Burkert 0290 User Manual [en, de, fr]

Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d‘utilisation
Operating Instructions
Type 0290
2/2-way solenoid valve 2/2-Wege Magnetventil Electrovanne à 2/2 voies
International address
Manuals and data sheets on the Internet: www.burkert.com Bedienungsanleitungen und Datenblätter im Internet: www.buerkert.de Instructions de service et fiches techniques sur Internet : www.buerkert.fr
© Bürker t Werke GmbH , 2013 Operating Instr uctions 1311/08_EU-ML_0 0893124 / Original DE
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems Sales Center Christian-Bürkert-Str. 13-17 D-74653 Ingelfingen Tel. + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 111 Fax + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 448 E-mail: info@de.buerkert.com
The operating instructions contain important information.
▶ Read the operating instructions carefully and follow the safety
instructions in particular, and also observe the operating
conditions. ▶ Operating instructions must be available to each user. ▶ The liability and warranty for the device are void if the operating
instructions are not followed.
1.1 Symbols
▶ designates an instruction to prevent risks.
→ designates a procedure which you must carry out.
Warning of injuries:
Immediate danger! Serious or fatal injuries.
Possible danger! Serious or fatal injuries.
Danger! Moderate or minor injuries.
Warning of damage:
Incorrect use of the solenoid valve Type 0290 can be dangerous to people, nearby equipment and the environment.
▶ The device is designed for dosing, blocking, filling and aerating media. ▶ Provided the cable plug is connected and installed correctly, e.g.
Bürkert type 2508, the device satisfies protection class IP65 in accordance with DIN EN 60529 / IEC 60529.
▶ Use according to the permitted data, operating conditions and con-
ditions of use specified in the contract documents and operating instructions. These are described in the chapter entitled „4 Techni­cal Data“.
▶ The device may be used only in conjunction with third-party devices
and components recommended and authorised by Bürkert.
▶ Correct transportation, correct storage and installation and careful use
and maintenance are essential for reliable and problem-free operation.
▶ Use the device only as intended.
2.1 Restrictions
If exporting the device, observe any existing restrictions.
Definition of term
In these operating instructions, the term “device” always refers to the solenoid valve Type 0290.
Risk of electric shock!
▶ Before reaching into the 0290, switch off the power supply and
secure to prevent reactivation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations for
electrical equipment!
Risk of burns/Risk of fire if used continuously through hot device surface!
▶ Keep the device away from highly flammable substances and media
and do not touch with bare hands.
Risk of injury due to malfunction of valves with alternating current (AC).
Sticking core causes coil to overheat, resulting in a malfunction.
▶ Monitor process to ensure function is in perfect working order!
Risk of short-circuit/escape of media through leaking screw joints.
▶ Ensure seals are seated correctly! ▶ Carefully screw valve and connection lines together!
Opening the valve briefly
If the pressure increases suddenly with the valve closed, the valve may open for a short time.
▶ Take safety precautions as required with hazardous media.
2.2 Approvals
Devices that carry the e1 marking have been approved by the Federal Office for Motorized Transport under the type approval number
and will be brought into circulation with the indicated approval designation.
You can obtain an excerpt from the type approval from the address below
Bürkert Werke GmbH Zulassungsbeauftragter Christian-Bürkert-Str. 13-17 D-74653 Ingelfingen
These safety instructions do not make allowance for any contingencies and events which may arise during installation, operation and maintenance.
Danger – high pressure!
▶ Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
General hazardous situations.
To prevent injury, ensure that:
▶ The system cannot be activated unintentionally. ▶ Installation and repair work may be carried out by authorized techni-
cians only and with the appropriate tools.
▶ The device may be operated only when in perfect condition and in
consideration of the operating instructions.
▶ The general rules of technology apply to application planning and
operation of the device.
▶ The device may only be used in the explosion-protected area if an
appropriate additional identification is attached to the type label. For use observe the additional information enclosed with the device
together with safety instructions for the explosion risk area. ▶ The enclosed UL instructions must be followed in the UL area. ▶ After an interruption in the power supply or pneumatic supply,
ensure that the process is restarted in a defined or controlled
To prevent damage to property of the device, ensure:
▶ Do not physically stress the device (e.g. by placing objects on it,
using it as a screwing aid, standing on it or using it as a lever arm). ▶ Do not make any external modifications to the device bodys. Do not
paint the body parts or screws.
Type 0290 was developed with due consideration given to accepted safety rules and is state-of-the-art. Nevertheless, dangerous situations may occur.
3.1 Warranty
The warranty is only valid if the device is used as intended in accordance with the specified application conditions.
3.2 Information on the internet
The operating instructions and data sheets for type 0290 can be found on the internet at: www.burkert.com
4.1 Operating conditions
The following values* are indicated on the type label:
Voltage (tolerance ± 10 %) / current type
Coil power consumption (active power in W - at operating temperature)
Pressure range
Body material brass (MS) or stainless steel (VA)
Seal material FKM, EPDM, NBR
* see description of type label below
Type 0290
Operating principle 2/2-way valve:
2/2-way valve, direct-acting, normal output A unloaded
Type of protection: IP65 in accordance with DIN EN 60529 / IEC
60529 with correctly connected and installed device socket, e.g. Bürkert Type 2508
Ambient temperature: max. +55 °C
Permitted medium temperature depending on seal material and coil model:
Seal material Model with High-power
coil or rectifier AC/DC*
Model without elec-
tronics 50 Hz, 60 Hz*
NBR -10 ... +80 °C -10 ... +80 °C FKM 0 ... +90 °C 0 ... +120 °C
EPDM -30 ... +90 °C -30 ... +100 °C
* Type label information
Permitted media depending on seal material:
Seal material Permitted media
NBR Neutral media, compressed air, water, hydraulic oil
FKM Per-solutions, hot oils
EPDM Oil and grease-free media e.g. hot water
Operating duration
Unless otherwise indicated on the type label, the solenoid system is suitable for continuous operation.
For the model with a high-power coil a maximum of 6 switching opera­tions per minute is possible. This concerns devices with the following power (type label information):
80/6 W 90/7 W 100/9 W 120/8.5 W 120/10 W 130/9 W
Important information for functional reliability during continuous operation: If standstill for a long period at least
1-2 activations per day are recommended.
Service life
High switching frequency and high pressures reduce the service life.
4.2 Conformity
In accordance with the EC Declaration of conformity, Type 0290 is com­pliant with the EC Directives.
4.3 Standards
The applied standards, which verify conformity with the EC Directives, can be found on the EC-Type Examination Certificate and / or the EC Declaration of Conformity.
4.4 Type label (Example)
0290 A 20,0 FKM VA
Made in Germany
230 V 50 Hz 16 W
G 3/4 P
N 0 - 16 bar
Operating prinziple
Seal material Body material
Identification number
Manufacturer code
Voltage, Frequency, Power consumption
Port connection, pressure range
5.1 Safety instructions
Risk of injury from high pressure in the equipment!
▶ Before loosening the pipes and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the pipes.
Risk of injury due to electrical shock!
▶ Before reaching into the device or the equipment, switch off the
power supply and secure to prevent reactivation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations for
electrical equipment!
Risk of injury from improper installation!
▶ Installation may be carried out by authorized technicians only and
with the appropriate tools!
Risk of injury from unintentional activation of the system and an uncontrolled restart!
▶ Secure system from unintentional activation. ▶ Following assembly, ensure a controlled restart.
5.2 Before installation
Installation position: Installation can be in any position. Preferably: Actuator upright.
→ Prior to installation check pipelines for dirt and, if required, clean.
Dirt filter: To ensure that the solenoid valve functions reliably, a dirt filter ( 400 µm) must be installed in front of the valve inlet.
5.3 Installation
Sealing material must not get into the device.
→ Hold the device with a suitable tool (open-end wrench) on the
body and screw into the pipeline.
Caution risk of breakage!
• Do not use the coil as a lever arm.
→ Observe direction of flow:
The arrow on the body indicates the direction of flow (no function in opposite flow direction).
5.4 Electrical installation
Risk of injury due to electrical shock!
▶ Before reaching into the system, switch off the power supply and
secure to prevent reactivation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations for
electrical equipment!
Danger of electrical shock if the protective conductor contact between the coil and body is missing!
▶ Always connect protective conductor. ▶ Check electrical continuity between coil and body.
Risk of short-circuit or escape of media through leaking screw joints.
▶ Ensure seals are seated correctly! ▶ Carefully screw together coil and device socket or valve and
Note the voltage and current type as specified on the label. Maximum residual ripple for direct current 10 %.
Type 0290
max. 1 Nm
Authorized cable plug e.g. Type 2508 or other suitable cable plug in accordance with DIN EN 175301-803 Form A
Fig. 1: Electrical installation
→ Tighten cable plug (for permitted types see data sheet), observing
max. torque 1 Nm.
→ Check that seal is fitted correctly.
→ Connect protective conductor and check electrical continuity between
coil and body.
6.1 Safety instructions
Risk of injury from high pressure in the equipment!
▶ Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
Risk of injury due to electrical shock!
▶ Before reaching into the system, switch off the power supply and
secure to prevent reactivation!
▶ Observe applicable accident prevention and safety regulations for
electrical equipment!
Risk of injury from improper maintenance!
▶ Maintenance may be carried out by authorized technicians only and
with the appropriate tools!
Risk of injury from unintentional activation of the system and an uncontrolled restart!
▶ Secure system from unintentional activation. ▶ Following maintenance, ensure a controlled restart.
6.2 Malfunctions
If malfunctions occur, check whether:
• the device has been installed according to the instructions,
• the electrical and fluid connections are correct,
• the device is not damaged,
• all screws have been tightened,
• the voltage and pressure have been switched on,
• the pipelines are clean.
Malfunction Possible cause
Valve does not switch
Short-circuit or coil interrupted Medium pressure outside the permitted
pressure range core / core area is dirty
Valve does not close Internal space of the valve is dirty
If the valve still does not switch, please contact your Bürkert Service.
Risk of injury and/or damage by the use of incorrect parts!
Incorrect accessories and unsuitable spare parts may cause injuries and damage the device and the surrounding area.
▶ Use only original accessories and original spare parts from Bürkert.
7.1 Ordering spare parts
The spare parts sets SET 1 (coil set) or SET 3 (wearing parts set) can be ordered by quoting the identification number of the device.
7.2 Overview of replacement spare sets
SET 1 = coil set SET 3 = wearing parts set
DN 12 DN 20, DN 25
DN 32, DN 40,
DN 50, DN 65
Fig. 2: Overview of replacement spare sets
Transport damages!
Inadequately protected equipment may be damaged during transport.
• During transportation protect the device against wet and dirt in shock-resistant packaging.
• Avoid exceeding or dropping below the allowable storage temperature.
Incorrect storage may damage the device.
• Store the device in a dry and dust-free location!
• Storage temperature -40 ... +55 °C.
Damage to the environment caused by device components con­taminated with media.
• Dispose of the device and packaging in an environmentally friendly manner.
• Observe applicable regulations on disposal and the environment.
Type 0290
Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d‘utilisation
Operating Instructions
Type 0290
2/2-way solenoid valve 2/2-Wege Magnetventil Electrovanne à 2/2 voies
International address
Manuals and data sheets on the Internet: www.burkert.com Bedienungsanleitungen und Datenblätter im Internet: www.buerkert.de Instructions de service et fiches techniques sur Internet : www.buerkert.fr
© Bürker t Werke GmbH , 2013 Operating Instr uctions 1311/08_EU-ML_0 0893124 / Original DE
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems Sales Center Christian-Bürkert-Str. 13-17 D-74653 Ingelfingen Tel. + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 111 Fax + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 448 E-mail: info@de.buerkert.com
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