A (CFA)
Normally closed by spring action
Control function B (CFB)
Normally open by spring action
Risk of injury from high pressure!
Important device-specific technical specifications are indicated on the type label.
▶ Observe permitted pressure range on the type label of the device.
6.1 Conformity
In accordance with the EC Declaration of conformity, the diaphragm control valve Type 2730 / 2731 is compliant with the EC Directives.
6.2 Standards
The applied standards, which verify conformity with the EC Directives, can be found on the EC-Type Examination Certificate and / or the EC Declaration of Conformity.
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Technical Data
6.3 Type label
Control function
2731 A 25,0 EPDM VA D29 Pmed 10 bar
Pilot 5,5-7 bar
Made in Germany
Fig. 2: Type label (example)
Orifice (diaphragm size)
Sealing material
Body material
Line connection / Permitted medium pressure
Permitted pilot pressure
Date of manufacture Identification number
6.4 Labeling of the forged bodies
Batch number
1.4435/316L(VS) PN16/CWP150
Material Production number /
serial number
Surface quality code Customer-specific text
Nominal pressure
Orifice connection and pipe dimension
6.5 Operating conditions
6.5.1 Temperature ranges
Risk of injury, chemical burns, scalding due to the device rupturing at excessively high pressure!
▶ Do not exceed the maximum pilot and medium pressure. ▶ Observe permitted ambient and medium temperature. ▶ Observe specifications on the type label.
Permitted ambient temperature actuators
Actuator size Actuator material Environment
PA -10 – +60 °C
ø 125 mm
ø 175 mm ø 225 mm
PA -10 – +50 °C
+5 – +90 °C Briefly up to 140 °C
Tab. 1: Permitted ambient temperature actuators
1) If using a pilot valve / control unit, observe its temperature
Fig. 3: Labeling of the forged bodies
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Technical Data
Permitted medium temperature for body
Plastic body: note that the permissible medium pressure is dependent on the medium temperature (see “Fig. 4: Graph of medium pressure / medium temperature”).
Body material Medium
PVC (PV) -10 – +60 °C Cast body (VG) 1.4435 (AISI 316L)
Forged body (VS)
Tab. 2: Permitted medium temperature for body
Permitted medium temperature for diaphragms
The indicated medium temperatures apply only to media which do not corrode or swell the diaphragm materials.
The behavior of the medium with respect to the diaphragm may be changed by the medium temperature.
The function properties, in particular the service life of the dia­phragm, may deteriorate if the medium temperature increases.
1.4435 BN2 (AISI 316L) nach ASME BPE 1997
-10 – +140 °C
Diaphragm Medium Remarks
EPDM -10 – +130 °C Steam sterilization: up to +150 °C
• dry up to + 150 °C
FKM -5 – +130 °C
PTFE -10 – +130 °C Steam sterilization: up to +150 °C
Tab. 3: Permitted medium temperature for diaphragms
• otherwise only briefly up to +150 °C
6.5.2 Pressure ranges
Risk of injury, chemical burns, scalding due to the device rupturing at excessively high pressure!
▶ Do not exceed the maximum pilot and medium pressure. ▶ Observe permitted ambient and medium temperature. ▶ Observe specifications on the type label.
Pilot pressure for valves with pneumatic position controller
To ensure reliable operation with pneumatic position controller, observe the permitted minimum and maximum pilot pressure!
Actuator size [mm] Pilot pressure
ø 125, ø 175, ø 225 5.5 – 7.0 bar
Tab. 4: Pilot pressure for valves with pneumatic position controller
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Technical Data
Maximum pilot pressure for valves without pneumatic position controller - control function A
Actuator size [mm] Actuator material
max. permitted pilot pressure
ø 125 PA, PPS 7 bar ø 175, ø 225 PA 6 bar
Tab. 5: Maximum pilot pressure for valves without pneumatic
position controller - control function A
2) Observe the maximum pressure range according to the type
Medium pressure for plastic body
Plastic body: note that the permissible medium pressure is dependent on the medium temperature (see “Fig. 4”).
DN 100
Medium pressure [bar]
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Medium temperature [°C]
Fig. 4: Graph of medium pressure / medium temperature
Pilot pressure for control function A
Max. sealed medium pressure [bar]
Pressure on one
Pressure on both
Actuator size
Orifice DN
(Diaphragm size)
ø 125 65 7.0 4.0 4.5 2.0
ø 175
ø 225
65 8.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 80 5.0 4.5 2.5 2.0 80 10.0 10.0 6.0 4.5 100 8.0 4.0 3.5 1.5
Tab. 6: Pilot pressure for control function A
3) The control functions are described in the chapter entitled “5.4.2
Function / control functions (CF)”.
Required minimum pilot pressure depending on medium pressure for control function B.
The following graphs indicate the minimum pilot pressure required for control functions B depending on the medium pressure. The values are valid for medium pressure on both sides.
To protect the diaphragm during control function B, preferably do not select the pilot pressure higher than is required to switch the medium pressure.
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Technical Data
Control function B / elastomer diaphragm
ø 125 EPDM
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Medium pressure [bar]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pilot pressure [bar]
Fig. 5: Pressure graph, actuator ø 125 mm, control function B,
elastomer diaphragm
ø 175 EPDM
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Medium pressure [bar]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pilot pressure [bar]
Fig. 6: Pressure graph, actuator ø 155 mm, control function B,
elastomer diaphragm
Control function B / PTFE diaphragm
ø 125 PTFE
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Medium pressure [bar]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pilot pressure [bar]
Fig. 7: Pressure graph, actuator ø 125 mm, control function B,
PTFE diaphragm
ø 175 PTFE
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Medium pressure [bar]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pilot pressure [bar]
Fig. 8: Pressure graph, actuator ø 175 mm, control function B,
PTFE diaphragm
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Technical Data
6.6 Flow values and characteristics
Flow values and characteristics for Types 2730 / 2731 you find on Internet.
6.7 General technical data
Actuator sizes ø 125 mm, ø 175 mm, ø 225 mm
Pilot air port G1/4, stainless steel
Line connection
Type 2730 Flange
Type 2731 Flange
Weld end: in accordance with EN ISO 1127 (ISO 4200), DIN 11850 R2 other connections on request
Type 2730 PVC (PV)
Type 2731 Stainless steel forged steel (VS)
1.4435 (AISI 316L) Precision casting (VG)
1.4435 (AISI 316L)
Actuator PA, PPS
Sealing elements actuator FKM, NBR
Diaphragm EPDM in food quality,
Control medium Neutral gases, air
Quality classes in accordance with DIN ISO 8573-1
Dust content Class 5: max. particle size 40 μm, max. particle
density 10 mg/m³
Water content Class 3: max. pressure dew point - 20 °C or
min. 10 °C below the lowest operating temperature
Oil content Class 5: max. 25 mg/m³ with TopControl
maxi 1 mg/m³ with SideControl
Flow media
Type 2730 Liquids; aggressive or abrasive media
Type 2731 Liquids; ultrapure, sterile, aggressive
or abrasive media
Viscosity up to viscous
Installation position any position, preferably with the
actuator face up
Protection class IP67 in accordance with
IEC 529 / EN 60529
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
7.1 Safety instructions
Danger – high pressure in the equipment!
▶ Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
Risk of injury from improper installation!
▶ Installation may be carried out by authorised technicians only
and with the appropriate tools!
Risk of injury from unintentional activation of the system and an uncontrolled restart!
▶ Secure system from unintentional activation. ▶ Following assembly, ensure a controlled restart.
7.2 Before installation
• Before connecting the valve, ensure the pipelines are flush.
• The flow direction is optional.
7.2.1 Installation position general
Installation for self-drainage of the body
It is the responsibility of the installer and operator to ensure self-drainage.
Installation for leakage detection
One of the bores (in the actuator base) for monitoring leakage must be at the lowest point.
7.2.2 Installation position 2/2-way valve
• The piston-controlled diaphragm control valve can be installed in any installation position, preferably with the actuator face up.
To ensure self-drainage:
→ Install body inclined by an angle α = 15° – 35° to the horizontal. → Observe an inclination angle of 1° – 5° to the line axis.
Forged body: Mark on the body must point upwards (12 o’clock position, see “Fig. 10”).
→ One of the bores (in the actuator base) for monitoring leakage
must be at the lowest point.
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Angle α: 15 °– 35° Inclination to the line axis 1° – 5°
Fig. 9: Installation position for self-drainage of the body
7.2.3 Preparatory work
→ Clean pipelines (sealing material, swarf, etc.). → Support and align pipelines.
Devices with VS/VA welded body:
Damage to the diaphragm or the actuator!
▶ Before welding in the body, remove the actuator.
Remove the actuator from the valve body:
Damage to the diaphragm or the seat contour!
▶ When removing the actuator, ensure that the valve is in open
→ Control function A pressurize the lower pilot air port with com-
pressed air (5 bar): valve opens.
→ Remove actuator with diaphragm by loosening the body screws.
Upper pilot air port
Lower pilot air port
Diaphragm Body screws Valve body
Fig. 10: Installation
7.3 Installation
Risk of injury from improper installation!
Non-observance of the tightening torque is dangerous as the device may be damaged.
▶ Observe the tightening torque (see “Tab. 7: Tightening torques
for diaphragms”).
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
7.3.1 Installation of the valve body
Welded bodies
→ Weld valve body in pipeline system.
Other body versions
→ Connect body to pipeline.
7.3.2 Installation of the actuator (welded body)
Installation for actuator with control function A:
Damage to the diaphragm or the seat contour!
▶ When installing the actuator, ensure that the valve is in open
→ Control function A pressurize the lower pilot air port with com-
pressed air (5 bar): valve opens.
→ Lightly cross-tighten the body screws until the diaphragm is
between the body and actuator.
Do not tighten the screws yet.
→ Actuate the diaphragm control valve twice. → Without pressurization tighten the body screws to the permitted
tightening torque (see following table “Tab. 7: Tightening torques for diaphragms”).
Installation for actuator with control functions B:
→ Lightly cross-tighten the body screws without pressurization until
the diaphragm is between the body and actuator.
Do not tighten the screws yet.
→ Pressurize upper pilot air port of the actuator with compressed
air (5 bar).
→ Actuate the diaphragm control valve twice. → With pressurization tighten the body screws to the permitted tight-
ening torque (see “Tab. 7: Tightening torques for diaphragms”).
Upper pilot air port
Lower pilot air port
Fig. 11: Pilot air port
Tightening torques
Orifice DN (diaphragm size)
65 20 30
80 30 40
Tab. 7: Tightening torques for diaphragms
Tightening torques for diaphragms [Nm] EPDM PTFE
40 50
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
7.4 Insert
An insert is enclosed for devices which are supplied without a dia­phragm and valve body. This insert is required only when an elastomer diaphragm (EPDM / FKM) is used.
For installation of a device with elastomer diaphragm:
→ Place the insert in the groove of the thrust piece.
Thrust piece
7.5 Pneumatic connection
Danger – high pressure in the equipment!
▶ Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
Risk of injury from unsuitable connection hoses!
Hoses which cannot withstand the pressure and temperature range may result in hazardous situations.
▶ Use only hoses which are authorised for the indicated pressure
and temperature range.
▶ Observe the data sheet specifications from the hose manufacturers.
The operation of the diaphragm control valve Type 2730 / 2731 is possible only in combination with an control unit.
Possible control units are: Positioner Type 8630, 8635, 8692, 8694, 8792 Process controller Type 8693, 8793
Observe the type label!
The pneumatic connection of the control unit is described in the respective operating instructions for the control unit.
Fig. 12: Installation of the insert
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
7.5.1 Connection of the actuator
Control functions A:
→ Connect the control medium to the lower pilot air port of the
actuator (see “Fig. 13: Pneumatic connection”)
Control functions B:
→ Connect the control medium to the upper pilot air port of the
actuator (see “Fig. 13: Pneumatic connection”)
Silencer For reducing the exhaust air noise: plug the silencer into the free air discharge connection (see “Fig. 13: Pneumatic connection”)
If used in an aggressive environment, we recommend conveying all free pneumatic connections into a neutral atmosphere with the aid of a pneumatic hose.
Upper pilot air port
Lower pilot air port
Fig. 13: Pneumatic connection
Risk of injury from discharge of medium and pressure!
It is dangerous to remove a device which is under pressure due to the sudden release of pressure or discharge of medium.
▶ Before removing a device, switch off the pressure and vent the
→ Loosen the pneumatic connection. → Remove the device.
Deformation of the diaphragm!
▶ For prolonged storage of the valves, slacken the housing screws.
Control air hose:
Control air hoses of sizes 6/4 mm or 1/4“ can be used.
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Electrical Control Unit
The valve Type 2730 / 2731 can be combined with following control units:
• Type 8630 Positioner TopControl Continuous
• Type 8635 Positioner SideControl
• Type 8692 Positioner TopControl
• Type 8694 Positioner TopControl Basic
• Type 8792 Positioner SideControl
• Type 8693 Process controller TopControl
• Type 8793 Process controller SideControl
The electrical connection of the control unit is described in the respective operating instructions for the control unit.
Malfunction Cause /remedial action
Actuator does not switch
Valve is not sealed
Flow rate reduced
Tab. 8: Malfunctions
Pilot air port interchanged CFA: Connecting lower pilot air port CFB: Connecting upper pilot air port Pilot pressure too low
See pressure specifications on the type label. Medium pressure too high
See pressure specifications on the type label. Medium pressure too high
See pressure specifications on the type label. Pilot pressure too low
See pressure specifications on the type label. PTFE diaphragm bulging
→ Replace diaphragm.
4) see “Fig. 13: Pneumatic connection”
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Maintenance, Cleaning
11.1 Safety instructions
Danger – high pressure in the equipment!
▶ Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
Risk of injury due to electrical shock!
▶ Before reaching into the system, switch off the power supply
and secure to prevent reactivation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment!
Risk of injury from improper maintenance!
▶ Installation may be carried out by authorized technicians only
and with the appropriate tools!
Risk of injury from unintentional activation of the system and an uncontrolled restart!
▶ Secure system from unintentional activation. ▶ Following maintenance, ensure a controlled restart.
11.2 Maintenance work
11.2.1 Actuator
The actuator of the diaphragm control valve is maintenance-free provided it is used according to these operating instructions.
11.2.2 Wearing parts of the diaphragm control valve
Parts which are subject to natural wear:
• Seals
• Diaphragm
→ If leaks occur, replace the particular wearing part with an appro-
priate spare part (see chapter “13 Replacement Parts”).
A bulging PTFE diaphragm may reduce the flow.
The replacing of the wearing parts is described in chapter “12 Repairs”.
11.2.3 Inspection intervals
→ Check diaphragm for wear after maximum 10
switching cycles.
Muddy and abrasive media require correspondingly shorter inspection intervals!
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
11.2.4 Service life of the diaphragm
The service life of the diaphragm depends on the following factors:
• Diaphragm material
• Medium, Medium pressure, Medium temperature
• Actuator size
• Pilot pressure for CFB.
Protecting the diaphragm
→ For CFB try and select the pilot pressure not higher than is
required to actuate the medium pressure.
11.2.5 Cleaning
Commercially available cleaning agents can be used to clean the outside.
Avoid causing damage with cleaning agents.
▶ Before cleaning, check that the cleaning agents are compatible
with the body materials and seals.
12.1 Safety instructions
Danger – high pressure in the equipment!
▶ Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
Risk of injury due to electrical shock!
▶ Before reaching into the system, switch off the power supply
and secure to prevent reactivation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations
for electrical equipment!
Risk of injury from improper maintenance!
▶ Installation may be carried out by authorised technicians only
and with the appropriate tools! ▶ Observe the tightening torques. ▶ On completion of the work check valve for leaks and function.
Risk of injury from unintentional activation of the system and an uncontrolled restart!
▶ Secure system from unintentional activation. ▶ Following maintenance, ensure a controlled restart.
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
12.2 Replacing the diaphragm
Required spare part
• Diaphragm
Fastening types
Orifice DN (diaphragm size)
Tab. 9: Fastening types for diaphragms
Risk of injury from discharge of medium and pressure!
It is dangerous to remove a device which is under pressure due to the sudden release of pressure or discharge of medium.
▶ Before removing a device, switch off the pressure and vent the
Fastening types for diaphragms PTFE EPDM / FKM
Diaphragm with bayonet catch
Diaphragm screwed in80
Replacement for control function A
→ Clamp the valve body in a holding device
(applies only to valves not yet installed).
Damage to the diaphragm or the seat contour!
▶ When removing the actuator, ensure that the valve is in open
→ Pressurize lower pilot air port of the actuator with compressed
air (5 bar): valve opens.
→ Loosen the body screws / body nuts. → Remove the actuator from the body. → Unscrew old diaphragm. If attachment is with a bayonet catch,
remove the diaphragm by rotating it through 90°.
→ Install new diaphragm. → Align diaphragm.
The marker flap of the diaphragm must be perpendicular to the direction of flow (see “Fig. 14”)!
→ Place actuator back on the body. → Insert the body screws / body nuts and lightly cross-tighten until
the diaphragm is between the body and actuator.
Do not tighten the body screws / body nuts yet.
→ Actuate the diaphragm control valve twice. → Without pressurization tighten the body screws / body nuts
to the permitted tightening torque (see “Tab. 10: Tightening torques for diaphragms”).
Type 2730 / 2731 DN 65-100
Fig. 14: Repairs
Replacement for control functions B
→ Clamp the valve body in a holding device
(applies only to valves not yet installed).
→ Loosen the body screws / body nuts.
Marker flap of the diaphragm
Upper pilot air port
Lower pilot air port
Diaphragm Body screws / body nuts
Valve body
→ Remove the actuator from the body. → Unscrew old diaphragm. If attachment is with a bayonet catch,
remove the diaphragm by rotating it through 90°.
→ Install new diaphragm. → Align diaphragm.
The marker flap of the diaphragm must be perpendicular to the direction of flow (see “Fig. 14”)!
→ Place actuator back on the body. → Lightly cross-tighten the body screws / body nuts without pres-
surization until the diaphragm is between the body and actuator.
Do not tighten body screws / body nuts yet.
→ Pressurize upper pilot air port of the actuator with compressed
air (5 bar) (see “Fig. 14”).
→ Actuate the diaphragm control valve twice. → With pressurization tighten the body screws / body nuts to the
permitted tightening torque (see “Tab. 10: Tightening torques for diaphragms”).
Tightening torques
Orifice DN (diaphragm size)
65 20 30 80 30 40 100 40 50
Tab. 10: Tightening torques for diaphragms
Tightening torques for diaphragms [Nm] EPDM PTFE
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